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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sun, 26/05/2024 19:43 (7 Days ago)

All exams are over! School broke up on Thursday, meaning that I have an extra day to stress less and focus more on relaxing and taking time for myself, considering that I studied during the last long break. The hours will probably be spent either reading or mooching around at home, half paying attention to whatever show piques my interest. That and logging in every now and then, although I’ve noticed that the role play section has been particularly quiet these past few weeks. I might start up one soon - I miss it.

I’ve also been trusted to feed my neighbours’ cat today and tomorrow whilst they are away as a practice for feeding her for a full week in July. I get to hang around in their back garden and will be payed once they’re back as a thankyou.

That’s all really.

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Posted: Fri, 03/05/2024 16:21 (30 Days ago)

So, another week flies by and two listening exams are already over out of the three. Music and French. One easier than the other, though thankfully both not requiring a headaches worth of time for revision or hours of sleep loss. It’s surprising how much time I stress over tests, though when I enter the exam hall, my accessibility for recall of knowledge is relatively easy. As long as I have done some form of preparation of course. Next is Spanish on Tuesday. A new language that I’ve picked up this year so I am a little less familiar with the grammar and vocabulary. I’m glad that I can translate into English somewhat accurately. French oral just so happens to share the date of my listening exam and I am incredibly under prepared to speak in front of my peers and examiner who just so happens to be my teacher. It all will come down to confidence. No matter how well I can memorise extensive sentences answering twelve individual questions, if I have no confidence then my speech will be filled with stutters and pauses or slower pronunciation of words.

Aside from that, last Sunday was a great break from exam preparation itself. My birthday. A nice hour at the leisure centre with some close friends before walking a few blocks down the road for lunch. Then a heart-warming serving of curry for dinner. Simple, but meaningful. Just how I’d like my birthdays. Another year older, yet my young bones feel more matured than they should be. As the saying goes, you are only as old as you feel. I’ve spent around an hour or so typing out this entry, but I feel very satisfied with the result of my state of mind and this post. A little slice of my life.

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Posted: Mon, 22/04/2024 15:35 (1 Month ago)

Liro Alexandrite

Liro had seen this form of transport before, steely and silver and sleek, snaking down railway lines that connected the Districts to the Capitol. Stopping in District 12 to leave more Peacekeepers and ensure no rumours or indications of rebellion. Though more often collecting mountains and mountains of coal unearthed from the mines by the locals before racing back.

He knew it would be luxurious, but this was beyond his expectations. Smooth elegant features, delicate architecture and colours he had never imagined all fusing into the lush environment as if it were natural. Rich, quality food that adorned a banquet-like table that would have kept his family going for months. Liro couldn’t help but stare at the expensive sights in the carriage of the train, having to restrain himself from lunging towards the buffet.

Slowly. He thought, taking careful portions of the indulgent cuisine at a time. One plate, then another and another. Rich flavours, spicy and sweet and sour and savoury. All so delicious. After ploughing through three dishes of food, he decided it was enough for his stomach to consume for a while. It then came to him that he was full. Full! Rarely would he find himself stuffed like the wild turkey shot from the woods, let alone fed enough. It would have been beautiful, perfect even, the whole spectacle of endless meals and entertainment. Assistants waiting to be called when needed, the luxury of the train. They had barely scratched the surface of Capitol life. And maybe he wouldn't mind it, if he wasn't on a set course for the Arena. For most, this was a one way ticket to the Capitol. The idea made him regret that last plate.

Celaine Airus

The restraint made Celaine anxious. Cold harsh metal clamped around her neck, draining her energy dry of power. And her ego. Stepping onto the train, she quickly surveyed her surroundings and wrinkled her nose. She could see the message behind the glitz and glamour of the tribute train. Sickening. What monsters.

Ignoring the meek Avox that pointed in the direction of her chamber, Celaine slipped inside the room and pulled the door to a close tightly behind her. The less mingling the better, even if it severed the opportunity of forging an alliance. They all ended viciously anyway, so why make friends when you know they have to die? She wouldn’t do that. Especially to that young child, the other tribute.

She could only hope that someone would kill the kid, so she wouldn’t have to inflict any harm.

Finally, she took in the sights of her room. The same cohesive luxury was found there, as it was in the rest of the carriages. Inescapable, just like most tribute’s fate. Celaine took a breath to calm herself, steadying the nerves that quickened her heart, begging for the painful thumps in her chest to end as Rya’s heartbroken and betrayed face formed in her head.

How could she? It was that poor girl’s turn, not hers.

Rya would never forgive her, even if she came back victorious. After the smiling through tears, they wouldn’t be the same.

