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Searching for: Posts from ~Fahrenheit~.
Posted: Sun, 21/01/2024 17:33 (4 Months ago)

Theme - In Living Memory

Falin Barnes

[ Lore ]


"The wisdom of a stray cat [Falin] lies in its [her] adaptability.
Like them [her], we must learn to adjust to life’s ever-changing circumstances.” - an unknown sponsor.

Early Life

During her pregnancy with Falin, Falin's mother did not have any symptoms typically associated with being pregnant, apart from what she perceived to be intense bloating. As a mother of five energetic boys, she already had a multitude of responsibilities to handle. Even though she had gone through pregnancies before and knew what to expect, there was an unsettling feeling this time. As soon as Falin was laid upon her mother's chest for the first time, it became apparent to her that there was an absence of any emotional bond or affection towards the child. She expended so much of her energy that she could only manage to produce a faint smile as she tried to appear content with the latest addition to their family. However, whenever the boys accompanied their father to work, poor little Falin would frequently be left alone to cry out her distress in a small Moses basket, which her father had woven from reeds for their firstborn.

Growing up, Falin's relationship with her mother remained fraught with tension and loathing. Contrarily, Falin shared a tight bond with both her brothers and father, which became a source of jealousy for her mother. She also simply resented the fact that Falin's physical resemblance to her only heightened with each passing day and would, therefore, refuse simple things such as looking at her daughter when speaking to her. From a young age, her mother exerted herself to remind Falin that, being a daughter from District 9, her worth was no greater than the livestock in District 10: To be born, raised, and bred until the day she died. Every time Falin made an error, she would be branded as such, 'useless cow'. It had been at her mother's request that Falin stay at home and learn to take care of the household chores instead of working alongside her sibling in the fields, as a way to separate her from her family. According to her mother, working in the fields was a task that was assigned to men.

After completing all of her daily tasks, Falin would often spend her free time in the hay lofts of her family's barn, accompanied by a lazy and disgruntled barn cat. During these moments, she would indulge in daydreaming or find solace curled up with a book that she concealed from her family. Sometimes, albeit infrequently, Falin would engage in playful activities with her older brothers. They would run and frolic in the fields, despite her mother's disapproval, who believed that Falin's company hindered their productivity. Some of the games they enjoyed playing with each other were hide-and-seek, in which they would always let Falin win, and also a game of knocking down cans and bottles by shooting at them with slingshots. Falin has honed her aiming skills to perfection, allowing her to consistently strike her targets with extraordinary precision even at significant distances. She also applied to pesky rodents that attempted to pilfer grains from their stores.


Falin is among the youngest competitors to be reaped as a tribute for the Hunger Games, having only just turned twelve. Comparing Falin to the older tributes, she is noticeably smaller, due to her age, living conditions, and lack of training. She stands at 140 cm, and she weighs a meager 60 kg. She has a delicate figure. Falin has gorgeous cocoa-colored hair that flows almost down to her waist in natural waves, which perfectly complements her light honey-beige skin tone. Her innocence radiates from her large doe eyes and her sweet, angelic face, which had the people of the Capitol enthralled with her, despite her slim chances of survival. Many individuals in her district frequently observe her physical attractiveness and note her striking similarity to her mother. However, they often remark that she should smile more.


Despite never having the opportunity to attend school, Falin possesses remarkable abilities as a self-taught child who has managed to acquire skills in reading, writing, and basic mathematics, with a little support from a sweet older woman who caught Falin flipping through a book at her market stall. For someone her age, she possesses an exceptional level of awareness regarding her environment and possesses the refined skill to understand the atmosphere of the room she is in. Falin has become accustomed to tiptoeing around her mother due to her hostile behavior, which has helped to develop this ability, even though she is still puzzled about the underlying cause for such ill-treatment. As a consequence of this situation, she has developed a strong sense of self-reliance and autonomy. In the presence of others, she can comfortably embrace her relaxed and inquisitive nature, just as any child should be free to do. Falin prefers to keep her home life private, as she is concerned about others forming negative opinions about her family.


Charisma - Her irresistible charm is a significant advantage for her. The people of the Capitol have a profound love for her, and she frequently receives support from sponsors in the form of food and fresh water. Because of her difficult relationship with her mother, Falin is a natural people-pleaser who knows exactly what to say to achieve merits. She knows she's cute. She knows she has little chance of surviving. But she knows with a positive attitude, she can entertain the audience, even if it's just for a little while. During the training sessions, she takes advantage of her childish inquisitiveness to learn as much as possible from the other tributes.

