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1x1 with Houndoomite

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 with Houndoomite
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 03:42 (8 Years ago)
This all takes place in an alternate Earth where demons, angels and humans live. There are many different cities scattered all around the world, composed of mixes or singularly demons, angels and humans. Traveling Demon Hunters look for jobs to eradicate demons going town to town.
Some demons kill humans for food, fun, or survival. They come in many forms, shapes, and sizes, and no two demons are really alike.
Angels prefer to stay out of trouble, and are hated by the demons, and by some humans. It also goes the other way. Demons hate humans, and even some humans hate demons and angels. It all depends on the person.
There are some unions formed by demons/humans/angels who band together to hunt the other races.

My forms. Not sure if I'll use them both/all and I might add more so there really isn't a limit to how many you can have...
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[[ NAME ]] Nathana Corazon

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] She is female and is Pansexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 241


~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Long sword, or one of her animal shapes

~> [[ ABILITY? ]] Shapeshifting
~> [[ SPECIES? ]] Animalia

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Nathana stands about 5'3'', her long sword hangs from a belt around her waist and falls short of her ankle. Her golden eyes are speckled with rust colored flecks that shimmer when they catch the suns rays just right. Her long black hair, in a braid, reaches the middle of her back, and quite often has a twig or leaf stuck in it. Her complexion is of a deeply tanned human color, but the scales on her neck and back are a darker shade of her skin and are iridescent. She can shapeshift into any lizard or snake that she desires to be, though it's taxing to retain the abnormal shape for extended periods of time. When she shifts back to her original form she retains her apparel, but not any extra things that may have been tied to her. Here is an image of her made by an amazing person!

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She prefers to keep to herself, but will move into populated territory if she needs supplies or medical attention that she can't supply herself. When confronted with an enemy she welcomes the thrill of the fight, and is not afraid of her own death. If she gained an ally or "friend," she would most likely become very loyal, as she lacks friends on account of her trust issues.

[[ HISTORY ]] When she was little, her parents were killed before her eyes by a friend of the family who turned out to be a hunter. They found her hiding in a closet but when they tried to grab her she ran out of the house, shifted, and hid amongst the trees and stayed there for days. She doesn't remember how many as she didn't bother counting. When she finally set foot on the ground she began wandering and has been wandering ever since. She learned to hunt, kill, and fight on her own. Because of her childhood it takes her a long time to trust anyone.

[[ NAME ]] Melez Morningstar

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female. Her sexuality is completely unknown to her as she's so young.

[[ AGE (demons and angels are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 57

[[ HUNTER, HUMAN, ANGEL OR DEMON? ]] Angel and Demon. She's a halfbreed. Will be explained in her history.

~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Her whip and her throwing daggers.

~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] She can shadow slip and fly. She can also cast some basic magics.
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]] Halfbreed.

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] Melez stands about 5'4''. She is half demon, half angel. She looks to be about 20. Her skin is a reddish-grey, which offsets her bright amber colored eyes. Her wings reach a total length of 10 feet when completely stretched out. Her wings are a deep mahogany color, and speckled with a grey of a darker tone than her skin. Her horns are a shade or two darker than her skin. They come out above and behind her temples and curve around her head before coming up in a point. She wears a dark leather trenchcoat that's split into three sections at the back so her wings have a place to come out. She wears a simple cloth shirt and dark brown cloth pants with leather boots.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] She is usually pretty easy going but is very defensive of herself and any people she's aligned with. She's very much like a child in many ways, but has grown so much in the last 7 years of her life that she can be very mature one moment, and climbing a tree the next. The rest is to be RPed.

[[ HISTORY ]] I really want her history to be found out in parts once you meet her, so, to be RPed.

Here's an empty form so you can make yours.
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[[ NAME ]]


[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]]



~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]]
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]]

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]]



Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 04:22 (8 Years ago)
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[[ NAME ]] Jay Sloane

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, Homosexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 297


~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Whip dagger

~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] Weapon use, shape-shifting
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]] Animalia

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] >...< Standing at a height of 5'7" his whip dagger hanging from a hilt to his right. His intimidating blue eyes stand out against his black short hair, mainly ruffled and messy. He has a tan and prefers to change into mammals or a raven for spying. Wears the clothing shown in the image.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] I don't have anything yet.. I'll just use him and make his personality, when he's figured out I'll edit this later.

[[ HISTORY ]] I got nothing, I'll edit this later when I can make something up.

