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Formerly: TheSleeplessPiemon
Trainerlevel: 44

Trainerpoints: 1,550/5,851


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mareep222 / 48
Mareep20 / 48

Shiny Hunt

TheUnhingedPiemon is currently hunting Mareep.
Hunt started: 06/02/2025

Chain: 10
0 0 0

My in-game Family

Besties: ClassicSass KipBat
Brothers: Kaleb1234
Sisters: Joyfuldoggy Dannll
close friends:Saltbread RoyalUltima Dark_Fire The_DivinePheonix
Pets: Drakonia
Crush: As If I would tell you ;)
Cult members of the piemon army: ApplePiemon GreyberryPiemon WhiteberryPiemon BlueberryPiemon orangepiemon
Thanks to:
Thanks toS0urKiwi for A LOT of items, putting up with me, and being a great friend
ClassicSass for being the best best friend I could imagine :)
Kaleb1234 For being like a brother to me :)
Dannll For being like a sister to me :)
RoyalUltima For being there for me when nobody else knew how to help :)
KipBat for being a great friend
Saltbread for being a great friend when I first got here :)

Totally in love with MeipandaQueen its my little secret ;)

Train them plz!

These pokemon are all shinies I hunted or my favorites!



View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
TheUnhingedPiemon 3 Hours ago
Tyana 4 Hours ago
Aisaka 1 Day ago
Prince_Angel 8 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


TheUnhingedPiemon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #746491497
Registration: 02/05/2022 (2 Years ago)
Time Played: 733:53 Hours
Total interactions: 341,180
Money: 472,933
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


my mom is now a whole hour late to pick me up -_-
Yesterday, 22:26
500 is wild but bet
Team hearts
1 Day ago
all the mudkips
1 Day ago
I'm debating...
after my 3rd pink sheep, do I try to get a pink ice sheep, or do I just take a break from hunting?
1 Day ago
By PokéRadar - 17 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Mareep hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #56)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

1 Day ago
there should be an official Mod Appreciation Day. Seriously... the amount of absolute GARBAGE they have to deal with on a daily basis is absurd.
1 Day ago
regarding my last post- don't mind me, being extra grumpy today for random reason, anyways, THANK GOD! Exodious got his account back, can we get a thank you to the mods and almighty admin for handling the issue so fast? I hate the fact someone is so over the top they'd hack someone's account on a Pokemon site -_-
1 Day ago
By Politoed - 17 Minutes and 32 Seconds ago.
Hello guys! This is something serious, so please read and spread the word if you can, thank you 💚

There's a veteran user, formerly called Exodius, whose account has been hacked, and now the hacker is selling/trading all their stuff on GTS (as you might have seen).

They even picked up a random lab egg to break their 680 SM Snom hunt.

Please, don't offer on any trades made by Pucwoar. They belong to Exodius, and it took them so much time and effort to get them.

2 Days ago
2 Days ago
2 hours after school and nobody has picked me up -_-
3 Days ago
I'm driving Rimi insane >:P
3 Days ago
I am now out of coffee
this is a crisis
I'm hungry
and I no longer have coffee
4 Days ago
I 8:20 just got started with class... I'm already hungry again... I ate breakfast 10 min ago... =-=
4 Days ago
I crave pasta- my Italian genes are taking over
5 Days ago
just woke up steupid early to help my schools baseball team with fieldwork, just finished 7 hours later and am deadge can barely moveeeee
5 Days ago
my friend has now fished maybe a total of 50 fish...
he's gotten TWO SHINIES
7 Days ago
you know, I remembered why I hate basketball... I love to play it, but then it's indoor, so everything gets hot and there's no breeze to cool you off, I'm gonna go into math class and everyone gonna think I was hiking near an active volcano or something 0-0
7 Days ago
Squirtle caught!


7 Days ago
Another froakie caught
7 Days ago
friendly reminder to purge friendlist
I needed to do it badly lol
I had like 50 people I don't talk to on it
7 Days ago

About me

Gender: Male
Pronouns: Mudkip, He, Him.
Species: Mudkip, Chinchilla
Fav Pokemon: Mudkip, Glaceon, Kyogre, and Blaziken (and lechonk)
Pokedex Number: Mudkip
Attitude: Mudkip
Nature: Mudkip
Origin: Puerto Rico.
Matching PFP with MeipandaQueen

A warning, I dont get close to a lot of people, so if you talk to me, I may seem detached, it's a lot of things together, but please dont think I'm being rude, I dont like to talk to just anyone, it takes a lot to get close to me, however, once I find you to be a good friend, I NEVER SHUT UP.
I also tend to hide my emotions and never express them properly so sorry if I seem rude or cold-

2025 Goals

Get 3 more Shiny Mudkip
Get Shiny LeChonk
Get another ditto
Set up shiny Leg hunt
Complete 2 more puzzles done
get at least 2 more badges

Pas-times: Gaming, streaming on twitch, talking to friends, causing chaos.

Your type is...


Ice-types are quiet and introverted, like to go unnoticed, and may appear cold to others, but secretly harbor a lot of passion and creativity.

In loving memory of:

In memory of our friends, since inactive or banned.
I won't forget you guys.
Saltbread Also known as RaspberryPiemon


Last Visitors

KeyLimePiemonYesterday, 23:29
AisakaYesterday, 22:32
Miso-SoupYesterday, 21:07
PinkCat222Yesterday, 20:51
TyanaYesterday, 20:38


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (1 Hour ago)