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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Comfygazing.
Posted: Tue, 21/05/2024 01:02 (11 Days ago)
If you are willing, Hisuian typhlosion but the flames are the mlm flag?

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Posted: Tue, 30/04/2024 20:09 (1 Month ago)
♡ Art please! ♡

Username: Comfygazing
Character: (x)
Art type: fullbody
Payment: 500 upfront with a tip after completion of the artwork
Password: We Don't Understand the Universe - Yukuewat
Additional notes?: If you need a better ref sheet please let me know!

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Posted: Wed, 24/04/2024 04:40 (1 Month ago)
Emil Musabi | Ravenous Gula
Location: Photoshoot Studio
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

Packing away the empty boxes that the interns handed to him, Emil hummed under his breath as he fished his phone out of the modest looking bag and meandered over to the chairs to wait till everyone had wrapped up their shoots. It was rare, seeing everyone gathered for a singular event, most of their modelling styles so radically different from each other's that they all worked as a collective of individualists. Well, it wasn't like Emil hated that or anything, it worked well for him and as long as the house remained his domain, he could accept anything else that came with the job.

Unlocking his phone with deft fingers tapping in a frankly much too long password, Emil blinked as his phone blinked back at him with a notification that called for his attention. Really, it wasn't that hard to miss. Emil rarely spent much time online anyways, mostly to search up recipes and follow all those health science subscriptions he had amassed to stay on top of the latest research. Time was always slipping away from his fingers and a phone in hand would only widen those cracks even more.

Tapping on the messenger app, Emil brightened at Estella's message, swinging his feet excitedly. He always liked reading what their director had to say, her critiques and praise well thought out and actually helpful compared to some so called "industry veterans" had to say. This time it was only praises and a introduction to their new member which only had Emil all the more excited. Dakota Thorne, huh. That was a cute name! Ah, what food would she like? Based off her last name, perhaps not so familiar with the concept of seasoned food?

Keeping his laughter to himself, Emil began to type out his reply when another text from Estella came in, sending his good mood plummeting to the core. Le Coucou? That absolute pigsty of a restaurant? Even simply reading the restaurant name through the screen made its fingers crawl and throat constrict with nothingness. Its hands shook as it slowly typed out a message, teeth gnawing at its lip. Unacceptable. Utterly unacceptable, eating that sort of high class trash and discarding the sleepless nights of meal planning that it had put in? Emil should be the one preparing all their meals, perfectly balanced and catered to everyone's tastes, not some third rate diner. The emptiness roared in protest, gnashing its teeth and howling injustices into the sky, demanding an explanation. Unhinging its jaw, the emptiness swallowed it whole, shaking hands jabbing furiously at the screen, feasting on foolish ideals of hospitality. Get off your high horse, what better meal is there to have than one that is cooked with the specific person in mind? Le Coucou only served food whose nutrients have been washed and burned away with much too harsh hands, dousing them in excessive butter and too many calories to even be acceptable on a cheat day. There was nothing good, nothing good at all about that decrepit kitchen wrapped in silk and gold. Not even luxury could save a pig house from being rank. No, no this would not do. This would not do at all. Quality food beget quality bodies, elevating already glamorous careers into the infinite possibilities of health and stardom. Not this farce.

--- New Message ---

~Emil Musabi
(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ Director is too kind, always praising us~

And many warm welcomes to @~Dakota Thorne! If you ever need anything, this Gula is at your beck and call. Lets do our best as agency mates and work hard together! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Closing his suddenly tired eyes, Emil tipped his head back to knock against the wall for a second, his heavy sigh trapped under the facemask as warm air caressed his chin. What would be good for breakfast tomorrow? He'd have to change the meal plan based on what everyone ordered and accounting for the newcomer as well... It was a good thing that Emil was used to counting calories down to the gram. Pulling up Le Coucou's online menu, he saved it for future reference and finally glanced up. Casimir's photo shoot seemed to have already ended, one of the last ones for the session. If he remembered correctly, Lysander was also scheduled but had another shoot somewhere else at the same time. Double booking wasn't uncommon even for Emil who sat at the bottom of the proverbial pecking order, so it wasn't that odd that one of the top models was busy enough to be pulled everywhere at once.

