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Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 10:38 (3 Months ago)
Can i get a normal drawing of a heat Rotom? I’ll send payment afterwards, thanks!

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 12:40 (3 Months ago)
Mew looks like he’s selecting his next victim in the playground so kidnapping and murder ig

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 11:25 (3 Months ago)
Kill (no homo)

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 10:43 (3 Months ago)
Hi! I wanted to ask if there were more examples of Emera Pokémon, or better yet, a catalogue of all the Emera variants. I tried searching “Emera” in the wiki and all I got was Emera Diancie.

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 09:58 (3 Months ago)
What kind of commission are you interested in?
Fyi, Most people charge their art for 5k-30k pd, but the more experienced ones charge from 40k-100k pd depending on the commission and art quality

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2024 03:30 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 couldn’t help himself but let out a small laugh at the sight of the girl’s restlessness. He always had a soft spot for children, but this was the first time he had seen a child so full of vim and vigor. Crow-2 walked out the front door, right being The Storyteller and the child.

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 01:49 (3 Months ago)
“In that case, would you mind if I joined the two of you?” Crow-2 was eager to explore more of this mysterious place, and any intel was useful to him at the moment. Besides, it gives him the opportunity to converse with Aleksandr and maybe find a way out of what he now coined as a Worldgap. If anyone knew a way to leave this Worldgap and send him back to his home world, it would be Aleksandr.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 18:09 (3 Months ago)
(I’m so hyped for this :D)

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 00:57 (3 Months ago)
“You can simply refer to me as Crow, young one.” Crow-2 gave the girl an elegant bow.

Crow-2 stared longingly as the little girl tapped on the glass of the lantern. It reminded him of the little one he cared for back on his home world… so young and innocent, without a care in the world. Crow-2 was skeptical if the little girl even knew of the situation she was in in the first place.

Turning his attention to the lantern however, he could tell that the bugs buzzing around the lantern were anything but ordinary. They just seemed a little…perculiar. Crow-2 had to remind himself that this man was from another world, and perhaps bugs with intellect were a standard in his world. But that didn’t explain why he was chatting with them earlier…they were just a makeshift light source weren’t they?

Ah, pondering about such a fruitless question was futile. He should be focusing on more urgent matters, like gathering more intel about the one called Aleksandr, and figuring out how to return to his home world.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 13:13 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 could see that hint of anxiousness in The Storyteller’s eyes, almost as if he wasn’t telling the full story. Nevertheless, he was not offended in the least when The Storyteller slammed his magical book shut. After all, some people had their own secrets that they never wish to reveal, and Crow-2 was just fine with that. “Your world sounds rather delightful as compared to mine, Storyteller. But let’s stay away from the negatives, shall we? Why don’t you introduce me to the handsome fellow that rules this world?” Asked Crow-2 as he pointed to the man standing behind The Storyteller.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 12:59 (3 Months ago)

QuoteGoofy ah Minecraft doodles

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 12:30 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 stared at the levitating tome as its pages flipped in his face, revealing a children’s book with illustrated picture of the residents of the house and Crow-2 himself. It wasn’t as shocking as before however, now that he knew of the existence of other worlds. “A book that writes itself and flies without thrusters… and not to mention the lamp you were communicating with earlier. Just what kind of world do you come from Storyteller?”

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 11:24 (3 Months ago)
Different worlds? Gods? Crow-2 was speechless by the mention of such subjects. “My apologies, my good sir, for assuming your age. Besides that, is it really true that I entered another- no, a space between worlds by walking through a mist storm?” Crow-2 questioned the one he now knew as The Storyteller.

It might have been possible, with all those stories of people disappearing into mist storms and never being seen again. Nevertheless, Crow-2 was not one to base his understand of things on just mere fairytales, and further research was required on this.

The more concerning thing however, was the claims of him being in a gap bewtween worlds, a location separate from his world. He had heard of such theories from scholars, but all were shunned and labeled as liars. It was unthinkable that he had just stumbled upon the truth, the one that would bring his world into true and utter chaos.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 09:29 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 gave the man a quick bow and asked,“A very good morning to you, my poncho wearing acquaintance. You can address me as Crow-2, and I actually have some inquires about our current location. Say… which region of Eastdime is this?
You see, I got lost in a mist storm earlier on and I seem to have stumbled across this unique house by accident.
Your house owner seemed to have mistook me for one of his guests, so all I’ll need are some energy cores to recharge my mist repeller, which I will gladly pay for, and I’ll be on my way.”

