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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 06:21 (7 Months ago)
Leanne wouldn't forget. She wouldn't. As she sat on the floor of the room, alone and terrified, she realized neither of those things were true. She wasn't terrified, she was strangely calm. And she wasn't alone. Placing a hand on her belly, she thought.

Time stood still, but not for her child. The creature grew and developed inside her, providing a reassuring sense of... something. Leanne still wasn't sure of her opinion on it... (eight months later, and the quandary still plagued her so), but it was here to stay.

She closed her eyes, trying to think of a plan. It was as if when she placed her hand closer to her child, her mind got clearer. Thoughts made sense again. Leanne knew that whenever the thoughts were triggered, the pieces came together. She knew what questions to ask, the sense of deja vu filling in the gaps. Leanne only needed to create something that would give her that spark of recognition. Unbidden, a man's voice came to her.

"Play to yer strengths, Mags. Yeh only get one shot in this world. If you drop yer wand for a second, it's over. Yeh don't need flashy motions to win. Yeh need a few simple spells, good spells, reliable spells. That's all."

She could feel the flagstones beneath her feet, smell the burning straw from the incarcerated training dummies, hear the shouts of the squads around her, see the grizzled man in front of her, looking twice her age instead of the four years older he was supposed to be.

"My strength is fire," she had responded with.

"Prove it."

Leanne held a fire ball in her hands in both worlds. She lifted it into the air, bringing it down upon her other hand. In the other world, a ring of fire whipped through the training arena, concentric walls travelling ever outwards. In this one, her purpose was much simpler.

A tattoo.

Remember what Evan told you.

It was small, on the inside of her forearm. She wouldn't be able to ignore it this time.

It hurt like.

She didn't care.

"I won't forget," she said again.

One name on the wall stuck out to her.

In all her time at the house, she had never heard anyone mention a Connor.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 06:07 (7 Months ago)
She slammed her fist into the floor. How did someone remember something? "I've written notes, haven't I?" They were on the edges of her consciousness, pieces of paper she picked up and threw out without reading them. Messages on the windowpane written in condensation. Notes in her books, everywhere.

"I'm not going to forget this time," she whispered, vowing to herself that she wouldn't.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:46 (7 Months ago)
"I have a feeling you're going to say more than once, and I'm not going to like it." But it would explain why she felt things around him; inexplicable, random, unfounded things. She felt emotions that weren't hers. She felt the strangest urge to befriend him. Maybe that's what kept her coming back. Leanne looked up at him, face arranged in concentration.

"So when do I forget? Is it as soon as I leave the room? When I go down to the village? Overnight? And how do you remember?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:28 (7 Months ago)
It was like she was waking up. This almost made sense. This almost-

"Have you told me this before?" It was the strangest question. She hoped Evan would laugh it off, call her crazy for a change.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 05:21 (7 Months ago)
"Why? That makes- It's so counterintuitive! Take us here to brainwash us? Does this place just want to populate its village?" She shook her head, over and over again like a bobblehead, the pieces making no more sense to her than they did before. Was Aleks the realm, or was the realm Aleks? Or was he a mere blip in the story of this place, doomed to remember forever as the house's keeper?

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:58 (7 Months ago)
"You keep saying lasted. What happened to the others? Where did they go?" This was starting to feel more and more like a horror movie. When Leanne had gotten here, she didn't question it. It seemed like a safe haven, a world away from the dark and watchful eyes that never stopped seeing. Being here felt like a gift from the universe. A fantasy, a break, a chance to take a deep breath and take stock of her life.

She thought this house was chance to live a life in peace, her biggest mistake buried like it never existed.

Escape had never been a thought to her. She had always assumed when she wanted to go home, she'd be taken back. (After all, when she'd wanted to be away, she'd been taken here. Somehow. Her memories were still strangely fuzzy.) Because escape sounded sinister, like there was something to run from.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:49 (7 Months ago)
"Was he there?" She eased herself down to the floor, sitting amongst the plans and papers. "Or did you just enter... an empty void?" Leanne had the strangest urge to reach out an take his hand, to tell him it was all going to be right, that she would take him home if she had to summon hellfire to rip apart the fabric of reality. But that was probably the hormones talking. She coughed uncomfortably, trying to clear her mind and return to the topic at hand.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:44 (7 Months ago)
Leanne.... Leanne didn't remember dying. "New Jersey... that's in America, right? I've heard of it."

She paused, thinking about his words. What if they were all dead and this was some twisted afterlife? Did that mean that she had failed- Leanne looked down instinctively. No, still there. What kind of life was she to leave?

"Tell me Evan... what was it like when you came here? Was there a house yet?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:29 (7 Months ago)
She patted him on the shoulder awkwardly. Neither of them were people that dealt with their emotions well. "Where would you go if you could get out? Back to the same day and time you disappeared? Mentally sixty-five years older, having an adventure no one could comprehend? Back to the same place, walking back into society as if you'd never aged a day?"

"This house warps us. They're young and idyllic. But a gilded cage is still a cage. I- I don't even remember how I got here."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 04:04 (7 Months ago)
So Aleks says Evan is crazy. Evan says Aleks is crazy. Leanne shivered. One of them was telling the truth and the other was lying. And depending on which one was being honest...

