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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Protagkinnie1000.
Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 03:07 (20 Days ago)

💌Darcy Harper’s POV🦋

Darcy lifted his dulled, crestfallen face. It was hard to squint through the clouds of dust coating his face that were beginning to make him cough in consciousness. His pale blue eyes flickered open only slightly, in a motion similar to that of a flailing butterfly, exiting its silky cocoon for the first time, merely testing out its wings.

He rubbed his aching head with a pained moan, the sharpness of his nails being slightly irritating as it pressed into his skin.

“Am I… dead?” he whispered faintly, his voice cracking with the effort. His throat felt rough, and dry, although he spoke the words so quietly, so invisibly. No, this probably wasn’t what the afterlife was like.

His eyes lifted slowly, squinting, straining to see, to hear… ah, there was someone else in here with him. It was…

“Oh god, Darcy!” Oh, he knew that voice. Only faintly, and he didn’t have the most positive of memories to draw from it. Yet, still, it came as a relief. To see another person that he recognized down here.

Out of all the things he could have thought about in that moment, somehow, only one ultimately made its way into words, floating through the foggy mess that was his skull.

He remembered my name?

He even… bothered? What was he doing here?

“Kubo?” Darcy queried, stiffening. His shoulders hunched up slightly, his arms tightly at his sides. As though he wasn’t entirely sure how to react. “Is that really you?...”

”We thought you were dead! Holy sh*t, I can’t believe you…”

Darcy stared blankly, blinking numerous times, like he was a machine that was attempting to process something. Then, he dusted himself off, putting his hands on his hips.

“Well. You found me. Surprise, I’m not dead! Do you need me for something?”

He almost felt a little guilty at how bluntly the words came out. But… honestly, all they could think was…

Why does he care? Does he care? Does it really make a difference if I…

”We have to get you out of here.”

Oh. Now that he thought about it… it seemed apparent just how worried Kubo was. Had… anyone else been worried too?

He’s trying to change. We were all going to get out of here together, remember?

Darcy bit his lip, pressing his nails into the crook of his arm. He let out a breathy sigh.

“I… guess we do. Thanks. For coming to get me.” His eyes trailed to the floor. “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”

Because Darcy Harper was just a stranger. He knew he was just a stranger, merely a name and a face. A stranger, a person that everyone barely knew.

Everyone was a stranger to him as well. Everyone, except for a certain Sawyer Laurens, someone he’d never expected to see again. Someone he had to protect. But there were things… even he didn’t know about them… that he feared might be truly disturbing.

And yet, he knew he had to stop thinking like that. They were all strangers to each other. But they had to band together, as allies, as friends to escape this hellhole, as cheesy as it all sounded.

Now he looked into the face of Kubo Atsushi, and knew, no matter what, it was true. Everyone had to make it out of here… they had to.

Kubo Atsushi, who he had tried to be kind to. They’d both never liked Miyako much. And maybe, just maybe, when the detective’s face was scribbled upon by her…

He had felt something in himself ache. Something in him… clicked.

Kubo Atsushi had lied. He’d lied to hide his talent from the others, he hid the secret weapon that he held. He hid behind the approachable façade of being a stammery, harmless kid.

He was just doing what he needed to do to survive. And, sure, he was a total d*ck. The biggest d**chebag that ever walked this Earth, but…

Darcy knew what it was like to fall. To fall, and have no one there to catch you. To the point you had to do things you never wanted to do. Things you never thought you’d find yourself capable of.

Words you never knew you’d whisper into someone’s ear that would change everything.

So he ran after him. He tried to help him wipe his face.

Kubo had rudely brushed him off, of course.

And Darcy still didn’t regret punching him in the face days later. He deserved it.

Yet, if Kubo Atsushi could change… if even someone like Kubo Atsushi could do better…

Maybe there was hope for him, too.

“Is… everyone okay?” he asked breathlessly.

❄️lucian arbred’s pov🕊

Lucian’s heart caught in his throat. He closed his eyes, his knuckles quivering ever so slightly. All he could do was wait.

He didn’t know what was going on down there. He didn’t know if Darcy or Kubo were alright…

Well, Kubo probably was. He knew that at least.

Yet the therapist found himself perspiring, breathing heavily. There was this weight on his back, that he could feel pressing into his neck, that he could feel bubbling in his lungs.

It weighed heavy on his heart, almost like the lid of a coffin pressing against him. Then Shi finally spoke, and the words didn’t entirely relax the tension that seized every fiber of his limbs.

”I don’t really know, but it probably wouldn’t matter if I did. I doubt this place cares about the laws of physics, y’know?”

”...right.” The ghost of a hopeful smile flickered across Lucian’s features, if only for a moment. It made sense, why would she have bothered?

Hopefully that would mean Darcy was alright…



I don’t remember… yet I can’t forget.

