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Trainerlevel: 92

Trainerpoints: 23,593/25,483


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
6,65357,054,441 / 166,008,984


I´m selling Shinys, MAs, Legys, Retros, Events & Shadows

Everything from
Retro Horde
UFT Special
UFT Shadows
is for trade/sale! :)

I sell only Pokemon, no items!
I'm not interested in buying Pokemon!
I'm not interested in Pokemon as payment!

Payment I'm accepting PD, Nuggets(1:2.500), Items(List below) and Gems(Ratio below).

Ice 2.500 (1,1k left I need)
Dragon 14.000 (116 left I need for Step 5/7)

Items I'm collecting*:
Maps/converted Legy-Items, Star Pieces, White Powder, Meltan Candy, Gen 8 Fossils, Lake Trio Voucher.
*I'm collecting those passivly, so don't ask, if I wanna buy them from you.


Suggestions are the best way to help PH getting better and better.

So the best we can do to help, is to support or disagree and justify on a suggestion.💕

The Top-Ideas are always a look worth, maybe there is something you want to be implemented pretty long, but didn´t know, there is already a Suggestion for it.
Go for it and vote -> here

And cause I want to help those Suggestions I already support a bit more, I´ll link here some specific ones🎇:

- Tall Grass: Eon Update You want Latias but got a Latios-Egg 3 times in a row? 'Search again'-Button
- Beach/Honeytree/Safari: visualise MAs/SMs Seeing Mega-Icon before obtaining it.
- Berry Garden Tasks-Rework Required Items = Reward Balance
- Royal Tunnel Improvement Voucher instead of Eggs
- Paldea Research Improvement Skipping more than one Quest
- Planetary Spheres in Space Obtaining Solar Eevee's Evo-Item


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Crysticia 18 Hours ago
Crysticia 18 Hours ago
Crysticia 18 Hours ago
Crysticia 18 Hours ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (5 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

CelebierToday, 19:12
Cherry_BlossomToday, 12:49
CsoxiToday, 12:26
CyndaGodToday, 02:17
inactive*ReiiYesterday, 22:16

Game Records

Trainer ID: #549775992
Registration: 02/02/2015 (10 Years ago)
Premium member until 11/Dec/2025
Time Played: 7495:15 Hours
Total interactions: 9,780,731
Money: 732,930
Starter Pokémon: Chimchar


omg, watch this it's so cute! *-*
5 Days ago
By Csoxi - 2 Minutes and 44 Seconds ago.
Quick reminder:
V-day is coming soon, so it's the best time to start a special hunt (Combee, fossils or anything which breeds slow) since on v-day we will get a huge daycare boost!
6 Days ago
As I've recently seen a few users who had to break their Lati@s chain, cause the egg storage was full with the wrong egg.
This is not only such a frustrating Moment for the user, it's also an extremly waste of legendary summon items and produce at lot more legys than needed, cause the hunt has to be changed after the first one again, if they're still missing one or even both shinies, after the second hunt change there will be again eggs they don't need anymore, but have to hatch after all. Please, please, please finally change this hunt a bit to make it more planable!
Here is an old suggestion! I'm personally not for a ticked idea, but for a find both and then 'choose the egg' or 'search again' option when finding one egg, but it's wrong one.
14 Days ago
As the last sphere is available now, it's time to spread again my suggestion for a permanent way to obtain them: Here you go!
27 Days ago
Almost 10 years and I don't understand why the heck you still want this..?

I don't miss you, I miss the friends we once were, the times we understood each other without a single word. We laught and suffered together. But it shouldn't last, it didn't even end up in a neutral way. No. It ended up in lies and hatetred and it continued almost once a year again and again and again and again.
And you know what? I'm honest enough to say it's stressing me out to get back into this feeling everytime you visit my profile. You stopped the contact, you denied. So why you still doing this? Do you think it's funny? Cause it isn't. Go your way, find love, health and happiness. And with that, leave me be.
1 Month ago
As the first of probably 2 days has come:
Here're some tips for the egg hatching task.

You're not on a hunt? Great, visit the Lab!

