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Fighting Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 2,349/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ogerpon (Wellspring)721,320 / 19,711
Hariyama484,852 / 7,903
Mightyena501,136 / 7,651
Swalot495,146 / 10,734
Coalossal535,855 / 8,799

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Special Pokémon

Last Visitors

AshikawaSat, 18/Jan/2025, 01:43
ShatteredDiamondWed, 15/Jan/2025, 02:25
PurgatorySun, 22/Dec/2024, 08:35
Tide670Thu, 19/Dec/2024, 13:06
CrysticiaTue, 17/Dec/2024, 00:16


Last Action
Viewing Christmas Gifts (1 Month ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #307382019
Registration: 05/11/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 376:53 Hours
Total interactions: 181,921
Money: 61,951
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


By Purgatory - 3 Hours and 57 Minutes ago.
🎁🎄🎅🏽 In exchange for Christmas gifts I will be giving away a Shiny Cetoddle (10OS)!
To enter send me at least 1 Christmas gift. The random drawing will take place on Christmas Eve! The more you send the better your chances! Good luck everyone!
Please share this hashtag to give everyone a chance!
1st place will get a Shiny Cetoddle
2nd place will get an Ultra Saddle
3rd place will get a Resolute Stone

*Edit if you are the lucky person who sends a Christmas gift that contains a retro Tedi, you will receive a mystery black box and a few dragon gems!*
1 Month ago
#NewBeginnings My goals for the new year is to be more social at work and have the confidence to travel to a new country
1 Month ago
Looking for people to swap gifts with I have four gifts left for the day
1 Month ago
Can someone send me some Christmas gifts I can't do any extra exchanges for them but it would be nice to be included
1 Month ago
Why is it so hard to keep the Pokedex filled 😭
3 Months ago
I caught three shiny pokemon for Halloween in Pokemon go today 😁🎃
3 Months ago
It's my birthday July 7th😁🥳 (going based of this site server I know for some of us including me it's still the 6th)
7 Months ago

**I've decided to host a special giveaway to celebrate winning my first gold medal in the medal rally. Why not, right?**

To participate:

1. Add me to your friend list.
2. Share this post with the hashtag #KIYOGIVEAWAY
3. Like and repost this feed.
4. Enter here.

The prize is 100k PD.

Good luck!

The giveaway ends on 6/5/24.
8 Months ago
Hey everyone how are you guys doing. I've been missing from here for about a month I think what did I miss
1 Year ago
I for this server is a few hours ahead I was confused when it the professor told me happy birthday
1 Year ago
Just got Pokemon violet today can't wait to start my adventures in paldea!! Feel free to give tips if you want
1 Year ago
By CT-9904 - 11 Hours and 58 Minutes ago.
I'm leaving and so I'm gonna do a giveaway


2 entries MAX per person
Like = 1
Share = 1

1st place = choice of either Kanto bird trio or 1447070 pd (in addition to some items)
2nd place = the option 1st didn't choose (in addition to some items)
3rd place = all my legendaries and shinies
1 Year ago
1 Year ago
[img]https://a.poliwager.net/i/504279.png[/img] just hatched this shiny guy today
1 Year ago
By Shadow_The_Hedgehog

I want to host a giveaway
I need more friends so... ill giveaway 100k pd as a prize.
To enter, you must do ALL of the following:
Heart this feed
Friend me (you dont need to do this if we are already friends)
Share the hashtag #ShadowNeedsFriends
OPTIONAL: Feed the magikarp in my party, i need to beat the rowan quest. This does NOT give you a extra entry
Share the whole post. This does NOT give you a extra entry.

If you do all of the required steps you will get ONE ENTRY. You do not get three entries for completing all three steps. Only one entry per person, which means sharing the hashtag every day will NOT give you more entries.
If magikarp wins the rowan quest then i will add a extra 50k to the prize pool, making it so there can be a second winner! Ends in a week from tomorrow. (Friday 19th this month)

Good luck on your quest 🍀
1 Year ago
What's the best way to obtain some Kebia berries?
1 Year ago
I finally found all the Easter eggs!!!!
1 Year ago



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
MotherNature 1 Month ago
ShatteredDiamond 1 Month ago
Riako 1 Month ago
ShinyGengar 2 Months ago

Add me🌴

Pokemon Go friend code: 3061 8425 5599
Mario kart friend code: 897696949488
Mario Run friend code: 9382-2197-4644