Come to think of it though, doesn't Casimir never have his phone on him? Standing up, Emil wandered over to the edges of the set, far enough away that he wasn't getting in the way of the staff yet visible to the model. Even under the harsh exposure of the spotlight, the smell of nicotine and smoke hung heavy on the other's body. Perhaps it was slightly foolish to think so, but Emil slightly envied that about the other. Scent is vital to a dish's profile, half of the meal eaten with the nose alone, and the quintessential aroma of Emil's specialty lay with Casimir. Of course, one could never smell a photo through the bromide and runways always smelled of nothing but sterile wealth, but oh did Emil crave to devour such talent whole.

Once Casimir had taken note of his presence, Emil perked up, waving his fellow model over. "Cassie!" He called, as if the other hadn't already noticed him. "Did you get 'stell's message? We're getting treated to dinner at one of those real fancy places so we got a dresscode." Those final words seemed almost flat in contrast to the beaming smile hidden behind thick black fabric, the scrunch of his eyes doing more than enough to convey Emil's emotions.

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 22:44 (1 Month ago)
Hi, LeoRia,
Pokemons I would like to buy:
Others: its in Box 1
Everstone: no thanks!
Payment method: 500 PD + a Cosmoneon or Oricoro (Ballet), your choice

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Posted: Tue, 23/04/2024 09:43 (1 Month ago)
"Mimicco! Can you draw This?"
Username : Comfygazing
Pokemon/Character : Accesories : n/A
Type of Example?: Coloured Headshot
Is it Pix art?: nope
Payment : would a shiny cottonblu be okay? if not 200 nuggets
Tip [optional] : x2 Mimikyu, Fiddough, & Pyukumuku plush
Password : Patchiragon
Note : Your art is so cute! if you need a more in depth character sheet detailing the clothes/design please let me know

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Posted: Fri, 19/04/2024 20:44 (1 Month ago)
Poké me!

5 Pokémon I like: Sunkern, Hisuian Typhlosion, Clodsire, Driftblim, Altaria

5 Pokémon I dislike: Gholdengo, Tsareena, Pidgey, Chespin, Muk

My favorite colour: Purple

Requests: Shiny except for Driftblim if possible <3

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Posted: Thu, 18/04/2024 05:33 (1 Month ago)
Type of Art: Fullbody
Reference: Payment: min 200 nuggets
Extra notes: based on a vampire squid so keeping the big empty bug eyes is the only must. otherwise please go wild and feel free to ask for other refs if need be

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Posted: Fri, 12/04/2024 07:59 (1 Month ago)
Emil Musabi | Ravenous Gula
Location: Photoshoot Studio
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼

The burst of the shutter filled the cold white studio, flashing lights blinding all but the most experienced as the photographer lowered his camera. "Looking good! Last set!" The director called as the set came to life with the simple words surging into motion a tidal wave, assistants swarming the model that stood radiantly under brilliant lighting. Someone dabbed glistening sweat off a powdered forehead and under the sharp angles of a branded facemask, the cloth coming away soaked as hands pulled at the clothes hugging a slender body. Emil sighed, allowing his body to be manipulated this way and that as stylists fussed over the placement of the belts and how much was too much (never enough, nothing was enough) while others debated how much hairspray to use this time around to achieve the perfect devilishly rugged windswept fantasy that the shoot called for.

Emil was the first of the models to go whenever doing group shoots, always volunteering first even before the sun crested over the peaks of New York's towering skylines. It afforded the rest of his co-workers some much needed rest and the time needed to perfect each makeup look; something Gula was never known for. A facemask and a quick round of eye makeup was all that he needed. It was easy at this point, to lose himself as the lighting fixtures blinded him to the camera and all he could feel was the yawning emptiness that consumed its core and the clothes that barely concealed the gnawing abyss that bit and tore through the void. To drape that nothingness in silks and jewels and embody the dull radiance that knocked hollowly against empty ribs was the only thing it knew to do anymore.

