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1x1 with AuroraNightshade

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 with AuroraNightshade
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 22:12 (8 Years ago)
This all takes place in an alternate Earth where dragon, demons, angels and humans live. There are many different cities scattered all around the world, composed of mixes or singularly demons, angels and humans. Traveling Demon Hunters look for jobs to eradicate demons going town to town.
Some demons kill humans for food, fun, or survival. They come in many forms, shapes, and sizes, and no two demons are really alike.
Angels prefer to stay out of trouble, and are hated by the demons, and by some humans. It also goes the other way. Demons hate humans, and even some humans hate demons and angels. It all depends on the person.
The dragons prefer to blend in as there are cults and such who hate dragons for various reasons, some religious, some personal, some just like the thrill of the hunt.
There are some unions formed by demons/humans/angels who band together to hunt the other races.

My forms. Not sure if I'll use them both/all and I might add more so there really isn't a limit to how many you can have...
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[[ NAME ]] Nathana Corazon

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] She is female and is Pansexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 241


~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Long sword, or one of her animal shapes

~> [[ ABILITY? ]] Shapeshifting
~> [[ SPECIES? ]] Animalia

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Nathana stands about 5'3'', her long sword hangs from a belt around her waist and falls short of her ankle. Her golden eyes are speckled with rust colored flecks that shimmer when they catch the suns rays just right. Her long black hair, in a braid, reaches the middle of her back, and quite often has a twig or leaf stuck in it. Her complexion is of a deeply tanned human color, but the scales on her neck and back are a darker shade of her skin and are iridescent. She can shapeshift into any lizard or snake that she desires to be, though it's taxing to retain the abnormal shape for extended periods of time. When she shifts back to her original form she retains her apparel, but not any extra things that may have been tied to her. Here is an image of her made by an amazing person!

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She prefers to keep to herself, but will move into populated territory if she needs supplies or medical attention that she can't supply herself. When confronted with an enemy she welcomes the thrill of the fight, and is not afraid of her own death. If she gained an ally or "friend," she would most likely become very loyal, as she lacks friends on account of her trust issues.

[[ HISTORY ]] When she was little, her parents were killed before her eyes by a friend of the family who turned out to be a hunter. They found her hiding in a closet but when they tried to grab her she ran out of the house, shifted, and hid amongst the trees and stayed there for days. She doesn't remember how many as she didn't bother counting. When she finally set foot on the ground she began wandering and has been wandering ever since. She learned to hunt, kill, and fight on her own. Because of her childhood it takes her a long time to trust anyone.

[[ NAME ]] Melez Morningstar

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female. Her sexuality is completely unknown to her as she's so young.

[[ AGE (demons and angels are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 57

[[ HUNTER, HUMAN, ANGEL OR DEMON? ]] Angel and Demon. She's a halfbreed. Will be explained in her history.

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Her whip and her throwing daggers.

~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] She can shadow slip and fly. She can also cast some basic magics.
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]] Halfbreed.

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Melez stands about 5'4''. She is half demon, half angel. She looks to be about 20. Her skin is a reddish-grey, which offsets her bright amber colored eyes. Her wings reach a total length of 10 feet when completely stretched out. Her wings are a deep mahogany color, and speckled with a grey of a darker tone than her skin. Her horns are a shade or two darker than her skin. They come out above and behind her temples and curve around her head before coming up in a point. She wears a dark leather trenchcoat that's split into three sections at the back so her wings have a place to come out. She wears a simple cloth shirt and dark brown cloth pants with leather boots.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She is usually pretty easy going but is very defensive of herself and any people she's aligned with. She's very much like a child in many ways, but has grown so much in the last 7 years of her life that she can be very mature one moment, and climbing a tree the next. The rest is to be RPed.

[[ HISTORY ]] I really want her history to be found out in parts once you meet her, so, to be RPed.

Here's an empty form so you can make yours.
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[[ NAME ]]


[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]]



~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]]
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]]

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]]



Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)
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[[ NAME ]] Eona Mai

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] She's female and is straight.

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] (assuming dragons have longer lifespans. Like close to hundreds of years) 25 years old

[[ HUNTER, HUMAN, ANGEL OR DEMON? ]] Dragon with a human form

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Bladed Chinese fans if she's dealing with too populated an area. But if it comes down to it, she'll use her dragon to fend off foes.

