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Spiritual Virus (Always Accepting!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Spiritual Virus (Always Accepting!)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 12:49 (6 Years ago)
Long ago, when the Earth was yet to exist, the Spirits were born.
Gallias, the creator, and Trenika, the destroyer, made them as part of an agreement. The two loved each other very much, but they were so different that arguments arose often. The Spirits fixed these quarrels. Each represented something in the Universe, and had control over their element.
There was Magicae, the firstborn, a creature of the seemingly unknown forces of the universe. She was fearless and stubborn, and did not take challenge to her position as the leader of her siblings kindly. Then there was Destini, the second oldest and the first brother, a creature of chance, decisions, and fate. He was difficult and confident, and liked being the one in charge.
Much to the dismay of their siblings, the two oldest fought constantly, and it soon became troubling to Gallias and Trenika, but they did nothing about it. They believed that after a few hundred years, the two would settle and all would be well again. Unfortunately, that was not so, and it soon became apparent that Destini and Magicae were always going to hate each other. Even so, the parents did not think all of their children would be effected, but they were very wrong.
Soon, all of them were fighting each other, not just Destini and Magicae. Sibling turning on sibling, going past words and beginning to turn violent. Gallias and Trenika reluctantly decided they must do something, before the Universe was ripped apart completely. So, they sent their children to a new planet, called Earth, giving them a place where they could be apart, yet monitored.
For billions of years, the siblings were contented. They did not speak to each other, save for a few strange incidents, and the planet prospered under the careful eyes of the Spirits. Then, the discovery of so-called 'mythical creatures' came, and AMCP was formed.
The Association for Mythical Creature Protection was perfect. It allowed humans and the odd array of fascinating creatures to become closer. They weren't really mythical creatures, of course. They were aliens. But mythical creatures kept the public calmer, so that's what they called them. But, in the typical fashion of every good thing that's ever happened, something terrible reared it's ugly head.
A virus.
It was deadly, and so far incurable. It worked quickly on the mythical creatures, leaving them to suffer for 24 hours before they died. AMCP struggled, trying to keep the news from the public while also searching for a cure. They soon realized that the only way they could fix this fast enough would he to find the Spirits. All of ten of them.
So they've recruited you. Whether you're a mythical creature yourself, or a human, you have to help hunt down the Spirits. It'll be difficult, but they think you can do it. And if you fail? Well, the virus has already show it's perfectly capable of adapting to multiple species.
Earth could soon be dead.

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-Normal PH rules apply
-Normal RP rules apply
-Seriously, no powerplaying
-You may have as many characters as you want
-You can be either human or mythical creature (which is basically alien but whatever), but you may not be one of the Spirits
-Any questions? Dont be afraid to ask!
-More will be added if needed

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[b]Full Name:[/b]

-My Forms-
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Full Name:
Almaru-Raquiri Eailoque Naviaera (Roughly translates to Sacred Flame of the Fierce Angel)
Prefers Maru, but Almaru is fine too. Don't even attempt her full name, you'll get it wrong.
Around 20-22 in Earth years, looks about that age, too
Female, as far as anyone can tell
Maru looks very human, and can usually pass for one if it's only a quick glance. She stands at about 5'10 (tall for her species), with black hair kept up in a messy bun most of the time. Her eyes are a startling, piercing icy blue color - another oddity in her species, as most of them have black or brown - and her skin is somewhere between pale and tan. Her ears are slightly pointed (don't make the mistake of saying she looks like an elf), and her pupils are square, but that's hardly ever noticed. The real kicker is that the skin from about mid-chest to her ankles is laced with swirling shapes and what could possibly be bits of other, alien, languages. When passing off as human, mostly to avoid attention, that means no shorts, so she frequents leggings instead, and usually wears tank tops, but will add a jacket if necessary. If not passing as human, which she does most often, she keeps her tank tops but switches to leggings that cut off at the knee, occasionally a bit higher. Sneakers are a must, and she doesn't wear jewelry, save for the hair bands she keeps around her wrists.
Don't trust her charming appearance, she can be a real menace. Maru has a short temper, and tends to lean towards more "stab first, ask questions later." She's certainly not an idiot, though, and she can tell with amazing accuracy whether she'll win a fight or not - and won't retaliate unless it's a last resort. She has basically zero people skills, but is good at knowing exactly what someone else will want in return for what she wants, and it aids her well. To add to that, she knows a lot of people, and a lot of species. She can usually recall at least something about what she's facing, and therefore is better at fighting it.
Unknown, probably not.
-Has what she calls "holy fire", this odd blue flame (the color of her eyes) that she can generate from her hands. Some says it's hot, others cold, a few say it just tickles.

