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"Spencer": A Collection of Stories

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions "Spencer": A Collection of Stories
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 192
Posted: Sat, 06/05/2023 04:22 (1 Year ago)

A Collection of Stories

Current Season: Season One

Season One is ten percent complete, with one of ten Episodes being released.

These stories will revolve around the life of Spencer Whitaker, as he enters the eighth grade, and begins to encounter new and unfamiliar people. There are only two main characters that you should know about beforehand: Spencer and his best friend, Malachi. Their information is typed out into a form-style layout below.


Spencer Whitaker

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Name: Spencer Whitaker
Age at the Start: Thirteen
Gender: Male
Sexuality at the Start: Straight
Personality: Clever, Creative, and Artistically Talented, but also Kind, Caring, yet Anxious very easily. Basically, he's just like me.
Appearance: Just Refer to my Profile Picture!
Other?: Spencer is going to be one of the most interesting characters, mainly because the series is named after him haha.

Malachi Gronin

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Name: Malachi Gronin
Age at the Start: Fourteen
Gender: Male
Sexuality at the Start: Straight
Personality: Silly, Athletic, and very into Food, mainly his favorite snack food, Chez-Ems. Malachi will often be the first person to crack a joke or a pun, in almost any situation.
Appearance: White skin, black hair that is raised up into spike-shaped points, wearing a sleeveless white shirt, with a yellow lightning bolt running down the front. Also wearing brown, khaki-style shorts, long white socks that come up almost to his knees, and black-and-white sneakers.
Other?: Malachi has been Spencer's best friend since the third grade, and he knows just how to cheer Spencer up during tough situations. We all need a Malachi in our lives.



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1. Crushed (Most Recent Story, and Out Now for Reading!)
2. Double Trouble (Upcoming Story, Releasing Soon!)
3. Artistic Ability
4. Hoops
6. Your Mom
7. Superstitious
8. Claustrophobic
9. Christmas Muffins
10. Spencer x Allie




Season One: Episode One: "Crushed"

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Spencer Whitaker stood at the front steps to TumbleWood Middle School, preparing himself to start the eighth grade school year. Spencer may have only been thirteen years old, but he had big dreams. He had already planned out his future as an artist and cartoonist, and he hoped that he would be successful in his career of choice, someday far into the future of his life.
As Spencer took one final breath, and he began to push the front door to the Middle School wide open, he felt a hand on his right shoulder. Spencer turned around, and he found himself staring into the eyes of his best friend, Malachi Gronin. “Hey, dude,” Malachi began, “Ready for a new school year? This’ll be our last year before High School!”
Spencer smiled at the thought. After a few seconds of silence, aside from the sound of car doors being opened and closed, Spencer replied. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Spencer and Malachi each took hold of a separate double-door, and with a smile growing across each of their faces, they swung the doors open and walked into the Middle School. They were immediately greeted by the well-known School Bullies: Jax, Chris, and Makayla.
Jax held out a hand. “Gimme something.” Spencer began to pull out a five dollar bill from his backpack, but he then realized something. “No,” he started, “I won’t give you anything, because I’m in control here, not you. You don’t get to just walk around, asking for peoples’ things, and expecting for them to just give it to you. I’m in control of my own decisions, and that’s that.”
After these final words had escaped Spencer’s mouth, he put an arm around Malachi, and together, they headed for their Homeroom class.
Once they were seated in Mrs. Nussbaum’s Homeroom class, Malachi began snacking on Chez-Ems. He held out a hand, offering one of his cheesy cracker snacks to Spencer. “No, thanks,” Spencer replied with a grin.
Mrs. Nussbaum stood at the front of the class, ready to make an important announcement. “Class, we may only be starting up on the first day of the eighth grade, but we have a new addition to the TumbleWood community! Please welcome to our class, with open arms, Allison Trigson!” A girl stepped into view. She had long, black hair, which covered her right eye, and she had a purple hairclip in the front section of her hair. She was wearing a pink, long-sleeved shirt, which went down to her knees, almost. The shirt had a purple heart in the middle, and the girl was wearing black shoes. She appeared to whisper something into Mrs. Nussbaum’s ear, and then the teacher continued with, “But you can just call her Allie.”