Buncha desks, podiums, chairs. Lotsa loudness and shuffling. Loads of hushed whispers as a suited individual shouted for order and bashed some kind of hammer thingy into a desk overlooking it all.

Super serious people. Doing super serious stuff. But no matter how many times they think about it, it just doesn’t click. None of it makes sense. Because how could–

Darcy. They swear they recognize this name from somewhere.

They swear it means… something.

It was not long before—

. . .

It doesn’t make sense. Did they imagine them there?


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Posted: Sun, 12/05/2024 05:47 (21 Days ago)
Your interactions count is really impressive given the amount of time you've been on PH so far!! Great job! ^^ Keep it up!

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Posted: Tue, 30/01/2024 22:02 (4 Months ago)

❄lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Drop me again! I think I'm almost at the bottom. Just give it a little slack!"

Lucian suppressed a sigh of relief at Kubo's answer. Maybe, just maybe, things would be okay after all... but... he couldn't hope for that quite so easily. Darcy could be dead. He didn't want to think it, but... Lucian bit his lip, trying to shake the thought away.

Just because Miyako was a shifty wildcard of a person, and often to blame for things going wrong, it didn't mean she had anything to do with this. But she and Shi had been the last people to see Darcy alive. That is, assuming he was even dead in the first place. He could worry about this later, what mattered right now was making sure Kubo was okay. And that they could discover if Darcy was dead or not, and... if maybe... he could be helped. He could be saved.

Isn't that so funny, that you think you can save him? Even though humanity has done nothing but disappoint you. Again and again and again. Maybe it's better to just give up. Maybe there's no point in trying.

Lucian nodded at Kubo, although he probably couldn't see it, which made him realize how pointless such a gesture was. He grimaced, reluctant to drop the makeshift rope further, but if Kubo was almost at the bottom, he’d probably be okay. ”Okay! I’m dropping it now!”

How far did Darcy fall? Could it have been fatal? Lucian closed his eyes and attempted to recall all the deaths by falls he had witnessed. The thought made him a little queasy, as he could imagine Darcy dead on the floor all too clearly. A ghostly person materialized within his mind, who wasn't even here. Frosty white hair, ghostly pale skin, sharp milky blue eyes. Miyako...

She’s been acting a little strange this whole time…

But Miyako was shifty. Manipulative. A two-faced liar who never showed what she was truly thinking.

Oh, isn’t she a little like you, then?

It wasn’t my fault!! If I had known, I would have–

You should have known. You should have figured it out. You should know what a killer looks like.

. . .

No… it was my fault. Of course it was. It couldn’t have been anyone else’s. I could have realized, I should have realized. It’s not fair to blame her. It’s always my fault.

Death followed him wherever he went. Now was the opportunity to change that. It was his fault, he could have saved them, he should have saved them…

Is that what Mei would have told you? Didn’t she tell you not to dwell so much on all those things you couldn’t change?

…yes. Maybe that was right. Maybe he could still save everyone here. Maybe they all just needed to be helped. He just had to figure out how, and everyone would be alright…

But he couldn’t ask Miyako how it went down. She wasn't even here. Blameless or not, she was a liar.

A liar, liar, liar… like me. I haven’t told anyone. I’ve never told anyone. What reason would I have to? There’s no reason to think about it, there’s no reason to dwell on it. I… didn’t do anything wrong, right? But if that was the case… why have I never told anyone?

He could deal with that later. It wasn’t something anyone would like to admit to. It changed your whole perspective on someone. And yet… was there really any reason to? All it would do is upset everyone. Maybe it was best for the truth to remain hidden.

. . .

All the same… Shi didn’t seem as two-faced and shifty as Miyako. Maybe it would be better to ask her. Additionally, she was the Ultimate Sprinter. Didn’t it seem more likely she might have answers?

”Shi… you and Miyako were there when it happened. When – Darcy fell, right? Do you have a rough idea of how long he fell for?”

Maybe she didn’t bother to remember. But a sprinter would be most likely to recall that sort of thing. When it came to running, those athletes would often time themselves. The amount of time Darcy fell down for could help determine what level of injuries he might have, and how long he might still be alive. If… he was.

He supposed they’d find out sooner or later anyway…


Falling… falling… falling down.

Wasn’t there some kind of rule when it came to falling in fiction? That people usually didn’t die that way? That did apply here, right?

Dying… dying didn’t make sense. It didn’t make any sense. What…

I don’t understand…

Darcy… Darcy… Darcy(?)

The name paced through their head, ran over their fingers, their glass lenses. Sawyer tugged at their hair, and stared into the abyss. Unblinking.

Prom?... A party?...

Death… dying… death… dying(?)


It was almost like there was something they had forgotten. Surely it wasn’t anything of any real importance. Surely it couldn’t be –

”I still don’t understand why she’d do it…”

. . .

”It’s fine, though, really!! Maybe… we’ll keep in touch. It must be hard for them without their sister…”

. . .