To satisfy it by becoming it.

To show this empty world a bleak cavernous mirror.

To truly hunger

The call of the director came and Emil snapped back into focus, sliding into a slight hunch as the heavy fur padded riding leather slipped off one tantalizing shoulder to flash the camera with the pure ripped silks of the shirt underneath, peaks of a chest harness teasing eagle eyed consumers. He fixed the lens with a heavy stare, the peak of bright blue contacts over the tops of aviator sunglasses smouldering with a promise. Hands bare of anything but silver gleaming rings were shoved into the slim leather pockets that hugged his form, the thin chain which dangled even thinner sides of metal caught the light as they dangled from the delicate metal. The low hang of tussled hair draping behind him, shadowing the pure white background in a predatory loom wild and untamed.

The camera stuttered.

Sliding the sunglasses up to push tastefully mused hair back to show off the sparkling gems glued under sharp eyes as it caught the light, Emil rested his cheek on the edge of the back of his hand, careful to hover just milometers off the skin itself. Carefully chosen rings adored fingers stretched out just enough to beckon consumers into the empty void that bore his visage. Down-turning his eyebrows the slightest bit to add a touch of concealed yearning and allowing the pale column of his throat to drown in the attention, the biker boyfriend of every young girl's dreams let a few strands escape the hold of the sunglasses to fall artfully over his face.

Another burst of clicks, another pose.

A quick lighting of a fake cigarette only for it to be crushed into oblivion, an arm thrown out in open invitation with a flourish that sent the coat into a picturesque arc; belts arcing in perfect circles to accentuate a slim waist and leather covered skin. Ash scattered along the arc of the belts, the still burning embers reflected in smouldering eyes that glimmered through thin contacts as Emil tilted his head just right, enough to display the unmarked potential of unblemished skin. His free hand came up to bury thin fingers into thick waves, the pale skin lost in the hair as they uselessly pushed back hair that was already pinned downed letting the rest of the long locks fly out against the momentum. A crinkle at the edge of his eyes and drawing his eyebrows down for the perfect roguish smirk, designed and perfected for the front pages of magazines and spreads that would be cut out and hung on still youthful walls.


"Alright, that's the last one. Thank you Gula!" Came the final call as Emil sighed, shaking out his hand of any lingering ash and pulling down his face mask with his free hand.

The blinding smile hidden under the thick black fabric caught the crew off guard no matter how many times they worked with the model. "Thank you for all your hard work!" He cheered, bowing to the stunned employees as he made his way towards the waiting rack of clothing which housed the pieces he had modelled for. Shrugging off the leathers, Emil carefully handed them off the the assistants who buzzed around him. Holding his hands out so that the rings could be slipped off easily, the model brightened considerably as the lowered his head for the necklace to be taken off.

"Ah, that's right! I have a little something for you all. Quick quick, get these off and I'll get them for you right now." He chirped, bouncing on his heels as the experienced staff giggled at the familiar antics. As interns scrambled to put everything away, Emil scampered off to where they had placed there bags uncaring if all he was wearing was the chest harness and leather pants. Looting around for a second as a poor stylist scrambled over to unhook the accessory, Emil made a childish sound of triumph as he held up a set of wrapped rectangles. Having the good graces to stay still until the harness was slipped off him, Emil returned to the stylists with a beaming smile. "Here, I hope theres enough for all of you. I was in a hurry today so its a bit smaller than usual but I think everyone should be able to enjoy them to the fullest! They're all carefully balanced and I tried to keep everyone's preferences in mind. If you eat about a spoonful of each dish, it should only come to around 1,200 calories so please feel free to eat it throughout the day as it will be filling even for the girls who are on diets but also be careful not..." As his mouth continued to expound the nutritional facts, deft hands unwrapped the packages to reveal stacks and stacks of tupperware all filled to the brim with a variety of delicacies. From a quinoa salad sprinkled with dried sweet potato to carefully aged and smoked fishes, a whole assortment of health foods lay within the containers.