Intelligence - From a young age, Falin has been a fast learner. Her mind works quickly, and her body, swiftly. She's been treading carefully from the moment she could walk so you can bet that she is probably a step or two ahead of you already, definitely mentally if not physically.

Opportunist - Falin's small size is advantageous for her as well. Whilst she doesn't possess much physical strength, Falin is fast, agile, and patient. She is also of diminutive size, enabling her to effortlessly enter narrow crevices and transform them into momentary shelters. In addition, Falin has previous experience and expertise in constructing shelters by utilizing various natural materials such as leaves and branches.

Sharpshooter - Falin's abilities with a slingshot are exceptional, as she can accurately shoot at both still and moving targets with great precision. Her ability to see and accurately hit her targets, even from afar, is astonishing due to her exceptional eyesight. In the event that her position is compromised, she will utilize her shots as a distraction in order to divert the attention of her target.


Hunting - Besides picking off rats back home, Falin has no experience hunting or preparing a kill, making it more challenging to sustain herself. Occasionally, Falin can strike a bird using her slingshot, but that typically results in her location being exposed, due to spooking other birds nearby.

Emotionally Immature - At the end of the day, Falin is still 12 years old and a pawn in a brutal game. Although she usually seems composed during her time in the Capitol, there are times when Falin can be seen unable to keep all of her emotions contained. The horrors only become real as she watches bloodshed right before her eyes.

Physical Strength - With her small build and a lack of combat abilities, Falin is left with very few options to defend herself, should she find herself engaged in hand-to-hand/close-ranged combat. She has mediocre free-climbing abilities and is a weak swimmer.


Pronounced 'Fah'-'Lin', her forename is a masculine variant of the name 'Feline' which is a Latin name meaning "cat-like", but also translates to "Secret", or more commonly "My Secret". Falin's surname 'Barnes' is a name denoted to a person who worked or lived in a barn. The word 'barn' is derived from Old English bere "barley" and ærn "dwelling".

[ The Hunger Games ]

! actions and events may vary, depending on the roleplay !

The Reaping

Falin Barnes. It was her first ever reaping; Her mother had 'persuaded' her to sign up for the maximum tesserae (8) as it was "unlikely she'd be picked for her first reaping". It had taken her a second to realize that her name had been announced. There had been complete silence until her name was called a second time. After acknowledging that she was not hearing things, she lifted her head towards the stage. In her peripherals, she could see the girls surrounding her, staring her way. Falin didn't have a word to describe what she was feeling at the moment. As those around her shuffled about, creating a pathway, Falin made her way to the stage mindlessly. With no female siblings - nor friends - Falin knew there was no way anyone would volunteer to take her place. From the stage, she could just about pick out her siblings from the crowd. Fear, shock, and anger painted their faces. She could see her father pull his wife close in a protective embrace. On the other hand, her mother's face was completely void of emotion.

She is visited by her oldest brother before leaving for the Capitol. To see someone that she knew to be so free and easy cry for the first time brought an ache to her heart. Falin only managed a momentary look at his puffy eyes before being engulfed in a crushing embrace. All he could do was apologize, rambling on about how he should have volunteered so that she would have at least had some protection. Falin soothed him that it was fine, and not to worry, because at least they'd be looked after with her tesserae. That's when she felt him freeze. Slowly, he pulled away from his sister with a puzzled look on his face. Falin continued to explain that their mother told her that they [her brothers] all took the maximum tesserae and that it was only fair if she did too. He appeared to stop breathing. His eyes turned dark. As it was time for him to leave, he crouched down eye to eye with Falin, taking her small hand and handing her a token: a pressed bookmark made with wildflowers and exactly 5 stems of wheat. He made a final promise to take care of everyone. Placing a kiss on her hand, he stands and leaves without looking back.

The Parade

Falin’s hazel eyes were wide with awe as she rode the chariot during the Tribute Parade. It had been her first time seeing the Capitol in person and how lively and different it was, compared to her home in District 9, was a shock to her. Her assigned stylist had dressed her, simply, in a flowing white gown, adorning her head with a crown woven from sheaves of wheat. Brandishing a torch in one hand, she waves to the crowd with the other. Later in her interview, she discloses that "Demeter," a goddess of bread, grain, and agriculture, served as inspiration for her stylist.

