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euphoria -- fics and scenes

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions euphoria -- fics and scenes
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 15:52 (1 Year ago)
hey! welcome to my small corner of the forum page, dedicated to short stories and essays about my various ocs. please do not post here, thank you!
some fics will have major references to my rps, but i shall explain them all in the 'notes' sections <3

contents//fic statuses:
♡ the aftermath
♡ nails and knives
♡ pest control
♡ ignis [wip]
♡ joy at the end of the world [wip]
♡ VENOM [tba]
♡ and then the world came crashing down
cold and cruel
♡ confessions of a runaway lover [probably discontinued]
♡ blind freedom
♡ denial

deco credit:
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|F2U| Bottled Rose Divider by RariDecor on DV, |F2U| Pastel skies, pale flowers divider by RariDecor on DV, |F2U| Marigold Divider by RariDecor, '.' by tayleaf on DV.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 16:59 (1 Year ago)

the aftermath
Quote from contextthis is a fic based on the games/anime, 'danganronpa', but in my fic, it's a twist. in my fic, all the 'killing game' never happened, it was all a collective dream for my ocs. the ocs 'keiki', 'akihiro' (nicknamed 'hero') and 'asahi' (nicknamed 'chuku') had the collective dream first, marking 'game 1'. 'idris' and 'saeko' had theirs second, marking 'game 2'. the last and final characters entering marked the start of 'game 3'. all these ocs are exclusive to Serendibite's Danganronpa roleplay, which i suggest you should check out, it's super interesting!


can't believe this got nominated for 'best adapted fic'!

final wc: 1751

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tw: suicide references/violence/drug references/censored swearing

"....are you gonna both be making eyes at each other all day? Y'all make me feel sick-" Idris groaned.

"You're just depressed Mei isn't here for you to make eyes at, Shorty." Saeko hissed. They were holding hands with a sheepish-looking Keiki.

Asahi winced. "Too soon, Saeko. Too soon."

Akihiro grinned. "We beefin' already? Without little old me?" They leaned closer to the group, "Anyone got tea to spill?"

Keiki's eyes lit up and they opened their mouth to speak-

"Akihiro, sit your ass down. We're here for a peaceful reunion, alrighty? We're going to sit here, drink our tea-"

Idris glared at Asahi.

"-apart from Idris. Sorry, dairy allergy, I forgot. Ahem, as I was saying-

We're all going to be calm, okay? After...recent events, I doubt it would do much help to start arguing with each other."

The rest of the group looked down.

"...so...the dreams..." Asahi glanced at each of them. "Anyone want to start?"

Keiki raised a hand slowly. "...Mine started...before all of y'all-" They began, "...I think you, Chuku, and Hero- we all had our dreams roughly around the same time, right?"

They nodded.

"..they just all seem so vivid...I just- I can't believe they're not real, y'know? I can just remember all the blood so damn clearly, like my gawd-

Am I insane?

It's hard to live now, I just keep rememberin' them and-" Keiki shuddered. "-the smallest things remind me of....everything. I can't look at a Build-A-Bear shop anymore-" They scoffed. "The colour purple makes me want to cry..."

Asahi nodded. "...Niwa.." She whispered softly.

Saeko hissed.

"...and I keep having horrible migraines." Keiki resumed, prodded the left side of their head. "Here. It hurts the most. Weirdest thing is that I dunno why. My memory's fuzzy for that...."

Asahi looked down. She remembered. She remembered the gunshot, the thud of a body falling on the ground, the colour of blood mingling with Keiki's brown hair. She remembered Niwa's shrieks, remembered the last words and the final gunshot that marked the end of Niwa but marked the fact that these nightmares would never, ever go away. She remembered-

A loud and dramatic sob from Keiki made Asahi lose her train of thought.

"...thank you, Keiki. So, Saeko, Idris. You've had your nightmares more recently, right? She asked.

They both nodded glumly.

Idris clenched a knife in his hand whilst Saeko buried their head into Keiki's chest.

"I know it's hard to come to the terms that everything was well....fake."

Keiki sobbed louder.

"And no matter how hard it seems, we all have each other, okay-?"

"...wah, wah, boo, hoo. Get a grip will you?" Idris spat.

"Idris! You know the importance of these meetings! To let go. How are you letting go? Simple, you're not. You're holding the damn knife as if it's a teddy bear." Asahi fumed.

Keiki paled. "NOOO- NOT THE BEARS-"







"None of you are letting go. None of you. You just pretend that you are, with 'the power of love and friendship' or whatever bullcrap comes out of your sad little mouths.

And guess what? I pretend as well. We all do.

I can't stand the colour lavender.

I sob every time 'Space Song' comes on. Like what the hell, explain that.

...and I have this damn knife.


Every single damn day this phrase is stuck in my head.

Rairakku. What the hell does this mean?

I'm supposed to know, goddammit.



"You're not the Ultimate, anything, Idris-" Asahi whispered. "None of us are. It's not-"


"I don't...I don't-"

"I DON'T...I DON'T-" Idris mocked. "Get a backbone, will ya?" He scoffed.

"Damn, Mei 2.0 over here-" Saeko muttered.

Idris stiffened.

"...ohhhh goddd. Saeko, remember the rule, no mentioning-"

"Letgoletgoletgoletgoletgo- how the hell do I let go if none of you can either, eh? EH? ANSWER ME YOU F***ING IDIOTS-" Idris snarled.