Allie took a seat at the third chair of the table that Spencer and Malachi were seated at, placing herself right between them on one side of the round table. Spencer whispered into Malachi’s ear, “I think I might have some sort of, like, an instant crush thing going on here. I am suddenly starting to feel extremely nervous, and that was not supposed to happen on the first day of eighth grade.”
Malachi calmly introduced himself. “Hey, I’m Malachi, the cool one.” He reached out a hand, expecting a handshake. Instead, Allie just sat there, not making a sound, or a movement of any sort. “Alrighty then,” Malachi continued to speak, “And this dork is named Spencer. He’s, uh… He’s kinda cool. He’s… He’s good.”
Spencer looked up from his feet, which he had been staring at during Malachi’s entire introduction, and he finally got the courage to reach out a hand. Allie seemed like the shy type, since she had refused to shake Malachi’s hand. But as soon as Spencer reached his hand toward her, she grabbed it and shook it carefully, for about thirty seconds or so.
Allie then yanked her hand back, beginning to blush. Spencer, as well, was starting to feel a blushing sensation as it spread across his face.
At lunchtime, the students were all seated in the cafeteria. Well, all of them, except for Allie. She was having trouble adjusting, but she eventually took the open seat next to Spencer. Spencer and Malachi always sat across from each other at lunchtime, because that made it easier for them to talk to each other. After Allie had taken her seat next to Spencer, another girl came over from across the cafeteria, clearly upset, and she took her seat next to Malachi.
As the girl sat down, she muttered to herself, “Stupid friends… What are they good for? Nothing…”
Malachi began to feel hot, even hotter than usual. The girl that had seated herself next to Malachi was none other than Taylor Tabbison, a girl which Malachi had been crushing on since the sixth grade. Spencer himself began to blush. Being seated next to your crush can do things like that to a person, especially when you haven’t even told them about how you truly feel yet.
Allie pulled a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from her brown paper lunch bag, and she carefully started to unwrap the plastic that the sandwich was encased within. She started to take a bite, but then she was distracted by what Spencer was doing. Spencer pulled an entire chicken sandwich from his Goosebumps lunchbox, and he set it down on a paper towel.
Spencer noticed that Allie was eyeing his food, so he spoke up. “Um… Do you want some?”
Allie blushed even harder, and immediately shook her head. She finally began to speak to Spencer. “I-I’m okay. I just… I have to make my own lunch every night and put it in the fridge, because my parents are too busy getting drunk and yelling at each other to remember that they even have a daughter.”
Spencer’s facial expression quickly began to droop. “You poor thing…”

Spencer held out his chicken sandwich. “Here, take it, I don’t need to eat. I’m not even that hungry, in fact. Just… Take it”
Allie stared at Spencer for a moment, before just simply asking, “Lunch trade? I give you some of mine, and you give me some of yours?”
Spencer gladly accepted this offer, splitting the sandwich in half, and trading with Allie. They enjoyed lunch together, talking and laughing the whole way through.
Later on in the day, some students were standing outside, waiting for the bus drivers to be ready to leave. Spencer spotted Allie from afar, and he decided to walk over to her. She was holding a big, stuffed purple kitten head. “Oh, hey,” she greeted Spencer, “I, um… This kitten pillow comforts me. I collect stuffed animals and pillows like this, because they make me feel… Loved.”
Spencer felt bad for this poor girl. She didn’t seem to have the best home life, and that made Spencer sad. He had come to accept Allie as somewhat of a friend, and he definitely didn’t like to see his friends upset.
Spencer hesitated for a minute, but then he finally gave in, wrapping his arms around Allie in a big hug.
Allie blushed even harder this time, but she enjoyed it. She closed her eyes, and she just enjoyed being hugged. “You wanna know something?” she asked. Spencer replied calmly, “Yeah, sure.”
Allie began to let out her emotions. “I… I don’t get hugged very often. I’ve been homeschooled all my life, and my parents aren’t the greatest. That’s why I’m still trying to figure things out about the real world. The outside world. The world that I’ve barely seen any of. My Uncle Wilson finally talked my parents into putting me in public school, because he saw how bad it was. I just wanna thank you, for being one of the only people to treat me like I belong, and like I matter. You and that Malachi guy, you’re good people. Thank you.”
Spencer smiled and blushed even wider and harder than ever before.
He simply replied, “You deserve it.”
Spencer and Allie hugged each other tightly, until the bus drivers came and picked them up. And then, even on the bus ride home, they cuddled up in the seat of the school bus, eager to spend as much time together as possible, before they would have to depart for the night.
Allie fell asleep on the school bus, and Spencer whispered something into her ear. Some might say that it sounded just like he was saying, “I love you.”


More Coming Soon!

Next Story to Release Soon: Season One: Episode Two: "Double Trouble"!