And it was all because of those two stupid words.

don’t let this die!

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Posted: Thu, 11/04/2024 15:13 (1 Month ago)
You wrote: We are unknown

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Posted: Sat, 30/03/2024 15:39 (2 Months ago)

Kiki | Flo

19 | Female | They/Them | Demisexual

✧ Appearance ✧
height| descent/origin | weight

Info here; …

✧ Personality ✧
mbti | star sign | enneagram

Info here; …

✧ Additional Info ✧

Info here; …

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Posted: Fri, 22/03/2024 07:15 (2 Months ago)
Kiki, that’s my job, I’m always here if you need me and I’m not going anywhere

Lysm <3

Happy Birthday for yesterday Etty!

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Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 17:24 (2 Months ago)
9/10 - Cute kitty ^^

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Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 08:01 (2 Months ago)
Two out of three of my usernames were suggested by @JustMew, this one was my original, though I’m glad I changed it later.
HB - The initials of my favourite OC that I created years ago
leafy - When I joined, I was obsessed with Leafeon
koala - One of my favourite animals

Again, a suggestion by @JustMew, relating to my favourite Pokémon but with a little twist

My own suggestion for this username, although inspired by @Cath~

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Posted: Tue, 12/03/2024 18:32 (2 Months ago)

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2024 07:33 (2 Months ago)
☆ Pokémon Shop Request ☆
I would like to buy: 2 Electric Gems, 2 Steel Gems
Tip (optional!): 1,000 PD
Additional notes (optional!): :D

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Posted: Wed, 06/03/2024 16:26 (2 Months ago)
Does anyone know the code for a hashtag? (Raffle, giveaways, etc)

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Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 08:27 (3 Months ago)

Kae Cynthius

Just another day.

Another day of school on that grand campus of Rakua Community College made them feel as small and as insignificant as a star in a constellation. At least it wasn’t too bad, just a few hours of focused hard work and she would be home again. Back in the comfort of the familiar hum of boiling water when she made tea for their foster parents.

She would usually spend the day cleaning or caring for the spidery plants that littered each room. That, or reading various novels and literature; whether it be historic scriptures that would be the prime topic at dinner, or more relaxed fairy tales to their siblings. All three of them.

She had reached a decision of residing in one of the apartments in the Main Plaza, or one of the dorms in the campus if it were possible, when she was eighteen years old. But for the time being, that cosy little bungalow would suffice; more than, in fact. She had been lucky to live with such kind people. Not everyone was as fortunate.

Before reaching a hand to the silvery knob, Kae’s glance flickered to the mirror. An oval shaped object, surrounded by a rim of pale wood and a wavy pattern etched into the grain, reflected their appearance. Thin sandy locks tied away from the face, just touching their left shoulder and framing polished grey eyes that stared back at them. She shivered slightly, but polished the surface with a white sleeve until it sparkled and the material became dull. Habits. Content with the cleanliness of the mirror, she bid the empty house a brief goodbye and slipped through the door.

Just before she tripped on a lace and face planted the floor.

Ah. Another day.

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2024 16:23 (3 Months ago)
Form completed!

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Posted: Tue, 20/02/2024 07:51 (3 Months ago)
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"They say that the ones you love hurt you the most. I’ve loved and been hurt. But you wouldn’t leave me.. right?"


Character Name:
Kae Cynthius

Gender & Pronouns:
Female | She/Them



Council Member & Position:

Kae has a simple appearance, much to their delight, of dark roots in their thin locks, blending to a softer sandy brown shade. Steely blue, moon grey eyes sit below a side swept parting in their hair, mousy strands tickling the tips of her pale brows and lightly tanned complexion. A tall stance and muscular physique gives them more confidence than if she were to be of average height or smaller.

INFJ - The Advocate

Kae is rather shy and reserved, despite seeming outgoing and laidback. Although their fluid mask adapts her character to each individual, it blocks out their natural self that she only reveals to a handful of trusted people.

Under their broad exterior, she is sensitive, empathetic and caring to those who need it as well as those that matter most to them. Kae’s moral compass is generally accurate and she balances their feelings and logic quite smoothly. She hates letting others down, usually being the support system of many emotions that pour out from the mouths from teary eyed individuals. Kae pushes themselves to excel in their studies and can be seen as a perfectionist or stubborn if their work does not meet up to their standards.

Autophobia - The fear of being abandoned. Whilst she finds some comfort in spending time alone, the idea of being forever alone and without anyone to turn to frightens her.

Claustrophobia - The fear of confined spaces. It’s simple, really. She hates caves, cages and locked spaces with them inside, linking to her Autophobia.