"Saeko you're afraid of fire, still? Remember that, eh? That it's not real? Remember that sh*t?" He pulled out a lighter from his pocket.


Saeko's eyes widened, momentarily transfixed on the lighter.


Saeko screamed. Fire was creeping up their jacket, curling around their hair, setting it ablaze.


Saeko dropped the lighter on the ground with a clang!

The sound of a fire extinguisher filled the air.

"Damn you, Idris. Damn you." Asahi started to sob.

Idris didn't care. "See my point? All of us are still like our dream-versions. You know what I mean? I still think I'm the Ultimate Linguist...Saeko has their fire-thing....Asahi-"

Asahi paled. "No. Nononono."

"The mask." Idris whispered softly. "Off."

"...I c-can't-"

"Off. Now."



"...there's still a pandemic, Idris-" Keiki mumbled.

Idris shot a glare at Keiki. "Shut the hell up before I put a bullet between your eyes, aight?"

Keiki paled. "Wait-"

"Yeah, you remember, right? Your depresso expresso death? Oh so dramatic, but Niwa's reaction was pathetic. Or so I've heard."

"You've...heard? Who-" Keiki looked around. "The only ones who would know are Asahi and..."

"THE HELL?!" Asahi shrieked. "WHERE DID SHE GO!?"

Idris shrugged. "Akihiro? Oh, she took the drugs and ran off whilst all of y'all were screaming like weirdos. I watched it happen. Pretty sad stuff. I could've used those drugs."


"Ask Saeko, how the f*ck am I supposed to know? Do I look like I do drugs, to you?" Idris scoffed.

"No, but you look like you live in Hot Topic, you snitch." Saeko spat.

Asahi was in shock. "Drugs? Where-" She sighed. "...Saeko you promised, no more drugs.."

Saeko rolled their eyes. "Sorry."


"...gone? Yeah, I have eyes. Thanks, Captain Obvious."

Asahi bit her lip angrily.

"So...yeah. After that rude interruption, like seriously, how dare Akihiro run away. Poor Akihiro, never got much screen time. In our dreams or real life. I bet they're flipping us off right now, wherever the hell she is. One hand is flipping us off, and the other is flipping off the high-looking teenager writing this right now. Like seriously, ditch the baggy hoodies. You look even more emo than me, and that's saying something." Idris said.

Keiki blinked. "Huh?"

"So yeah. Asahi spilled all the 'tea' as you all would call it. Ghastly, I know? Yeah, she knew how you 'died' all along, Keiki. Oooh, the betrayal, I can just feel it now. I wish I could say I care but...I don't." He grinned.

"CHUKU?! WHY- WHY DID...." Keiki began.

Idris grinned even more. "Why didn't she tell you? Ooh, did that hurt?"


Idris' face fell. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

Saeko sipped soda audibly.

"I hope that poisons your dumbass." Idris snapped.

"I-I-" Asahi whispered.

"What can I say? Took a bit of flirting, y'know? She has a thing for emo guys. She's not my type, but it was cute, though."


"Bang. Pew. Bits of Keiki's brain go flying. Blood everywhere. Sobbing Niwa. The full shebang, Meyumi. Preeeety gory, even for my standards."

Keiki gasped like a fish out of water.

"I-...n-no...wh-" Keiki's eyes were wide open. All the memories were flooding back, too quickly for them to process. "Help- no- niwa-"

A pearly-coloured gun was clutched in Keiki's hand.

There was a loud BANG! a flash of smoke, and Keiki was gone. Literally, they were nowhere to be seen. There was no blood on the ground, no dead body, nothing to show the disappearance of another student.

Asahi screamed and screamed and screamed.

They weren't dreaming anymore.

The smell of smoke filled the air as Saeko's shrieks mingled with Asahi's screams.

Idris winced as the thump of a body hit the ground. He didn't care who it was this time.


The door suddenly opened.

Three strangers stepped in. A tall, dark skinned girl, her blue and black hair bouncing behind her. A shorter, pale girl peered at them, expressionless. Finally, a short figure glanced at them with disgust.

"What...the f*ck....happened here." The short one asked, giving them a side-eye. "We were told to come here, something about 'Danganronpa' and 'memories' and 'talking bear'. Like, what the fuck? Are you guys like....okay in the head? Do you need some help?"

Idris and Asahi glanced at each other.

"So like- d'you need our names, or something? Like seriously, drop the stares, kinda weird-" The short one glanced at the others. "If not, we can just go, 'cuz like...you all seem to be in a bit of of a....situation right now-"

The short one blinked.

"I'll take that silence as a resonating aye. So like, I'm Salem? Salem Hayes? Tall one is Keshi, quiet girl over there is Ryuu. Names seem familiar?"

Asahi's eyes widened. "Ohhh. Yeah. We know you."

"So like, why are we here?" Salem drawled.

Asahi turned to Idris. "They don't know."

"They- oh my god. Asahi. They don't f***ing-"

Asahi nodded.

"It's a new round of nightmares.."

She turned to the three.

"Welcome to Game 3, you lot.

Prepare for hell."

And as Saeko gave one last shriek of pain, they too disappeared. Where they went, no one knew. Idris was betting on it being hell.
Asahi and Idris shook their heads solemnly.

The newcomers glanced at each other nervously.

"You what?" Salem muttered.

"I'm so sorry." Asahi whispered. "So, so sorry."

Then she went silent. So did the others.

And as a loud puhuhuhhu filled the air, Idris and Asahi walked out.