~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] She has her dragon form and all of the powers of that dragon including fire breathing, flight, and sped up healing. She also has heightened senses in human form.
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]] Imperial Dragon

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] She is short, standing about 4'8''. Her shoulder length red hair is normally twisted up into a bun with chopsticks keeping it in place. Her emerald green eyes are doe like and innocent, hiding her very powerful nature. A tattoo covers her right arm. A long, serpent-like dragon curls around her middle finger and loosely up and around her arm. It's head ends at her neck, looking like it was breathing fire up at her ear. It is black with red highlights. Eona wears a white, billowy dress with a green corset. Golden clasps and laces decorate it. Black boots complete cover her from two to knee. Her skin is pale but pretty. A large green amulet hands from a golden chain around her neck. Sometimes, it pulses. Her dragon is a ruby red, close to fifteen feet in length and about five feet tall. Her body is scaled but has a large red mane around her neck. Sturdy ivory horns curled back from her head and she had four, short and stocky legs.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She loves shiny things and will collect them. (mostly to be RP'ed. She'll react a lot like how I react to things)

[[ HISTORY ]] She has no idea who her parents were. Or if they are still alive. As far as she knows, she was taken from them as an egg and sold on the black market. When she hatched, someone took pity on her and smuggled her out. Whoever it was didn't make it and she mostly raised herself in the forest. Instinct has guided her. Studying others has kept her alive.

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[[ NAME ]] Azazeal

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] He's male and straight

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] ...I'm not sure...but he's very old. One of Death's older sons...

[[ HUNTER, HUMAN, DRAGONS ANGEL DEMON OR OTHER?]] He is a god. A minor god but a god none the less. But he does have restrictions. Many restrictions.


~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] He can tell when death is nearby, is able to transfer energy, has visions and can cast himself through time. He calls that casting. There may be more stuff. He's still a work in progress and I'm letting him develop entirely.
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]]

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Azazeal is slightly above average height. He has chin length silky black hair, gold flecked green cat eyes, and a sarcastic smile. His mannerisms are very cat like and he holds himself proudly. High cheekbones and a regal looks give him a air of coming from royalty. His skin is a little pale, but nothing ghostly. He is of slim build. Not too heavily muscled but definitely not weak. His hands are long and slim, that of a musicians.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] Hiding behind pet names and an attitude that says he's too cool to be bothered with your petty mortal issues, Azazeal gives off a decidedly rude vibe. But in reality, he's just hurt and mad at the problems that were forced onto him by his father. Once you get past all of this, he's actually very loyal and protective. More to be RP'd.

[[ HISTORY ]] Still being developed, sorry. But what I can tell you is that his father had a debt to pay. So instead of going to pay that debt himself, he basically sold Azazeal into slavery. A invisible collar and bracelets on his hands bind him to his current 'employers'. He is very much like a jinni in a bottle in that regard.