A round of squeals came up as the stylists fawned over the gift. One intern ran off and returned with a stack of containers as well, identical to the one in the model's arms save for the fact that they were empty, washed and clean. "Ahhhhh we've been looking forward to this all week!" One of the girls sighed, taking the food from Emil's arms as the other laughed at their overreactions. The rest chimed in with their agreements, all cooing over the selection of food they had been given.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is there less this time around, Gula?" One of the more senior stylists ventured, staying out of the circle of staff as she handed the model the clothes he had entered the studio wearing, Emil in turn handing over the case in which the contacts were store, blinking natural brown eyes in confusion. It was rare that he would even skimp on the quantity of the gifts he brought though that never affected the quality one bit.

Sliding the simple black sweater over his head, Emil hummed as he finally registered the words. "Ah, that. We're getting a new hire today, actually so you'll probably meet them soon. I just lost track trying to think of what to cook as a welcome dish... I hope they're not allergic to anything..." He fretted, struggling slightly as he hopped awkwardly into skinny jeans that were perhaps a bit too tight on him. Sue him for wanting to make his non-existent ass look a bit nicer.

Indeed, sitting innocently on the top shelf of the fridge in The House of Illusions sat a prepackaged meal with a cheerful yellow sticky note plastered on the glass, written in a neat looping scrawl.

For our Newest Family Member,
Congratulations and Welcome to Illusion Studios

though if one were to look closely a more hastily scrawled note written under the welcome message:

if any of you assholes who isn't our newbie eats this i will make you throw it up

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Posted: Tue, 02/04/2024 01:48 (1 Month ago)

Emil Musabi

25 | Male | He/It | Asexual

[ Introduction ]

In the competitive Illusion Studios, rankings are everything and someone has to stand at the bottom of the pack. Emil Musabi is that person, the lowest paid and least popular model under Illusion Studio's roster of explosive talents. But the worst of Illusion Studios is still only a pipe dream for even the most talented of models. Often seen on the pages of a truly staggering amount of Streetwear and Techwear catalogues, having modelled for a wide variety of brands from low end common wear to high end statement pieces, what many also fail to realize is that his hands have been on the front pages of a wide range of cosmetic adds, from hand creams to blush swatches, professional nail art and palm sized conveniences, Emil has found his niche as a print model, though he has walked many a runway throughout his career. Emil's strengths lie within how expressive he can be, through facial acting or body language, but also in how his whole demeanour changes depending on the clothes he's wearing, a fluid spectre who takes on the face of whoever suits the shoot best. It's why his stagename, Gula, is synonymous with the image of a facemask.

Though Emil seems content at the bottom of the pecking order, a part of him was undeniably content that someone else has taken his place when it was announced that Illusion Studios had hired someone new. How this will shake up the status quo, has yet to be determined. But at the very least, Emil knows that his unabating hunger will only grow deeper

[ Appearance ]

Despite being one of the best models in the industry, Emil has a shockingly plain face. Even with his wavy long dark hair, coiffed into soft rolls and falling over tantalizing shoulders and down a slender yet well muscled build, it is still one you could theoretically just pick from a crowd, conventionally attractive in the way most models are and only standing out in terms of the "Asian beauty" trope. Even makeup doesn't do much to enhance his looks, only serving to accentuate the natural heavy lidded gaze and sharp features. Curiously, he is quite a bit shorter than the average male model, only standing at 178cm. Though this hasn't dampened his chances behind a camera, print modelling much more forgiving through post-production and touchups, runway modelling has been quite difficult for Emil to stand out in.

