just spotted a leucistic female house sparrow. 1 in 30,000 chance.
im always lucky in the wrong ways 😭😭😭 really gorgeous though it was
completely golden instead of brown
my previous longest chain record is now officially broken (315).
this is insane. I just wanted to do a sm hunt with no premium but
of course the very first attempt goes like this 😭 my luck I swear
if all of the eggs in my party hatch normal then my record of
longest chain 315 will officially be broken
FINALLY ANOTHER MEGA ABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no way my premium is about to expire before I hatch a shiny that's
the whole reason why I bought the black friday deal 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I hope that they add a cobalion plushie to the shop.. I dont care
that it'll end up being limited cause it's legendary, im gonna go
bananas trying to get as many as I can from other people before
they run out
how many exp shares is a good amount to have for powerorbs
where is everybody... normally we're flying through these... CLICK
PEOPLE CLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give up I just upgraded my egg storage to put one of my eggs in
this is now my 2nd largest chain w/out shiny (only one mega too
spent a dollar anyway to get the 1 month premium so my chain dont
I see they changed the wording at the item shop now.... still miss
my 25 nuggets 😢 I just hit 500 too... oh well ill get it back in
like a week or so
thought "complete a nugget purchase at the item shop" meant buy
something w/ nuggets in the item shop not Buy nuggets 😭 whoops (no
I did not read the feed post clearly ADHD brain)
I think it just set in for me how long it's gonna take to get a
shiny mega without premium because chain 182 no shiny 1 mega-able I
hope it's not like this every time I have to restart from hatching
a shiny (Still not beating my record of shiny at chain 315 and lets
hope it doesnt)
I wish that a big part of this game wasnt sitting down and clicking
a button repeatedly because id rather watch paint dry than do
interactions. also RIP any users with carpal tunnel or any other
hand disability being excluded as well because autoclickers are
banned even at sensible human speed counts to not mess up rankings
if I dont hatch at least a mega anytime soon im gonna travel to the
location of the cloudflare servers and chew all of the cords like a
deranged little rat and cause a sitewide outage for 13 days