Outer space was a truly mysterious thing. Drifting, drifting, drifting… you had no idea what to make of anything. The noises, the loud noises, the flashing lights…

The whispers… the loud talk…

All so impossible to understand…

What were they trying to understand?

"I don't remember... what happened that day. It must not be important."

"Sawyer. We need you to remember. Don't you want to get better?"

"I'm not sick! Not as far as I recall, anyway..."

"It's not normal for you to not remember this. If you can't remember... you can't recover. You'll be a danger to those around you. We'll have no choice but to-"

"N-NO! I- I mean... it's fiiine! I'll- I'll remember. I just... need some more time..."

I don't even know what I'm supposed to remember. What does it all mean?

"I'm no danger to anybody! You know that."

"Sawyer... please. We're trying to be patient with you, but... if you can't remember, you can never return to your normal life. Well, if you can even call it that."

Their face froze up. It was almost as though they had turned to stone, if only for a moment.

"What? Never return to... my normal life?"

The woman paused and adjusted her glasses. She tapped her pen against the desk, as though considering something. She let out a heavy sigh, and then spoke again.

"Kid, grief manifests in strange ways. But we've never come across anything as strange as this."

Sawyer opened their mouth, as if they were going to say something. But no sound came out.

"I... don't know what you mean. OH, oh!! I got it!" Their eyes lit up. The woman looked slightly... hopeful? "Is this a Star Trek reference?! You know, that one episode where-"

"...I don't even understand why this institution even tries with you anymore. Just... please, think on it, okay? We need you to understand what happened. We're trying to help you, kiddo, we really are."

Sawyer's eyes shifted around incomprehensibly. They finally settled for staring at their navy blue sneakers. They were grossly untied, again. "...okay."

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Posted: Wed, 27/12/2023 23:53 (5 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Kubo!! Are- are you okay?" he called down, swallowing nervously. He held the makeshift rope as tightly as he could, gritting his teeth. He wasn't about to let go, not anytime soon.

Please... don't get hurt, okay? We'll figure this out together. Everything will be alright.

Lucian felt a slight vibration, and noticed Sawyer too, was tightly clutching the rope. It seemed that they were at least somewhat aware of its importance. "thank you," he whispered. Sawyer either didn't hear him, or simply didn't respond.

There was a strangely blank look upon their face. As though they weren't really processing what happened. As Lucian thought about it... they'd never really had normal reactions to anything here. Of course, there seemed to be something clearly wrong with everyone here, including himself.

But Sawyer... they were a mystery. Usually so hyperactive, cheerful, optimistic, full of energy. Next thing you knew, they were barely speaking. Barely walking. Not even seeming to remember who everyone was, or what everything was.

That way they looked at the knife, with the faint glint of a memory. The way they brought up this being like The Hunger Games with nonchalance, excitement, even. Not even seeming to acknowledge Kaoru's death. Acting like this was all a game, in a way that seemed shockingly innocent, making it all the more disturbing. All part of the game, all part of the dream.

Did they understand it? Partially, in a way? That Kubo might die? That Darcy might be...

Lucian still missed her too. Had it been only a few days since his dear friend had kissed him goodbye? How did... Kubo feel? Did he miss her? Did he loathe her, as he seemed to?

Horatia, Futatabi, Mei, Akora, all gone just like that as well... just how many more would follow?

No more. No one else. We have to get out of here.

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Posted: Tue, 26/12/2023 08:15 (5 Months ago)

♟️Laurence Walton's POV📖

"Your hat, huh? How about... no? I really think it fits me better. Don't you think I look dashing in this?"

Laurence stared in disbelief and indignation, eye twitching. "How about... "Yes, Walton, I am going to give you your hat back. My sincerest apologies for my rude and obnoxious behavior earlier."' He sighed in frustration. "It looks... Tolerable on you. Pleasant. Decent. May I please have my hat back now?"

Oh, good grief. She clearly had no interest in being civil. He would take it by force if he had to. But he couldn't risk hurting her again.

"M'lady." He facepalmed. "How ironic," he murmured. She wasn't even pretending to be civil, and then... Wow, here she was. PRETENDING to be civil.

"I look twice the Detective you are... oh wait! I am! Haha, stupid intern."

Everything about this girl was infuriating. He was half-convinced she wasn't even human. Maybe she was some sort of husk for a bunch of parasites to wriggle their way in, to grow, to nurture themselves, and to infect... He shuddered. He wasn't sure why anything of that nature would come to mind.

Still... He had to keep his cool. He wasn't going to lose any hope of a promising future. Not to mention, he wasn't about to hurt her, behaving so animalistically just because she was irritating. Don't be intimidated, Walton. Just remember you're going to surpass her one day.

He decided to completely ignore her remark. "Fine, then. Let's just get down to business. What are the details regarding the case we have been put on?"

I'll just take my hat back from her later when she's not looking. By then, she should let her guard down, or be bored with her ridiculous charade.

