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Torn (Part 1) [WIP DNP]

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Torn (Part 1) [WIP DNP]
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Wed, 31/03/2021 23:56 (3 Years ago)
Hello people! The chapters in this story are really long, I'm sorry about that. Please DO NOT POST, as it disrupts the story. If you have some feedback you'd like to give me, or don't understand something, PM me! I hope you guys enjoy Rose Mathis and Jake Sade's story!

Chapter 1- Jake

“I knew this was a bad idea.” he mutters to himself. The redeemers had launched an attack against the main marauder base, and now the marauders were back. For vengeance. Leading the marauders was a young woman with shoulder length pale pink hair and a long black polearm.
“Redeemers! You have attacked our base in a cowardly form, and we are here to return the favor!” another young woman, standing behind the first says. Jake grips his sword more tightly. Behind the two young women, there is a whole legion of marauders looking angry. The redeemers surge forward and all hell breaks loose.
Immediately, Jake feels hands grip his shoulders. He looks up and barely has time to register the colorless eyes staring into his, when he feels himself being propelled through the air and thrown into a tree trunk. Standing above him, is the pale pink haired leader. “Rose Mathis.” he breathes, recognizing the famous combat enhancer. She seems to have singled Jake out as a leader. “Boy is she wrong then.” he thinks.
“I hope you value your life enough to fight back.” she snarls at him. “I..I.. uhh.” he responds. He immediately mentally smacks himself. She narrows her eyes at him. Her eyes flick from his hair to his arm to his eyes. “She recognizes me. I guess my family is well known…” he thinks, feeling slightly bitter. “...” he doesn’t respond. “Um.. yes?” his voice catches on the last word, making it sound like a question. Rose’s eyebrow raises. “Alright then. Fight back.” she says, stepping back.
Jake uses the tree to pull himself up. He surveys Rose. Even though they were facing off in the middle of the battle, the only things he could hear were his own breath and the sound Rose’s staff made when she twirled it in the air. “Waiting for a formal invitation?” she asked, sounding slightly confused as to why he was taking so long. “I.. uh… yes? No? I don’t know.” he says, stepping back.
“Marauders. We have made our point! Back to base!” the brown haired young woman from earlier. Rose scowls. “Athena never gives me enough time to do anything.” she mutters. Jake lets out a sigh of relief. “But you’re coming with me.” she says, smiling mischievously. Jake closes his eyes. “Okay well could you at least like… cuff me so it looks like I actually did something?” he asks, sounding hopeful. Rose takes a step back, looking slightly surprised. “Usually when I say that people run.” she says.
“Yeah well.” he says with a limp shrug. “Sure I guess?” Rose says, snapping her fingers. His wrists are binded. “Thanks. Now my family might believe I actually fought or something I don’t know.” he sighs again. Jake closes his eyes for a moment, relief rushing through his veins.
“You are a surprisingly compliant prisoner.” Jake looks up from the floor he was sitting on to see a familiar face. “Adare?” he says, sounding surprised. She smirks. “Jake…” she leans against the wall. “I.. Faye.” he says. “Glad you still remember my name.” she says with a scowl. Jake sighs. “Faye, do you need something?” he asks, not keeping the guilt out of his voice. “I’ll cut to the chase. You like Rose don’t you?” she asks. “I- what?” a flicker of surprise in his eyes. “Don’t play games with me Sade. You’ve been here for two weeks. You haven’t complained at all. I’ve seen the way you look at her. Heck, I’ve seen the way she looks at you.” she points out. “I don’t like Rose!” Jake says. “Suuureee.” Faye says with a wink. “I’ll leave you to it.” she says, leaving.
“Is she right?” he wonders. “Why can’t I get her out of my head?” he asks himself. He sighs and closes his eyes. Frustration courses through his veins. “What would my family say?” he thinks. “Who cares? You’re happy here.” another voice in his head responded. Jake clenches his fist and punches the wall until his knuckle starts bleeding.