[ Personality ]

ISFJ - The Defender | 2w3 - The Host

When anyone yells Mother in the mansion, it is Emil who replies. He is outwardly the kindest, always earliest to rise to make a balanced breakfast that suits each model's needs, cleaning up after everyone, doing chores. He has everyone's schedules memorized and knows their preferences inside and out. Though, for all that he does, he is quite hard to actually find. Hes always busy doing this, doing that, going to work, attending another meeting, meal prepping for the week, doing another round of laundry, reviewing the schedules they all received, packing someones bag for yet another runway, there isn't a moment when he isn't working. Scarily emotionally perceptive and attuned to the mood of the house, Emil holds the title of least emotionally constipated, which isn't all that hard considering the state of the other models.

For all that he supports the household though, Emil has a tendency to always nag at the other. He won't hesitate to chew others out, always chiding everyone especially on their eating habits. No one can live up to his standards and no one will, not even Emil himself.

But perhaps this personality of his isn't quite as true as one would think. Emil doesn't... really care all that much about others. He craves the failure that comes with it, a glutton for pain and punishment. Hes a bit of a masochist in that way, always looking for ways to further wreak his health as he overworks himself and stretches himself to the brink of hospitalization. The attention, the eyes that fall on him, the whispers, oh do they drive him to do the impossible. Nothing ever satisfies him anymore and he will go further and further down into depravity to fill in that lonely cold void that only warms ever so slightly when scathing words cut the deepest. If he has to be nice to attain such a far off wish, then he will use all of his hollow heart to love those who will give him what he wants. They worry for him, they think about him, they are there to yell at him when he under preforms, and if he were to slip up in public? Well, Emil has always believed that all press is good press anyways.

[ About: (GLUTTONY) ]

So often people attribute Gluttony to simply over consumption of food and drink, yet they forget the broken ugly truth which lies at the core of overflowing goblets and succulent feasts. Nothing will ever satisfy your insatiable hunger.

And Oh, how Emil craves the bitter taste of failure, of letting down those who relied on you, of everything that pain entails. After all, beauty is pain and Emil knows this more than anyone else. He pushes himself to the brink just for another bite of that addicting flavour, empty stomach never satisfied with its station and craving more and more. Greedy, some whisper. Envious, yet others declare. But above all else, Emil simply wishes to fill his endless hunger with the cloying addiction that his own suffering brings.

Obsessively watching what he eats has led to his control over the diets of everyone in the house, micromanaging every gram of nutrient, knowing what foods exist in the house, keeping a strict count of how much of everything there is. Once you step into the mansion, you are on Emil's territory. Of course, this is hampered somewhat by the fact that he has an awful awful habit of stress eating. Believes his metabolism is high, you see, so into his mouth it goes, and another, and another until the bottle of laxatives just newly bought is empty

who knew that such a bitter taste could be replicated so easily

[ Additional Info ]

Illusion Studios had never had to hire a live in chef ever since Emil came under their payroll, his proficiency in the kitchen exceeding what money can usually buy. Having memorized each model's preferences and tastes while catering them to their dietary needs, Emil always preps the food for each House of Illusions member. He will also prepare lunch for the other members of the staff when he is scheduled to work with them, always consistently bringing them to the point where everyone knows that that if you have are scheduled with Emil to leave any and all food prep to him.

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Posted: Wed, 27/03/2024 18:10 (2 Months ago)
!!! the wip looks fantastic! the details, the storylines, even the small details about each character is just amazing! Depending on when the remake goes live, I'd love to participate!

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Posted: Tue, 19/03/2024 19:36 (2 Months ago)
res one Arcandian and one Freeborn?

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Posted: Thu, 07/03/2024 06:16 (2 Months ago)
Ah great, now everyone had come flocking to his side. Well, Pyry really should have expected that with how much he was yelling but couldn't a guy be dramatic without everyone asking if he was sane? The answer was very clearly no though which question that would apply to was up to one's discretion. Not even the utopian Rakua would allow for some sorely needed theatrics. "Alcoholism is a perfectly valid way of coping, I'll have you know." He argued weakly, though even his own words seemed feeble against the heavy disapproving stares of his Student Councillor and Events Coordinator. Man, he just had to go and pick people who actually cared about their jobs huh.