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Posted: Tue, 26/12/2023 06:55 (5 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

What was that change that he saw in Kubo? The way he stood. The look in his eyes. The halting in his breath. Was... Lucian imagining it?

Then, his face flushed in pure embarrassment. He wasn't ACTUALLY keeping track of details that specific regarding Kubo, was he? No, no, no. That was... That was definitely normal. He was always really aware of little things like that. Little things like that... Were important.

"You're not going to die," he insisted. "but... Okay. Of course. Anything."

Thinking about candles made Lucian almost feel a little tearful. It felt like only yesterday that Darcy had prepared a bunch of scented candles. He'd even baked chocolates. He'd cared so much to try to help in something that he wasn't even a part of.

And Lucian found himself crossing his fingers tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as Kubo jumped off. Just hoping, praying, that Darcy was alright. And that Kubo was alright down there. This whole place... Was exactly what he'd always hoped to get away from.

He'd always hoped when he ran away from home, the bloodshed would stop. Everything would be okay. What a lovely lie that was.

Death followed you everywhere.

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 02:43 (5 Months ago)

♟Laurence Walton's POV📖

"Looks like we're on the same case, old man."

Laurence narrowed his eyes, delivering his response through gritted teeth. "It seems we are."

"Oh come on now, don't make that face~ We should start over. Reintroduce ourselves, you know?"

He stiffened. "Alright. I fail to see the point in that, but fine."

"I'm Andreja Buivis. Investigative Assistant of the Clockwork Detective Agency! Pleased to make your acquaintance, Laurence Wart-on."

"It's Walton. If you wish to be civilized for the duration of our working together, would you please give me my hat back?"

And apologize for the mayhem you probably caused to several people in this facility, was something else he wanted to add. But he got the feeling she'd refuse.

Maybe if I do well enough on this, they'll let me work away from her soon enough. ...I hope.

(I'll add in my other character POVs later)

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Posted: Wed, 13/12/2023 02:22 (5 Months ago)

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Lucian, if Darcy dies down there, it'd be on my head anyway. We don't know who Monokuma would blame for Darcy's death. Me, Shi, Darcy himself- We can't afford to make mistakes right now. And besides..."

"Kubo, I'm sure that you wouldn't-" he cut himself off there. He didn't know that. Their Headmaster would pull... anything.

"I think... I'll be okay. Call it intuition, call it God, call it fate- but I feel like I can't die here. Like there's something else I have to do first."

Lucian was hushed into silence. His mouth remained slightly agape, as though he were about to stay something. But no sound came out. Those words... sounded so unlike Kubo. Trusting in intuition, God, fate... didn't sound like him. He was... real. Realistic.

But Lucian saw the determination in his eyes. He could feel it in the air. In the Ultimate Detective's words, his voice, his... presence.

"So it's fine. Don't be dumb, Lucian. I'll be fine. This would be a pretty f*cking stupid way to die."

He couldn't help but smile at him, despite himself. "...alright. Just-- be careful, okay?"


"Can we... go find him, now? Please?" Please no please no please no please no--

No, it was fine. Nothing was wrong... right?

"Okay! It's- it's alright, Sawyer. He'll be fine. Let's just get down there."

He's fine he's fine he's...




Why does it feel like...



"Can I come with you? Please? I- need to know he's still here." They looked pleadingly at Blue Pigtails.

But... why? No, it's fine. He's just elsewhere.


Why do I feel like... there's something I've forgotten? Something...


That day, they... I...


It was too unbearable to remember. It must have been gone now...

🍨Sutaraitsu Unemoto's POV🍀

"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!" Suzume's ghost screamed nonexistently in a way that seemed OOC. "THE HOT CHOCOLATE WAS OUR THING!! COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!"

"Oh! Yeah! Just reading about something super cute and cool! You interested in moon men? I've got lotsa stuff!"

Sutaraitsu smiled shyly, scuffing the back of his hair with his hand. "Well, umm... y-yeah, actually!! I'd love to read about them!! What have you got, Setsuna?"

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Posted: Sat, 09/12/2023 20:53 (5 Months ago)

🍧Sutaraitsu Unemoto's POV🍀

"Hey, uhh... You okay, Setsuna?" he asked, shifting his feet upon the floor. "You seem... Quiet." Was that normal? There was just something... Faintly off about him. Was he okay?

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊️

"I'll do it. We'll tie together the curtains from the Drama Hall. They should form a stable enough rope... I think."

Lucian's hands and lips started to tremble, and he immediately tightened his grip on Kubo's hand.

"KUBO, NO! YOU'LL DIE!" Then, he attempted to steady himself. He looked the Ultimate Detective firmly in the eyes. "I... I mean..." He paused a moment. "I... Promised I'd protect you. Okay? So please... Don't do anything reckless. We'll find a safer way down."

He stared numbly at the floor, his breathing trembling. "...I don't want to lose you too."