"How d'you think they'll manage? The new ones? Will they make it out alive?"

"Idris....they won't. No one ever does. No one survives."

Idris frowned. "But we did, right? We're still-" He stopped suddenly as a flash of silver caught his eye.

"I'm so sorry. It's the only way to truly make it go away, Idris."

"Remember, it's not real."

notes: [references explained]
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"You're just depressed Mei isn't here for you to make eyes at, Shorty.....Too soon, Saeko. Too soon." -- references mei akamatsu's death in 'danganronpa: blood and water [game 2 of Serendibite's rp.]

"I can't look at a Build-A-Bear shop anymore-" -- references the headmaster of danganronpa 'monokuma', who is bear-like in appearance.

"The colour purple makes me want to cry..." -- references keiki's lover, niwa atsushi, who had purple hair.

"You're holding the damn knife as if it's a teddy bear." -- before mei akamatsu's death, she gave idris a knife.

"I can't stand the colour lavender." -- references mei akamatsu's [idris' lover], who had lavender-coloured hair. he can't stand the colour because it reminds him of her, as she was killed.

"I sob every time 'Space Song' comes on. Like what the hell, explain that." -- reference to a song used for an idris post in response to mei akamatsu's confession of murder.

"THEY'RE NOT AFRAID OF FIRE IDRIS, IT'S-" -- reference to saeko katsumi's pyromania.

"The mask." Idris whispered softly. "Off." -- reference to asahi mitsue's facial dysmorphia, to hide her face she wears a mask.

"Poor Akihiro, never got much screen time." -- reference to the fact that there were like two akihiro posts and i forgot about her.

"And as a loud puhuhuhhu filled the air-" -- reference to monokuma's classic catchphrase.

i hope this helped clear up any confusion <3

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 19:30 (1 Year ago)
nails and knives [keiki meyumi]
current wc: 335
tw: depression

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my name is keiki meyumi. i am 17. i was born on the 27th april in osaka, japan. i am the ultimate short story author. no more, no less.

i write stories, i flirt, i have fun. that is keiki. no more, no less.

keiki is fun. keiki is loud, bright, goofy.

keiki is not quiet, shy, small. keiki does not shy away from people. keiki is not self-concious.

keiki does not care.

no more, no less.

Keiki ran a shaking hand through matted brown hair. How long had they spent, reciting this to themselves in the bathroom, staring at the mirror, not recognising the person in the reflection?

Bags underneath their eyes marked sleepless nights. Their lips quivered as they mouthed the same words over and over.

i am keiki. keiki meyumi. keiki meyumi. keiki meyumi. keiki meyumi. keiki meyu-

"Coming, Niwa!" Keiki shouted. "I'm just....fixing my nails!" They lied.

keiki meyumi likes to do their nails. everyone knows. everyone will believe that.

Keiki took a deep breath. Emerald eyes stared at the ground as tears welled up in their eyes.

keiki doesn't cry

keiki doesn't scream

keiki doesn't feel


keiki isn't-

keiki doesn't-

"Keiki? Are you sure you're alright?"

"Of course! These nails don't look fine as hell by themselves...haa..."

i'm so sorry niwa

i'm so, so sorry

i've lied to you all along

i've lied

i've lied to myself

and to you

to you

i can't change that now

i'm so sorry

i'm so




keiki doesn't care

keiki does care

keiki's sorry


keiki doesn't care

keiki never cared

keiki does not care about anyone but themselves

keiki is a new person

i am keiki

i do not care

i'll never care

i'll never




i'll lie

and lie

and lie

to my heart's content

because i don't care

i'll play with people's feelings

who cares?

i don't



i only keep him around for fun


new keiki.





Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 25/04/2023 19:32 (1 Year ago)
pest control [idris kallikates]

current wc: 1097

winner of 'best scene' in the pokeheroes 2023 oscars!!

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Idris Kallikrates' POV

now playing: clint eastwood -- gorillaz

tw: alcohol/knives/slight blood/minor violence

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on

He staggered out of his dorm, clutching Mei's knife in one hand and a bottle of unlabelled alcohol in the other. Idris's face looked gaunt, his eyelids almost shut. His hand kept raising to pour the drink into his mouth clumsily, as he swayed down the hallways. Was the hallway always this long? He ran sleeve along his burning mouth. He took another swig of drink and groaned, stopping to steady himself. Where was he going again? Oh yeah. Idris blinked rapidly as he reached his destination.

knock knock knock

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on

"Come iiiin!" A shrill voice called out. He winced at the noise. Idris stumbled into the dorm. "Bad...idea. Keeping your door open.... I mean..." His words were slurred and he seemed to have trouble focusing.

Finally someone let me out of my cage
Now time for me is nothin', 'cause I'm countin' no age
Now I couldn't be there, now you shouldn't be scared

"...was...there always two of you.... S...aeko?"
Idris pointed at them with the knife.

Saeko stiffened. "Sh-... Idris? What...what are you doing?" They laughed nervously. "You might cause an accident with that...knife."

"I assure you...that anything I do...with the knife is never an...accident." Idris burped audibly.

Saeko wrinkled their nose. "Ew. Also, I thought you avoided alcohol...'cause of what... y'know-" They suddenly looked ashamed.

I'm good at repairs, and I'm under each snare
Intangible (ah y'all), bet you didn't think
So I command you to, panoramic view (you)
Look, I'll make it all manageable
Pick and choose, sit and lose all you different crews
Chicks and dudes, who you think is really kicking tunes?

