Game Records
Trainer ID: #465132928Registration: 07/10/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 4371:37 Hours
Total interactions: 896,917
Money: 395,857
Starter Pokémon: Swampert
people say level up but clearly there's more to it.
world of tanks sucks though
I laugh at the bumbling and mumbling and the chaos, and I love to joke about it too, all the power in the world and they don't know what to do with it except be idiots.
Maybe thats why I love fiction, its somehow more respectable.
between my racist neighbors, my unhelpful apartment management (who is also likely racist), the new president and government which makes wild promises, this year is going to be JUICY.
You lived long and prospered, now you can be with your wife again, rest easy, you had the greatest post-presidency of any president.
Do not cite the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written
Imagine if users on here were ranked by how acidic or alkaline they were.
Me? I'd like to be a chemical buffer, made of citrus.
I am a secret AI.
how painful it is to be cynical about everything, and being right about it.
In a democracy, people vote for a group of leaders that then have absolute power to vote amongst themselves whatever they wish
In a constitutional republic, people vote for a group of leaders that vote amongst themselves whatever they want but under confines of the law.
This difference has been the background of american government since its inception, and stems from the argument of small government vs big government that the founding fathers fiercely debated, one side wanting the central government to be strong, the other side wanting the states to be strong.
In essence, the government as we see it today is a constitutional republic that has balanced central power and local power for centuries, and was never meant to be a democracy.
That is the difference, they are not interchangeable.
fear is a very dangerous poison, we have been fed dangerous lies and deceitful exaggerations, with neglect to explain how it'd be impossible for things to pass.
we have checks, we have balances, we have barriers that cant be breached easily.
8 years people claimed things would happen that never came to pass, no chance it'll happen in the next 4, we'll be fine.
Tenants of the Xurk Shack
Badge Showcase
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