"What about... One of those human chain thingies? Or are those... Actually not that stable?" They squinted. Where... Did they know about that from?

Everything was so fuzzy... The screaming was getting louder.


Yet it seemed so far away.

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 23:27 (5 Months ago)

🍨Sutaraitsu Unemoto's POV🍀

"Area 51... Yeah. We'll raid it."

He nodded, beaming. "Yeah! And... we'll come back. Probably."

Well... so long as he had me there with him... he'd probably be safe. I think.

"Come on. Let's go. We can find somewhere else to have our date... hey?"

He gave Setsuna's hand a squeeze in return, his face flushing at his boyfriend's touch. "Y-Yeah! Let's."

❄lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Hey, Darcy! You alive down there?"

Lucian saw a halting in Sawyer's posture. A freezing in their expression. As if they were realizing something. It made him wince.

"We might have to climb down, if he doesn't respond."

He sighed and nodded. "...well... shouldn't be that much harder than helping him up. right?"

...if... he's alive, that is.




There was no response. Maybe he couldn't hear.

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 22:23 (5 Months ago)

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧

Niwa had disappeared. Probably... off to do his own things. Yeah. That was... fine, right? He couldn't blame him for that. Maybe they could catch up later.

He looked at his own assigned case, taking deep breaths to steady himself. This was going to be fine. He headed towards the exit of the agency. He'd figure this out, like he always did.



"That makes ✨nothing clearer at alllll!✨" Sawyer exclaimed, somehow gaining a similar ability to Saeko's in which they could use emojis in their speech. "But okay! Sure!" They hopped along with the supposed Head Detective.

♟Laurence Walton's POV📖

He watched the detectives filing out, off to their own separate cases. Okay. It wasn't like this wasn't important work as well. But... it still felt shameful. His talents were being WASTED on mopping and sweeping and scrubbing.

Still, he didn't let any of his disdain show. His face was one of utterly composed neutrality.

Just one month, just one month.

The worst part about all this was undoubtedly the fact Andreja had just run off. Stolen his hat, and wasn't even helping with the work. She'd probably get in trouble again... and, so help him, if she DID get herself in trouble, he might wind up blamed for not keeping her under wraps.

She was the reason child leashes were invented. Undoubtedly.

If there was one good thing about humanity dying out, it would be that there would be fewer people like her. The thought almost made him feel a little... guilty, for a moment. But no. Obviously, it would be best if people weren't like her. Because they would cause nothing but trouble and do all the things they weren't supposed to do otherwise.

Hopefully, my fellow intern is faring better than this.

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 21:35 (5 Months ago)

🍨Sutaraitsu Unemoto’s POV🍀

"We should celebrate. Ice cream! Strawberry, rocky road, cookies and cream- it'll all be there. And popcorn! Everything we could ever want, and then we'll watch a romantic movie, like the Notebook! Or something else, even. Anything you want-"

Sutaraitsu slowly raised his head. That sounded… nice. Really nice.

"Anything, Sutaraitsu! We'll watch or do everything! It'll just be like a first date, except it won't be awkward or weird because we love each other and we're together... and everything's fine, you see? Everything's fine! I'm-"

“Y-Yeah! Of course. A-And we can… umm… discuss things. Like… the Area 51 raid?” he tried.

"Ice cream... yeah. In the kitchen."

“It’ll be wonderful….m-maybe we could try some reading, too?”

His pale, petite, delicate fingers softly brushed against Setsuna’s face. Why was it damp? Damp with… tears? What could he have to cry about? He was Setsuna. He was everything.

Was he… afraid? No, he was alright. Of course he was alright.

You know that’s not true.

🪓Mika Uyehara’s POV🌷

Huh. The edgy quiet guy was skulking off. Engineer, right? Mika decided to stalk after him from the shadows. Prologue Sawyer flashbacks

I mean, hey, why not? It wasn’t like he was doing anything anyway. And it was interesting. He had just skulked off, not even a parting word. What was he up to?

❄️lucian arbred’s pov🕊

Lucian’s heart stirred into motion, as he felt Kubo squeezing his hand. He wasn’t sure how to interpret it… he had just been trying to comfort Kubo himself, but… it was welcoming. Comforting.

His bare hands were cold against his own, sending a chill through him. It wasn’t an unwelcome one. It felt like the snow. His hands were the snow. They were winter.

Winter, when all the mistakes were buried. Winter, when you could start anew. When you could almost pretend everything was alright. The end of one life, and into another. Metamorphosis.

Having his hand intertwined with his own almost felt… like regaining part of himself. A part of himself he had long forgotten.

I want to trust you.

"Right. It will be okay."

He would walk with him, and everyone else. And they’d get to the bottom of this. It would be okay.

Lucian shuddered at the mention of the “workout”. He wasn’t entirely sure what that was supposed to mean, but he didn’t want to stick around and find out.