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 07:17 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 gazed at the young girl from a distance, as she slumped onto the counter and wolfed down a huge plate of eggs and bacon impolitely. He has watched the scenario unfold earlier, and although he was more interested in her wheel modifications, he was still concerned about her unhappy demeanor. He knew an unhappy child when he saw one, and he couldn’t help himself but to try cheering her up. Besides, how dangerous could the child be?

However, before he could approach the child, she suddenly stood up from her stool, and dashed into a nearby corridor of the house, crashing straight into a middle aged man who was talking to his lamp……how ludicrous! The man wore a gray poncho, which was incredibly reminiscent of one of Crow-2’s acquaintances. Despite the man’s interruption, Crow-2 decided that the best course of action from here was to gain intel from this house’s very own residents. After all, exploring the house wouldn’t get you very far. Without any further though, he walked towards the odd duo.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 05:05 (3 Months ago)
Crow-2 had been silent the entire time. The last few seconds were a blur… one second he was donning his mist repeller, striding confidently towards the house, the next second he found himself standing in front of a well dressed man, with short blonde hair and sparkling azure eyes. The strange thing about him was looked almost as if he was fading in and out of existence. Before Crow-2 could respond, he was instantly barraged by a quick greeting from the man, before he went back to talking to a child floating on… a cloud?! Scanning his surroundings, he realized the room he was standing in was occupied by numerous strange creatures. The floating girl…the non-existent man… and not to mention the girl with wheel modifications enjoying a plate of eggs and bacon at the table. The most normal person he saw was the cyborg with streaks of crimson hair, but even he looked rather strange.

Despite the rather confusing situation he was in, he took a deep breath, and decided to gather more intel before interacting with these strange folk. He had always learnt to stay calm under the most stressful situations, and this situation was no different. Taking another breath to calm himself down, he decided to start his exploration of his surroundings, before distancing himself from the lively chatter.

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 21:41 (3 Months ago)
A cooling mist filled the air, shrouding Crow-2 in a cloak of eternal gray as he tread through the grassy ruins. Donning a mist repeller on his back, he flicks the on switch, attempting to remove himself from the mist’s grasp, but to no avail. “How peculiar… I don’t remember reading about anything like this in the guide books…perhaps this requires further study……” He rambled to himself, walking deeper and deeper into the unknowns of the mist.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, the mist finally released it’s grasp, swirling around Crow-2 in an almost playful manner. He smiled,“It appears the machinery was faulty…that explains why none of the mist was repelled earlier.” That was what he assumed, until he finally caught sight of the large, overhanging cliff before him. The thing that stood out the most however, was the large, house-like structure at the very edge of it. It had a unique architectural design, with a triangular shaped build at the top and a large, rectangular structure poking out above it, unlike anything he’d ever seen from his experiences of travelling through The Rim. It seemed to be occupied, with its flickering lights shining through it windows.

With great interest, Crow-2 proceeded to double check the premises for any traps, before striding straight towards the strange looking house.

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 14:03 (3 Months ago)
Honestly? Heck no it’s my first time XD
I’m pretty good at writing up stories though… but I’ll probably need some tips and pointers from you, so I’ll try my best!

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Posted: Wed, 14/02/2024 13:59 (3 Months ago)
Character Name: Refer’s to himself as Crow-2, real name unknown
Age: ???
Height: 5’7 (174cm)
Personality: Charming and elegant, he gets along well with most of the residents. Just don’t ask him about his past. It tends to get him a little… violent.
Original World: The Rim, a medieval yet highly advanced world, filled with cyborg crusader knights and beam riffles way ahead of their time. Energy swords aren’t a thing yet though.
How long have they stayed at the house? 0 days
Other: He loves messing with chemicals to create new concoctions, and is fascinated by the existence of magic

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2024 14:07 (3 Months ago)
Mewtwo is better so nope

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