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Holiday Disaster Sign-Up (Always Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Holiday Disaster Sign-Up (Always Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 28/04/2017 23:07 (7 Years ago)
Innocent blood spilled,
Gentle soul killed.
The clock hands slowly tick by,
And the demons watch the angels cry.

It's been six months since the disaster at midnight. Since the turn of the year that went horribly wrong. Since Scarlet Kralik was murdered in front of everyone.
Ever since people can remember, the monsters, the "demons" have been kept at bay by the "angels," or the Kralik family. Generation after generation has renewed the magic that contained the demons on a small island every New Years Eve when the clock struck midnight. They started to make a big thing out of it, a holiday, if you will, to replace all the other celebrations through the year they used to enjoy before they learned the truth. Before they learned the monsters came out whenever they celebrated these holidays and fed, some eating children, others consuming emotions or even bits of personality. Before the monsters were locked away and holidays were to be enjoyed no more. Not a birthday, or a day to find eggs, or a morning to receive gifts under a tree. Demon Day was the only holiday. Until Scarlet was shot before she could renew the spell, and the magic broke, letting all the demons, the monsters, free. Now the land is chaos, and it seems this is how everyone must live now. In permanent fear.
It's unsafe to go outside unless something's urgent. Night is the worst, when there's growling and howling and evil laughter outside your door. The smell of smoke, or the thick scent of tangy blood, telling you someone else has been murdered. Everyday you think you might be next, everyday you wake up knowing you may have to fight for your life. But then, one day, everything changes. A voice comes to you over the usually-dead radio. There's a place, a safe place. You decide to go. What do you have to lose? And after many days of hiding and fighting, you reach the place, a huge, old school. But all is not what it seems. Demons roam the halls along with humans, and everyone talks about being the ones to save the world. Will you be one of the people to rid the world of demons once and for all? Will you learn to fight, defend, even befriend the monsters and possibly get the Earth in human hands once more?

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-Normal PH/RP rules, I think you know
-Seriously, no powerplaying. You are humans, humans can't be OP, that's what makes them HUMAN.
-I will be some of the demons, so my forms may be different. Don't worry about it.
-You can have as many characters as you want
-Be reasonable on the form. Dont make your character, like, 7 without a reason they're alive.
-You are human. No magic, nothing mystical, just normal human stuff. However, swords, and bow and arrows are allowed as long as they aren't enchanted or something.
-Password is Angels Cry. Put in other section
-Any questions? Palpad me! I'll do my best to help!
-More will be added if need be

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[B]Weapon of Choice:[/b]

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Ria Goldscales
She's got a bit of a temper, and a stubborn streak, plus she's pretty impatient, but she's got her heart in the right place. She's very loyal, willing to fight for people she cares for.

Weapon of Choice:
Her claws, teeth, and horns
Special Abilities:
She can control the air around her

Galaxy Kit
She's very quiet and nervous, shying away from the loud and rude. She does, however, like a kind soul, and is an avid reader. In fact, her power is often "wasted" (as some say) getting new books for her to read. She's very smart, and can be quite kind and lovable when you get to know her.

Weapon of Choice:
She doesn't really like fighting, but will usually use her powers.
Special Abilities:
She can use magic, though it's usually centered around items she's stored magic in.

Gold Lightpaws
He's secretive and sneaky, often slinking around in the shadows. With a quick tongue and a sly smile he can get out of almost anything, and he's very good at making deals to get what he wants, since he can trick many into giving him what he wants. He's a good theif.

Weapon of Choice:
Claws and teeth
Special Abilities:
Able to turn invisible for short periods of time

Aqua Featherflight
She's kind and gentle, but easily frightened. She's loyal, standing up for her friends, but will run if she feels too threatened, often taking her friend with her.

