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Trainerlevel: 30

Trainerpoints: 2,039/2,729


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Donut Dog 1st
7001,466,975 / 1,745,606
871,497 / 25,038

Shiny Hunt

PoryHack101 is currently hunting Tadbulb.
Hunt started: 18/01/2025

Chain: 62

Shinys I Hached/ Fished

Paldea Shinys Hatched

906-908 ❌ 935-937 ❌ 960-961 ❌ 978----- ❌ 990----- ❌ 1005❌
909-911 ✅️ 938-939 ❌ 962----- ✅ 979----- ❌ 991----- ❌ 1006❌
912-914 ❌ 940-941 ❌ 963-964 ❌ 980----- ❌ 992----- ❌ 1007❌
915-916 ❌ 942-943 ✅️ 965-966 ❌ 981----- ❌ 993----- ❌ 1008❌
917-918 ✅ 944-945 ❌ 967----- ❌ 982----- ❌ 994----- ❌
919-920 ❌ 946-947 ✅️ 968----- ❌ 983----- ❌ 995----- ❌
921-923 ✅ 948-949 ❌ 969-970 ❌ 984----- ❌ 996-998 ❌
924-925 ❌ 950----- ❌ 971-972 ❌ 985----- ❌ 999-1000 ❌
926-927 ✅ 951-952 ❌ 973----- ❌ 986----- ❌ 1001 ❌
928-930 ❌ 953-954 ❌ 974-975 ✅️ 987----- ❌ 1002 ❌
931----- ❌ 955-956 ❌ 976----- ❌ 988----- ❌ 1003❌
932-934 ❌ 957-959 ❌ 977----- ❌ 989----- ❌ 1004 ❌

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #443726602
Registration: 21/03/2024 (10 Months ago)
Time Played: 277:37 Hours
Total interactions: 149,169
Money: 5,274
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Selling dragon gems in gtg
Today, 20:04
I am trading stuff for nebula stones so I can do a cosmog hunt next if you have extras let me know
Today, 19:45
I set up a trade for nebula stones and pd to do a cosmog hunt if you have any please offer
Today, 01:31
Umm got a.summon form box selling i5 in a trade
Today, 00:54
Yesterday, 18:24
Yesterday, 15:03
I am board so I will start a giveaway.
This giveaway will end on the 18th and the winner will get a mystery😏😏😏😏(psst could be a the ditto)
But if I can't sell all my Venus orbs and veneon to get a ditto the prise will be lower.
Yesterday, 13:17

Day I forget
Okay so today I finally got unband and I was wondering should I stop doing these hear this fee is you want me to stop and comment 1 reason why I should keep doing it is yes first to 10 wins
2 Days ago
I'm back
2 Days ago
16 Days ago
Selling cheep stat dust in GTS
16 Days ago
New trade 8n Gts
17 Days ago
Can some one breed a ditto for me. I will pay
17 Days ago
I will have a stat the broth for the onion fairy soup 🍲 😋 here are the ingredients.
100 oran berries
100 bottles of pop
100 electric gems
100 pd
1 celebi
Hope you are lots of it I will give it away to every one whom hearts this feed you better like the soup!
17 Days ago
17 Days ago
I finally solved the hardest math question the answer is 31.36%
17 Days ago
New trade in GTG
17 Days ago
I tried the hardest math problem part 2.
My brain is fried
17 Days ago
I set up a trade for a ditto
17 Days ago
Quick question if you have 2 sainta birds can you breed and get dittos
17 Days ago

Last Visitors

MaoBobaToday, 23:27
MysticSunsetVTToday, 21:53
CelebierToday, 20:57
Espy2015Today, 20:01
-Bored_Soul-Today, 19:47


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
-ShiningRayquaza- 1 Day ago
LiamTheGoat 1 Day ago
LiamTheGoat 1 Day ago
LiamTheGoat 1 Day ago

Shiny Challenge


PoryHack101 hasn't collected any medals so far.



Last Action
Walking along Route 53 (4 Minutes ago)