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:05 (8 Years ago)
Melez enters the dusty noisy tavern and makes her way over to the bar and takes a seat that's got the least amount of people next to it. She orders a drink and pushes some hair out of her face and tucks it behind one of her horns. She knows that both humans and demons are welcome in this place, angels are welcome if they're a friend. She mutters her request to the bartender who moves off to grab her a simple light ale. Her stomach could take a harder drink, but she wasn't here to get drunk, she was here to take the edge off and perhaps find a bed for the night. Drink in hand she turned her head to survey the room. Dark, semi loud, inconspicuous. Perfect. She didn't need any attention and no one seemed to be paying her any special mind so she turned back to the bar and stared down at the drink in her hands. She had had a rough few days. She needed this little relaxation. She only hoped none of her father's friends were around, she didn't see any and they didn't see her, so that's one point in her favor. She sipped her drink savoring the cool liquid that left a hot and sharp tingling feeling in its rush down her throat.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:34 (8 Years ago)
Eona pulled her cloak tighter around herself. She didn't need anyone checking her out and remembering her. Red hair, the tattoo and her strange necklace make her memorable. But she was here to study. Her fans, tucked onto their holders on her legs, were a welcoming weight as she walked through the streets. Eona had been attacked more times then she wanted to recall but then, when you were a lone woman on the streets, you were seen as an easy target for the less savory people in life. Currently, she was studying a couple and how they interacted. Human love interested her. Instinct told her that her species did things different. But all she had to go on was what she saw. No one knew the huge, powerful beast that lurked just beneath her skin, waiting to break free and take to the skies. She wanted to go there now. But it was too soon. She needed to wait a while before she flew again to be safe. Seeing a tavern, her stomach growled. Food sounded good. Perhaps tonight, the fare would be edible. If not, she could use something to drink. Not spirits, they didn't work on her unless in so large a quantity that people would be suspicious. Turning, she headed towards the tavern doors.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:38 (8 Years ago)
Melez glanced down the bar to see nothing of interest so she went back to her own brooding and it was mere moments after she had sipped her drink again, that she decided to leave as she wanted to find a decent bed. She had just finished her drink and set down her payment as a large burly demon set his large grimy calloused hand on top of hers as she went to slide it off of her tip. "Where you goin' so soon eh?" Melez didn't even look up at him as she removed her hand from beneath his and continued on her way. A few other people around turned to look at her as she left, some muttering about the demon she had just ignored and his reputation. She ignored them as well. He growled and yelled something at her back in Demoniac (the language of the demons) as she opened the door and stepped out. She didn't care. She wanted rest. She wanted a bed. She wanted quiet.

(Oh, so just to let you know, Melez can speak Croatian, so if she does do that I'll put what she said at the bottom of the page. And the "Demon language" is Finnish ;) so I'll put that at the bottom as well.)
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:54 (8 Years ago)
Eona was just about to open the door when someone stepped out. She took a step back, murmuring, "Excused me." Then she slipped inside before the door closed. Someone was yelling. But it was a tavern so someone was always yelling. Making her way to the bar, she asked what was being offered for the nights dinner. Deciding against it, she ordered a mug of cider. It was flavorful at least. Then she settled into a corner booth. From the shadows, she watched the room. Noting that someone was looking back, she slumped into the seat, making herself look unintimidated. She should really head home. But she wanted to finish her drink first. And then there was that necklace she saw in a shop window. The gleam of it in the light kept running through her head. And the dragon side of her demanded she add it to her treasure trove.

(Oh! That sounds sweet! If she ever does, Eona would speak a little bit of Mandarin. I'll do the same thing if she speaks. And it would be written in Pinyin (the non character or symbol form))
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:58 (8 Years ago)
Once outside, nearly bumping into a woman, she muttered her pardon. She had taken a few steps away and waited until the door had shut before she began walking down the road. But had barely taken more than five steps when she was stopped in her tracks as a familiar large grimy calloused hand was placed on her shoulder. "I was talkin' to you back 'dere..." A low voice spoke behind her and she watched a few other figures come around in front of her as the large demon turned her around. She had been surrounded. She didn't care. She let her amber eyes stare straight ahead landing at the mans chest. "Ya deaf?" The man bent down to her eye level, his brown eyes meeting her bright golden orbs. She smirked as she slipped into his large shadow and came out behind him, pulling her whip from her belt she kicked the back of his knee and snapped the braided leather around the thick neck and pulled. Her eyes hardened at the other demons who had taken a step towards the big guy who had reached up and was pulling at her arms. The demons ran as she started speaking in an unfamiliar language, thinking that she was cursing them. When the big demon let go of her arms she let his limp, but still breathing body fall to the ground. She stared at his body before snorting. "No." She replied in answer to his question before continuing to walk down the road.