“You. Are. A. Disgrace. To. The. Name. Sade.” a voice sounding just like his mother says in his head. Jake flinches. “Hiding ‘powers’ this entire time?! Disgusting!” his sister’s mocking tone echoes in his head. “I can’t believe I ever thought you had potential.” his dad’s disappointment was the hardest to swallow. “It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.” he said aloud. But the voices didn’t stop. Jake covers his ears with his hands, as if trying to block out the sounds. “Disappointment… Disgusting… Disgraceful.” the words echo in his head.
Jake can feel himself start to hyperventilate. His ears start ringing and he can see black spots when he opens his eyes. “Jesus Christ he looks like he’s about to explode-” a familiar voice says, except it doesn’t sound like the taunting of his family members. The voice sounds worried. “Get Clover!” another voice orders. Rose. He can barely hear the footsteps leaving the room. “God, are you okay?” Rose asks him. He doesn’t respond. “I got her!” another breathless voice says, entering the room. “I’m here, what’s the problem?” a female voice draws closer to Jake.
“Thank you Angel. Clover, I can’t tell what’s wrong with him.” Rose says, sounding only slightly desperate. “Can you check to see if he has a fever Rose? Angel, Moriah, can you guys grab… wait you know my bag, the one on my bed?” she says. “Yes.” the two younger girls respond immediately. “Get it. Please. And hurry!” she tells them. More footsteps. He feels someone's hand on his forehead. “That’s.. weird. As soon as I put my hand on his head I could literally feel my energy being sapped.” Rose says, removing her hand quickly. “What? Let me see.” another hand. “Hm, okay. Maybe we’re both just really tired…?” Clover sounds skeptical.
“You know… I have heard of a rare kind of combat enhancer that instead of enhancing themselves the can… sap enemy strength.” a whisper. “You really think he’s a combat enhancer? He’s a redeemer.” a response. “Yeah I know that. But I can literally feel the magic.” Rose’s voice raises a small bit. “I’ll prove it.” she snaps at Clover. She places her hand on Jake’s, and collapses right next to Jake. That’s when Jake loses consciousness.
“Jake? Jake? Are you okay?” a worried female voice says from somewhere above him. “Wh..wha..what?” he manages, opening his eyes a little bit. Rose is kneeling in front of him, but they are both surrounded by blackness. It reminds Jake of the empty void his mother always warned him sucked the souls out of marauders. Rose suddenly hugs him. “Oh my god. I thought you were dead!” she says. “Why would you care?” Jake snaps. “I’m nothing. I’m useless. Disgraceful. Disgusting and and disappointing.” he says bitterly. Rose is silent for a moment. “Because I care about you.” she says quietly. This shocks Jake into silence. “No. This is a dream. Nope. I’m dreaming.” he says. Rose doesn’t respond. “You are a combat enhancer aren’t you?” she asks. Jake puts his head in his hands. “I don’t know.” he says, truthfully.
“You don’t have to be disappointed in yourself anymore.” she says finally. “If you really are a combat enhancer, you’re where you’re meant to be.” Rose’s colorless eyes evade Jake’s blue ones. “But what will my family say? ‘You’re a redeemer Jake! Make us proud, you have potential! Marauders are evil.’ None of it is me.” he says, sounding defeated. “None of it’s you?” Rose sounds sort of confused. “Standard redeemer military teachings. I’m a combat enhancer. I’m illegal. I’m not a marauder. I’m a redeemer. But I’m not a redeemer. I have a crush on a marauder. I’m breaking the rules I never wanted to follow. I… I...” he starts to slip into hysteria again.
“Just kill me.” he says finally. “Just kill me so I don’t have to bear the weight of my own existence.” he whispers. “NO! I mean no, I can’t do that!” she responds, panic slicing it’s way into her voice. “Why not?” he demands. Rose finally meets his eyes. He can see tears in them. This doesn’t fit the image of Rose Mathis. Jake stares at her, shocked. He had seen her on the battlefield many times. She never cried. Even when she was bleeding from four puncture wounds on her arms. But she was crying now.
When she finally speaks, her voice is barely above a whisper. “Because… Because I like you.”