He nodded. ”...okay. Let’s go.”


”Workout?...” Sawyer tilted their head.

Lucian(?) shook his head at them. ”...you probably don’t want to know. come on.”

“Why not?”

They were only met with silence. Okay. Maybe it WAS that bad?

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 20:08 (5 Months ago)

🍨Sutaraitsu Unemoto's POV🍀

"Matching suits! That sounds amazing!"

Sutaraitsu smiled shyly back at him, his head tilting slightly to the side. His sweet, soft pink eyes fell upon the floor, then back at Setsuna. "Umm... y-you think so?"

His presence was so warm, so comforting. Those deep, shining pools of a cooling brown. That audacious smile. Those long, bouncy curls. He was so dang cute. Sutaraitsu really WAS lucky. He just wanted to drift right into those arms... and never leave them.

"S-Setsuna? You're really amazing, you... know that? I- I think... I love you."

"We can- we can do anything. Be anything. None of this will matter, because we're together."

"U-Umm... yeah. None of it matters. Of course."

Yes, just don't think about it, Sutaraitsu. It's alright.

As he withdrew breath, he could hardly believe this blessed moment was real. He would cherish it forever. He buried his face in Setsuna's shoulder, holding him tightly. Breathing in his scent, listening to his voice... He was beautiful. He was so cool, so kind, and so smart. He was Setsuna.

Where he began, his life began, too.

But what about the end?

He was almost afraid to open his eyes. That he would slip away, that he would become something new. Something new Sutaraitsu would try to forget.

We'll always have each other. He's right... right?

He wanted to believe that.

🪓Mika Uyehara's POV🌷

Mika Uyehara was an observer. He had always been an observer. Watching, waiting, deciding what to do. Always thinking only of his own self-preservation. Always thinking only of what was best for him.

And as he watched everyone around him, he felt something strange and unfamiliar. He felt... lonely, almost. Like he didn't belong here. Wasn't it only natural though? To focus on keeping yourself alive? That was a human instinct.

A heart beated inside his chest, when he would put his hand to it. Yet he would look in the mirror. His eyes were cold and dull. His expression a blank slate. Maybe he wasn't human at all. Maybe... at some point, he had become something other. Something different.

Someone willing to blackmail others. Someone willing to...


I HAD to kill them. What else was I supposed to do?

Deep breaths, Mika. In and out, in and out. Walking. Talking. All of them united in some way or other. Why did it... make him question himself? Why did it make him feel so empty?





Him, merely a stranger. Almost a stranger.

Did he feel discontented about that?

He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure what he even felt.

There was a look on Miyako's face. A look it felt he knew very well. That seemed all too familiar.

She was hiding something. He was sure of it.


Solaro had killed Akora for her own self-preservation, hadn't she?

Most curious. And yet another might be dead, as of now...

❄️lucian arbred's pov🕊

"Alright, Lucian."

Was it something about the briefness of his statement? The sound of his tone? The look he thought he saw flash across Kubo's face... if only for a moment?

"Kubo... are you alright?" Lucian made the decisive action, at last. He gently took the Ultimate Detective's hand. "it'll be okay. Whatever we find... we'll figure it out. Together."

He gave him the warmest smile he could muster.

Maybe I don't know if I can trust him. But... we should all believe in each other. If we're going to get out of here.

...right, he just needs to be HELPED, right? To be FIXED?


Like everyone else, right?... Is that it?

He did promise to protect me... and I promised to protect him.

"I know... things are scary right now. But... it'll be okay."


Sawyer went along.


Because... what else could they do, right?

He's fine. He's fine. He's just... gone away again! Right...?

Again?... what...


Why again?

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2023 21:01 (5 Months ago)


"Exact-lee. Scorned man having an affair of his own? The papers'd eat it up. He'd be doomed. So he pays his little lover to stay here, and be real quiet... but he doesn't pay her enough, y'see? She's keeping his secret and doing the caulking. She gets frustrated after a while. And she bounces. Boom, she's off, and with his little ring too."

Sawyer raised their eyebrows. "Huh. You think he trusted her too much or something? Seems like a terrible idea thingy to do!"

"Eh, yeah, that's possible too. This was fun though, right? Even if there's no evidence and it never comes to light- because god are rich people good at covering up their tracks- we can be assured he's no innocent in this. In one way or another, he's hiding something. Might as well talk about it, amirite? Mess with that shiny reputation of his."

"Yeppers, guess so! I like these ominous thingies you keep mentioning!" they exclaimed. "Sooo... Head Detective... you gonna declare this case solved?" They tilted their head. "I meannnn, can we really consider this the answer with no evidence? Maybe it is, but people might be skeptical."

"I think they finally posted the cases. Lotsa noise out there..."

"Yeah, they haaave! Wait. If you're a Head Detective, shouldn't you... know about that?" They squinted.

Hold on...