Training Center

It was likely that Falin entered as the least prepared tribute of the year. Yet, she knew better than to let the opportunity go to waste. If she did not try, her chance of success would be zero. But, if she did, her chances may be low but they'd certainly be better than zero. Falin spent her training days wisely, focusing on the survival skill stations as she felt it was too late to attempt to become proficient at offensive skills. She did not completely ignore them, however, observing the other tributes closely and asking questions in order to gain valuable knowledge. Falin would participate if invited by the other tributes, often entertaining their egos.

Midway through the training sessions, something in Falin clicked. As she advanced through the stations, she realized that a lot of these skills came to her naturally, meaning she could have a chance. Being from District 9, living surrounded by fields and nature, Falin scored fairly highly on the test at the edible plants station. It wasn't too surprising to her that she found her way around knot-tying or hammock-making with ease, also. Shelter making was a station she just found to be enjoyable, each moment reminding her of home and making dens in the woods with her brothers. So whilst her shelters weren't the most sound in terms of stability, it would be enough to keep her covered for a night to rest. She even managed to impress some of the more established tributes by conquering the gauntlets and ropes course with cat-like balance and agility. Falin showed weakness when it came to using weaponry, deciding to completely dodge the axes and swords, and after debating with herself, the spears and tridents, also, as they would be much too big and inconvenient for her to carry.

During her private session, Falin managed to score a 6, showcasing her abilities with a slingshot that she had decided to keep undisclosed from the other tributes in their group sessions.


Her interview was the first time the people of the Capitol got to meet Falin. Inside, she could feel the anxiety bubbling. But, masking her emotions was one thing that Falin could say she had years of practice of. Falin stepped onto the stage with the confidence of a District 1 tribute. with a radiant smile on her face, she greeted the audience with an adorable little double-handed wave. Falin modeled a bridal-like, knee-length white dress with floral lace accents on the skirt's hem and shoulder straps. Her hair - styled in much more defined curls than usual - was adorned with a simple, yet beautiful tiara, embellished with tiny diamonds that glittered in the spotlights. In that moment, Falin was the embodiment of purity. An angel. The most beautiful bride... if she survived the games. She sits and answers the questions fired at her honestly, with just the right amount of sanguinity, spirit, and sorrow, to stir up sympathy within the crowd.


Sponsorships are an important aid for Falin's survival in the games and, despite her average training score, she does not struggle in acquiring them. From fresh water to candy, and even a book, Falin is able to wait out the first couple of days of the game with ease. However, whilst some of her gifts are out of genuine adoration for her, others are sent to purposely prolong the young tribute's survival to keep the game engaging, dangling hope in the face of her District.

The Arena

On the day of the games, Falin is dressed by her stylist in her arena uniform. However, whilst waiting to enter the arena, it's noticed that Falin suddenly appears less like herself and is lost deep in thought. For the first time, she opens up about her family, but more specifically her relationship with her mother, admitting that she misses them and, despite how her mother treated her, she loves them all unconditionally. Falin states that if she somehow manages to win the games, she hopes that her mother can forgive her for whatever she did for her to hate her. As her platform rises into the arena, Falin steels herself for whatever is about to come.

The Cornucopia Bloodbath

Frozen in fear, Falin doesn't immediately jump from her stand. Watching with wide eyes as many tributes rush toward the center of the cornucopia, fighting over backpacks of loot. Whilst a group of tributes appeared preoccupied, slashing at each other with their newfound weapons, Falin took the opportunity to snatch a nearby backpack that had seemingly been overlooked due to its small size. As quick as her feet were able to carry her, she darts to take cover in a wooded area of the arena. Several cannons sound not too long after. Exhausted from running, Falin takes refuge inside a large hollow tree trunk to rest.


Falin relies a lot on luck and sponsors, throughout the early games, after taking a weaponless pack from the cornucopia. But, it's when she receives a familiar slingshot from one package that fuels her to take action. Having a lot of desirables in her possession, Falin decided that she would use them to her advantage. Utilizing the skills she had learned at the training stations, Falin constructed booby-trapped campsites, where she would lay in waiting not too far away, to slowly pick off wandering tributes. Like a game of cat and mouse: Vermin can't seem to help themselves once they set their sights on unsupervised grain.