Wilting under the combined disapproval and collective concern for his liver's health, Pyry sighed, ruffling his unkempt hair that definitely needed to be brushed out. He really shouldn't have fallen asleep at his desk after showering and the tangles that knotted his rats nest of a hairdo up was its proof. "Well, moving on from my bad life decisions, its almost time for class so.... unless we want to get written up again maybe we should book it?" He suggested with a meek smile to throw the attention off of him, instead choosing to take the offered thermos of tea with a grateful nod.

Take a cautious sniff of it, tense shoulders immediately sagged at the comforting spices that wafted out of the warm container. Gods was he a sucker for freshly brewed apple tea. Any thoughts about murdering the last person who budgeted the city's finances immediately flew out of his mind as he took a nice long dredge of the blissful leaf juice. "Gimmie mint." Came the childish demand as he stuck out his hand, opening and closing it several times to punctuate his point. Disregarding his own words about class starting soon, Pyry practically melted as he lost himself in the bliss that was drinking some damn good tea, expertly brewed by a hand that knew what it was doing. Man, if only for her tea making abilities, boy was Pyry happy that Adalia had agreed to join the council.

Speaking of his council, where was Emika?

That question was swiftly answered when a heavy aura that promised blood and pain emanated from the vice-president's office, rusted steel and sharpened blades replacing the fairly neutral tone that had previously only just settled.

"Ah." He intoned, sipping away at the delicious beverage.

"Listennnnnn, last night, I saw a ghost! I'm not joking, it really happened! You know how my apartment is on the top floor and you can see the whollllleeee forest from there, right? Well I saw a ghost in the forest! A eerie purple glow was moving around the trees but when I went to open my camera app, it disappeared!"

"Girl, are you sure you haven't just been watching too many horror movies?"

"No, seriously! I know what I saw!"

"Hey, I'm just saying. Last week you were saying something about an Institute Ghost or something and now this? Didn't you just watch The Ring a few nights ago too?"

"But the Institute Ghost keeps showing up! I'm serious! I tried checking the ground today but Councillor Adalia directed me back to class. Boooo."

"I'm pretty sure even if you could check, you wouldn't find anything. I mean, a ghost who jumps off the roof and goes poof before going splat? That's just silly."

"Well if you're so sure then sleep over at my place! I'll prove that its all real!"

"Girl, if you wanted to cuddle with me, just say so lol."

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Posted: Mon, 04/03/2024 06:24 (2 Months ago)
Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention, I'm very glad that you informed me! I'll take over from here and try and settle things civilly.
Also, please don't feel like you needed to apologize or anything I'm very grateful for your post.

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2024 20:56 (3 Months ago)
Looks good, accepted!

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2024 04:08 (3 Months ago)
Quote from Rules1. This is a semi-lit roleplay. I expect at least a paragraph per post, around 3-5 sentences minimum. If I am unsure about your RP ability, I reserve the right to request an RP sample

This is the most important rule of the RP, especially if you wish to play as a 3rd year I need to have proof that you have the ability to write more than a few sentences in a post. Until you can prove that you can abide by the above rule, Rejected. If you wish to try again, please turn your attention to the other forms on this thread to get an example of the quality that I am looking for in your forms.

Again, please PM me a sample of a semi-lit RP so that I can get an idea of your writing style and abilities. If you are unsure how to do that, you can access my profile page and find the contacts panel, "Send a Private Message" is the first link on it.

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2024 03:12 (3 Months ago)
On basis of being unable to demonstrate Rule 1 through your form, the failure to adequately fill out your form (chiefly the name, appearance, personality, and fears section), and no visible prior experience roleplaying on Pokeheroes that can attest to your ability to roleplay in the semi-lit format, I will have to reject your form.

