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Posted: Mon, 27/09/2021 19:33 (2 Years ago)
some chu's!! ofc they are based on kazuki and kosoushi from fafner because it's all I draw now

In a sort of different style than I used to, I kinnda gave up on my old style, it wasn't working out any way. I went back to trying to base them more on canon forms of Pikachu and Pichu, short and pudgy.

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Posted: Thu, 23/09/2021 21:50 (2 Years ago)
I haven't done much, did a full piece though with background for a friend! I was asked to draw Soushi/Kazuki and I was happy to oblige 🥺🥺

also this, drew art for Kazuki's birthday. It would have been more but the last piece took a while and I was ill a lot. I can't draw eyes consistently or face shapes asdfghjk

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Posted: Sun, 05/09/2021 12:48 (2 Years ago)
I don't spend a lot of time on talents, I usually get them to Level 8 and call that "Good enough" for the time being until I get back around to it but I FINALLY fully crowned my fave!! I'm so happy 😭

All the advice from a while ago helped a lot by the way to increase his Planet Befall damage, he's got 160% crit dam, 55% crit rate, 2 piece nosblesse and 2 piece of the HP set, I forget it's name (the one you can get with the pale flame set) and a Geo damage boosting goblet. Thank you so much for tips! 🤗

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Posted: Wed, 01/09/2021 13:31 (2 Years ago)
I had 10 wishes to use to try for Sara, got Baal - no Sara. I won the 50/50 which surprised me the most but yeah. That's it on my Baal banner, time to save any wishes from now onward, I didn't intend to pull for Baal, I just wanted a shot at Sara aha. I want to save for a couple of other characters so that's why I'm halting pulls for the time being, Sara will be back and she'll go into the standard banner too so I can wait for her!

Sara seemed pretty cool and that's why I thought I'd try for her but she isn't one of the characters I was waiting for and so she'll take a back seat for now.

Good luck to everyone pulling for Baal and Sara!! ✨

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Posted: Fri, 20/08/2021 15:46 (2 Years ago)
The trailer was super exciting!! I couldn't believe my eyes at one point, I'm really glad to see a certain character making a reappearance finally!! I can wait to see those moments and play the story behind it ahhh 😭 💕
Banner wise.. uhh, I'm gonna skip sort of want to save my gems for "him" if he ever gets his own banner or pops in as a 4*. Kokomi is cute and Baal is cool but there's not enough appeal for me, I'll certainly try for them at a later date if they ever get reruns but I know which characters I'm eager for and I'd rather focus on them, I mean if they get reruns and /more/ characters are announced that I may want, then that is a little unfortunate aha. I like Sara quite a bit, she's really cool!! o ^o but as a 4* I might just wait to see her promoted again at a later date since she'll likely come back around - as all 4*'s do - gotta hoard them gem for now!

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Posted: Wed, 11/08/2021 18:13 (2 Years ago)
@Taavi; I hope you don't mind me throwing my experience in too.
I'm also AR56 and almost 57 and running around at this world level isn't really too bad, especially if you have lvl 90 characters or plan on getting them to 90. I kind of felt like I might as well, like, in every world level you can catch up to the difficulty pretty easily and you get used to it, plus you can always lower your world level.

The rewards are pants but they are rewards none the less, it's better than nothing and that's one of the main reasons I think to myself; might as well 🤷‍♂️

There's no real down side but there's no upside either I guess.

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 17:39 (2 Years ago)
I uh.. decided to push my luck and did another 10 roll and hit Yoimiya <w> Doing that I kinnda just thought heck, I've lost my pity, might as well throw the rest of my remaining 15 wishes into it, got another Diona and Sayu.

@~Fahrenheit~ congrats on Yoimiya, at only 11 pulls too, wow!! O:

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 17:17 (2 Years ago)
I've rolled! I got 2 Diona (which gives me C6 + 1), 1 Xinyan (which I already had maxed out), Rust , Favonius Greatsword AND - SAYU ; ___; ahh I was so nervous, it took me 40 pulls to get her, my heart is racing,,

(shoot, I got so excited that I forgot I was the last person to post and doubled posted, my bad!! >__<; )

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 15:05 (2 Years ago)
@Guri; Thanks!! ; __ ; I waited so long too and my Venti had Rust for a while (my old build just went pew-pew a lot instead of making use of his abilities |D), I do use certain comps and a EM goblet but you can really tell the difference with Stringless, it's amazing!! I have that event bow too but I decided against using it whilst I waited, mostly because its passive was very.. eh. I hope one day Stringless drops for you too!!