His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 410
Posted: Sun, 04/04/2021 22:08 (3 Years ago)
Chapter 2- Rose

“You.. what?” his voice echoes in Rose’s ears. She can feel her face burn. Why was she blushing?! She was a feared general of the marauder army… and she did not blush! Rose drops her gaze. She closes her eyes for a moment, and when she opens them again, she’s lying on the ground of Jake’s holding cell. Clover’s green eyes looking down at her. Moriah Small and Angel Marshall standing behind her, both looking scared. “I guess you were right.” Clover says. “He is a combat enhancer. He can sap people’s strength and energy.” she murmurs to Rose. “Is he awake yet?” Rose whispers. “No. I don’t know when he will. I’ve done everything I can. We just have to wait.” Clover responds, squeezing Rose’s hand.
“Rose..?” a weak yet somewhat steady voice calls Rose’s name. She pulls herself up onto a couch. Jake Sade’s blue eyes seem to search the room for a moment before landing on her. “Rose?” he asks again. “H.h..hello.” she responds with a smile. Clover smiles at the pair of them. “I think he’ll be fine. Come on Angel, Moriah, let’s leave them alone.” she says, grinning at Rose. Clover leads the two young girls out of the room.
“How are you feeling?” Rose asks Jake, somewhat hesitantly. His eyes narrow slightly. “I feel better.” he says, his expression guarded. “You disappeared.” he says, after a long moment of silence. “I.. what?” she says, surprised. “Earlier. You were there and then you faded. I thought…” he trailed off. “I thought I was dead,” he says finally. “I thought it was all a near death vision or something. But then I saw the light again. And I heard you.” his eyes meet hers again.
Impulsively, Rose reaches over and hugs Jake. After a moment, he hugs her back. She can feel her strength being sapped again, but she doesn’t care. “So you’ll stay?” she asks, her voice barely a whisper. “Yes. I want to stay.” he responds, his voice as quiet as hers. Rose feels like she’ll burst from happiness. “You were really there?” he asks her, after they finally break apart. She nods. “So you really like me?” she nods again. The shock on his face is enough to make Rose smile. “Do you-” she starts. “I like-” Jake says, at the same time. They both laugh a bit. “You first.” they say at the same time. “I like you too.” Jake says, quickly.
Rose can feel her face turn as pink as her hair. “Hey, wait.” Jake says suddenly. He squints, staring at her face. “What?” she says, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Your eyes. They… they’re blue.” he says. “What?” she says again. “No, my eyes have no color.” she says, slowly. “What are you talking about?” she asks. Jake stands up slowly. He walks into the bathroom. Rose hears the sound of breaking glass. She winces. Jake comes back with a fragment of broken mirror, his knuckle bleeding slightly. Rose takes the mirror fragment and looks at her reflection. “How in…?” he was right. Her eyes were blue. A cheerful looking blue, a similar shade to Jake’s.
“Want to go ask Clover?” he asks her. “I.. sure.” she says. Rose stands up, slowly, as to make sure her legs won’t collapse under her. Jake grabs her hand, to help steady her. She smiles gratefully at him. He returns the smile. “Wait.” he says, as they reach the doorway. “I’m not allowed out of here.” Jake says, sounding only slightly bitter. Rose takes her hand and intertwines their fingers. “Yeah well, you’re with me. Beside’s you’re a marauder. Marauder’s are allowed anywhere.” she says confidently. “Thank you.” he whispers.
“What is he doing out of his-” the president’s unhappy voice fills the control room. Rose can feel Jake’s arm stiffen. “Rules are rules Ms. President.” Rose says immediately. “Yes Miss Mathis, they are, and why is he out of his holding room?” she snaps at Rose. “Marauder’s are allowed anywhere.” Rose quotes calmly. “He is not-” “Yes he is.” Rose interrupts. “Marauder’s have magical capabilities.” the president looks furious. “And?” Rose says, as calm as ever. “HE HAS-” two more people enter the room. Clover and Kameron Eskander. “Rose. Jake.” Clover calmly nods at both of them. “Oh. Hello Rose. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Kameron’s sly smile draws a smile from Rose. “Oh Jake. Sade?” Kameron asks, getting a nod from Jake.