"The past is the past....y'know? I don't want it on my mind anymore...gotta forget...somehow." He gestured to the bottle as he took another swig. Idris sighed.

"Always wonder how my dear....dear....old mother... managed it, y'know? How beating me unconscious...was never on her mind. How...her son's blood on those...those...wrinkled fingers...how she never cared..." He took another swig. "I found the answer! Works very well...for both of us, I guess. But you and I know where she got the money for said...alcohol, right?"

Saeko didn't speak.

"See...I wanna forget the past...I wanna move on, with the help of a few more bottles of this stuff." He burped again. "But to forget it...I need to deal with it...y'know? That's where this thing comes in." Idris pointed the knife at them. "And hence my arrival here."

He started to grin, a wide, twisted grin which filled Saeko with a foul sense of dread.

"I hate you. Saeko Katsumi, I hate you. You're...responsible for all the worst things...that have happened to me. That's why I have to kill you." He stepped forward.

Saeko screamed. It was an unusual sound, not human nor animal, birthed from fresh terror and the sound of something which has never known fear. It was the sound of something which knew that their days were over and it was the shrill shriek of a creature which knew that death was now inevitable.

Picture you getting down in a picture tube
Like you lit the fuse, you think it's fictional? Mystical? Maybe
Spiritual hero who appears on you to clear your view
When you're too crazy

Idris hummed the Jaws theme tune under his breath. "Dun dun...dun dun...dununununununu- DUN!" He lunged.

Another scream.

Idris snorted. "You think I'd kill you that quickly? Pfft-" He took another swig of alcohol. "You're funny, Saeko. But not funny enough to survive..." He raised a hand to his temple. "Oh god...I'm so drunk.." He sighed. "I'll regret this in the morning. Drinking, I mean. Not the part where I kill you and sing along to those annoying-ly shrill screams of yours...ugh."

Saeko whimpered. Their eyes darted around, desperately looking for a way to escape.

"How's your nose...by the way? Bad? Good. Maybe I'll break another bone before...slitting your throat."

Saeko touched their neck briefly, then whimpered again. Unfortunately they were in no position to grab their own knife, which lay in a drawer on the other side of the room, which Idris conveniently blocked.

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future is coming on

"I'm not stupid...Saeko." Idris muttered, stumbling closer. "Yeah, I'm drunk, but not enough for me to notice that you keep staring at that drawer...over there. What's there? Weapon? Knife perhaps? Matchsticks? Oh how I know you love a good old fire...right? You're gonna make me go the same way as-"



Saeko's eyes widened as the cold metal of the knife blade scratched their neck. A small tear splashed in onto the handle. They could see their terrified reflection, reflected back in the teardrop.

They opened their mouth to scream but-

"No one.... will come and save you...not after I tell them what you've done. Nobody cares...about you. Katsumi."

With a high pitched shriek, Saeko pushed past Idris.


"...shut the hell up...otherwise I'll cut your tongue out first. Can't beg for mercy when your bloody tongue is laying on the floor...right?" Idris chugged the rest of the bottle.

The tip of the knife danced across the skin on Saeko's neck.

They suddenly froze, holding their breath and scrunching their eyes shut.

"Hoping I'll make it quick? Aww...how...how...pathetic. Spineless rat." He spat.

"Hmm...I wonder. What should I carve first. Your.....face, perhaps?"

The knife dug into Saeko's skin.

A small, crimson teardrop ran down their face.

"I'm going to have fun with this."

I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine in a bag
I'm useless but not for long
The future (that's right) is coming on
It's coming on, it's coming on
It's coming on, it's coming on

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 02/05/2023 14:17 (1 Year ago)
ignis [saeko katsumi]

current wc: ???

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 10/05/2023 21:47 (1 Year ago)
joy at the end of the world [salem hayes + eden sorrows]

heheheh wip

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"You do realise we have like...an hour or two until life on planet earth as we know it freaking explodes, right?" Salem muttered. "And you're just...napping?"

Eden mumbled incoherently as they threw a pillow at Salem sleepily.

"Hello?? We're gonna die and you're sleeping?? Are you not even the slightest bit worried about this?" Salem prodded the sleeping pixie.

Eden threw another pillow at him.

"I know you have 'insane luck' or something, but I doubt that's going to prevent the freaking meteor which is gonna hit our house in like what....57 minutes??"

No response.

"Oh god. Oh god. We're going to die. We're all going to die and I'm gonna to die alone whilst my best friend is NAPPING! WAKE UP, PLEASE, I-" Salem's sobbing was cut short by a very awake and very annoyed pixie.

"I keep telling you, don't worry, we'll-"

"You always say that, Delly!" Salem interjected.

"Don't call me Delly, and second, when have I ever been wrong?"

Salem pursed his lips. "Ugh. I guess you've not been wrong. Yet, but c'mon, how can we possibly be saved by your 'luck'. It's a meteor, for goodness sake."

Eden scowled. "Why don't you ever trust me, Hayes?"

"I do trust you! It's just...hello?? It's a meteor??"

"Oh thank you for pointing it out, Salem. I would never have known it was a meteor, until you pointed it out, the last fifteen times. Good job."

