Your Druddigon and the Dark Stone disappeared.
Welp that's it Druddys gone never to be seen again. Be free Druddy,
hope you live a long happy life without me 💔

Finally raised up the druddigon enough to finish the zekrom quest
but lowkey feeling emotional because I somehow managed to get
attached to this druddigon and was lowkey hoping I could keep it...
Lowkey feeling like Ash during bye bye butterfree rn. Goodbye
Druddy, gone but never forgotten (for now I'll probably forget
within the next month)


Just obtained the hoppa egg and went to do treasure boxes
immediately after and immediately found it again first try

Please interact with the wounded drudigon in my party. Its the
pokemon I got from the zekrom quest that needs to be leveled up so
I can get the zekrom egg :)

I'm doing the Koridon quest and one of my tasks is to hatch a
Cyclizard from the lab and tell me why I can't seem to find any yet
I found one every week 2 months ago 😭

Apparently today's the one year anniversary of me getting my shiny
ponyta at a chain of 171

Please interact with the magikarp in my party for the professor
Rowan quest. Bro literally gave me a level 3 magikarp and told me
that I need to have it beat a level 63 magikarp, what is this level
disadvantage 😭

Please interact with the Magikarp in my party!! It's for a
Professor Rowan quest. I just started and the Magikarp I'm given is
level 4 and his opponent's is level 54, already starting at a 50
level disadvantage 😰

#NewBeginnings I want to be more active on all of my
platforms. Finally going to start posting on my tiktok page again.
I want to shiny hunt more. Definitely want to get a shiny clodsire
eventually. Uhh

Still can't believe I got the top prize on the
giveaway. I remember getting the notification that I have a gift in
gts and being confused only to click on it and see that I won the
giveaway only to be in shock staring at it for a few minutes before
immediately clicking "claim" without thinking 😅 anyways thanks to
Rice and BabyEevee22 for doing the giveaway and Rice having me win.
So cool. Will definitely be using the mega stone to evolve the m
rapidash that I got back when I was shiny hunting ponyta that I've
been wanting to evolve since then but haven't had the ability to do
so. Also congrats to Rice on getting their sm Snorunt and to all
the other winners :)

Made a tree thingy :)

finally completed the basic path of royal tunnel. If I'm being
honest the only reason I was able to do it was because I got lucky
and only got 1 egg cycle question and the one I did get was
decently easy because it was a legendary egg cycle so I was able to
guess. I'm literally completely fine with knowing/guessing the
Pokemon type, dex entries, and evolution questions, but the second
I get asked about egg cycles I'm done for.