[ Additional Info ]

In Magical AUs

On the outside, Falin looks like an average kid. Yet, true to her name, Falin harnesses incredible cat-like abilities. Like a refined hunter, she has an attuned sense of smell, exceptional hearing, and an ability to lock in her focus on moving objects at a distance. The hairs across her body act similarly to whiskers, sensing movement by picking up on even the slightest changes in the airflow. Falin also has insane levels of flexibility, balance, and agility. Whilst she does not have retractable claws, her nails are stronger than the average human's, and her canine teeth are more pronounced. However, her most impressive skill would be having the ability to jump from heights and safely land on her feet without discomfort.

In this AU, Falin would use steel claw gauntlets, rather than a slingshot, and would be slightly stronger physically.

[ Gallery ]

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Posted: Thu, 18/01/2024 16:18 (4 Months ago)

For the sake of my sanity, I've decided to postpone the roleplay for now - aiming to release at the end of the month.

I'll continue working on it when I have free time; however, with work, projects, and life in general, it's really stressing me atm c':

Any and all roles will remain reserved for those claimed.

Sign-ups will remain open, but minor changes to the roleplay itself may be made.

I'll be sure to update as, when, and if the above happens, as well as when the roleplay thread is released for those still interested.

Apologies for any inconveniences ;-; !

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Posted: Sun, 14/01/2024 14:19 (4 Months ago)

Res is fine; let me know when you're finished with forms !

I can certainly make a group chat if that's what people would like !

I'm hoping the rp won't take me long to throw up; however, I've been busier than expected irl c':

But I have free time today, so it's on my to-do list !

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Posted: Mon, 08/01/2024 16:07 (4 Months ago)


Show hidden content

Hello ! Firstly, please do not feel discouraged about this massive wall of text -

I see you're fairly new to PH, and so while I'm typically able to pick through users' forum posts to see examples of their RPing abilities, I cannot with you ^^" If it's possible that you could send me a sample of your writing - via PM is fine - it would be much appreciated !

But, besides the minimal detail of your form - which I'll excuse if an acceptable writing sample can be provided - my only other issue with your form would be your character's role. Mainly the fact that I don't understand why the studio would want to sabotage their reputation by hiring a secret reporter to get dirt on their own models. I fully believe that in an industry like this, agencies are generally 100% aware of the shadier things going on behind the scenes; however, their only concern is usually getting their models seen and making money from their popularity. Hence why I don't see having a secret reporter as necessary. At least, not by Illusion Studios.

I think an easy fix could be, for example:

"Becoming a world-renowned reporter had always been the dream, for this character (Lillian). However, after being let go from several jobs in the past, due to "unsatisfactory work", Lillian seemingly found themselves at a dead end. Despite all their hard work. Why them? Confused, angry, and fueled by jealousy, they decide to take matters into their own hands. When Lillian saw that a currently popular subject of the news was about a modeling agency (Illusion Studios), they knew there was bound to be some dirt to be dug. Lillian makes it their mission to seek out the scoops themselves, willing to do whatever it took to get the recognision that they believed they deserved. From following them to their every shoot, to stalking them online, and in person as the models go about their daily lives. An obsession.

However, the deeper down the rabbit hole they go, the darker it gets. And, from there, Lillian must decide whether (or not) this web of lies they are helping to create is worth the fame."

I've kept the 'jealous reporter' aspect, the only differece would really be that you're character would be more of a independant reporter x private investigator, as you also said they like to work alone. I can see them being very nosy, creepy-ish even. They either ask a lot of questions or they watch your every move, without saying a word. They'd keep very close, yet distant at the same time, in a "you don't know me, but I know everything about you" kinda way. They're always in plain sight, yet everyone thinks they're irrelevant, which only infuriates them more as Lillian's whole thing is wanting to be recognised??

Hope this suggestion helps !

(I mean, if you decided you wanted to team up and bring down the studio together, I could also see this character working well with the (darker route) suggestion given here, and even Everglades's character.)

I should have everyone else's character's linked to the main page shortly - please let me know of any completed/new character sheets !

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Posted: Fri, 05/01/2024 14:10 (4 Months ago)

*sleepy waves*

i've added everyone with character sheets and wips to the main page ♥

as for the role of Wrath, i'll have to give it to @Interna_Chaotica for reserving first

@therealkendo, if you would still like to participate in the rp, i'm open to giving you a 'side' role

an idea: a live-in photographer/editor whose job is to capture the natural/casual side of the models' lives.

as the good/friendly route: you're able to get close to all of the models, perhaps even sparking some romance yourself.

or an alternative/darker route: you're sick of seeing the models get, basically, worshiped by the public, despite their behavior behind the lens. You feel used by the Studio, and you decide to make it your goal to out each and every one of the models by anonymously posting precarious images online.

i'm open to other 'side' character ideas, however !

thank you all so much for the interest ♥

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 00:09 (4 Months ago)

Added !