Salem pouted. "Aughhh, I dunno- I dunnooooo-"

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 11/05/2023 21:09 (1 Year ago)
VENOM [idris kallikrates]

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 25/05/2023 20:00 (1 Year ago)
and then the world came crashing down [idris kallikrates]

tw//: death, blood, murder

final word count: 854

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Quoteresponse to this

au where idris stumbles on mei akamatsu's body: idris' pov

No. No. Nonononono- this wasn't how it was supposed to be. They were supposed to get out of here, together. Unmask the mastermind and everything, together. Not together together, like in a soppy way- but he wouldn't have minded that. It felt weird to finally come to terms with that. Idris really cared for her. Maybe it was only feelings on his part. He didn't care.

But it was all over. The colour was fading out of her skin, her eyes, her hair. Limp, dull purple hair. It was his favourite shade of purple.

"You're okay, you're okay, you're okay-" He muttered, his panic rising. His dark eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to spill. He was saying that to reassure himself, that she's fine. She'll be alright. Right? RIGHT?

"heh, what, it's just a few cuts and bruises, i'll be fine~"

Yes, yes. Of course you will Mei. I'm here. I can fix you up, y'know? I'll carry you to the Nurse's office, just like before. You'll be a-okay.

who am i kidding, i'm dead, idris.

"No. No you're not. It's just a scratch. Just a scratch. Just a scratch."

"i'm dying, and you and i both now there's nothing we can do." You don't know that Mei. You don't know me. There was so many things I could've told you, so many things I should've said. So many I wanted to but never did.

He watched as her hand rose and fell. In a moment of sorrow, he touched it lightly, ignoring the pain coursing through his hands. He didn't care. Never would. Never will. Just hang in a little longer, Mei.

"forget about me idris, do yourself a favor. my killer did, they did the world a favor."

"Favor, pfft. Favor, my ass, Mei. They've done the world a disservice." He whispered, trying to hold back tears.

Who killed you Mei? Saeko? Darcy?

I'll kill them for you, Mei. I'll tear them limb from limb until they feel the pain I'm feeling right now, I'll do it now, in front of you. Just tell me who it is now, utter their names and I'll have their head next to your hospital bed. Because you're not dying yet, Mei. Not now, not ever. Please.

i haven't changed, really, even in death i still want to see this crappy world burn, i wanted to see everyone suffer at my hands, even when you were standing right there."

"I did too." I would've done it, in a heartbeat. We could've taken over the damn world Mei. You and I.

You'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine.

"the world has been done a favor, now no one will be able to suffer at my grasp, not even you."
Idris smiled sadly.

"I never suffered. In fact, I was happy, Mei. You made me happy. As crappy as the Killing Game has been so far, you were the only thing making it worth living Mei. The only thing making life worth living. That's why you can't leave me now." Not now, not ever.

He bit his lip to keep the stupid stuff from spilling from his mouth. The last thing Mei needed on her deathbed was a confession of love.

"you should've listened to me, idris, you should've never gotten attached. now look where we are, funny isn't it? i would say it's all your fault, but..."

Yes Mei, it's my fault. I didn't save you quickly enough. I should've been there. Should've been there for you. I'll never leave your side again, you hear me? Just hold on a little longer. Please. You're okay. You're okay.

"I-" He sighed.

"it was all mine, wasn't it?" No. Nonono. Never. You're fine. You're okay. It's not your fault. Never was. Never will be.

You're okay.

"i'll never get to see you again, will i? hell isn't a place for people like you.

"Yes. You will. You're okay, Mei! It's fine. I'll get you help! We'll be back to annoying Akari in no time. No time at all, okay? Okay?" Tears ran down his face.

"You're listening to me, right? You're not dying. You're just hurt. It'll all be fine!"

You're okay!

You're okay!

You're okay!

i deserved this, but you didn't deserve the cruel fate you walked into, you should've hated me.

"I couldn't. Have hated you." He whispered, his voice breaking.

i tried so hard to be a little jerk, make everyone hate me, but you refused.

He couldn't speak, only mumble over and over.

You're okay.

You're okay.

"i can almost see those thick, rose-colored lenses."

"Pfft- Mei. There were no thick, rose-coloured lenses. It was just, you. I never saw all the little jerk stuff, just a funny gal. A funny gal who I really, really care for. One who I- really, really like."

"So you can't leave me now, not after this. You'll be taunting me for eternity up there. You're okay." Idris ignored the blood glued to the hands, and rapidly flowing from Mei's body.

"They look good on you."


You're okay!

You're okay.

You're okay.



Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Thu, 08/06/2023 22:35 (1 Year ago)
23:22 [ignis]
final wc: 124
tw//: depression

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ignis [Latin] :

to light, to make a fire

teardrops stain my cheeks, melting flesh and bone. they burn so badly, burn with the agony and suffering that I've kept bottled up for so long. like a broken dam they come spilling out, waves of fire and magma and woe. I'm curled up on the floor. tear-stained floor. my whole body is made of glass, fragile, slowly breaking as every wave of sadness hits me like a bullet from a gun. there's a gaping hole in my head from where cupid hit the bullseye. there's a gaping hole in my heart wishing he didn't miss the second time. my eyes start to droop. i crave darkness. i crave the sweet bliss from sleep.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 06/09/2023 20:20 (1 Year ago)
final wc:
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ahh, valentine's day. love's in the air, smiling couples holding hands, bouquets of roses, boxes of chocolates. that's valentine's day for all you humans, but for me? the literal cherub cupid?? it's a nightmare.

you wouldn't think so, would you? with one hit of my arrow, i can make you fall in love with anyone, who wouldn't want that power? seems all fun and games, right?

no. just no.