Personally I think some older characters should get skins before the new and recent ones, let our early game babies get some love! c: Kinnda suspect we might get more summer skins if they are going to add more. (also wouldn't say no to a summer Traveller skin, I think all F2P players with limited characters would like that)

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 10:57 (2 Years ago)
@Taavi; I really wanted to have all the anemo and geo characters since those are my favourite elements to play as and Sayu is so cute, I've been excited to try her out and saved a bunch of things for her ;w;
I'm only at 24 pity and I don't think I'll get "lucky" with a 5*, I haven't been that lucky with the gacha system so I'm kind of like 'why would it start now' xD
I'm not really interested in Yoimiya, she's sweet and bubbly and there's nothing wrong with that but she's not for me >w< Sayu will more than likely go into the standard banner like every other 4* introduced but I rarely put into that since if I do then I don't have gems for the premium banner and I think I'll be a bit too impatient to wait for months for her to be a promoted character again.

tbh, a 5* at zero pity is still pretty impressive o: But it's unfortunate that you now have to contend with 50/50, that's the thing I fear at the moment. The only upside for me is that I don't have an interest in the up coming 5*'s and I think the characters I want are rumoured to be 4* (I won't mention who though because spoilers and unconfirmed but I have my fingers crossed it's true ahh)

I have missed weapons I wanted a few times because I'm too focused on other banners, I'd have loved Vortex Vanquisher and Staff of Homa.
Up until I got the new sword, I only had 2 5* weapons so it's kinnda nice to have a 3rd finally :D I plan on reworking Kazuha for it, the sword works better with characters that infuse their weapons with an element - like Ayaka who I assumed this weapon might have been aimed at - Kazuha can infuse his weapon and even if I don't, I team him with Bennett who gives characters pyro damage. (One of my 5* is aquilla, I got it in the standard banner one time when throwing the wishes the game gives you into it)

I don't know why I always ramble so much but long story short, I think I'm going to try for Sayu and hope for the best?

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Posted: Tue, 10/08/2021 10:15 (2 Years ago)
I'm a bit nervous about hitting a 5*, I'm guaranteed the premium character if I hit it and I wanted to save it for a future character or I want to save because I'm curious about what they'll do for the 1st year anniversary.

I will be trying in Yoimiya's banner when it comes out later (it's not out here until for another 6-7 hours), I really would love Sayu and maybe another Diona (She's at C5 and I'd love to complete her constellation) and I have 63 wishes saved to attempt it and my pity is around 24 I think.. so fingers crossed I guess ^^;

I would have had 73 but I did a 10 pull in the weapon banner and got my first weapon banner 5*, I got the sword! I think that was around 60-ish pity, I've only occasionally put random wishes into the banner so it's nice to see a 5* after all this time aha. In that 10 pull I also got the Stringless which was my first one, I've been dying for this bow for such a long time and I can't believe it has taken nearly a year of playing to get a single one e__e .. but at least now my Venti has the bow I wanted for him, that random 10 pull was really worth it for once ;w;

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Posted: Wed, 04/08/2021 18:31 (2 Years ago)
Welp, artfight is over and I didn't get everything done on time so I'm going to try return those to users at a later date ;w; But here are some of the ones I got done that I haven't already posted;

For JaqieLimanu on insta!

For 123penguin64 on Toyhouse!

For RadiantMasterpiece on Artfight!

For crescinart on Twitter!

I'm now working on my own personal piece for August, I've made a start but I have to little to show but this very early sneak peak;
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Ignore the random colour on the ground, I plan on this being water and just threw some stuff down because I love just doing that aimlessly xD; I'm going to attempt to digitally paint this with guidance of a tutorial online, I'm excited to try it out!

Also did this a couple of days ago for Bunny day! It's all I could muster up T wT

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Posted: Tue, 03/08/2021 15:17 (2 Years ago)
ahhh, he looks so adorable!! Thank you so much!! 💕

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Posted: Tue, 03/08/2021 07:27 (2 Years ago)
I tend to leave characters at the level 80 cap if they aren't mains or something and I do that so I can at least use them for stuff like the abyss or have required types and stuff. I don't really use electro characters for example but sometimes it is handy (especially for the new region) so I have levelled one up to 80, done some talents, worked on artifacts etc. Characters I get to 90 are the ones I really love and use a lot but if I run out, or get bored or any other reason, I would push level 80"s to 90.