Weapon of Choice:
Horns, though she rarely uses them.
Special Abilities:
Flight (using wings) and healing.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 581
Posted: Fri, 28/04/2017 23:39 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Casey Falkner
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Casey is stubborn, fierce, and snarky. She does have a lot of spunk and is fearless. However, she is slightly oblivious, has a temper, and comes off as rude. Very tomboyish and athletic.
Appearance: Casey has red hair in a pixie cut with a dyed purple streak in the front. She wears aviator goggles pushed up on her forehead and has double pierced ears with black studs. Wears a red hoodie and a pale grey racer back tank top. Black short shorts over black tights. Also wears laced-up knee boots in a grey color. Freckles, brown eyes, tan.
Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives.
Angels Cry

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Name: Alice Bellamise
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Alice is cool and collected, and has great intellect. Very attentive to detail. However, she doesn't really like to do athletic activities, always preferring reading or studying. Scared easily.
Appearance: Alice has blond hair in two braids that reach her upper back. She has light blue eyes and pale skin. Wears a simple blue dress, white tights and pushes her hair back with a black headband. Black ankle boots and choker.
Weapon of Choice: Bow and Arrow
Angels Cry

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Name: Jesse Ruiz
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Jesse is tough talking, slightly cynical, and cunning. She's a bit rude but knows how to get by troubles. Very stoic, rarely laughs.
Appearance: Jesse has black hair swept back into a ponytail, tied with a red hair tie. She has cold grey eyes, pale skin, and a small mark under her left eye. Wears a black leather jacket, black tank top, dark blue jeans and combat boots.
Weapon of Choice: Axe
Angels Cry
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Fri, 28/04/2017 23:56 (7 Years ago)
Advertise if you would!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 10:46 (7 Years ago)
Saving 2/3 spots!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 13:29 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Riley Johnson
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He is usually calm and polite, though when sees something interesting, he will forget his manners and become a geek. He doesn't understand the concept of personal space and will often be closer than comfort. He loves science and he has been studying since he was three.
Weapon of Choice: Science and books
Other: Angels Cry
Riley is constantly taking searching through the trash to look for spare metal and wood to build stuff with.
Takes care of Oliver Ryan.
Dates Anna.
Builds weapons for Ricky.

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Name: Anna
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Rarely says anything. She is loyal and over protective. Despite acting like nothing fazes her, she feels lots of pain about many incidents.
Weapon of Choice: Anything a ninja uses.
Other: Angels Cry
Dates Riley.

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Name: Oliver Ryan
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Personality: Eccentric considering this all game. He often thinks of super heroes and video game characters and dreams of joining them.
Appearance: Average height and weight for his age. He has brown hair, and is pale. His left arm and leg are cybernetic. He dreams of flame throwers and guns in his arms and despite being told it is impossible with the current materials, he still asks everyday.
Weapon of Choice: Cybernetic arm and leg. They are more durable than normal skin and bone capable of stopping knives, though other things can break it like swords, guns, and people/demons being too rough.
Other: Angels Cry
He doesn't believe in the impossible.

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Name: Richard (Ricky) Jackson
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: He is creative with insults, and doesn't get along with people preferring to hang out with demons.
Appearance: Tall and thin. He wears Victorian suits and black dress shoes. In battle he wears a black outfit with chain mail laced inside it.
Weapon of Choice: He prefers a sword, though he is decent with guns.
Other: Angels Cry

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 13:55 (7 Years ago)
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Teresa Hellin Oction
Kind, gracious and endearing as opposed to bitter, hard and harsh. Her heart is tender and understanding. She has been and is forgiving. She is hardened by life's difficulties. She is cultivated by choosing to love in the midst of a harsh and many times hateful world. She's really a big sweet heart.
Teresa is a very tan girl with a very nice complexion. Her eyes are almond shaped and heretochromatic. Her left eye is a warm brown, and her right is brown with a quarter of the iris being green. Her eyelashes are pretty long, and her hair is as well. Her hair is black and wavy, stretching to her knees. She keeps it up in a bun or ponytail, but likes to wear it down and wavy. She isn't very tall for her age, standing at 4'11". She weighs 102 lbs, and is pretty thin. If you look closely, she has small and almost invisible freckles just by her nose and some across the bridge. She wears a black T-shirt with red lettering saying "I Belong To No Man" on the front. She wears black shorts with four buttons and black vans. She wears red ponytail holders on her wrist just in case she decides to change her hair style. Her nails are almost always painted red, and she just loves the color. On her lips, too. Red lipstick is her thing.
Weapon of Choice:
Double Pistols
-Angels Cry

