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Posted: Fri, 12/04/2024 02:31 (1 Month ago)
Ohh my goodness, your style is just to die for, don't mind me just-

Type of Art: Full Body
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Toyhouse Gallery

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Ears + Earrings Included

Payment: 500K PD + 80 Nuggets
Extra Notes: Aunyffyn's a confident and smug character, so a confident pose and expression would be appreciated! I can absolutely Palpad/PM you references for poses as needed.

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Posted: Mon, 18/09/2023 14:32 (8 Months ago)
Matsuki Akimura
秋村 茉月

They were so hopelessly dragged along with the rest of the class — something about being expelled if they failed to perform up to task. Matsuki prided themself on being able to do intellectual tasks, but the risk of expulsion for having a lower physical capacity.. ooh, they were terrified at the notion. And to make it worse, everyone else was doing so well! Throwing the ball over 500 meters..

Well, no, that gray-haired boy from before didn’t care much. But Matsuki did. They had something to prove already.

When their turn arrived, the calico-haired student clutched the ball tightly. There was nothing said about using Quirks, so they had to assume they couldn’t. Otherwise, they probably would’ve had a plan. However, this wasn’t going to keep them from giving it their current best physical effort.

Deep breath in.. let it out. Matsuki tossed the baseball as hard as they could, upper-handed. They realized instantly that it wasn’t going nearly as far as practically anyone else’s.

65 meters.


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Posted: Sun, 17/09/2023 14:33 (8 Months ago)
Matsuki Akimura
秋村 茉月

UA High School. The most prestigious hero school in all of Japan — maybe even the entire world. And I’m one of this year’s new class. Frankly, it’s a horrifying thought. My Quirk isn’t even all that strong compared to some of the competition from the entrance exams.

The teenager made a few last-second adjustments to their uniform. The sleeves of the blazer were rolled up, but not the sleeves of their collared shirt underneath. They adjusted their tie, and pushed their glasses up the bridge of their nose so they’d no longer be slipping down. Was everything perfect? Far from it. But above-adequate was more than enough to the heroics student.

They checked the information they’d jotted down on their phone’s notes app again. Second floor. They were on the right track, and it was days like this when they were glad they always asked for as much information as possible. A map of the school had been provided to them — specifically pointing out where their homeroom would be. This was it. This would be the moment they’d get to meet their class for the next year.

So, once they’d reached the second floor, they held their breath before heading into the room. Homeroom.

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Posted: Fri, 15/09/2023 14:24 (8 Months ago)
“A hero needs a variety of strengths. Intelligence is just one of those facets. If you can’t think clearly in the heat of battle, perhaps you’re not cut out for heroics.”

Hero Name: Suijin

Name: Matsuki Akimura
(秋村 茉月 Akimura Matsuki)
Age: 16 (First Year)
Personality: Studious and distant, Matsuki prefers to focus on their classwork over forming bonds. There’s always a plan in their mind, and they’re always looking for the next big challenge to their strategic intellect. Though quiet, the few words that they do exchange with others range from mildly useful information to snarky. Ultimately, they’re fine with who they are — as long as they perform well, what else matters?

As the RP progresses, they’ll start to come out of their shell, realizing that heroes need charisma, too. Matsuki will stumble and be awkward in social situations, often snapping back to their guarded ways when they grow uncomfortable. However, they’ll be giving things an honest go!
Appearance: Matsuki is a dark-skinned teenager with dark brown eyes. Their hair is naturally dark brown, as seen by their eyebrows and roots growing in, though their hair is dyed in a pattern that pays homage to calico cats, being mostly white with a few patches of orange and their natural dark brown showing. They also wear a pair of square-frame glasses, and have a fairly boxy build.
Quirk: Heavy Rain

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Heavy Rain is an Emitter-type Quirk that gives Matsuki independent control of precipitation in a 900 sq. ft area, so long as they have a source of water to manipulate. At the moment, they can’t adjust air temperature, and thus must adapt accordingly. They can make an area rain, snow, sleet, hail, or mist, and they also have limited control over wind speeds. However, this makes it impossible for them to breathe, and is only used in a last-ditch effort.

Through independent training with their Quirk, Matsuki has been able to control small clouds that only they can safely step on. They often ride these clouds around when they need to get somewhere quickly, or when they need to see places from high up.