If you can rectify the above points by fixing your form and sending me a PM of a semi-lit RP sample, I will re-consider your rejection

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Posted: Thu, 22/02/2024 21:28 (3 Months ago)
Understandable, no problem at all! good luck with your irl stuff I know you'll do just fine

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Posted: Thu, 22/02/2024 02:15 (3 Months ago)
xxxThe reaping was almost boring, the predictability of it all dragging anything that could have been interesting into the mud of monotony. The same beats that happened every other year happened again, the national anthem, the gore-fest that followed it as if the citizens wouldn't remember each game, the click of ridiculously expensive heels as names were drawn. The female tribute didn't seem anything special, just another girl who was unlucky enough to be arbitrarily drawn from a rigged system. Another lamb sent to be groomed for slaughter. Just the same as it was last year.

xxxWhen it came for the boys turn, a non-academy named was called and a boy who looked scared out of his mind was pushed out by the crowds. He didn't seem like a fighter at all, just a regular kid who was 18 like him who had been so hopeful to dodge the draft but was now dragged towards the stage. Viorel meet the tributes eyes, the wide eye fright that filled it and betrayal. It was as if the other was screaming at him to volunteer, for anyone to do anything. It was kind of funny actually, watching everyone turn their heads to avoid looking at the poor sod who would be getting his butt shipped off to the arena. Fate was just cruel sometimes, he thought to himself with a humourless chuckle.

xxxBut alas, there were rules and appearances to keep and before the reaped could set a foot on the stage, Viorel put up a hand. "I'm volunteering~ It was a nice show and all, but lets be honest. That poor lad wouldn't probably trip off the starting podium and blow himself up." Hiding a mean-spirited laugh behind his hand, Viorel climbed the stares to push the other boy off to the side. "Viorel Dalca, if you please." Even the brief break from the script wasn't enough to deviate the soul numbing drivel into something mildly bearable, Viorel had to remind himself that it would only get more interesting from here on out. Tipping his head back obediently, the tight click of metal encasing his throat brought with it no change only grounding him in this boring reality as metal pressed against his back demanding his compliance. As he was herded towards the train to take him towards the capital, Viorel caught sight of cheery blossom pink the sleepy eyes as one shaky finger pointed directly at him a soundless laugh accompanying it as the other pale hand wrapped around bloody bandages. Pausing for only a split second, Viorel could feel his lips stretch out into a leer that threatened to split his face in half.

xxxReliable Shiki, never disappointing him even in the end.

xxxFlicking his hands in some semblance of a wave, Viorel bid his classmate goodbye, stepping onto the train that would take him to the end.

xxxIbaraki watched as the girl who has originally been chosen be dragged away, an older, though not by much, girl taking her place. That was nice, came the idle thought, that someone cared enough to take their place. It seemed like a bad thing, to be picked. Ibaraki woudn't know, bad memory latching on with a vengeance as anything beyond the fields where each day passed in a blur of pain and work melted away under the bleeding sun. Part of the powers that ate away at a weakly beating heart, Dad had said. Ma was the same. Apparently.

xxxChewing on chapped lips, Ibaraki watched as the lady dressed in all sorts of colors and patters that almost hurt to look at pulled a piece of paper out of another bowl. There really were a lot of clothes that Ibaraki simply didn't know as hazy eyes watched white fingers pull the paper open and the lady read out the name in a nice, pretty, and clear voice.

xxxOh, that was him.

xxxWriggling out of the mess of people squishing the small child on all sides, Ibaraki scurried to the stairs, taking a bit of time to get up them as short gasping breaths cut off each step up. While hard work and manual labour was a well worn friend, so was exhaustion of any kind, only a few steps winding the poor child. Making it onto the stage, Ibaraki made sure to bow towards the other tribute before taking point beside her.

xxxA few more words were spoken, something that Ibaraki couldn't quite follow before strong hands led the child away from the crowds. Panic ran through the small body as Ibaraki wriggled to get free of the multiple people that herded Ibaraki towards some sort of large metal snake, golden eyes darting around to find any opening to return back to Dad if possible. But no such opportunity presented itself as Ibaraki along with the other girl were wrestled into metal collars, Ibaraki's large enough to act almost like a necklace. Clearly they weren't expecting such a thin kid to be reaped. But even that thought wasn't given any time to be processed as Ibaraki was thrown into the belly of the snake and left alone, leaving the poor child reeling in an deeply unfamiliar environment.