(If you'd like your character to have seen this that's okay, it's right outside the windows. Everyone would be watching this...)
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 03:16 (8 Years ago)
Eona happened to look out the window in time to see the woman out there take down a demon. Well...that was her cue to go. She didn't need people snooping about and figuring out what she was. Setting down her money, she took off for the door. Best get out of here before the crowd started. Seeing the woman closer, she realized it was the girl from earlier. Did she offer her a place to go? Or leave her here? Something told her that this girl was important. But was that a good thing? Or was it going to lead to trouble. Instinct said to offer her a place to stay while common sense said to run. But the woman was already down the street. Shaking her head, Eona followed instinct and set off at a jog after her. If she was fast enough, she might be able to reach her.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 03:22 (8 Years ago)
Melez had heard the sound of footsteps behind her and had just spotted an inn in the reflection of a window as she heard the rush of feathered wings to her side. "So here you are little Jorith Jakaan..." Melez chuckled and turned to face the slim, but very well toned angel before her with his black wings spread wide. "Avin. Was wondering when you'd find me... Though I had hoped it would take you longer..." She wasn't in the mood to fight him. She knew he'd beat her, but it's likely that he just wanted to give her a message or taunt her like usual. He grinned. "I just wanted to check in on my friend's child..." He said before vanishing in a flash accompanied by the sound of a whip cracking, leaving the smell of burnt paper in the air. Melez turned to continue on her way, but stopped and inhaled sharply as she glanced to her shoulder, seeing the end of Avin's rapier sticking out of her trenchcoat, her blood starting to soak the fabric. Avin drew her close. "We should chat more often..." He says before shoving her off the blade and taking off into the skies. She let out a pained whimper as she stumbled forwards, putting a hand to her shoulder. She looked up at the reflection of the inn. Bed... Rest... Medical supplies... For in most towns the inns and bars had medical supplies as injuries were common on account of all the fighting. The fighting started hundreds of years ago, but some demons and some angels had gotten over all of that and have moved on. Though there are still many places that see hatred between the two radically different peoples.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 03:32 (8 Years ago)
Eona watched in horror as the man stabbed her, pulled her in, tugged the weapon out and vanished. This was bad. Really bad! The coppery smell of blood filled the air and she knew things would be happening really fast now. Pushing faster, she channeled some of her power into her legs and darted to the woman. "Miss?" she asked, coming up behind her and taking one shoulder. "Miss, forgive me, I seem to be playing a nosy bystander tonight, but I can't help notice that you've been hurt. I'd like to help if I can. After what I have seen of the night, you'll want quiet and you won't find it in a motel. My home isn't far from here. And the rate for the night is much lower. And it comes with medical supplies, a warm meal and a much more welcoming bed. I don't like it when people tag team others. And I want to help, if you'll let me," Eona rambled. She became more worried as she looked at her the strangers shoulder.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 03:43 (8 Years ago)
Melez gasped slightly, or was she hissing at the sound of someone right next to her, and the sight of a hand on her shoulder her in help. "I can walk... It's not my leg... I'll... Be f-fine..." She said through gritted teeth. It had been a while since she was hurt this badly. She began to walk forwards, her shoes making a slight scuffing sound as she forced herself to move. Her right hand grasping the front of her shoulder, her grey-red skin now dark red and glistening in the faint light from the windows. She swallowed some bile that had worked it's way up her throat stinging the back of her tongue until it was forced back down and away as she started focusing her mind as much as she could away from the burning pain in her shoulder. Her face had started to go pale and her skin was coated in a thin beading of sweat as her blood seeped out of the back of her shoulder and down her back. If this lady tries to help me, she'll see my wings... I can't let her... Though the war was over, there are those who didn't let it go, there are those who hate those of the other race. But there are those who got over it all. Melez's parents were of the last kind. Her mother, a fallen angel. Her father, was many things, to many to list, the important part is that he's a demon. An angel and a demon for parents. A demon and an angel within one body. Melez has horns and a pair of wings. It would be rather cumbersome to have large bird wings sticking out all the time, so the first angels found a way to keep the wings contained without giving them up. They cast a spell on their wings so that they could collapse into a tattoo on their backs. When they reproduced the spell carried over and now all angels are born or are made with these wings. Yes made. (I probably should have explained that, when you die you are either reborn as an angel, a demon or you pass on completely. Or, you could be born as a demon if your parents were both demons or likewise for angels.) Melez pulled herself from her mental ramblings and her amber eyes focused more as a wave of nausea rolled over her.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 03:52 (8 Years ago)