[[ NAME ]] Zephyr Mitsu

[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female, Bisexual

[[ AGE (demons are immortal, to some degree.) ]] 312


~> [[ WEAPON OF CHOICE? ]] Basic long-sword

~> [[ ABILITY? If applicable]] Healing, Flight, weapon use
~> [[ SPECIES? If applicable]] Arch-Angel

[[ APPEARANCE (description is preferable.) ]] >..< Standing at 5'4" her white hair is usually tied in a braid hanging from her left hand side. Her piercing black eyes stand out compared to her white hair, her sword hilt is strapped on her left hand side. Her white wings used for flying, wears clothing shown in the image.

[[ PERSONALITY ]] I don't have anything yet.. I'll just use her and make her personality, when she's figured out I'll edit this later.

[[ HISTORY ]]I got nothing, I'll edit this later when I can make something up.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 04:35 (8 Years ago)
Melez enters the dusty noisy tavern and makes her way over to the bar and takes a seat that's got the least amount of people next to it. She orders a drink and pushes some hair out of her face and tucks it behind one of her horns. She knows that both humans and demons are welcome in this place, angels are welcome if they're a friend. She mutters her request to the bartender who moves off to grab her a simple light ale. Her stomach could take a harder drink, but she wasn't here to get drunk, she was here to take the edge off and perhaps find a bed for the night. Drink in hand she turned her head to survey the room. Dark, semi loud, inconspicuous. Perfect. She didn't need any attention and no one seemed to be paying her any special mind so she turned back to the bar and stared down at the drink in her hands. She had had a rough few days. She needed this little relaxation. She only hoped none of her father's friends were around, she didn't see any and they didn't see her, so that's one point in her favor. She sipped her drink savoring the cool liquid that left a hot and sharp tingling feeling in its rush down her throat.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 04:56 (8 Years ago)
Jay entered the Pub a few minutes after Melez, walking in he sat down five seats away from her and gave the bartender his request. The bartender couldn't make out what he was say due to his mask, Jay then grabbed a napkin and wrote what he wanted on it then gave it to the tender. Some people looked at him, but he payed them no mind. The bartender then poured a glass of beer and left to take more orders, he didn't drink, just left his drink sitting there. Which made more people question why he was here, he simply ignored them like it was a daily routine and about to check it off his list. He sat for a few minutes then pulled his hood up and took off his mask, then sipped his drink. He then put his mask back on and put change on the table, then got up and walked his way to the exit. Taking his leave.

He let the door close behind him I wonder if there are any motels nearby. he thought to himself as he took a few steps forward then took a right walking around the street. Jay then noticed a motel almost out of view but he could make it out by the signs. Convenient he thought and began to make his was in the direction of the motel.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 05:21 (8 Years ago)
Melez glanced down the bar to see an interesting scene take place. A man came in, ordered a drink, stared at it, then removed his hood and mask before drinking. He paid then left without finishing his drink. She went back to her own brooding and it was mere moments after the man left that she decided to leave as well. She had just finished her drink and set down her payment as a large burly human set his large grimy calloused hand on top of hers as she went to slide it off of her tip. "Where you goin' so soon eh?" Melez didn't even look up at him as she removed her hand from beneath his and continued on her way. A few other people around turned to look at her as she left, some muttering about the man she had just ignored and his reputation. She ignored them as well. He growled and yelled something at her back as she opened the door and stepped out. She didn't care. She wanted rest. She wanted a bed. She wanted quiet. Once outside and the door had shut she began walking down the road but was stopped in her tracks as a familiar large grimy calloused hand was placed on her shoulder. "I was talkin' to you back 'dere..." A low voice spoke behind her and she watched a few other figures come around in front of her as the large man turned her around. She had been surrounded. She didn't care. She let her amber eyes stare straight ahead landing at the mans chest. "Ya deaf?" The man bent down to her eye level, his brown eyes meeting her bright golden orbs. She smirked as she slipped into his large shadow and came out behind him, pulling her whip from her belt she kicked the back of his knee and snapped the braided leather around the thick neck and pulled. Her eyes hardened at the other men who had taken a step towards the big guy who had reached up and was pulling at her arms. The human men ran as she started speaking in an unfamiliar language, thinking that she was cursing them. When the big man let go of her arms she let his limp, but still breathing body fall to the ground. She stared at his body before snorting. "No." She replied in answer to his question before continuing to walk down the road.

