are u team eevee or pikachu?

did u guys know that goodra is not a snail

With valentines day being around the corner im giving out heart
shaped cookies <3 so pls enjoy them love y'all

how is everyone doing today?

hey does anyone want to be my friend I RolePlay and give the best
hugs :)

I got a reggierock egg from royal tunnels will that break my chain?

how do I have 4 mega ables but not one shiny

who wants some hot cocoa?

I'm giving out free warm hugs who needs any? If you don't want one
I have hot cocoa

what can I use star pieces for

If anyone needs to hear this I believe in all of you pls keep
reaching for the stars

how is everyone's day been?

im doing my first interaction exchange :> so i can do u helped
me pls say u did it

omg guys I think I might be close to getting a shiny shinx what
should I name it? I need a girl and a boy name just incase

how can I evolve a female Festival Kirlia

how can I evolve a female Festival Kirlia

I need a name for a shiny charmander

hey guys i need ur help i cant decide what to shiny hunt next, a
forretress, mareep, or talonflame