andd i got a headache from so much coughing yeyy lol it is easing
up the last two days but its still a lot x.x im just so done with
this cold T-T

I finally got another female Espurr >..< and this hunt is
officially over >..<

i managed to find hollow knight for my switch >..< i am so so
happy - i was losing hope but went back to a shop i checked
previously and there it was ~ not insane price either so im really
thrilled and can't wait to play it <3

Happy New Year ^^ Hope 2025 is a fantastic one and if not let’s all
just move to Mars u.u

diamond art painting is lowkey fun - I'm really not the most
patient person so i wasn't expecting to enjoy it when my aunt
offered me a kit but yah surprisingly i might even get a few more
to do once I'm done with this one

I actually opened all the doors c: first time ever since i started
playing ^^

Happy Holidays everyone!^^ and thank you for the gift to whoever
was my secret Santa ^-^

I got retro Teddiursa ^-^ from my first and probably only retro egg
this year lolol really happy <3

i know i said i loved the plushies - and i do ;; but a retro egg
would be nice too owo at least one u.u

Has anyone tried playing hollow knight on switch ? if yes, how's
the experience ? is it worth getting the game for it or just keep
playing it on pc? I really love the game and would love to get it
for my switch too but dunno if its worth it

Goals for the upcoming year
in game :
- start that sh. mega Absol hunt I've been avoiding
- continue to play regularly ( finally get all those badges while
I'm at it c: )
- get all of the plushies I'm missing or at least half of that
- get Articuno from our dear professor finally >..<
iife :
- work on some of my bad habits and replace them with some
healthier ones
- keep up with my friends more regularly
- i have planned on a low buy year but I'll be happy if I do that
for at least 5 months as a start
- save money for trips
- play half of the games i own on steam to completion
Well.. suppose we'll see what happens next year soon enough u.u
wishing everyone happy holidays ^^ and good luck with all of your

Sunday decided to be really really sweet and come at 31 pity
>..< I ended up pulling for two more copies *only lost the
fifty fifty on the second one c:* and I got his lightcone at like
72 pity - also won that fifty fifty >..< I have never been
more luckier when it comes to characters i really want and I'm just
over the moon about it ^^

sometimes I'm tempted to go for a shiny mega Absol until reality
sets in and I remember I have no patience nor strong will for that
lol but maybe one day u.u

andd Zekrom is finally home after 7 years >..< really made me
wait huh c:

really tempted to get a bulbasaur tattoo c:
I def. also want a darkrai one but kinda leaving that one for smth
special in the future ^^

if Sunday ends up not being playable, i honestly might rage quit
star rail for a while x.x like they keep teasing for months T-T i
need him. Like at this point I absolutely need him.

Am I going to go see Dune 2 again in cinemas just for that one
character so i can see them on the big screen again? Most
definitively :3

Congratulations! A shiny Espurr hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #203)! >..< finally, i need one more but honestly
going to take a break first before starting again lol

sh Espurr really doesn't wanna come huh u.u