If you're on a hunt, it doesn't matter, if you obtain your 'chain-egg' from the Daycare, Tall Grass, Gem collector, Event Shop or even from the Lab(as long it's the right species).
If you're on a Event-daycare hunt, store some eggs. If you're on a slowly and high EHP hunt, prepare the eggs like 25/30k and store them before hatching fully.

Eggs that don't break the Chain:
- all from Game Center(incl everything from Prize exchange -even Dratini, Concentration reward egg, Hoopa, Lugia, Magearna)
- Retro-reward from the Daycare
- every egg directly recruited from Rumble
- Emera Square
- Berry Garden
- Ho-Oh Code
- MissingNo
- stored eggs obtained from a former Event Distribution
- Harvest Sprites as only exception from ancient cave
- Carbink, if it comes from a failed Stone boiling
- Celebi
- Royal Tunnel
1 Month ago
Oke, now I'm 100% sure that the new bot detection is working well!

I was sitting in the kitchen, had just finished breakfast and wanted to close the jar of marmalade, but the lid slipped out of my hand and hit my phone. With this action it clicked on an egg and the “Are you human?” question appeared!

I just can't that was too hilarious! 😂😂🤣😂👌
3 Months ago
Hotarubi no Mori e - I'm crying again
Just re-found an old video on youtube wich leads me to that short movie back then and I'm directly back in the emotions.
I love this movie so much, but it's so heartbreaking at the same time! q.q)🖤
4 Months ago
You received a Retro Ducklett Egg
Thank you for being a member on PokeHeroes!

Thank you for making this wonderful place for us, were we enjoy our freetime, Riako!
9 Months ago
Overfilled with love since sunday evening.♡
1 Year ago
🥳2-years Anniversary of the Shadow Radar Hunting Service!🎉

Only today: No hunting fee and all Shadows(except Legys/Ditto) are half price.

Catchable Shadows today:

- Kanto
Nidorino / Clefairy / Wigglytuff
- Johto
Bellossom / Azumarill / Dunsparce

5 Slots available.
Also check out Zoen's & LuckyLady's Daily Catchables, to have a bigger selection.<3

For more Information have a look into this Topic!

You can buy already catched Shadows without Service Payment, all Shadows from here are UFT! PP/PM me or comment if you're interested.
See you soon~
1 Year ago
Wow.... almost 94% of the userbase did the goal without even knowing and now bashing so hard the one person, who made this game we all love so much that he rather take the really fair update back than to keep getting preasure from users who mostly already fulfill the 40% without knowing but still bashing. What the heck is wrong with you guys??
1 Year ago
I really should make me some kind of list, if I lend pokemon to others, sometimes I found pokemon in my boxes were I somehow remember I got it in exchange, but not what I lend for. =')
1 Year ago
Sooo, it has taken some time, but now I was finally able to upload some photos from Japantag Düsseldorf 2022, I hope you enjoy!<3

Traditional Drum Concert*: Adults & Children *Sry for bad quality, I had to zoom
Cosplayer: Pokemon-Card-Dress *o* , Forest God & Nausicaä & Winged Ladys
Food & Merch: Takoyaki!♡♡ & some Figures
My new Treasures: Pokecards & a Book , handpainted Masks & My all time Love♡

and as I came home, my husband had a little suprise for his Dragon-witch: cheers~

I was such a wonderful day!<3
2 Years ago
Shadow Radar Hunting Service: A new Hunter!

Maybe you´ve noticed, that besides LuckyLady & myself, another user has been posting the Daily Catchables of the Shadow Hunting Service for some time now. This was a trial period and now I can officially announce:
Zoen is a new hunter in our team. Please give him a warm welcome!<3
We´ll do our best to improve our Shop in the best possibilities.
2 Years ago
So long ago I´ve heard this and now I wish you all a good night with Lullaby for a Princess~!🦄✨🌘
2 Years ago
Shadow Hunting Short-Story: A new Huntress?

To introduce the coming change for the Shadow Hunting Service I made a little Storytime in the Comments.
I really hope you like it and now enjoy~
2 Years ago
I just finished Lie to Me and I really liked it, this Series had such a potential, sad they canceled it after half of Season 3.. =(

So, now I would like to get some recommands, what I should watch next.
In the Comments you´ll find lists of Series I´m still watching, I think about to watch and what I watched so far.