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 23:40 (4 Months ago)

Yes ! ♥

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 23:02 (4 Months ago)

added res !

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 21:35 (4 Months ago)

of course ♥ i'll add you in shortly !

for now, ignore the little 'info' slots next to the roles

i plan for people to submit their own little background briefs (related to their sin) for their characters :)

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Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 20:10 (4 Months ago)



romance | seven deadly sins | affairs

[ intro ]

"The most beautiful illusion is the one you create with the people you love."

Illusion Studios: known for producing some of the most stunning and successful models in the world. Their models graced the covers of every major fashion magazine and walked the runways of the most prestigious fashion shows. But, the models of Illusion Studios were not just pretty faces, they had other talents too. Some were aspiring singers, actors, and even writers. It was encouraged that the models explore their other passions and talents, as long as it did not interfere with their main job of modeling. This was part of the reason why Illusion Studios was so successful, their models were not just one-dimensional.

However, as the agency grew in popularity and success, the decision was made that a large number of its clients would be dropped. The agency, instead, wanted to focus on managing a smaller group of models. This also came with a new 'rule', all of the models had to live under the same roof, in a luxurious mansion owned by the studio itself. This was to ensure that they were always available for shoots and appearances as well as to avoid any distractions or scandals. Furthermore, the models would receive 24-hour protection.

Everything changed when Illusion Studios announced that they were scouting for a new model to join their elite group. With the newest addition, seven became eight. They were young, charming, and although inexperienced compared to the current members, you could see that they were full of potential. It would be up to the current residents to welcome the latest addition and show them what it takes to be successful at Illusion Studios. However, it would quickly be revealed that, behind the cameras, things in the modeling industry are not so picture-perfect.


[ main roles ]

PRIDE | Charlie May - la_soleil | info

GREED | Casimir Devereaux - Cardboard_Spaghetti | info

LUST | Keiki Meyumi - junebugg | info

ENVY | Niwa Atsushi - Serendibite | info

GLUTTONY | Emil Musabi - Comfygazing | info

WRATH | Dýrleif Kristjánsdóttir - Interna_Chaotica | info

SLOTH | Mercymorn Belphie - theinsaneone. | info

GOSSIP | Nefaria Alect. - Daiko | you are what everyone is talking about, currently! although, it's not all good. you are the newest member of the Illusion Studio's elite group and not everyone believes that you deserve it. whilst you may not be the most experienced, you certainly have potential. experience is something your new housemates can help you with; however, they each have their own problems that they could maybe need a hand with..

[ side roles ]

AGENT | info - info | info

REPORTER | Lillian Rosett - Burned_Librarian | info

LEAD MAKEUP ARTIST | Adelaide Robinson - Everglades | info

INFO | info - info | info



[ rules ]

♥ PH rules apply !
♥ Sentence/paragraph format only ! Semi-lit-ish !
♥ The RP may have a mature vibe, and sensitive topics may pop up; however, posts must remain site-friendly !
♥ Please use appropriate trigger warnings and/or spoiler format if detailing such topics !
♥ Characters are adults ! Around the ages of 21-25 is good !
♥ Realistic face claims please !
♥ Romance and drama are highly encouraged !
♥ For now, one character per person ! I may open side characters later on !
♥ tba


[ character sheet ]

♥ [b]Character Name[/b] | info
♥ [b]Aliases[/b] | info

♥ [b]Age[/b] | info
♥ [b]Gender[/b] | info
♥ [b]Pronouns[/b] | info
♥ [b]Sexuality[/b] | info

♥ [b]Appearance[/b] ♥

info; image is preferable, but a detailed description is also fine !

♥ [b]Personality[/b] ♥

info; strengths, weaknesses, mbti, all the juicy stuff !

♥ [b]Sin[/b] ♥

info; your chosen sin and how that affects your character, for example: wrath with anger issues caused by past trauma -

♥ [b]Additional Info[/b] ♥

optional; additional hobbies, talents, or any important stuff that doesn't fit in the above categories !