Full Name:
Tanieao Quirrei
About 193 in Earth years
Male, often misgendered as female

Fate is quiet, preferring to think rather than to babble. He's quite the well of knowledge, and knows a lot about the Spirits, and other aliens in general. He can be quiet and shy, even skittish at first, but he's very sweet once he warms up to you. Fate also enjoys singing, his voice seems to shift the moods of others at will, but he's scared of being judged on it, so he rarely even speaks.
None known

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 16:17 (6 Years ago)
Full Name: Sam Smith
Nickname: Sam
Age: 17
Gender: ????
Appearance: Wears a unisex tuxedo. Has smooth black hair going down the shoulders and green eyes. When in hot weather the tuxedo jacket will be removed revealing a long sleeved white button up shirt.
Personality: Eccentric and loves to gamble. Constantly counting numbers and looking for a pattern. Also usually does many things by habit. Great with faking emotions or bluffing.
Crush/BF/GF: None.
Other: Carries around a rigged deck of cards and a rigged coin to help with gambles.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 16:23 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! uwu
Advertise, possibly? :3

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 16:26 (6 Years ago)
Sure. I'll get Atavan.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 16:48 (6 Years ago)
Full Name: Lilith Romirez.
Nickname: N/A.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Lilith has firey red hair with black tips on the end and electric green eyes. Her skin isn't pale but it's not a golden tan either. Somewhere in between is a better description. She likes to wear a black shirt that has black and white stripes on the arms, a white hoodless hoodie, a white scarf that she wears as a hood for her hoodie, black ripped jeans, and black combat boots. She also has a dark metal coffin necklace that holds a small dagger.
Personality: She is inventive and not quite the people person but she deals with them. She always has a hands-on approach to what she does. If she learns to trust you she will be inclined to give you a nickname. Oh yeah, she is also a kleptomaniac.
Crush/BF/GF: None.
Other: Has a backpack that is filled with random nick nacks of rather questionable origins. (Aka most of the items she owns have been stolen.)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 20:48 (6 Years ago)
I'm never going to be able to take your character seriously with that name
Accepted! uwu
Advertise, please?

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 318
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 22:11 (6 Years ago)

The temptation to make another girl name Meg is extremely high right now.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 23:28 (6 Years ago)
Full Name:
Margaret Emily Kamptin
Margaret is 5'1", and is often mistaken for a middle school kid, instead of a teenager. She has pierced ears, attached earlobes, blueish-green/greenish-blue eyes, naturally reddish-pink lips, short extremely curly dark brown hair, and a kind smile on her face almost all the time. Her finger nails tend to be short and bitten. Margaret is often seen with marker ink dots on her nose from scented markers. Her skin is a bit tanned, with brown freckles all over her arms, nose, and the tops of her cheeks. She wears a variety of outfits, but one consistant thing is that she wears glasses with clear, rectangle shaped frames. She is also kinda plump.
Margaret is an awkward person with a kind heart. Since Margaret was always the youngest in her immediate family, she always felt the need to out-do everyone, to prove to her family that she doesn't need help with everything. She can get very emotional easily, and doesn't handle death well. She absolutely loves sweets and junk-food. She loves animals, but refuses to interact with spiders and poisonous creatures. Margaret hopes to one day find her true love and have kids with him. She is artsy and absolutely LOVES Nintendo games.

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 25/09/2017 23:46 (6 Years ago)
If you do I will be forced to make Gabriel
Accepted! uwu
Feel free to advertise!

Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 20:24 (6 Years ago)
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Full Name: Felrukou Pyarr- Oronav Craqar (Closest Translation to English- Fairy Blade. Oronav has no real meaning since it's the Name of the Swarm, Not a Word. Cragar is a Title- Equivalent of "Prince")
Nickname: Most people of Earth cant properly say his name and so they created an Alternative Name that he goes by- Felix.
Age: 17. Male Ciarroks have same lifespan and speed of growth as Humans.
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has an Humanoid Posture, Being only a little slouched. As Humans he has two arms and legs but he is far from what would be considered fully humanoid as he has alot of aspects of Reptilians and Insectoids.
He has a Dark Gray Exoskeleton consisting of small plates. It starts at the place just below his Forehead (Where eyes should be) and goes to back of his neck and progresses almost to the tip of the tail. (Snout, Chest and lower parts of his body lack any Exoskeleton and show the actual skin)
His head bears more resemblance to a lizard with its long snout- His skin is darkish purple (Similar to a color of Grapes) with patches of seaweed green. He lacks Eyes and visible ears. There are two pairs of dark green pinpoints along his snout (They almost appear as tiny rocks settled to his skin) Those are Heat Pits that allow him to "see" as he detects heat and temperatures (Basically thermal vision)
The rest of his body looks strikingly human- He has arms like us, They only lack little finger and their nails are replaced with thin round claws that are similar to claws of jungle nymph. They are really small so they don't get in the way.
He also has legs that bear a resemblance to a more humanoid version of mole cricket legs. There isn't any exoskeleton on them and they are unprotected.
He also has a long lizard-like tail, Upper half of it is covered in a plate of grey endoskeleton while the rest of it is covered in skin that has Felixes colors (As i said, Grape Purple with patches of Seaweed green). Long Purplish ribbons are wrapped on his tail with three silverly stones hanging from it- They can be used as a chime and they aid in a form of echolocation.