Fear of being judged (I realise this has a name but it’s too broad) - This is often why Kae happens to be so different around certain people, hiding behind a mask that conceals their identity; their authentic self slipping from their grasp.

Though she on good with their foster parents and two adopted siblings in their second year, their real family relationship status is.. complicated


Pal Pad Group:

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Posted: Thu, 08/02/2024 07:50 (3 Months ago)

Liro Alexandrite

“Good luck”

Her last comment played on loop inside his head. Liro was sick to the stomach with fear, his feet frozen to the ground, unwilling to move. In a matter of minutes, the two tributes would be revealed and be shipped off to the Capitol. It was a moment which he dreaded, feeling the guilt and pain of the chosen tribute, as if he were responsible. He felt occasional nudges against his shoulder as other boys shifted uneasily in their positions, faces hard and grim. All roped into age categories and lined up like cattle, each with a small prick of a needle on their finger from each blood sample.

Liro could spot Mollie’s brown head through the crowd, exchanging anxious glances with other girls in her section, jaw clenched. He couldn’t blame her. No one said a word. No one tried to whisper. No one dared to defy the peacekeepers that surrounded them. They were certainly building up a lot of suspense this year.

Finally the slow clicking of heels made their way into the platform, followed by a false smile and eyes disgusted by the sight of the district; the hollow, scowling faces that stood before her; the black soot caked in their nails and lack of attention to their attire. “Welcome to the annual Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour.” She continued to flash her smiles despite her blank-faced audience, cheekbones unnaturally sharp and skin tinted a shade of orange. Liro caught Mollie’s glance and they both nodded: plastic surgery.

“And now the tributes!” The woman exclaimed, her high pitched Capitol voice squealing in excitement. Heels clicked over to the two glass bowls littered with names hastily scrawled on each scrap of parchment, no doubt made from the timber in District 7. The next few minutes were blurred into seconds as he snapped from a dreamy faze, finally noticing Mollie’s pale expression and a few known heads swivelling in his direction. Their eyes were filled with pity and relief; all he felt was dread.

He was… but.. but he..

“Liro Alexandrite.” The woman repeated calmly. He was the male tribute.

Celaine Airus

Celaine gripped Rya’s pale hand as they snaked around the grouped clusters, occasionally ducking her head every time a peacekeeper drew near. Best to keep out of sight, though she cursed her bright red hair that did the opposite. She was glad her cousin wasn’t legible for the Games.

“Rya? Celaine?” A weary voice called, words outlined with the husky sound of consumed alcohol. She sighed and loosened her hold on Rya, raising her head to the man. He looked better than she last saw him; his greying stubble less rugged and dull eyes brighter. Though it seemed that he still couldn’t shake his drinking habits. “Dean.” She replied, coldly acknowledging his presence. Rya nodded at her father, breaking the tension with a small smile and slipping her palm into his for a moment.

“The reaping is about to start.” noticing how Dean’s pupils reduced to pinpoints as the memory of his son flooded back. “I know.. you don’t forgive me.. or trust me but.. good luck.” Celaine narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to snap back, though abruptly closed it after catching Rya’s pained expression. “I appreciate it but it won’t help. There’s statistics involved, not just luck.” With those last words, she slipped away from the girl she loved and man she resented.

Elbows jabbed into her side and in annoyance as Celaine pushed her way into the crowd, slotting into place, shoulder to shoulder. Rows and rows of children; innocent children. No one deserves this. But she swallowed her bitterness and let the reaping begin.

The female tribute was chosen; small and fragile like Rya, probably just twelve, with the same pale hair and fair skin. So much like her.. it almost seemed that the girl was..

“I volunteer.” The words escaped her mouth before she could stop them. Her breath hitched in her throat as she realised what had been done. The chosen girl collapsed to the floor in a heap of sobbing and sniffling, moaning cries escaping her chest.

Celaine only looked towards Dean and Rya, standing behind the endless rows. Dean had dropped his flask of whiskey, shock crossing over his face. But Rya’s was what scared her. Fear, confusion, helplessness. Betrayal.

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Posted: Sat, 03/02/2024 16:39 (3 Months ago)

I’m Leafie and I use she/her pronouns. I’m either bi or lesbian, I think

I am a bit obsessed with RP and it’s one of the only things I’ll do on PH (totally down for public or private RP anytime) and I consider myself empathetic and supportive so if and if any of y’all need to chat I’m open

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Posted: Sun, 28/01/2024 13:07 (4 Months ago)
Lem’s gaze drifted from her bag to her surroundings. It was beautiful; so quiet and serene. Only the gentle breeze that flew through her hair, the warmth of the setting sun. Like how Floraberry was before it fell.