I remember being able to get 5* artifacts for the first time, it felt so good ;__; except for that noblesse domain, at first I just couldn't do that domain on my.own and had to randomly match online with people. I can do it now with ease but only because I'm a geo user, other wise I probably may still struggle >3>; I may or may not be too chatty when it comes to genshin hh

I can't share all of my stats as I mentioned already but I forgot about my rank, I am AR56, nearing 57. Tbh the reward for hitting 56 was not worth how long it took <w>

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Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 18:01 (2 Years ago)
@~Fahrenheit~; 4?! o_o I've never seen more than 3 either, bad stats or not, that's pretty lucky.

This lab thingy, I have never used it and know little about it since my account is playstation based ;w; (and we couldn't link them until this update anyway lmao). Kinnda wish I could see some of these stats in game and not just in the lab thing, I only know some stuff like the spiral abyss because I've reached the bottom, achievements because you can view that in game (I have 308 I think), other stuff little stuffs that I can guess like the 'culi stuff.. missing waypoints though, there's one I can't figure out-

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Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 14:58 (2 Years ago)
@Guri; It's strange and amusing at the same time because you know you've been on a while but then there's an actual number to it and I'm like, oh damn that's crazy-
but thanks, I did start half way through Venti's first run-ish and have played every day since (except this one single day where I couldn't because I was on vacation xD;) and I often spend a lot of time just chilling on it, especially in some of my favourite area's and I play with others sometimes to help them out and before I know it, I've spent the entire day on the game, oops 🙄 All those hours just added up I guess.

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Posted: Mon, 02/08/2021 14:05 (2 Years ago)
I don't particularly have any interest in any of the current 5* characters and I find myself skipping a lot of banners lately (much to my relief because that time they had multiples in a row that grabbed my interest ..😭) so I'm eh on Ayaka and Yoimiya, Ayaka has been 100% skipped for me, however I do want Sayu so I'm going to pull in Yoimiya's banner, I got 54 wishes saved for so far for the little anemo baby ;__; <3 I mean I hope not to use them all on her since she is a 4* character and I want to keep my guaranteed 5* for a future 5* that I might like so I'm a little nervous pulling in the banners for a different reason, I'm nervous about hitting pity aha ;w; I do hope for Tohma and Gorou eventually.. Tohma grew on me since I wasn't sure at first but I loved Gorou the second I saw them plus he's Geo, I really can't wait to see if he gets a banner!!

@Taavi; That's pretty nice!! I have the worst luck with artifacts u_u Except one where I got a crit rate circlet and it had crit damage on it and everything rolled into the crit damage. Other than that, my luck sucks.

oh yeah, something random to add; My partner has a ps5 and we just discovered yesterday that it shows how long a friend has played a game so we looked at my Genshin game time and it's at 900+ hours xD; Safe to say that Genshin has taken over my life <w>

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Posted: Wed, 28/07/2021 09:51 (2 Years ago)
I'm not using my c6 Rosaria because her design does not appeal to me (: The reason I pick a character to play as usually is based on how much I like their design and personality, not play style or power.

Max friendship characters I have are; Xingqiu, Keqing, Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc, Chongyun, Venti, Bennett and Jean.. I think that's it. I have Childe at 9 and bunch floating at 8 such as Yanfei and Keaya.

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 21:07 (2 Years ago)
Hello! I'd love to order some art from you! ;W;

Draw something for me please~ ♥
Username: Makabe
Reference: Him maybe?
Type of art: Fullbody
Any additional details?: Optional bandage around his eye!
Payment: I'll pay in nuggets, 175 right? >w<
Any other stuff you want to say? owo: Bandage example (credit to Arahkan for that image), it's based on this but you don't have to include it.
He's a really young Vulpix (which is why he has a tiny tail ehe), but draw him as you like ;w;

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Posted: Mon, 26/07/2021 19:59 (2 Years ago)
@Abra~Kadabra; There's a bunch of ways, some require work and patience >w< Most of them are one offs.
Here's some I know of;
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- Battle pass, the top row is the F2P section and you can reach level 50 in the 40 days as F2P, it has a small bunch of them as rewards.
- Ascending characters gives Acquaint Fates every other ascension.
- There are features, quests, etc that also give them out (I'd list some but I wouldn't want to spoil content for you, I dunno how far you are aha ;w;' )
- Paimon's bargains lets exchange glitter for 5 Acquaint Fates every time the shop resets.
- Primo's is the most effective one probably, make sure to join in events and do your daily commissions which gives at least 60 gems a day, 160 gems will get you a wish! Some of spiral abyss also usually resets and those get up to 150 gems per area.

Hope that helps! It's a little slow at times but really those are pretty much your best shots :3c

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