Backstory: Matsuki used to not have a passion for heroics. Frankly, they thought the idea of constantly fighting was ridiculous and incredibly impractical. Villains kept popping up, with no end in sight. However, one fateful day, their worldview changed. A fire-Quirked villain had taken a large crowd hostage, which included Matsuki. Matsuki was left horribly afraid of fire after the event, but developed an adoration for the heroes that saved them. They wanted to be just like those heroes. Their parents were hesitant, but ultimately elected to let them at least attend the entrance exams. When UA extended an invitation for Matsuki to join the heroics course due to their performance in the exams, they accepted without hesitation, much to the chagrin of their worried family.
Role: Heroics Student at UA - Heroes-Aligned
Palpad?: Yeah sure!
Other: Matsuki is non-binary, and uses exclusively they/them pronouns.
Matsuki’s surname contains the kanji for “autumn” (秋 aki) and “town, village” (村 mura).
Matsuki’s first name contains the kanji for “jasmine” (茉 ma) and “moon” (月 tsuki).
They’ll be referring to most characters by their surnames, if they’re listed. If Matsuki was using honorifics, they’d use surname-san universally for everyone.

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Posted: Mon, 01/05/2023 20:54 (1 Year ago)
Claim! <3
EDIT: On Toyhouse! Image below.

@Next, Feel free to pick from any of these guys! but bernadette is definitely a bit of a pref rn
Bernadette, Victoire, or Aunyffyn, Aloiene, Loux, or Rekiglar!

Willliam, Ararie, or Vera or Sal

Leliana, Vendess, or anyone in the Warriors RP folder!

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Posted: Fri, 28/04/2023 15:43 (1 Year ago)
username: sleepynebby
shiny or mega-able? mega-able
quantity? 1

will be paying the 35k pd!

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Posted: Sun, 09/04/2023 14:38 (1 Year ago)
@All Accepted/Reserved
Front post has been updated!

Signups for users not in the roleplay / people without reserves will be closing
on April 10, 2023 at 23:59 server time. If there is anyone else interested in
this roleplay, I'd strongly encourage making a reserve soon.

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Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 23:10 (1 Year ago)
@Accepted/Reserved users
All reserves/form updates have been noted on the first post.

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Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 01:04 (1 Year ago)
I meant to ask about that a lot sooner! If people would like a Palpad group, I'd be more than willing to make one!

If you'd like a Palpad group made for the roleplay, please tell me either here, in Palpad or in my PMs! Whatever you think is the most convenient way to contact me.

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Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 00:38 (1 Year ago)
Tsururi (Valentina "Val") Hyodo
Cresselia's Blessed | Daughter of sweet dreams.

Couriway Town | Train Station

Val pushed herself to her feet, finding her mind to be spinning. It only clicked now that what she'd seen was the work of one of Sinnoh's deities; it had to be. However, she'd barely paid any attention when it came to the region's pantheon, and she cursed herself for it now. Perhaps she'd find these other 'heroes' and ask questions, but for now, she needed to figure out a course of action.

She moved one hand to her head, resting her palm against the soft skin on her forehead. Just a step away was her fedora, which she leaned down to swipe off of the ground. The former contest star glanced around her immediate area; it didn't seem as if she was alone, but to what capacity? She shivered at the idea of opening a random door to find the remains of those killed by the blast.

"Hello?" Val called from her high-perch, her head now stuck between the rusty red bars at the back of the station. "Is anyone down there?"

Without waiting for so much as a response, she already began to move; her trenchcoat dress billowed out behind her as she hurried down the staircase leading to the main plaza of the quiet town.

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Posted: Thu, 06/04/2023 00:30 (1 Year ago)
All good, no worries! I'll mark you down!

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Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 15:30 (1 Year ago)
Head's up, having the entire form bolded like that does break spoiler tags, so I'm unable to see the appearance or Pokémon team. Could you fix that so I could get Jasmine's Pokémon in the masterlist?

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Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 00:31 (1 Year ago)
I'm very sorry, but declined.

1. You've left out parts of the form, and the format itself is very dissimilar to the intention of the form itself.

2. The ability absolutely would need to be nerfed. If you need any help with it, you can talk to me in Palpad or PMs.

3. From the form alone, it does appear that you may not be able to keep up with the longer-form posts of the RP at the moment.

None of this is meant to be a personal attack on you, by any means! If you need any help, again, I suggest PMs or Palpad. We can discuss how to make this RP work for you.