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Posted: Wed, 15/11/2023 21:04 (6 Months ago)

psst! your gifts: you should check them- ♥

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Posted: Sat, 11/11/2023 22:47 (6 Months ago)

hi, hello, just dropping in to say that I’ve not forgotten this c’:

thank you all for the interest <3

i’m not sure when - if - this will be set up as I’m currently sacrificing myself to 12+ hour work shifts, 6 days a week to cover sicknesses ^^”

however, I’ll continue working on it and update when I can !

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Posted: Tue, 31/10/2023 21:42 (7 Months ago)

🐾 Fantasy | Reverse Isekai | Romance | Harem | Humour | Slice of Life 🐾

Nekomimis - "Nekos" - are fictional characters who have cat ears on an otherwise human body, and possibly other feline characteristics such as a tail. They are a popular character trope seen in games, anime, and mangas.

A group of Nekos that have found themselves in the grand city of Tokyo, have slowly been settling in, establishing a small cafe to survive. However, all but one, find themselves trapped under an ancient curse, trapping them in their feline form. In order to break their curses, they must encounter true love. Meanwhile, the "manager" of the group is struggling to keep up with the cafe's increasing popularity and decides to hire another employee, risking revealing their true identities.

But what should happen when the cafe's residents begin to fall for the new server?

[ Tokyo, Japan ]

Summer vacation had just begun, and your parents had decided that it was time for you to get a job. Begrudgingly, you had agreed to "look". Despite much rather spending the weeks with your high school friends - especially in this last year before you all headed off to your chosen universities - you knew there was probably little chance of that happening. Your parents had always been the stricter type. They weren’t trying to be mean about it, they just wanted the best for you as their only child. They, themselves, worked constantly and there were often days where you would not see them. Due to their commitment to their jobs, you grew up quickly so getting a job, seemingly, would be the next step to grow your independence.

It was still fairly early in the evening when you saw the sign crookedly hung up upon the door of a small cafe. You had walked this route many times on the way home from the convenience store to pick up dinner for the night. Yet, you had never noticed this cafe before.

“The Cat’s Corner is Hiring!”
“No Experience needed; Inquire Inside!”

Curious, you push open the door and the chime of a bell rings throughout the lounge. Standing awkwardly at the door, you find that it’s empty inside. The area is warmly lit and the couches and coffee tables - as opposed to the usual tables and chairs - gave the quaint place a homey feel. Suddenly a head pops out from a room behind the counter: A girl, looking no older than yourself, with a pair of cat-like ears adorning her head. She looks surprised to see you.

“Sorry! We’re actually closed right now!”

After explaining that you saw the hiring ad on the door but didn’t realise that the cafe was closed, her face softened.

“Oh.. It’s okay! Would you like a drink? I can make time for a quick interview.”

You would be accepted for the job that evening, and your first shift tomorrow afternoon.

! Interest Check !

Just some things before I proceed to create a character sheet -

The main love interest does not have to be male.
Cursed nekos do not have to be female.
This rp is harem inspired.
Who the main character ultimately picks (if anyone) - I'll leave that choice open.
However, I do ask that an effort be made to interact with everyone to form the bonds that create a harem.
I do not expect love to form instantly - an exception would be, perhaps, a neko believing in love at first sight.
Slow burn is highly encouraged!
It is suggested that the nekos have a variety of personalities to make relationship-building interesting.

If this is a roleplay you'd be interested in, please let me know below c':
Will probably be semi-lit!
Furthermore, if you have any questions/suggestions regarding the roleplay, I'll do my best to listen to them!

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Posted: Mon, 23/10/2023 01:33 (7 Months ago)

Theme - Night Waves

Rosemary Lucero

[ Lore ]


Growing up as an islander, in the small coastal town of Dewford, Roe developed a profound love for nature from an early age. Due to the lack of friends her age, she spent most of her childhood exploring the nearby forests, caves, and beaches, fostering a deep connection with the environment. Her horizons expanded further once her father - a sailor and fisherman - began to take her out to sea, and the mainland of Hoenn. Amazed by the world beyond her tiny hometown, Rosemary longs to set off on a journey of her own.