it's torture.

i have to listen to all of your hopeful wishes, like 'oooh i hope jared asks me out today!', and 'i hope jessica doesn't reject me!'. and yeah, these are all genuine wishes i've heard.

wishes, you ask? well, ever had feelings for a certain someone, and silently pray you bump into them in the corridor, or that they're in your history class? and that it actually happens? who do you think is responsible for that.... yeah, it's me.

i do all of that!

unfortunately i'm forced to, my bosses are insistent
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2023 12:15 (1 Year ago)
cold and cruel [idris kallikrates]
final wc: 624
can also be found: here

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Idris Kallikrates

he woke up with a yell and a knife in his hand


these nightmares were getting out of control. he chucked his knife on the bed and groaned. it was so embarrassing, these nightmares. he wasn't 12 again, for goodness sake, these nightmares should've stopperd a long time ago. he thought he was getting somewhere, with his new therapist and all that, but then he happened to go and mysteriously 'disappear' and all his progress was ruined. he missed his therapist, she was the closest thing he had to a mother, embarrassingly. he oddly felt at times like she actually cared about him, and was the only person who would listen to him. she even believed him about his mother. she was the only one. maybe if she hadn't gone...

he groaned again. stupid 12 year old idris. he used to pray every night, that she'd...decide to adopt him.

it was a stupid hope, he knew deep down. she was the only person who'd ever been nice to him, apart from his father.

he felt embarrassed just thinking about it. she was his therapist, for goodness sake. she probably pretended to care, just for the money. right?

'cause no one ever did care.

he sounded so stupid right now, with his 'no one cares about me', emo-type crap. sometimes he wished the ground would swallow him up so he could escape this cycle of self-loathing.

he closed his eyes, and wished he was back there, in that bright office of hers. it was always tidy, always full of vibrant plants, adorned with colourful bookshelves with books on the topic of therapy.

he just wanted someone to say 'it's going to be fine' just one last time to him.

just one last goddamn time.

was it so hard to ask?

he slumped on the ground. he felt...broken. lost, even. everyone he cared for was dead. all dead. all gone.

it wasn't fair. he felt like a little kid thinking this, so pitiful, but it wasn't fair.

why? why him?

why did this always happen to him? why did everyone he love have to be dead?



why every single goddamn time he gets close to someone, why do they have to die??? WHY??? ITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIRITSNOTFAIR

it's not fair

it'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfair it'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfair it'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfair it'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfair it'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfairit'snotfair-

the knife looked so shiny. so...cold. so cruel. so beautiful. he ran a finger across it's tip. it was sharp. cold and sharp. like an icicle.

he liked icicles. they were cool. he hated winter though.

winter was cold. idris didn't like the cold. winter was bad. winter was dark.

idris didn't like the dark.

you couldn't see. you were blind.

idris didn't like the dark.

his childhood fear growing up was the dark.

probably because of all the times he locked himself in the cupboard.

Idris was good at hiding

he hid all the time

his feelings



from himself

from his friends

from everyone

someday they'd come back to haunt him

to get him

to bite him

maybe that someday was now

he clutched his head. everything had taken a toll on him. the deaths, the murders. mei... it was too much. it all came crashing down. the lack of hope. the despair. how could anyone be happy at a time like this? how?????

how. how. how. how. how

surely everyone else must be some sort of psycho

unless he was the psycho

oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god

his breathing became erratic.

oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god

he covered his ears and eyes and brought his knees to his chest.

it was too much death.

he couldn't be 'mr tough guy' anymore

he wanted to die.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 21:56 (1 Year ago)
confessions of a runaway lover

status: writing rn!
tw:// none so far
final wc:

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i'm so sorry

believe me i am, i wouldve written this sooner if-

i doubt you'd believe me, now, after everything. ive caused you so much pain, haven't i? i shouldnt have left, i shouldnt have. looking back, i dont-

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 22:52 (1 Year ago)
blind freedom

final wc: 452
tw//: death/violence

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i have to obey him for these precious moments, mere minutes, seconds even of life. is it even worth it anymore? my fragile existence on the line, gone whenever he wants?

i live in constant fear, worrying that he'll appear behind me, those wicked eyes full of hatred, thin lips curled in a smile which makes me feel sick.

his thin, spindly fingers, practically bone, clasp a rusted knife, the reflection blade glinting angrily in his eyes. there's a greedy expression on his face.

even his presence makes me tremble.

he loves to toy with my fears, doesn't he?

the fear of death is his weapon.

my nightmares are full of him. eyes boring holes into me. pointed features that could cut skin. bone-like fingers clasping my

the rest of us are forgotten. either dead or deep, deep underground, where their foolish hopes start to dwindle as they realise there's no escape.

he is all powerful

we are nothing.

what did i do to deserve this?

why me? why does he make me go and do his dirty work?

i hate it, despite it being the only reason i'm alive today

is it really worth it anymore?

if existence is miserable and death can't be much worse?

it doesn't matter, sooner or later.

i'll either fail him or he'll grow bored

and happily slaughter me and sing along to my screams

his cruel tasks, both horrible and impossible will be the death of me.

he knows i cannot complete them

he's taunting me at this point.

not just me:

friend gets pitted against friend

the few of us who remain kill to compete for freedom

there is no freedom

it's just death

just death

just death

the tasks i do


new ones with fresh horrors every single day, a cycle of death and death and death and death and death and death and

i can't do this anymore

the joke i cannot tell for him : in my state of fear

the timed task i failed at : was that not enough time for you? he'd cruelly say, clasping my face with his cold fingers

the death i cannot embrace : even though it's a better place than here

the freedom i'll never achieve : it never existed it never existed it never existed it never existed

he feels no emotion, an empty shell, a husk

never tires

i await death patiently

a blessing at this point


i stumble in the darkness, looking for a way out, looking for that precious sweet light at the end of the tunnel and

there is no light at the end of the tunnel

never was

just darkness

and that darkness

is him
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 17/01/2024 22:11 (1 Year ago)
the end of an era
tw//: suicide
final wc: 761

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"They'll all choose to die in the end. We'll be fine! We've won, Keiki!"