♟Laurence Walton's POV📖

While he cleaned, Laurence prayed to the totally existent gods of work (probably robots), that he wouldn't end up punished because of Andreja's insolence. Again.

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Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 05:36 (6 Months ago)


"No, no. You misunderstand. He was a divorced man, right? When he got the divorce, he had something on her... so he got a major claim out of the settlement."

"Ohhh... Yeah! That would make sense." Sawyer nodded vigorously. "Due to prenuptial law and whatnot, right?"

"He was having an affair and the woman he had it with stays here, out of sight. She stole his ring and took off. He had to report the theft- it's a famous piece, y'know? People'd be asking after it. He cleaned the whole place up, tried to make it look like a plain old bachelor pad... but you know. He was rich. And rich people don't fix their own caulking."

Unceremoniously, Sawyer started clapping. "Wowwww! I guess that's why you're a Head Detective!! That makes so much sense! But... I feel the need to ask, what about the other suspects? Couldn't one of them have done it?"

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧️

"Want to wait in the hall? I can find your assignment for you. It's no trouble."

Eloi was about to tell him no, until he saw the bustle of people, and realized why Niwa had offered. "R-Really? You don't have to... I--" He could almost feel all the eyes drilling into his skull. He began to sweat intensely.

"B-But... If you're offering, um, okay... Thank you..."

[Read more]
Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 02:48 (6 Months ago)

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧

"Yeah, friends. If you have any Spider-Man... Wait, actually. We seriously gotta get to work. The assignments are probably already up, and we won't have time for paperwork by now."

Eloi smiled sadly at him. "Aw... yeah. I- guess so. Let's go see what those assignments are! At least... once we're finished, maybe... we can- read them together, right?"

Assuming he's... not doing anything after work. Or maybe we could do it on our break together?

Reluctantly, he headed off to find some case assignments with Niwa. But there was this warm, sunny feeling inside of him now... he had a friend. A friend who was genuinely interested in something he also liked. It was... a nice change.

♟Laurence Walton's POV📖

Someday, maybe someday, he would be able to investigate some of those cases himself. But right now, he was stuck on janitor duty. Oh, what was he worried about, anyway? It was like that pest Andreja had said, after all. He'd get through this month, and then he'd finally be able to actually prove himself. That he could do so much more than just a janitor's work.

My intellect is being utterly wasted right now. Lovely. Tsk, tsk.

And it was all because some girl decided to mock someone's glasses. He should have stayed out of it. He just... hadn't expected her to do what she did...



He'd get his hat back... later. He smoothly adjusted his hair with his hand, and then got back to scrubbing and mopping.


"Of course you didn't. You are but a simple detective, and such things are out of your hands, dear Sawyer. As the great and renowned Head Detective Melagis, I order you to not question anything from now on, because it will confuse your very adorable little head."

"Ah... um... okay!?" Had they just been insulted? Hmm... nahhh, probably not. Hopefully! They liked this girl's energy!

"Anyway... the case."

"Yeahhh! The case!"

"Huh. He was a wealthy man, wasn't he? Recently divorced, got most of the money in the settlement..."

"Yeahhh... I was thinking that maybe--" They stopped. Had she just figured something out?

"The thief, is the woman he housed here."

"Whoaaa. How do you figure? That might make sense... given his divorce. You think that the ring originally belonged to her and he took it, then she stole it back? Maybe he's got this love affair going on with some other person and she got jealous? Could make sense!!"

[Read more]
Posted: Tue, 28/11/2023 05:44 (6 Months ago)

♟️Laurence Walton's POV📖

...ugh. You know what, forget this. Forget HER.

He figured he'd probably get in more trouble for not working and being discovered just chasing after her rather than just doing it by himself and explaining later.

If she wants to be THAT self-centered, then fine.

He surprised himself once more with that thought. Had he... Somehow expected more of her? Then, he shook the thought away. It was probably because of her position here. Because she had apparently committed so many offenses, and was still permitted her position...

Imagine living a life where you get second chances. Most people don't even get a first.

But as he got the cleaning supplies out, and took to tidying the place... He couldn't stop thinking about that goddamn girl that stole his hat and ran off with it.

Laurence just couldn't understand it. Why he had expected more from her, especially when...

Huh... Adrik. Was he doing okay? The glasses boy?

Oh, forget it. It wasn't important. Neither was the girl he shouldn't even be thinking about.

If she's not going to even BOTHER to care about me, why should I BOTHER to care about her?


"Oh, whoa, really?? Cool! I didn't know they did that." That didn't sound right. Still, what did Sawyer know?

"What's so crazy about them?" Sawyer asked with a thoughtful frown. "It sounded like somebody just desperately needed help with something. But uhhh... Okay, sure! So, basically... Somebody apparently broke into someone's apartment in the middle of the night and stole a ruby ring! They seem to have covered their tracks up pretty well, though... But I think I've got it narrowed down to a few suspects... Here's what I've got so far!" They tossed their incredibly messy abundance of notes to Andreja.