Or they were both crazy, and could only see in each other.

"Hm. What are you working on right now?"

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 03:32 (7 Months ago)
"Which is fair. But... no one else has stayed that long. What's it like?" She carefully stepped into the room, mindful of everything. It was... parts everywhere, crinkled plans covering every surface. Leanne didn't even see a bed. (It had probably disappeared under more plans.

"Woah." She looked around, fascinated. "This place is... crazy."

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 02:40 (7 Months ago)
"It's... fine, I guess. You weren't... you weren't that bad." She wasn't expecting him to apologise, and it threw her for a loop. "Do you mind if I come in?" She smiled slightly, curious.

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Posted: Fri, 16/02/2024 02:31 (7 Months ago)
"You're being loud," she said bluntly. "It's literally impossible to ignore your enraged screams from this close a proximity, and I was kind of trying to get a little sleep... But this seems more interesting. What's in your lair, Evan? What demon-killing projects are you tinkering with today?" Leanne smirked, putting a casual hand on her belly.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 14:54 (7 Months ago)
Leanne padded upstairs, returning to her room in the older part of the house. She felt a little bad that she was hiding away up here, bit was too lethargic to care. She summoned flames at her fingertips to light the candles dear Min had given her -- "The shopkeeper said they ward off of evil spirits, taking strength from your soul." A sniff "I'm not sure how accurate that is, but for a few knuts, they're rather nice. And I'm not sensing any harmful magic, either."

There were a few things in her old world she missed after all. The cameraderie of the squad, the purpose, the danger... Yet it had become too dangerous. The man may have defeated him, but there was more darkness brewing in the vacuum he left behind. Leanne shivered.

Until all of the sudden, her lovely nap was interrupted by a frustrated shout. Why did she have to share a wall with Evan? Aleks had warned her not to disturb him. What about when he was disturbing her?

Leanne, by definition, liked to play with fire. She was very good with it... Seventh year duelling champion because of it. Most of the time, she could keep herself from being burned. She stood, exiting her room a little annoyed, and knocked on Evan's door.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 06:56 (7 Months ago)
Leanne shivered. Why did she feel like she was being threatened? Aleks was her friend... albeit, a little annoying and chaotic, but he was her friend. After seven months, he was often the only one there for her. Yet there was an edge to his voice that gave her pause.

"That makes two of us. Madness would be quite inconvenient to have to deal with. And you know how I hate inconvenience. She turned, sidestepping him to walk back up the stairs, pausing to see if he would stop her again. It was times like these when Leanne realized how little she knew about this strange new world.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 06:42 (7 Months ago)
"Ah, yes. Run me to the ground so I die before my prime. What a wonderful idea." She nodded sarcastically. "I'm tired. I'm taking a nap."

When the man with the maniacal smile didn't move, Leanne sighed. "Just give me three more weeks. Then I can do your activities again."

She refused to use her condition as an excuse in a sentence, and it was making everything harder. Eight months in, and she still wasn't sure how she felt about the small human growing inside her. She didn't speak of it, didn't change her life to revolve around it, nothing.

But she sure thought about it.

A lot.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 06:00 (7 Months ago)
Leanne yanked her arm away unceremoniously. "Don't touch me. I am not playing with you right now, nor will I ever make plans to. You couldn't possibly have anything I want, anyway. So go outside, Emmie. Enjoy the village. Annoy someone your own age." With a final glare at the girl, Leanne turned on her heel, stalking in the direction of the stairs to take a nap.

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 05:46 (7 Months ago)
Leanne's stare at Morpheus was pointed, more than a little annoyed. She'd been dealing with this for eight months. One could assume that she actually knew what she was doing by now. Merlin, these people constantly overstepped their boundaries into unwelcomeness. Detestable.

"See... it's never just a stroll with you, Aleks." She finished the tea, setting the mug in the sink. "I know enough not to trust that smirk on your face, my friend. So really, if it's all the same to you, I'm taking a nap. Go and have fun with the children without me."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 04:34 (7 Months ago)
Leanne just shook her head. "I don't know about that one, chief."

There were no chiefs here. This wasn't the squad. There was no wild haired squad leader barking orders at her. Leanne frowned. She was really quite tired. "Your idea of relaxing certainly doesn't match mine. Pardon my scepticism, but I'm not sure if I'm in any state to make that journey today." Her clipped accent emphasised her words, making Leanne sound like she was back in Britain. The North-Londoner came out when she was too exhausted to somewhat conform.

"I might just go back to bed..."

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Posted: Thu, 15/02/2024 04:19 (7 Months ago)
"Tenant...?" Leanne frowned. "Of course." She thought that Evan and Aleks were friends. She thought they had known each other since before this house. Evidently, she had been mistaken.

She sipped her tea, lost in thought for a moment. Then she finally asked, dreading the answer that she knew was going to somehow terrify her, or at the very least, fill her with dread. (Just think, she could have a moment longer of peace before asking.) "What did you plan for today, Aleks?"

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