"We've won!





How was this- how was any of this....

how have we won?

Everything seemed to slow down at this very moment, Keiki's vision narrowed, blurring out the dead bodies of the Ultimates and focusing on those dark, ruby eyes. Round, soft, the colour of blood.

A pearly tear welled in Keiki's eye, and ran down softly down pale skin, caressing narrow lips before falling and dripping on the cold, bloody stone floor.



The face of his lover. Beautiful. In the midst of shock and horror Keiki couldn't stop themselves from marvelling at Niwa's handsome face. The face of a killer.


They clutched their head, brown shoots of hair sprouting out of bone-white fingers, covered in small cuts. Ringing filled their ears, loud and shrill.




Keiki couldn't look him in the eyes. Couldn't lift a hand to embrace warm, olive skin like they used to.

Their lips were glued together. Couldn't open a mouth to tease, to shout 'Niwa-face!'

Couldn't open to scream.

Keiki sobbed. Tears trickled down their face, and finally Keiki opened their mouth.

To yell.



Screaming as if they've never screamed before, shouts of pure anguish, terror, shock. It tore from their throat, an animalistic roar of horror.

And mourning.

"....niwa?" Keiki shrieked in between short, loud gasps.

"why....WHY-" They screamed.


"HOW IS THIS- ...how is any of this....FREE?"

They paced back and forwards, a mad look in their eyes.

"Free? My friends are dead my friends are dead my friends are dead-" They choked out. "Oh my gawd-"

Their chest was heaving.

"I can't breathe, I can't do this anymore."

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" They yelled at Niwa. "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THIS? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME- I thought- oh my gawd I thought-"


Their eyes moved to the gun.

"I'll end it." Keiki whispered softly. "I'll end it all. All...in one bullet. I won't have to suffer anymore."

They laughed.

A loud, shrill laugh that echoed around the room.

"It's funny, it's so funny...

how you thought I'd be okay with all...

all this?"

They gestured to the bodies.

"You're funny, Niwa. You really are." They spat.

They glanced up at Niwa, and grimaced. The twinge of their heart said otherwise.

how do i still love you, despite all this?

"I hate you." They lied.

Keiki took a deep breath and-

"Pass me the gun, Niwa." They whispered coolly, tears still running down their face.







Shaking fingers wrapped themselves around a cool steel handle. Another hand dug into their battered satchel.

"A parting gift. From a liar to another liar. You'll understand."

A sheet of lined paper fluttered out of their hand, and landed in a pool of Nakata's blood.

"A poem." They smiled a sad smile. "You'd expect a short story from the Ultimate Short Story Author, right?" They smiled again. "I thought a poem would be more...effective. And possibly romantic."

Keiki sighed. "You broke my heart. I want you to know that Niwa. I want that thought to torment you every day, I want you to wake up to night terrors of seeing this very moment repeat itself again, and again, and again, and you will never be able to change it."

"Niwa...you knew my secret from the very start, didn't you?

You figured it out. Yet...you really believed that I'd go with you. After all this crap? Did I love you that goddamn much?"

Their smile faded.

"Maybe I did."

"I should've killed you when I had the chance.

But I didn't. Why?"



"Why. It's always that funny word, 'why'. Like why did you do this? Why did you kill the Ultimates? Why did you love me in the first place even if-"

They shook their head.

"A final 'why' question for you, eh, Niwa-face?"

Keiki took one last look at Niwa's handsome face and smiled.

"Why, after all of this, did you expect me to feel free?"

They loaded the gun.

"Goodbye sweetcheeks. I'll see you in hell."

Keiki blew him a kiss.


A loud thud resonated across the room.

Keiki's mouth was slightly ajar, as if to ask, again...


Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 11:41 (9 Months ago)
this was written in like april, i js forgot to post it
happy birthday daiko <3

denial : idris kallikrates + mei akamtasu
tw:// murder/blood/knife/mentions of suicide
final wc: 791

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'Y'know, sometimes I wonder how the outside world is like right now. I wonder if maybe, there's someone out there who cares for me.....or you.' He glanced up at her, and tilted his head. 'Some may call it a foolish thought, considering I have literally nobody left that feels some level of care for me. But still. You never know...maybe there's someone. it's a comforting thought, y'know? Having someone who cares about you."

"I don't think you have to worry. You have me, after all.." Idris winked at her and grinned slightly. "I'm going all sappy, ain't I? This isn't the Idris you're used to, is it?" he stared into the distance.

"You're unusually quiet, y'know? Makes me feel like you're plotting something.....normally you're the one who does all the yapping-" Idris grinned again. "-still, I guess there isn't much to yap about anymore, considering our circumstances..." he gestured to their surroundings.