Locks of copper red hair are often let loose, allowing the breath of the wind to disperse their delicate seaside scent. Rosemary’s natural beach waves cascade down, past her shoulders, but form loose curls when exposed to moisture. Her doe eyes, in a shade of candy apple red, shine brightly with curiosity and kindness. She stands at an average height for her age, but her lithe build, along with her pale skin may, however, translate as sickly to some. Despite her willowy appearance, her adventurous antics have conditioned her to be considerably nimble in terms of her physical agility. Because of her extremely light complexion, the constellations of freckles that dapple her skin seem to be more pronounced. Her clothing style is very casual, typically summery, with flowy sundresses, light colours, and floral prints. Roe is also fond of wearing a pendant made from a small conch shell that her father handcrafted for her as a young child.


Despite being a tad skittish at times, Roe is generally a calm-natured, optimistic girl, with an infectious smile. She can comfortably work independently or as part of a team, and in doing so remains open-minded and respectful of other people's opinions. She strongly believes in doing the right thing and strives to make the world a happier place. Roe's ultimate goal is to bring happiness and positivity into the lives of others. She wants to make a difference in the world by spreading joy and helping those in need.

Rose’s strengths lie in her ability to remain calm under pressure, her open-mindedness, and her determination to do what is right. She also possesses excellent problem-solving skills and a natural ability to bring people together. Alternatively, Roe’s naivety may make her hesitant when faced with unexpected challenges. She may doubt herself and question whether she is doing enough. Additionally, her optimism can lead her to overlook certain risks or underestimate the opposition she may face. Nonetheless, she is motivated by her belief that everyone deserves happiness and that she can be a catalyst for positive change. She is driven to confront challenges head-on, seeking solutions and growth, believing that even small actions can lead to significant change.


In her free time, Rosemary loves spending time outdoors, exploring new places, and meeting new people. Her favourite colours are vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows, representing her fiery passion for life. Undoubtedly, the beach is her favourite place to be. The sound of waves crashing against the shore, the smell of saltwater, and the feeling of sand between her toes: all give her that nostalgic feeling of home. She also loves to stargaze and can spend hours marveling at the vastness of the universe, sometimes forgetting to sleep when doing so. A quirk of hers is collecting small trinkets and mementos from her adventures, cherishing them as reminders of the people she's helped and the challenges she's overcome.


Her forename 'Rosemary' comes from the Latin 'ros marinus', meaning "dew of the sea". Rosemary's surname 'Lucero' means "light source, bright star, morning star" in Spanish, hinting at possible Paldean ancestry.

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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2023 18:59 (7 Months ago)

Title: WIP

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Head of the House of Swords
Deputy Headmaster

25 - Male - He/Him
mbti / enna

Partner | Azumarill
Female - Relaxed - Sap Sipper
Charm - Bounce - Rain Dance - Hydro Pump

Team |

Teaches | Substitute for Co-ordinating classes





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Head of the House of Hearts

21 - Female - She/Her
mbti / enna

Partner | Espeon
Female - Timid - Magic Bounce
Quick Attack - Swift - Psychic - Dazzling Gleam

Team |

Teaches | General Sciences; Occasional substitute for Research classes





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Head of the House of Shields
Finance Officer

23 - Female - She/Her
mbti / enna

Partner | Houndoom
Male - Serious - Flash Fire
Nasty Plot - Thunder Fang - Foul Play - Flamethrower

Team |

Teaches | Substitute for Battling Classes





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Posted: Thu, 05/10/2023 14:54 (7 Months ago)

As the carriages approached, the main building of the academy would slowly appear in the distance.

Despite its sheer size, it was like a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the campus that hid behind. On the ground floor was an open reception area, also doubling up as a library. It's light, yet cozy, with a choice of desks or mini lounge areas for seating. For privacy, students may use the dedicated private study rooms, seeing that they are utilized respectfully. In the center of the room is a large round desk, hosted by several friendly receptionists. They are there to answer any questions students may have: do not be afraid to ask!

Two staircases embrace the sides of the central desk, leading up to the first floor in a spiraling manner. For those unable to use the stairs, there are two elevators on either side of the entrance to the main building. Both, stairs and lift, meet in a large gallery that's lit with natural light. Its walls are adorned with framed photographs that capture the short history of the institute. In the gallery, there a two doors. One leading to the east wing and the other to the west wing. Classrooms - used primarily for theory-based lessons - are all located on the first floor of the main building. Rarely, classes that typically take place here may require students to relocate. Students will always be notified of these classroom changes.