Mostly Krimi & Drama, also Fantasy, Mystery & Sci-Fi.

I love Anime, but this List is about non-Anime, so pls, don´t recommand it here.
3 Years ago
So, after I got Ur'Va the Mystic Archer, his Counterpart SkekMal the Hunter Skeksis arrived too.<3

Wanna have a look?

Ur'Va I got you!
SkekMal Come on!

And last one for now the Essence Vial of Mira. Hope you found your way back to Thra...somehow<3
3 Years ago
Yay, I finished my first own Pokesona on pen an paper. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
She isn´t coloured yet and only a oneshot so I wont set a photo up, but I´m really, really proud of her.<3

And now: Good night everyone (~˘▾˘)~
3 Years ago

~Shadow Radar Hunting Service~

You want to collect Shadows, but don´t want to buy the Shadow Radar+Updates and the Shadow-Game itself is lame anyway? Then you´re right here!

Status: partly closed

♡Pat me for more Information♡


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Hunting Service Payment: 10.000 per catch

Kanto & Johto

Easy - 5.000
Medium - 10.000
Hard - 15.000
Rare - 20.000
Starters - 30.000
Eeveelution - 30.000
Special - 30.000
Unown - 30.000
Pseudo-Legend - 40.000 (Dratini & Lavitar-Evo)
Ditto - 6.000.000
Bird Trio - 152 N
Mew/Mewtwo - 152 N
Cat Trio - 173 N
Lugia/Ho-Oh - 195 N
Celebi - 217 N

And here you can buy already catched Shadows without Service-Payment.


*About Me*

Hellouw~ to everybody who visit me =)

I'm Ari, female, from germany(NDS) and 33 years old.

I hope to find new friends and great Poke-Trainers here. :3

My favorite Poke-Types are:

But all over it I love Suicune

I have a RL and if I don't answer, then I simply don't have the time, so do not send me message over message why I'm not answering! Thanks.

Scared of: Zombies

Favorites & Life
Blue • Rats & Dogs • Croatia & Finland • Symphonic Metal & Classic • Tarja • The Geisha & Princess Mononoke • Burn Notice & Grimm • Raven the Swordmisstress & The Light between Oceans • World of Warcraft & Ni no Kuni
• Goth •

InuYasha • Digimon • Wolf´s Rain • Noir • DragonBall Z • AnoHana • Blood+ • YashaHime • The Rising of the Shield Hero • Scrapped Princess • Tsubasa Reservoir Cronicles • Yu-Gi-Oh! • Beyblade • DoReMi • Jeanne the Kamikaze Thief • Monster Ranger • Detective Conan •

Deutsche Helden Banner by Hime-Nyan


• Get a Suicune
• Name him Oceansoul<3
• Hatch my first mega-able
It was a Swablu
• Hunted my first Shiny It was a Fennekin
• Hunted my first Shiny Event without Event-Pass It was a Catercream
• Get my own Ditto Yay x3

• Fill the complete Dex
[x] Kanto [x] Johto [x] Hoenn [x] Sinnoh [x] Unova [x] Kalos [] Alola [] Galar [] Hisui [] Paldea
• Get 100 Egg-Storage-Places
40 -> 42/45

• Get [x] Meloetta [x] Shiny Meloetta [x] Ho-Oh [] Shiny Ho-Oh
• Get all Prizes from Game Center

[x] Lugia [] Shiny Lugia
[x] all non-shiny Pokemon
Shiny [] Raikou [] Suicune [] Entei [] Manaphy
Shiny Mewton [] CF
[x] HoL [x] TH [x] L [x] GS [] HM [] CC [] Mewton M. Meowth
• Get all Pokemon from SCS
[x] Victini [x] all Tapus [x] Shiny Victini [x] all Shiny Tapus

Done on my own
Done, but with help
Not done
96/735 196/500 84/400 98/200

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• Get a year Premium: VI
• Next year: 3.226 / 8.000

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Shiny Hunt

Crysticia is currently hunting Ponyta.
Hunt started: 16/12/2024

Chain: 895
28 40 0