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Posted: Tue, 04/04/2023 16:12 (1 Year ago)
All eyes were on Kalos; the world watched with bated breath as one man declared it to be impure. The Pokémon world would be reset back to its purest, most beautiful form. Those who dared to rise against him once before now knelt, powerless and defeated by his ambitions. With a blast of radiant light, it seemed to be the end for all that was known before.

But you.. You’re something else, trainer. Against all odds, you survived. Blessed by one of the Legends of old, you and the other Blessed Ones must race against the clock, before Team Flare’s oh-so perfect world is irreversible.

Sign-Up Thread:


The Blessed Ones
When you come to your senses, you find your world to be hazy; a giant blur of uncertainty. One moment, you were awaiting the end of everything with the blast of the Ultimate Weapon. The next, there was a flash of light.

However, you're breathing. You can feel your chest rise and fall. For some unknown reason, you made it out alive. As you ponder the reasoning, a voice speaks to you. It's ethereal, like none you've heard before. Almost.. legendary.

"Wielder of Pokémon. We come seeking your aid."

Describe the dream you're having with your first post.

Once you wake, you will find yourself in Couriway Town.

Team Flare
Within the safety of Team Flare's many bunkers, you and your teammates observed the blast from safety. You, too, saw the grandiose burst of light from your boss's grandest project. The world has been reset to its most beautiful state; a world without suffering or strife.

You are currently in Team Flare's Secret HQ in Geosenge.

Tsururi (Valentina "Val") Hyodo
Cresselia's Blessed | Daughter of sweet dreams.

The woman's mind was foggy, like she'd just woken up from an awful nap. The world around her was misty, as though clouds were rolling by at her feet. She sat up slowly, turning her head from side to side to examine her surroundings. It looked like the Contest Hall, but something was off about it. The bright pink floor of the lobby was shimmering with blue and golden light.

"Wielder of Pokémon. We come seeking your aid."

Valentina's head snapped up toward the source of the voice. A tall woman stood before her, draped in violet silk over a periwinkle and yellow ballgown. She stared with eyes too wide to be human, and extended a hand with nails sharpened to look like claws.

"Who.. are you?" Val asked slowly as she accepted the hand.

"A friend," was the response earned as Val was pulled to her feet. "One who is in dire need of help."

Valentina opened her mouth to speak again, but found herself being gently shushed by the other. With a pout, the redhead had no choice but to listen.

"The Pokémon world as all know it has been lost. You have been chosen to help restore it to its natural beauty, and free it from its desolate curse. You and the Pokémon you wield will awaken alongside the other saviors to soothe the unrest. Seek out the Bringer of Life and ease the suffering of Kalos."

Val's mind spun with hundreds of questions. Why her? Why couldn't the individual who selected her and these other 'heroes' just do the work themselves? She lifted a hand in protest, but found that she had no words to speak. No, she wouldn't allow herself to sit idly, would she? A performer without an audience was nothing.

"..Very well," she conceded.

The mist began to swirl around her, and as the light began to fade, Val swore she saw the woman change shape. Before she could call out, though, she was thrown into a world unlike the one she'd just been in.

Couriway Town | Train Station

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Posted: Tue, 04/04/2023 15:21 (1 Year ago)
Make sure to edit in the Pokémon team. Otherwise, looks good!

Accepted! I love the take on Latios and Latias' blessings!

Res noted!

Roleplay thread will be made soon in the Pokémon RP subforum! Will edit this post with the link, as well as the main post!
Roleplay Thread

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Posted: Tue, 04/04/2023 02:16 (1 Year ago)
Bad but sad accepted!

Res noted!

Sometime tomorrow morning (EDT) I'll be making the official RP thread! I'll also be closing sign-ups for users not originally in the RP at some point this week.

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Posted: Mon, 03/04/2023 21:15 (1 Year ago)
Looks good! Accepted!

You may reserve for Lunala!
(Also, I completely forgot about Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Yeah, I'll say they're unavailable.)

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Posted: Sun, 02/04/2023 00:33 (1 Year ago)
Omg?? I love this guy also?? Accepted!

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Posted: Sat, 01/04/2023 15:03 (1 Year ago)
I’ll note that down!

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Posted: Sat, 01/04/2023 14:29 (1 Year ago)
Absolutely! Do what your heart desires, as long as it makes sense within the story.

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