"I can see it's not your leg. But it seems to be affecting you quite a bit. Please, just let me help? I understand that there are plenty of questionable characters out there and nothing guarantees I won't hurt you besides my word. But I swear on my life I mean you no harm. I just...I've been hurt before with no one to offer a hand and it hasn't ever ended well. These streets...well...girls, especially hurt or temporarily disabled girls, are not safe. I want to make sure there isn't another victim tonight," Eona pleaded, keeping pace with her. She was very concerned the woman would fall. Eona was plenty strong and could carry her if she needed to. But she felt that would more then likely end with her throat cut. If it wasn't for her own experiences, she'd leave the woman to her fate here on the cold, dark streets. But Eona wasn't heartless. Already, the sharks were circling. She noted a few men across the street who were much too interested with them. In a few moments, there would be others.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 04:04 (8 Years ago)
Melez spotted the movement of figures to the side and realized exactly what this woman was talking about. In her condition unless she flew she'd have little to no chance on her own. She groaned and reluctantly nodded. "I will accept your offer of shelter... But, I must request that I see to my own wound..." She really didn't like accepting help from strangers, or really anyone. Even her own parents. They'd try to help her with something and she'd refuse even to the point of hurting herself. Even then she'd refuse. Eventually either she passed out, or they helped her anyways, either way she'd be angry at herself for not being able to do it. Her parents could do it, so why couldn't she? That was how she wanted to be. Self providing. She didn't want to rely on anyone. She really couldn't once in the real world. Except for one thing. She could rely on people to betray her, to hurt her, to abuse her. She had learned on more than one occasion to not trust anyone. But in this situation, she gave in to the realization that if she didn't accept the help of this stranger, she'd die. She hadn't died and she'd like to keep it that way for a long time. "Lead on..." She said in her pained voice.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 04:23 (8 Years ago)
Eona, extremely relieved, nodded and started off. She knew it must have taken a lot for this woman to except her help. She knew it would have taken a lot for her to except help. Life on the streets made sure that you learned fast. "I promise I will not interfere unless you absolutely need me to help. And only then if you give me permission. May I hook my arm through yours? It would help sell the illusion and if we laughed every once in a while like we are just out together it will go that much father as a good story. I am Eona, by the way. You needn't give me your name, but I thought it would be a good show of faith to tell you mine."
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 05:02 (8 Years ago)
Melez nodded, very grateful actually for what seemed to her to be complete honesty. She forced what sounded like a sincere laugh out, and she pulled the corners of her lips back in pain, but to someone a little further away it would look like a big grin. "Melez... Eona, haven't heard that name... It's very pretty..." Her words were beginning to slur a tad bit, and she realized her tongue was feeling like it was swelling in her mouth even though she knew it wasn't. "Thank you ag-gain for offering your home to me..." Her bright amber eyes reflected more and more dully as she took each step. Her shoulder was thoroughly soaked with her own bright red blood. She only hoped that she'd be conscious enough when they reached Eona's home to stitch herself up. As she thought more about this she realized she wouldn't be able to reach the back of her shoulder, and that's where her wing tattoo is. Her mind and heart began to race and her head began to swim as unneeded adrenaline coursed through her veins.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 05:21 (8 Years ago)
"Deep, even breathes," she murmured, threading her arm through Melez's. "Thank you for trusting me. It means a lot to be able to help. If I need to, I am going to support you. It isn't me trying to take advantage. It will just look more natural if I appear to be holding up what looks like my drunken friend then carrying a body. If you are unconscious when we get to my home, may I tend to your wound?" she asked. "I promise to let you do it if you are able to when we get there, but I would like to have your consent now. If need be, I will ask for forgiveness rather then permission, but it hasn't come to that. Now, let's see if I can help keep you awake. A safe topic...um...nothing boring...uh...the way you fought! It was very well. He'll be sore but alive and that might be more then he deserves. He and his buddies had a habit of making unwanted, very barbarian style advances..." she kept up a steady stream of conversation about very little of importance as she helped Melez. Soon, they reached the edge of the city. "Not much longer. About ten, fifteen minutes," she told her. Or...if we get far enough away...and if you're out of it enough...I could fly...I could shift, pick you and my things up and fly you back to my den, she thought.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 13:27 (8 Years ago)
(Curse any and all of my friends who introduced me to thinking about things in such a way that everything could be taken another way... I had to read your last sentence about four or five times before I stopped laughing like a moron.)