Offsprings of Queen tend to be more Lizard-Like than their usual counterparts. This makes them able to move way faster. They also tend to be more muscular but Felix is quite a weakling compared to others.

Felix also wanted to fit more with the humans and so he wears a gray short-sleeved sweater with dark green stripes and green pajama trousers with gray dots. He tried to wear shoes too but it has proven to be quite an impossible challenge...

Personality: Felix was greatly affected in the time he spent on the Earth and alongside Members of AMCP. He used to be incredibly silent and he acted much as a not-sentient robot (Being second youngest out of 12 siblings and developing slower than any other usually does that to you). He didn't had much of visible personality traits and didn't even talked much as he only followed the order of his Older Brother (9th Sibling) who interacted with most humans....
As his Brother left to their Homeland Felix chose to remain a little longer. He slowly started breaking out of his shell and his true colors were shown, In small amounts of course- He values every information you give him and he is curious about everything and if you tell him about an interesting subject there is possibility that he will bombard you with questions, If you let him of course.
He has a desire to help people around him but often doesn't bring himself to actually help. He usually needs some support or the person needing help must be really important to him. to actually do something.. Of course, Not every help is the best one. (He once overheard two AMCP Members talking about how there isn't much Nature inside their base. He and two other Aliens ended up bringing bags of dirt and vegetable seeds into the base and they tried to turn one of the corridors into a garden... It didn't go very well as you may guess.)
You have to be careful around him as he can easily retract to his shell in a matter of seconds- He is emotional and really jumpy, To say at least. A Louder voice or even a glare can silent him and put his head down.
He can panic easily and he cant stand up for himself but he can usually read peoples emotions very well. He also puts a trust in others really easily and its soo strong that its almost impossible to break it (Even if you betrayed him numerous times he would still believe that you are Good Person), Its most likely because he is always trying to see best in other people (He just doesn't put nearly enough trust in himself)
He likes to talk, Even though he is not the best in it, but you most likely have to be the one to start the conversation...
In the End- He is a Follower, Not a Leader. He is a Dreamer that has quite a problem with making his dreams come true and he puts others above himself.
Crush/BF/GF: None.
Other: He is Ciarrok- Member of Insectoid Alien Species which connected with AMCP just two years ago. There are only two known swarms- Kuonbin (The Elite Swarm which is led by Empress, Mother of all Queens) and Oronav (Led by Queen Geftreth, Felixes Mother). It's certain that there are other swarms out there but they didn't show any desire to connect with Humans.
Ciarroks as sentient and smart as Humans but they never entered the age of Technology.
All of them are Religious (Those who are not are exposed of) and believe that the Empress is Godly Being who controls the Solar Objects and that she could wipe out the entire race if they weren't obedient enough.
Ciarrok Males are treated as Middle-class citizens while Females are considered the Upper Class. Most Males are not able to leave the Swarm without a permission and they are all born with a purpose- Most of them will work for rest of their life. Felix, Being a Son of Queen, has more freedom.
Females have a heavier build and they have Insect Wings that allow them to glide long distances. (Only Queens are able to fully fly. Its Unknown if Empress has Wings at all but its widely accepted that she must have at least five pairs of wings)
Ciarroks also have a sense called Hive Mind that allows them to speak to their respective Queen at long distances but Felix has blocked this ability out (He also is simply far too away from home so he would not be able to make out words anyway).

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 27/09/2017 20:50 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! uwu
Advertise, please? And thank you!

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 75
Posted: Sun, 01/10/2017 03:59 (6 Years ago)
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Full Name:Jake Thoger Scriff
Appearance:wearing white pants with a white shirt and a white jacket that goes down to his feet, and is always carrying a silver coated trumpet with him in a white case just in case he decides he wants to practice or annoy somebody.
Personality:he hates being annoyed, but he likes annoying others. He
Other:Some will call him heavens fury because he wears white