More TBA

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Posted: Tue, 23/01/2024 08:23 (4 Months ago)

Liro Alexandrite

Liro clutched his game bag tightly with blackened hands as he took careful steps towards the Hob. Even now, at the age of fourteen, he still felt shivers run down his spine at the thought of going to the Black Market. Biting his lip, he pushed open the doors, glad that few people took notice of him. The least he wanted was to draw attention to himself.

“Morning, Gemstone.” A familiar voice spoke. Liro’s head whipped to his right, before his grey eyes met with those of a tawny brown. He knew those eyes from his younger childhood, and still winced at the nickname. “Mollie.” He greeted in return, passing her a squirrel. Mollie scanned his catch carefully, before nodding and passing him a small loaf of warm bread. He stared, awestruck at the trade before glancing up at her as if to confirm the sight. “Happy Hunger Games—”

“And may the odds be ever in your favour.” He finished, though a little bitterly then his usual mockery of the phrase. His name was entered 39 times, the odds weren’t exactly in his favour. One for each year he had been allegeable to fight in the Games and 36 for each month of supplies for his sister and father since he was twelve. For the amount of food available in the Capitol, they spared next to nothing for the remaining citizens. “Good luck.” Mollie said. He needed it.

Celaine Airus

Celaine tugged an old wooden brush through her fiery red hair, groaning at the strands that were pulled from her scalp. It was surprisingly painful; she hadn’t felt true pain since.. he volunteered— No, she couldn’t think about that. It would only distract her, if she was chosen. She swallowed her guilt and straightened her shirt, stained with hues from this morning’s crop that was once again shipped off to the Capitol. The mere thought of them make her blood boil, her face taut with disgust. Celaine would have them all thrown into the games by their wealthy, surgically modified ears if she was president; see how the games ruins their moral compass, their mind and their hearts.

A small, innocent face appeared at her door, complete with a delicate smile that played on her lips. “Ooh! You look pretty!” Rya whispered, though that was the only way she talked. “My Ma says that it’s time.” Her smile faltered for a moment and she bit her lip in worry. Shook her head. “You won’t get picked. This is your first time and I haven’t taken out that much tesserae. We’re one of the lucky ones. I’m not worried.” She gave a fake smile that seemed to pass, though she couldn’t deny her nervous conscious.

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Posted: Mon, 22/01/2024 16:29 (4 Months ago)
Done with my form ~ apologies for the wait

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Posted: Wed, 17/01/2024 17:00 (4 Months ago)

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Liro Alexandrite

Age: 14
Gender: Male
District: 12 - Coal Mining

[Through ones eyes]

Liro’s unique ability enables him to see another perspective on the world. Well, more visual than anything. He can look through anyone’s eyes as he pleases, watching from another place how others interact and visualise their surroundings in present time. However this exhorts masses of energy and requires him to lose awareness of his environment, focusing on another.

Being a resident of the poorest district in Panem, Liro’s lack of muscle and severe malnutrition makes him a stick figure even by twelve’s standards. In combat, he would be destined to lose every fight and gain injuries that would typically result in near death.

He has very little knowledge and skills in using weapons, having only used a bow and handled a pocket knife to clean meat. In short, without his power or survival skills Liro would probably, definitely, be the first to die in the Games.

However, always being on the brink of starvation, Liro has higher chances of surviving lack of food than the Careers. His concern isn’t dying of hunger. Though his twig limbs and light weight is a disadvantage in combat, it enables him with the speed and agility that other Districts are unlikely to match.

From a young age he was taught how to hunt, track and trap with minimal effort and resources, equipping him with survival tools needed in the Seam as well as the Games.


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Celaine Airus

Age: 16
Gender: Female
District: 11 - Agriculture

[Glowing regeneration]

Quite simple as powers go, but very effective. Celaine’s immune system works twice as fast than normal, causing wounds to start healing as quickly as they appeared. This boosts her with a sudden surge of energy for about a minute to get out of the situation that caused her harm. Generally, this is at the control of her fingertips but occasionally happens by chance, draining her energy until she is back to full strength.

Since her cousin’s reaping that lead to his death, Celaine had prepared since she was small for the Hunger Games. Her charming smile and seeming sweet personality played in her favour as she ‘suggested’ to those who handled weapons that they teach her their knowledge. She has a high level of skill in fighting, though her arrogance and refusal to give in will sometimes land her in deep waters.

Celaine’s motto is more fight then flight, hating to back away due to her stubborn nature, surprising for a girl from a farming district. This can lead her to making rash and careless decisions that can cost her pride and dignity, two things she hates losing.


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