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧️

"Someone else? No, Eloi. Androids aren't like that. Nobody'd help anyone if there wasn't to, at least in their twisted, broken world. It's a human trait, empathy. Only humans have it and we're almost dead now."

Eloi pulled his hat over his face and smiled sadly. "Yeah, I... I guess so..." It was truly a depressing thought. He knew it was reality in their society, and yet... The thought still saddened him.

"We're also able to enjoy superhero comics! And read and discuss them with our friends!"

Eloi raised his head. "H-Huh? Friends...? You... Don't mean..." He smiled shyly back at him. "Oh... Friends. Yeah! Cool!"

He pulled the comics out of his bag. "...are there... Any in particular you'd like to look at?"

God, what am I doing? Maybe... He doesn't think I'm a weirdo? Maybe he... Genuinely likes these too?

🌹Cadence Laurier's POV🎯

Michon did get some very interesting visitors. If only she could hear the rest of that conversation. But, no, she had to head back to her office, and do some digging on this particularly fascinating case...

Her mind was a whirl of questions, and not just about the potential solution to this particular case file...

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 17:31 (6 Months ago)

🍨Sutaraitsu Unemoto's POV🍀

"Oh, Sutaraitsu! We can go to prom together! You'll look so cute in a suit!"

A flustered Sutaraitsu started to look as pink in the face as his fluffy hair. "Um, s-sure! That sounds fun!" He awkwardly fiddled with his hands. Wait, what was that on the... floor?

Then the words came back to him... Akora was...


That didn't make sense. The words didn't line up. Why?

Sutaraitsu decided to try not to think about it.

"So... wh-what will you be wearing, Setsuna? Will... we be matching or anything?"

He tried not to look at Akora Menx on the floor. He tried not to hear the conversations. He tried, he tried, he tried. But he could feel himself shaking, even if it was ever so slight.

The smile on his face looked stitched on. Why was... all this... happening?

Just... think about Setsuna in an unspecified outfit. Just think about your super cool boyf- friend?? in that unspecified outfit. Yes. This is fine.

🪓Mika Uyehara's POV🌷

Oh, huh. Akora Menx was dead, and Darcy Harper might be as well?

Yeah, I don't care. I have no idea who those people even are. Plus, I'm fine, so... who cares?

But there was still something that made him uneasy as he looked at Akora's body. He wasn't sure what it was, exactly... maybe... it was...

She looks just like them, back then.

No, no, she didn't. That was... an incredibly bizarre thought.

Wonder what killed her?

He knelt down at Akora's side, frowning thoughtfully at her fatal injuries. Though... there didn't seem to be an investigation going on right now. Maybe it didn't matter.

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 08:28 (6 Months ago)

🥽Suzume Fujimori's POV🧪

"Of course!"

What a nice guy. Suzume would look forward to seeing him here in the future.

"Sure, Suzume!"

She found herself smiling as she took the other cup. That wasn't a no? She actually-- no, keep it together, Miss Fujimori. You don't know that yet.

Suzume was about to sip from her own drink, and then shrugged, instead finding a strangely different compulsion within herself.

"On second thought, I'm not thirsty. You can have mine too, if you want."

She wasn't sure why she felt like doing this...

Why couldn't she shake the feeling that there was... Something familiar about this girl? Who even was she?

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 02:20 (6 Months ago)

🌹Cadence Laurier's POV🎯

"I suppose we can adjourn this meeting, then."

"Yes, I suppose so. Unless there's anything else...?"

Had... there been a look on his face there, or had she imagined it? She couldn't shake this strange feeling... maybe it was nothing. But there was... something... worrying.

🧣Eloi Torres's POV🌧

"Thanks Eloi..."

"Oh... it's- nothing, really!" He laughed nervously, shuffling his feet across the floor. "If... I hadn't done it, someone else would have..." He trailed off.

"You were saying something about... comic books?"

"O-OH! Yeah! I... brought some of my... superhero comics..." His face flushed with embarrassment. "Would you... like to see them? They're in my bag... I- I thought maybe we could reread and discuss them together, at some point, sometime, I- don't know what I was planning, really, probably a dumb idea, honestly, I-"


"Ooo, what kinda case? Cool one? Or lame one?"

"A mysterious burglary! And of course it's a cool one!! All cases are cool! You have to figure everything out, narrow down the suspects, figure out the bad guy!" Sawyer beamed. "You wanna s- wait. Are you..." They squinted. "Are you authorized for this? What do you work here as?"

"ANDREJA! I know you're in there. Please, just come out. I've been instructed to be on cleaning duty with you, so help me God if they see me doing it without you. ...Please."

"Uhhh... shouldn't you go answer that?" Sawyer asked, tilting their head. "That sounds important. Did he say... you're on cleaning duty? Weird... you don't look like a janitor."

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