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Normal Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 38

Trainerpoints: 39/4,369


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Binacle10 / 8
Mantyke12 / 10
Dì yi de
16840,680 / 97,257
Qwilfish11 / 8

Year 2025 goals:

Search for gold: find more than 2500 from rumbling
The perfect berry: Harvest a level 100 berry (73/100)
Gather 20k DP: 15953/20000
Click Professor: 500k interactions (463k/500k)

Hoarder: 100 pokemon of the same species
Hatch Zygarde
Complete Advanced Path & obtain egg.
Complete one pokedex.

Shiny Ninetales
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Eevee
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Umbreon
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Sylveon
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Glaceon
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Leafeon
Mix pair (normal and shiny): Flareon

I’m rich: collect 1 mln PD
Buy Egg Radar Chip (Rare)
Buy Egg Radar Chip (Legend)
Buy Egg Radar Chip (Starter)
Buy Buy Seed Maker (Super Deluxe)
Seed Maker (Super Deluxe) max level

by 02.01.2025

Shiny suprise: Hatch a shiny pokemon
Shiny Vulpix
by 11.01.2025

Hatch Xerneas
Hatch Yveltal

by 27.01

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #574754262
Registration: 29/07/2024 (6 Months ago)
Time Played: 290:09 Hours
Total interactions: 464,932
Money: 53,537
Starter Pokémon: Charizard



I think Saturneon
15 Days ago
Guys! Help me heal Wounded Sigilyph!

Thank you in all advance and oh! I have another Light Stone I'd like to exchange for other item (Ruby/Terra Cave map)!

For these who don't know: Light Stone is a item required to start Reshiram's quest and healing Wounded Sigilyph is part of it.
17 Days ago
Question: Does anybody know how many times I need to cook Silver/Brown/Green powder to upgrade my cooking pot?
21 Days ago
Question: If I use Enigma Stone, do I get to choose which egg I'll get or is it random?
21 Days ago
By ShadowXTM

"I discided to hold a giveaway.

How to join:
1. Interact with my party
2. Add me to frienlist.
3. Join HERE
4. Share #Shadowsgiveaway

1. Shiny poliwhirl
2. Megable Luxray
3. 100k pd

Bonus if you like and share # you get free pushie:D
*Will be given at end of giveaway.

Ends on the 31 January"
22 Days ago
24 Days ago
"Area: Marine Cave (Level 1)
Mission started: 2 Days ago
Collected money: 0
Explorer Bag: 0 Items"

Oh, come on! Let me just fight Kyogre already! –_–
1 Month ago
by Kennie

"Hey Hey Hey!!

It is my first give away!
add the hashtag #PinkieWillBeStrong and Interact with it till it gets to lv.100!

3 Winners get:
1.A Nebula stone + 1x Mystery Box(Gold) and a random fossil
2. Nebula stone+ Galarian ponyta
3. A breeding pair(Zoroark/Ponyta(galarian))

1 Month ago
I won against Giratina!!! OML new legendary incoming!!!
1 Month ago
Birthday Giveaway
Creator: -ShiningRayquaza-
#Winners: 5
#Participants: 28 so far

1st Prize Shiny charizard 50k pd and a destiny knot
2nd Prize Shiny Beedrill 10k pd and 25 random gems
3rd Prize ogerpon 5k pd and random mask
4th Prize random event Mon 10 random gems and ma luxury
5th Prize zygarde core and random summon item
Share #BDayGIVEAWAY:) and this post and heart this feed
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar:
"Congratulations! A shiny Vulpix hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #72)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries."

1 Month ago
In 13 hours I will take one of two professional exams I need to take. Tomorrow I'll have a "practical part".

I feel ready for it, and at the same time, I don't feel ready for it, like at all o_o

Wish me good luck or something, guys *crying emoji*.
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
By PokeRadar:
"Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Vulpix in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!"

Wish me good luck guys!
I really hope one of three eggs in my party will hatch as shiny Vulpix!
1 Month ago
I really hate questions about at which lvl pokemon evolves or how much EHP they need to hatch in Royal Tunnel :(

I have a feeling that I'll spend my all 200k (200 tries) trying to complete the Advanced Path and it won't be enough :(
1 Month ago
Question, does hatching egg from:
a) Event (like the new event distribution)
b) Royal Tunnel
Breaks your shiny chain?
1 Month ago
YAY! I got 1 mln!!

Thank you to everyone who bought from me!
1 Month ago
I need less then 200k PD to 1 mln and I'm desperate so I'm selling...

(I took prices from GTS. The price - (X) refers to ONE piece)

1. Items:
1x Azelf Egg Voucher (140k, but you can bargain for less)
2x Bird Fossil (14k)

2. Cooking:
46x Antidote (192)
219x Biscuit (100)
3x Galatte (4k)
1264x Honey (20)
185x Lemonade (75)
669x Milk (130)
87x Paralyze Heal (150)
216x Soda Pop (150)

3. Mystery:
3x Brown box (10k)
6x Dark blue box (3k)
3x Light Blue box (3.5k)
1x Pink box (10k)
4x Purple box (13k)
1x Red box (13k)

1x Green key (14k or in exchange for key to one the boxes above^)

POKEMONS: (You can see them in my party, in exchange you can give me any poke)

Articuno (18k)
Moltres (21k)
Zapdos (17k)
+Zygarde, Core Form (15k)

Interested? Send a privated trade with money and what you want! Any questions? Comment or pm me!
1 Month ago
By atharv1000:

"Hello Everyone! 🤠
I'm buying Ultra Saddle for Nuggets as well as I have multiple other options for offering on Ultra Saddle. You can checkout them on my profile page and set up private trade directly with Ultra Saddle and mention what you are looking for in exchange of it!!
I want to reach out players and let them know that I'm buying Ultra Saddle. So I'm conducting to this giveaway!!

Prize: 100 nuggets (Only 1 winner)

Ends : When I complete collecting required number of Ultra Saddle

To participate: Share #atharv1000isBuyingUltraSaddle OR whole feed!!"
1 Month ago


Last Action
Pokémon Beauty Contest (6 Hours ago)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
L04826 2 Days ago
Libbey 3 Days ago
Libbey 3 Days ago
Libbey 3 Days ago

Last Visitors

szente1996Today, 05:17
Darkdragonbz80Tue, 11/Feb/2025, 17:34
gnarlyybrownTue, 11/Feb/2025, 05:59
GrimmeJunkTue, 11/Feb/2025, 01:27
L04826Mon, 10/Feb/2025, 20:39