yall I am this close 🤏 to asking my friend to sort through my
storage boxes for me. I've been working on this for like 3 days

there was a nappy on the route 54 tree😭😭😭 I couldnt get it yall😭😭😭

Does anyone have a female riolu for trade?

If anyone's interested, I'm still selling different vitamins and
gems :)

this dang pichu😭 its taunting me😭😭

selling gems for pd! (private message if you're interested)

what are the sodas you can cook used for?????

I'm working on the raquaza tasks and need to level up the pichu in
my party. If you guys could help that would be amazing <3

does anyone know how to evolve a cosmoem into a lunala? I keep
getting Solgaleo 😭

If anyone wants to buy any vitamins from me, I just sell them to
the item shop so ill do them for anything over 3.9k each. I'm not
huge on battling lol

Does anyone have 2 dragon gems they'd be willing to trade?

My storage boxes are so messed up- gonna spend all day going
through them. so fuuun- 😀

first come first serve! give a plushie get a plushie (as close as i
can get in value. if you have anything specific in mind please ask)
(i have 272 dream coins atm)

if anyone sees any of my pokemon (in boxes) they are interested in
im willing to sell some!

if someone gifts me the xernas plushie i would literally adore
that! i would definitely give one of similar value (pm for which
one you want🙃)

im needing pokecoins so if anything looks interesting in my boxes
just send me a pm cause i'll probably be open to selling it!!

anyone want some free pokemon? i seriously need to clean out my
stuff and feel bad releasing them

Finally only 8k pokecoins away from a pokeradar!!

Can someone battle me in the next 45 minutes ish? I have a task to
win a battle😅