"What will you do, if we-, you get outta this hell-hole, hmm?" he glanced upwards again. "Me, personally...I dunno what I'd do. I think I'd try and get a job. something cool. Not sure really- there's not much I can actually do....sure, I'm the 'ultimate linguist' and all that bullcrap, but....it's not the best talent to have. Doesn't scream 'cool' to you, does it? More like...'ultimate nerd.'

I guess it'd be hard to get a job with my criminal record." he grimaced.

"What about you? What kinda job would you get?" he turned to face her.

He squinted. "I'm not sure what job I'd see you having. You'll probably continue being an awesome gambler." he grinned. "I tried poker before...y'know? Back when we were struggling...I was awful at it. You should teach me, if you have the time..?"

There was an unusual silence, and Idris shifted uncomfortably.

"It's stupid, though. There's no chance we'll get out of here, right? The whole blackened thing is just....bullcrap. I don't wanna murder someone to get out of here, y'know? No matter how crappy this place is. I-I....just couldn't do it."

He groaned.

"I seem so weak 'n pathetic right now, god."

He glanced up at her again. I'm not usually like this, y'know?" he fiddled with his gloves. "But lately, it feels like the floodgates have opened and I-I can't hide anything anymore." He grimaced. "...and I'm stuttering too. God, it feels like I'm the most pathetic creature to walk this earth right now."

He cussed underneath his breath.

"I'm not good with this 'emotions' bullcrap.

It's weird talking to you about it..."

He paused.

"You not gonna say anything?" he frowned. "I hope you're not silently judging me, then..." He winked.

"Anyways, as I was saying-"

He shook his head.

"I have no idea who in their right mind would do such a thing-

kill someone-

to get out?

it's just so...so....selfish....

so, so goddamn awf-"

a flash of silver caught his eye.

He glanced up at her. There was a small tear in the corner of her eye.

"no- no- no-, c'mon, Mei-"


...was this what you were planning?

...staying so goddamn silent....



She tilted her head.

"You can get out another way-



She watched him beg for his life.

"We're friends, right? Please-"


Pain flooded his body.

He screamed.

It was a loud, jarring noise-

A scream birthed of fresh agony and pain-

It resonated within the corridor, echoing into the nearby rooms.

He screamed and screamed and screamed until his throat was raw and even after he continue to scream.

The pain was blinding.

He fell to his knees, blood pooling the area around him.

Idris glanced at the knife handle protruding from his side.

"...you wanna get out, right? There's someone out there for you....a-apart from me...right? You want to get o-out....no...you have to get out."

Then, he glanced up at her. He knew what he would do. Sure, it was stupid but-

He still cared for her-

Despite everything.

"......get away with it, won't you? If you get caught....we both die. So like...don't...get caught? O-otherwise...." He grunted. "This will all....be...for nothing-"

He pulled the knife out, stifling a yell. Then, he took his gloves off and wrapped his hands around the knife handle.

"....this....convincing....enough?.....will....it look....like a-


His dark eyes watched her intently.


He grinned. "....good."

"....I guess...I-in the end....both of us.....are free-"

"One way...or another...right, Mei?"

He glanced upwards one more time, his dark eyes meeting her lavender ones, his favourite colour. Idris smiled. He was happy, that he would die in the face of something so...beautiful. His head slumped down, and his body fell to the ground, with an audible thump.

Then everything went quiet, apart from the soft gurgling of blood trickling out of his side.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 19:04 (8 Months ago)
the scent of charred flesh and the sudden feeling of warmth

a random scene i was 'dared' to write by an old crush of mine :3

slightly altered from the original prompt because frankly the names suggested for the scene were ummm....awful.

tw:// fire

final wc: n/a

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the world was on fire. charred, black, twisted branches crackling and hitting the forest floor with a little pitter-patter of thumps. the tongues of fires danced up and down like pixies. the bright green colours of the tree were long gone, taken by the fire; beautiful things were always the first to go.

they just looked at each each other, puzzled, no- mesmerised.

the fire snapped and crackled and fizzed, dancing and twisting in the cool breeze. a sharp gust whipped through their hair as they watched one another.

"who's done this then, eh mark?" the man was short, fair-skinned, with deep, sunken, expressive eyes. they reflected the glowing embers, even as they remained cold and fixed on his companion.

"couldn’t tell ya, dave." the taller, darker-skinned man laughed softly, but there was no mirth to his eyes. with a hooked nose and eyes that resembled small black pits, he was a miserable looking fellow. yet like his companion, he too looked utterly mesmerised.

it was enthralling, the flaming tongues of red, orange, black, yellow, battling for control. light versus dark, good versus evil.

"you have it too, don’t you?" mark was frowning. his eyes seemed to be staring into the tree, or somewhere past it. his mouth moved in some silent prayer that slowly morphed into words. “this weird feeling...I just...I just want touch it. I just wanna feel it, I wanna touch the flames, I wanna touch them so goddamn badly-"

".....i-" dave cut himself off. with some odd look in his eyes, he made for the tree. his movement didn’t seem to be fully his- he jerked forward with each step, nearly about to fall flat on his face before he caught himself.

left. right. left. right. left. right.


and closer.

he stumbled once.

the fire reached him.

the flames danced carelessly. an ember brushed the top of his dirty blonde hair, singing his eyebrows. they curled and twisted around him, embracing his form as the blaze grew and grew and grew, a roaring, blazing, roaring column of fire and ash that swirled and swirled around the tree.

tysm for serendibite for helping me adjust some points, you're fab <3