Melez had just spotted a motel in the reflection of a window as she heard the rush of feathered wings behind her. "So here you are little Jorith Jakaan..." Melez chuckled and turned to face the slim, but very well toned angel before her. "Avin. Was wondering when you'd find me... Though I had hoped it would take you longer..." She wasn't in the mood to fight him. She knew he'd beat her, but it's likely that he just wanted to give her a message or taunt her like usual. He grinned. "I just wanted to check in on my friend's child..." He said before vanishing in a flash accompanied by the sound of a whip cracking, leaving the smell of burnt paper in the air. Melez turned and inhaled sharply as she glanced to her shoulder, seeing the end of Avin's blade sticking out of her trenchcoat, her blood starting to soak the fabric. Avin drew her close. "We should chat more often..." He says before shoving her off the blade and taking off into the skies. She let out a pained whimper as she stumbled forwards, putting a hand to her shoulder. She looked up at the reflection of the motel. Bed... Rest... Medical supplies... For in most towns the motels and bars had medical supplies as injuries were common on account of all the fighting. The fighting started hundreds of years ago, but some demons and some angels have gotten over all of that and have moved on. Though there are still many places that see hatred between the two radically different peoples. She had just made it into the lobby where she spotted the man from the bar, before she groaned and fell to her knees. It had been a while since she was this bad.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Wed, 23/12/2015 05:45 (8 Years ago)
Jay had walked into the lobby of the motel and "talked" to the man in front of the desk, the man began to talk then after a few minutes and he was about to pay for the room he noticed a face from back at the tavern. He looked over at her and watched her cripple to her knees, he held his pointer finger up; 'the one moment gesture' and walked over to the woman he pulled out his phone again and opened up a blank sheet and began texting he then held the mobile device up for her to read it read "You alright? Name's Jay, do you need any help? I can get the medical supplies if you need it." he then put his phone in his jean pocket and waited for a response. The taste of beer was still lingering in his mouth, he wanted to wash his tongue but he'd have to wait until he got into his motel room. He then pulled out his phone to text a reply again to the woman, he told her his name. And it wouldn't do her any good to keep it a secret. The war was over, so it really didn't matter. Plus he wasn't in the Demon/Angel execution group or anything too, he was a demon in fact. He knew the woman must know too, she had horns judging from her nonhuman-like appearance. So she was a demon too, but what kind he wondered. He'd ask her later, or never since it was obvious, he patiently awaited a simple response, he made up his mind to get the medical supplies he just wanted to get a peep out of her before he did anything crazy.

The man at the front desk was getting restless, which was immature of him since he had to deal with this too. But once he saw what Jay was caring too he didn't do anything. He then said "I'll wait, just do your thing." Jay gave the man a small nod. Hoping Melez was okay.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 15:30 (8 Years ago)
Melez growled, not wanting his medical help as it would require him coming very close to the "tattoo" on her back. "N-no..." Was all she could make out, her tongue and mouth feeling dryer than a desert. She put a hand on the wall and managed to stand up and look over to Jay. "I need... A room... Just for the... Night." She grunted out as she moved over to the little waiting bench so she doesn't have to stand anymore. As she sat down her short black hair fell into her face so she moved it back behind her ear, leaving a trail of red on her brow and some in her bangs now tucked behind her dark red horn. I don't know this guy... Can't trust him... Can't trust anyone... I'm just a demon... Can't let it out... She reminded herself of her secret that she must keep from everyone. Though the war was over, there are those who didn't let it go, there are those who hate those of the other race. But there are those who got over it all. Melez's parents were of the last kind. Her mother, a fallen angel. Her father, was many things, to many to list, the important part is that he's a demon. An angel and a demon for parents. A demon and an angel within one body. Melez has horns and a pair of wings. It would be rather cumbersome to have large bird wings sticking out all the time, so the first angels found a way to keep the wings contained without giving them up. They cast a spell on their wings so that they could collapse into a tattoo on their backs. When they reproduced the spell carried over and now all angels are born or are made with these wings. Yes made. (I probably should have explained that, when you die you are either reborn as an angel, a demon or you pass on completely. Or, you could be born as a demon if your parents were both demons or likewise for angels.)

Melez pulled herself from her mental ramblings and her amber eyes focused more as a wave of nausea rolled over her. The room was spinning and her head was beginning to throb. She had lost a good deal of blood. Not good... Ow... She was tired of waiting for the idiot to get his room. Leave me alone and get your room stupid demon...
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Thu, 24/12/2015 17:44 (8 Years ago)
Jay began texting his flaming horns flaring up a bit and showed Melez the message You need more than a room. Don't be so stubborn. he then put his phone up and walked off, he came back a few minutes later with a first aid kit and put it in her hands then payed for the room he was discussing with the man at the front and took his key card and left for the elevator. What was wrong with her? He didn't know, he just hit the up button and went inside the elevator, then pushing the floor three button. The metal doors closed behind him and he went up until he reached floor three. He then looked for room 326, he walked around then found the door. He used his key card and went inside the room, he dropped his backpack on the ground and laid down on the bed. He decided to forget about the demon woman and focus on what to do next, he noticed another figure in the room. Zephyr, man he hated that angel. "What was that all about?" she asked him. "You seem distracted." she added. Jay simply ignored her trying not at set the bed on fire he didn't want to talk to her, he didn't want to talk to anybody really. That's why he wore a mask, also for personal reasons. That Zephyr nagged him about often, trying to pry him open. "Leave." he said muffled through the mask he was wearing. Zephyr let out a bored sigh and did as she was told and left the room.