Melez let out a rather goofy and loud giggle making it sound exactly like she was intoxicated. She had seen enough people wandering into her path that weren't even able to walk in a straight line. Often she'd help them home because that's the kind of person she is. She hates not being able to help people, but sometimes she just can't stop for every drunkard who's stumbling in the wrong direction. "A strange person asking for... My consent to stitch a wound..." She chuckles. "Not something I've heard in a long time..." She had gotten into a similar situation a few years ago, she had fallen off of her horse when it reared up at a snake. She cut her leg pretty bad on a very sharp stone and had to walk over a mile back to any sort of civilization. Once there the first house she came to was that of an elderly couple who were sitting on their porch. The older man got up and coaxed Melez to come with him inside so his wife could tend to her leg. They were wonderful people. She almost didn't want to leave them, but leave them she did, but not after leaving a pouch of coin on their porch. Ripping herself from her wonderful memories she glanced over to Eona, her skin getting paler by the minute. "I guess I'll h-have to at this rate..." She turned her head and looked around at the buildings that mark the edge of town. "You live outside of t-town? Ten fifteen minutes? By then we'd... Be almost at the mountain..." She mumbled in a quiet voice as that was as loud as she could be at the moment.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Eona blushed, looking down. Yeah...she lived in a mountain...houses just felt...off. She hadn't really thought about that fact until Melez was pointing it out. Could she still pass it off? She could. Eona would just have to keep her towards the front and not go into the tunnels. If she saw Eona's treasure room, things might click. And if she saw the claw marks? Well...that wasn't going to help at all. Then she realized that the actual entrance was high up. It was climbable but not when you were as hurt as Melez or carrying someone. She might just have to fly them in. Hopefully, Melez would just think it was her being out of it. "Yes. It's right at the mountain side. I don't like the crowds and noise when I sleep. Besides, it's much more peaceful out there then it is in town. It's okay. I have done a lot of remodeling so it's very comfortable." Eona shifted her arms so she was holding Melez about the waist. This helped to support her so she didn't just fall. Eona would have some warning and be able to try to catch her.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 16:47 (8 Years ago)
Melez nodded and didn't notice that the grip on her was changed. "Mountains... Make wonderful homes... M-my parents used to live in one..." She realized how this must sound. As though her parents were dragons. "They used magic to carve it out... Not claws, my parents aren't dragons..." She chuckled slightly, she was really losing it. Her mind was getting blurred and things weren't looking straight anymore. "I'd love to meet a dragon someday... I've always admired them... The nice ones that is... The bad ones are, well, bad..." She shakes her head attempting to clear the fog from her eyes. She groans as she almost stumbles. "A-are we almost there? I'm not sure... If I have enough blood left..." She was feeling so lightheaded, almost as if she was walking on helium. She began to lose track of her thoughts and found her mind wandering through old memories, some good, some painful, and some she'd rather have left forgotten.
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 158
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 17:02 (8 Years ago)
Eona looked at her, stunned. She...she was okay with dragons? And admired them? That was new. No one had ever said anything like that around her. People would blame dragons for the missing cattle when some Joe Shamo who wanted another cow would just steal them. She smiled, hoping that Melez, if she did find out, wouldn't think badly of her. Noting they were far enough away, Eona pulled them to a stop and took off her cloak. Her red hair brought color to the dark night around them. Then she wrapped it around Melez and sat her down so she didn't fall. Stepping back, Eona gave herself enough room to shift. And shift she did. Always eager, her dragon burst forth. Arms and legs bulked out. Her neck lengthened along with her spine. She could feel the power of her limbs coming to live. Grinning, she stretched her muscles. This was her true form and it felt wonderful! Gently, she moved to Melez and picked her up with her front legs. Her claws helped to form a sort of cage so Melez couldn't roll out of her hands. Taking to the skies, Eona's back half coiled and uncoiled in the air, moving her forward. In a moment, they were slipping into the entrance of the cave and Eona set Melez down. Stepping back, she shifted again before going to snatch medical supplies. When she returned, Eona unwrapped the woman from the cloak then gently tugged the trench coat off. The shirt would have to come off a little unless she cut it at the neck and just took off the sleeve. "Melez? Can you hear and understand me?" she asked, lightly tapping her cheek. "I need you to take some medicine so this doesn't hurt. Okay? Think you can swallow some water for me?"