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Trainerlevel: 62

Trainerpoints: 10,582/11,593


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

A Journal Page 📖✒️

Alec ⬩ Lab Rat ⬩ Dark/Fire/Fighting
Pal-pad & PMs are open as long as you don't beg for my items or any Pokémon in my boxes. Father of two cats and also a TV show enthusiast, with a wide range of interests from horror to comedies. Please talk to me about TV shows, horror movies, TCG games like MTG, Yu-Gi-Oh & Pokémon and all that good stuff. My current obsession is "Interview with the Vampire" which I will talk about for hours and won't shut the hell up about it. Also yes, I am queer. If you've got a problem with this, please block me. I don't want any people that do not support others. Please be nice.

“In the spring of 1988, I returned to New Orleans, and as soon as I smelled the air, I knew I was home.
It was rich, almost sweet, like the scent of jasmine and roses around our old courtyard.
I walked the streets, savoring that long lost perfume.”

♦ Anne Rice; The Vampire Chronicles, #1 ♦

Last Visitors

ImmortesToday, 16:31
CelebierYesterday, 18:21
ShinxThunderFangCrunchYesterday, 13:05
ExocometYesterday, 02:58
-XYZ-Tue, 11/Feb/2025, 22:36

Game Records

Trainer ID: #499341363
Registration: 05/05/2023 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 957:35 Hours
Total interactions: 5,564,302
Money: 40,636
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


I will go buy some gifts for my gf! Anyone has cute gift suggestions for vday?
Yesterday, 15:28
I felt really sad so I went and bought myself some Oreo and made a hot chocolate too
5 Days ago
Friday!!! I am going to binge-watch DanDadan 😋
6 Days ago
Exodius, if you see this, I am glad you got your account back!! Also, can you please undo the blocks that the hacker did? 🥹
7 Days ago
Sharing from Politoed
Find more info on exodius2's feed, too!

"Hello guys! This is something serious, so please read and spread the word if you can, thank you 💚

There's a veteran user, formerly called Exodius, whose account has been hacked, and now the hacker is selling/trading all their stuff on GTS (as you might have seen).

They even picked up a random lab egg to break their 680 SM Snom hunt.

Please, don't offer on any trades made by Pucwoar. They belong to Exodius, and it took them so much time and effort to get them."

8 Days ago
Kind of wish I could see who hearted a feed. I don't like that people take the side of a transphobe.
9 Days ago
I love the feeds with pets in them. I have none, but all the pets you guys share are adorable!! 🥺😭💖
10 Days ago
They should make throwing tomatoes at people socially acceptable again. 🍅🍅🍅
10 Days ago
You know, Riako, I would give you my life if you made the block button actually do something. Useless button.
10 Days ago
America living in both the darkest era and stupid era
23 Days ago
Total interactions: 5,555,555

I am never interacting again. Bye.
27 Days ago
I never vented but I need to get it off my chest. TW: loss of loved ones to terminal illness
1 Month ago
Shiny Scream Tail finally 😸💗
1 Month ago
3 gold star Dunsparce from lab????

Is it a sign to hunt it?
1 Month ago
196 / 200 Research Points

1 Month ago
Okay, guest number is back to normal. Unusual traffic and no wonder PH lagged a little for me. Maybe DDoS attack attempt?
1 Month ago
Hatch 2 / 4 Water-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.
Hatch 0 / 8 Water-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.
Hatch 0 / 16 Water-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

I mean, sure, why the heck not?? I will die
1 Month ago
I tried to interact with my own party as a guest. Do flutes not work if you click as a guest? With a x4 multiplier it gave me 250 something EHP
1 Month ago
You have opened 24 out of 24 doors so far.
Done, at last. 🥰
1 Month ago
By Badges Report - 1 Minute and 1 Second ago.
You obtained a new badge (Search for gold)!

After so long!
1 Month ago



Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (2 Minutes ago)