“Sorry to rain on your parade president, but Jake over here is a combat enhancer. I can feel it. I can also see it. You know, in his head. Magical mind reader over here.” Kameron says to the president. “Brilliant Kameron.” Rose thinks. “Thank you.” she stares at Kameron till they make eye contact. Kameron smiles. “Your welcome.” she mouths. The president glares at Rose.
Rose smiles back. “By the way, Clover, Kameron, want to come on a walk later?” she asks casually. “Sure. I was just on my way to check on you actually, when I heard um, some ‘yelling’ in here.” Clover responds. “Great, see you later.” Rose says. “Come on, I want to show you around.” she says, turning towards Jake and leading him out of the room. “I shouldn’t be here.” he mutters. “I’m just going to get you in trouble.” he says. “I’ve been in worse. Once I got in trouble for jumping out of a window. From like, the top floor.” she responds. He laughs. “You’re crazy.” he says with a smile. “Thanks.” she responds. “Now come on, I really want to show you this really cool cave.” she says. Jake smiles at her and lets her lead the way.
“Rose! We’re under attack!” Jake’s panicked voice snaps Rose out of her own world. “What? Redeemers?” she asks, standing up immediately. “Y...yes. I can see my family.” he says, his voice barely a whisper. They were in the suite assigned to them, on the second highest floor. “Oh god. You’ll be fine.” she responds, trying to sound confident. “No Rose. I won’t be. I can’t face them. Three weeks had passed since Jake had decided to stay with the marauders. Rose takes Jake’s hand. It was shaking.
“You’ll be okay. You know how I know?” she says, looking into Jake’s blue, uncertain eyes. “You’ll be okay because you are strong. Because you know where you’re meant to be and you know what’s right.” she squeezes Jake’s hand. “But-” he starts. “But nothing.” Rose interjects. Rose presses her forehead against Jake’s. “I believe in you.” This seems to console Jake a little bit. “Thank you.” while neither of the two had officially declared that they were in a relationship, everyone knew they were meant to be a couple. “Come on. We’ll take the quick way.” she says. “Oh no, what’s the ‘quick way’, a window?” he asks, sounding amused. “Correct on the first guess.” she says with a smirk. She grips Jake’s hand, starts running and leaps out the open window, taking Jake with her. “I’m not as fast of a healer as you areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.” he says as the two plummet to the ground. Rose’s feet land on the ground, and Jake lands beside her. Both wince. “Broken leg.” she mutters. “That’ll be healed in a few minutes.” Jake responds. Rose nods. “Come on!” the two take off running. Rose’s polearm appears in her hand and Jake’s sword flashes into existence.
“This is pure chaos.” she thinks. Rose flicks her polearm towards the ground, propelling herself up. To her right, Faye Avalon Adare and Jason Stone fight side by side, their swords flashing every time they catch the light. To her left, Athena Marshall fights with her ornate looking claymore. Jake isn’t far behind Athena, fighting without hesitation for the Marauders.
Rose narrows her eyes when she sees someone who looks alot like Jake. She recognizes them as Jake’s mother. She throws herself at the redeemer. “I’m going to make you pay for what you did to Jake.” she thinks. “Mathis.” the older woman’s snarl is barely audible over the clang of metal clashing. Rose doesn’t respond. “...” the woman attempts to punch Rose. Rose catches her fist and with a surge of strength lands a well placed kick to the knee. Something catches the eye of Jake’s mother. Rose turns around for a second to see Jake standing behind her, panting. “This is it.” she thinks. She half expects Jake to attack her. He just stands there, staring at his mother. “I believe in you.” she mouths so he can see her. She moves to the side, unsure what to do. One thing is for sure, this is where Jake will decide where his loyalties lie.

His smile has a grip on me <3

Agent Fallows, signing out~