West wing classes: Art (A1); History (H1); Language and Literature (L1); Music (Mu1)
East wing classes: Geography (Ge1); Math (M1); Science (Sc1)

When not in use, classrooms are often used for clubs. Students must first gain permission from the Head of Houses before creating a club. Once approved, they'll be allowed to use the classrooms outside of lesson time, including weekends when lessons do not take place. However, students will be expected to take care of the classrooms, ensuring they are left clean and tidy for when lessons start. Any damage will result in loss of Houst Points, or worst-case scenario, expulsion from the academy.

The second floor of the academy may only be accessed by staff members, requiring a key card to take the elevators to that floor. Students are forbidden from entering this area and may face immediate expulsion if caught. This is to protect, both, students and staff. The elevators open to a communal area, a long table sitting in the center of the room, which is generally used for staff meetings. At the back, there's a kitchen area for those who prefer to make their own meals, despite being allowed to eat from the food court. Staff quarters are also located on this floor. They are much larger than the student dorms, consisting of a sleeping area, ensuite, and a separate personal office area.

When the carriages begin to filter in before coming to a complete halt outside of the main building, students are kindly asked by the rangers to wait outside and ready their identification, whilst the enrollment packages go through the final phase of being sorted.

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Posted: Tue, 03/10/2023 13:43 (7 Months ago)

"Dew of the Sea"
Rosemary Lucero | She/Her | House of Shields

Lady Rosemary had pretty much spent her entire life either on or by the sea, so the trip had little effect on her, unlike those who had to hide away with sea sickness. She had spent the majority of the journey up at the bow of the SS Victory, just like in that one scene in the movie - The Titanic - about a ship sailing from Galar to Unova, only to hit a gigantic Avalugg and sink. Thankfully, the SS Victory did not sink. Whilst Roe was a competent swimmer, she cringed at the thought of having to ruin the new sundress that she'd bought especially for enrolment day.

Roe had returned to her cabin just moments before the ship pulled into the docks. Retrieving her luggage, she drags the heavy suitcase behind her with one hand, tightly gripping the straw-woven sun hat on her head with the other, as she steps off of the boat. There's a glimmer in her crimson eyes and her jaw drops in awe as she takes in the beauty of her surroundings. Excitement bubbled within her, and when her eyes landed on the fairytale-esque carriages, Roe let out a little squeal of happiness.

"Can students please make their way to the next available carriages! I repeat, can students please make their way to the next available carriages! We will be leaving shortly!"

An academy ranger calls out from the front of the crowd, snapping Roe out of her daze. 'R-right..!' she panics, internally, her feet moving promptly, weaving her in and out of her future peers quickly, in hopes of finding a seat. She arrives at an empty carriage at the back, the leading Rapidash giving her the side-eye at her flustered state. Roe slips into the seats, releasing her luggage, and finally being able to relax.

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Posted: Tue, 03/10/2023 11:24 (7 Months ago)

@Sensgirl - for Mathieu Adrien Giroux

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Pichu - the Tiny Mouse Pokémon
Despite this Pokémon’s cute appearance, those who want to live with one should prepare to be on the receiving end of its electric jolts.

Larvitar - the Rock Skin Pokémon
It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow.

Rockruff - the Puppy Pokémon
When it rubs the rocks on its neck against you, that’s proof of its love for you. However, the rocks are sharp, so the gesture is quite painful!

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Posted: Fri, 29/09/2023 22:46 (8 Months ago)

~ Just going to pop this here ~

You may begin to make posts !

Please do not derail this immediately, I will cry ;-;

This also means try not to spam the thread with a bunch of small posts - please give people time to catch up !

Sign-ups will remain open for now, but should it get a bit too busy, I'll close them

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Posted: Fri, 29/09/2023 21:09 (8 Months ago)

@Nightwing - for Nia Grace (re-roll]

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Meditite - the Meditate Pokémon
Meditite heightens its inner energy through meditation. It survives on just one berry a day. Minimal eating is another aspect of this Pokémon’s training.

Snorunt - the Snow Hat Pokémon
In some snowy lands, certain folklore says a house will prosper if a Snorunt lives there.

Popplio - the Sea Lion Pokémon
It creates special bouncy balloons to send at its opponents. When the balloons pop, the sheer force of their bursting is what deals damage.

please also consider-

Cubchoo - the Chill Pokémon
Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy, their snot is sticky and the power of their ice moves increases.

Just a baby! As is Orpheus to Nia. Bears are particularly protective of their young, and I see similar mama bear tendencies in Nia. So whilst Cubchoo may be small for now, it'll soon grow to be strong and be able to fight alongside Orpheus' Blaziken!

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