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Nicholas Alexander Kempker
Male ((FtM))
He's jumpy and easily scared, the youngest in his friend group. He is quiet and sweet, also kind. He is awkward and weird, with very little friends. He is innocent and naïve, and very emotional. Quiet, Hippie, Nature obsessed, smart. He's a complete bookworm, and animal lover. He cries when he's angry and sad, as if he's trying to get his point across without words.
Greyson has bright blue eyes and pale skin. His hair is dark brown, almost black. He keeps it cut short. He is skinny and short, weighing 95 lbs and standing at 4'11". He is lanky and frail, looking sickly pretty often. He likes to wear scarves and sweaters, since he gets chilled easily. He wears a binder and it's pretty cheap, so it can only be worn for about 4 hours. He doesn't like taking it off, though. He loves jeans and hoodies, and often wears a black flu mask over his mouth with "Mute" written across the front on white. He wears a dog tag around his neck that has the numbers "2000" written on it.
Weapon of Choice:
Dart Gun + Darts
-Angels Cry
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 14:45 (7 Years ago)
Saving a spot for as soon as I can get on my computer!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 1,535
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 15:02 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Leliana "Leli" Rulyss Demione
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Leli has definitely matured a lot since her sassy nature. Now, she's a bit more joking toward others, but she still has that harsh attitude. She tends to call others, "dinguses", even though it isn't much of an insult. She's more friendly, though, and even pretends to lose her mind. Though she's still a lovable weirdo and she loves her friends a lot.
Appearance: x
Weapon of Choice: Leli carries a pistol around.
Other: Protects Lauren because of the Meme Team™. Doesn't bother with Mystique sometimes.

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Name: Lauren Gracelyn Amiya
Age: 14
Gender: Genderfluid [Demigirl / Male]
Personality: Though typically hiding herself from others, Lauren is a strangely unconfident person. The few things she is confident in are her memory of music and ability to recite an entire history of America starting with the revolutio.. However, she hates her voice, and loathes herself.
Appearance: normal || dress
Weapon of Choice: A light pink bow with arrows.
Other: The reason she and Mystique are alive is because they were protected by the Meme Team™.

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Name: Pierre Aligarch Koroko
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Pierre is the sassy mom friend. Also, probably the only mature friend??? He is serious and tries to keep everyone calm. Occasionally he may throw a bunch of jokes, and often makes Oliver mad. He's also really not straight, so don't even try.
Appearance: x
Weapon of Choice: He's too nice for weapons.
Other: Meme Team™.

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Name: Oliver Jones Melinko
Age: 19
Gender: Really feminine, but Male
Personality: Oliver is flirty and cheerful. He tends to flirt with every single female he meets. Often it erupts into chaos because his best friend Leli hates it. And then Pierre has to bust them out of situations... To be fair, he's kind-hearted and cares for his friends. But he does tend to do a lot of weird stuff. He's also gay™.
Appearance: x
Weapon of Choice: He punches people a lot.
Other: In the Meme Team™.

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Name: Mystique Alo Demione
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: A sharp-tongued, poison-tempered person. He's much smarter than his siblings, and he's dangerous in general. He is manipulative and cold, rarely ever showing emotion. He was never always this way, but shows more compassion and love to his siblings than to anyone else. He is not power-hungry, but just wants things his way.
Appearance: x
Weapon of Choice: Mystique has an assortment of daggers hidden in his jacket and scarf.
Other: He's got a lot of daggers. At least 5.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 581
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 15:04 (7 Years ago)
[Edited my form and added a new character.]
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 18:24 (7 Years ago)
All accepted :p
I'll try and finish my forms soon D:
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2017 19:33 (7 Years ago)
Forms done!
Here's the RP