Jay got off the bed, thank the gods he didn't burn it. He also didn't want to set off the fire alarm like he did one time at a restaurant, not fun at all. The people there could at at least cut him some slack, the waitress that was serving him seemed grateful though. Maybe because she wanted some her time, he didn't understand woman at all. But whatever happened there, he didn't want to burn the motel down to the ground. Especially since he'll be chilling out here for two days. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television he looked for something interesting until he put the remote down and watched what seemed to catch his interest.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 21:48 (8 Years ago)
Melez stared down at the kit in her hands before watching him walk to the elevator through glazing eyes. She hissed as she stood up and went through Jay's motions, buying a room, getting a key and heading for the elevator. She was offered no help from the lobbyist because if she died, he could go through her belongings and take what he wanted. She got into the elevator and took it up looking for room 332. She fumbled with the key for a few moments and finally fought through her shakiness and got inside, shutting it, but not locking it behind her. She went into the little bathroom and turned on the light, making her pupils contract in the florescent light. She removed her coat which slid off her shoulders and onto the tiled floor with a very dull thump. Her off white shirt was now decorated with her own crimson liquid which was spreading down her arm. She winced as she slowly removed that leaving herself in her light grey tank and her pants. She slowly and methodically cleaned her arm and instead of wrapping the wound right away she used the alcohol in the kit to sterilize it. She used a needle and the surgical thread to sew it shut, then heated the small knife with a match before sealing parts of it so she wouldn't have to worry about ripping her stitches. She left the bathroom a red mess and stumbled into the bedroom as her vision began to fuzz and look as though there was a haze in the room. With a thud she fell into a chair by the one window and fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,502
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 02:25 (8 Years ago)
Jay suddenly tuned away from the television and grabbed the remote, he then hit the power button turning it off. "I should get some rest.." he muttered quietly to himself, thankful Zephyr was gone. He couldn't stand her one bit, he got that Demons and Angels weren't pals but even if he got to know her he was sure she'd try to kill him. Which didn't make him feel any better about the Angel, he pulled away from the couch and stood up. He began to walk to the bed before he noticed a piece of paper on the mattress. "That wasn't there before.. maybe Zephyr left it?" he asked himself as he took it from the bed and began to read it slowly. After that he crumbled the sheet of paper into a ball and threw it over to the trashcan, he missed. He rolled his eyes and walked over and picked up the paper he so rudely threw on the ground and put it in the disposal, feeling pleased with the good deed he walked back over to the bed. He was getting tired of this, then got on top of the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep, relaxing his body and the flames somehow put themselves out.

Zephyr flapped her angelic wings and flew away from the motel, trying not to catch a lot of attention she decided to take a break and landed on top of a building folding her wings and sitting down, making herself at home. She hoped Jay at least destroyed the note, it was for his eyes only. If he didn't read it then that was fine by her. She laid down and looked up at the sky, wondering if the war could've been prevented. It didn't matter now, that was in the past. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 05/01/2016 14:31 (8 Years ago)
Melez woke in the morning as the first light was coming through the window and she groaned as she went to get up and instantly got a reminder that her shoulder was still injured. She gritted her teeth as she stood up and slid on her dark trenchcoat which was dry now and took her shirt down the hall to the washer and dryer. She glanced down the hall, thankful that no one was there as she quickly tossed both her trenchcoat and white shirt into the wash and started it with a couple of coins. Her tattoo would be visible if anyone saw her back so she decided to slip into the shadows between the machines and wait there until the quiet rumbling of the washer ended. She stepped out only long enough to move her two items over to the dryer and started that up before slipping back into the cool darkness. Drat... She thought as a human woman came over and put a load of laundry in the washer. Thankfully she walked away as a child ran out of the room she came out of. The dryer stopped and Melez took her warm trenchcoat and shirt out of the dryer, most of the red had come out of the trenchcoat, but the shirt had certainly seen better days. She put the trenchcoat on and rolled the shirt under her arm as she walked back to her room. As the medical kit was still there she planned to try and use hydrogen peroxide to get the rest of the red out.