Megable Riolu? What a surprise o3o

Tis my birthday, woot woot!

Sooo my aunt brought me Gojo stuff because she looked at my Kakashi
figure. I'm grateful she tried bless her and I don't have the heart
to tell her it's the wrong anime lol

I'm sending out 2PD Spheal and Vanilliite. Once my eggs hatch
there'll be Delibirds, please only take them if you desperately
need them. Do not buy and resell for a higher price. Be kind people

How does Wydoll evolve? *too lazy to figure it out*

Wait is there no new Halloween event egg?

Holy poop random lab shiny Clobbopus~

Holy poop my second Iron Tusk was shiny.

I'm using my phone to claim eggs in the lab and interacting on my
laptop, i'm just writing this in case my activity seems suspicious
at all. I looked in the rules and I couldn't see anything about
using multiple devices at the same time so I think it's okay to do.

Yesss finally got my Shiny Diancie! Ahhhhh

Whoa 3 Diancie eggs in one day~? My Ditto and Diancie must've
gotten married!

Congrats to the people who got a shiny o3o I never did lol

I keep forgetting to visit the smelly fountain.

Has any maths geniuses out there calculated how many Valentine
cards you have to send to get the shiny to 100% yet o3o

Ugh more interacting...we just did a huge Interacting event...

Thank God the drama has died down~!

Gonna shiny Hunt Diancie...kill me now.