xxxGlancing around with fear drawn in every motion, Ibaraki coughed weakly, rubbing at burning shoulders that could still feel the imprints of corralling hands. Nothing looked remotely familiar, nothing like the endless fields of golden wheat that had once defined Ibaraki's life. Instead clashes of colours that seemed so foreign melded together with structures that Ibaraki couldn't even name.

xxxThis was just too much

xxxScrambling up, bare feet sliding against the slick tiling, Ibaraki darted into the closest room available and locked the door shut with heaving gasps. Glancing wildly around, it seemed even more frightening with the enclosed space and multiple white structures littered around the area almost randomly. There was one that looked like a bowl that was attached to a long sturdy stem, another that looked almost identical to the second if not for the extra square behind the bowl, and one that looked like one of the bigger long boxes used for holding gourdes and other large produce. It was all so foreign but Ibaraki took refuge in the one semi-familiar thing and crawled into the bathtub to hide away from the sudden foreign world that the child had been thrust into.

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Posted: Wed, 21/02/2024 17:41 (3 Months ago)
Res noted!

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Posted: Wed, 21/02/2024 06:52 (3 Months ago)
It was a nice normal day, where the citizens of Rakua went about their lives without a care in the world. The sky was shining with the perfect amount of stars, light pollution nothing but a words as the clear sky shone through its eternal nightly backdrop. The moon shone with the perfect amount of light, guiding travellers and citizens alike as the lack of clouds meant a clear view of the moonlit paths that glowed under its touch. Nothing was out of place as residents moved through the city at a leisurely pace. Bartering and sales went smoothly while professors set up their lectures for the coming influx of students soon to come. Even in the Institute of Infinity, everything was running as normal with work flowing smoothly between the members of the council.

A loud bang shattered the peace as Pyry, illustrious student council and figurehead of the city, kicked down the perfectly serviceable door to his office, a deranged laugh following him as he waved around a stack of papers positively drenched in ink. "To whoever drained our funds on gacha games of all things, I'm so going to find you and murder you twice over." He cackled, musing up his already bedraggled hair. Another fit of maniacal laughter followed as he stumbled into the wall. "13M gone. Just like that. Whoever did this is so gonna get it, I swear once I get my hands on you!" Adjusting his askew sunglasses, Pyry squinted at the crumpled up ledgers as the letters swam under his shaky vision to see who exactly decided that the most important thing to fund in their city was a gambling addiction. But when the name of the previous secretary treasurer stared back at him, he let out another groan and slumped against the only thing that supported him in the long long years since he had risen to presidency, the good old pristine walls of the institute.

While he was so glad that he had more or less overhauled the previous council and placed much more competent people in their stead, sometimes Pyry still dug up old records that detailed exactly how negligent his predecessor had been. And there was still the matter of the two empty seats that mocked him, the absence of a better secretary treasurer the hardest blow of them all. Pyry was not cut out for finances. "One of these days, I'm gonna take up alcoholism as a hobby." He bemoaned to the empty hallway.

All in all, a regular day in Rakua City


Locking the door to an empty house behind her, Kai let out a breath and adjusted her bag conscientiously. Rakua city was still big and frightening for him, still unused to the winding paths that labyrinthed through the residential area. The main plaza wasn't any better with the filled streets swelling and ebbing like a swollen river, the foot traffic frightening to he who had only lived in small towns up till now. But still, she had school to go to. He wasn't too thrilled about that, but according to the stories, Rakua Community College was actually pretty good despite its designation and offered a varied course selection. Kai wasn't too sure what she wanted to take, but she was holding out the hope that it would at least be nicer than her old high school.

Shuddering at that reminder, Kai hiked his bag up higher on his shoulder and set off towards the main plaza. If she wanted to make it to class on time, well she better start walking.


Wait, was he supposed to take a right here or three blocks down?

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