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Theatre Love-An Original Story

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Theatre Love-An Original Story
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 221
Posted: Thu, 03/12/2020 08:19 (3 Years ago)
Hi There! So, I decided that I was going to create a story about my OCs, Heather and Alex (Yeah, Hamilton and Heathers reference 0w0). So, any feedback you have, please send it to me elsewhere, such as PalPad or PM, or comments if you see a feed that I have made about a new chapter.

I am fairly busy, so I'll be posting a chapter once a week, no more no less. (Okay maybe a bit more if I suddenly have inspiration and time)

Anyway, here is Chapter One: Drama Queen!

Heather was definitely a Theatre nerd. You could tell just by looking at her. If you showed a picture of her to a complete stranger, they would immeadiently tell that she was a theatre kid. Let's face it, she wore a too-large green sweater, a scarf, leggings, and boots all year! (Well, except for summer. Then, she replaced the sweater with a tank top in the same color. Go figure.) And she had a passion for it. She had performed in just about every musical that the school had hosted since she came to Braleburry High School, and most of the time, she played the lead.

Heather was definitely a Drama Queen. Embellished everything, was always crying over little things like a scraped knee. But when it got down to it, she was a really nice girl. Most people just stayed away because of her (pun not intended) theatrics. And she said that she didn't mind...but no one really knew how much it hurt her.

One spring, auditions came up for Romeo and Juliet. Everyone knew that Heather would go for the part of Juliet, and with her talent, it was pretty obvious who would get it. Everyone, including Heather, expected the part of Romeo to go to some senior who was doing theatre to get something for college. But the day that Ms. Henry stepped away from the paper she had just posted on the school bulletin board, things did not go as planned. Immeadiently, Heather pushed through the crowd. "'scuse me, coming through, pardon me!" Everyone moved aside as Heather hurried up, grabbed a Sharpie from behind her ear, and started to scribble her name into one of the slots with large, looping letters. But just as she finished, she turned to the side and nearly dropped her pen. So that's why everyone had been so quiet...at least she knew who was auditioning for Juliet's part.

"This. is. a. bad. idea." Alex groaned. His best friend, Evan, was pushing him torwads the sign up sheets. "C'mon, Ms. Henry said that nobody has to stay in their parts of the theatre and that anyone can audition. I've heard you sing, you're amazing!" Alex sighed. "Evan, the only reason that you heard me sing was because you walked into my house after school to get your books, and I was doing the dishes." Evan grinned. "Oh, so doing the dishes while singing like a boss is a normal thing?" "Evan, has anyone ever told you you talk too much?" "Only my mother. Like, a million times." They reached the signup sheet. The crowd parted like a wave, staring at the two of them. And with good reason. Alex was the quietest kid in the school, on the tech crew. He didn't even come out for curtain call, and eventually, they stopped calling them out. He didn't have any friends besides Evan, and that was only because Evan was also an outcast, but accepted at the same time. Evan was such a troublemaker that he had his own seat outside the principal''s office and was on a first-name basis with the secretary. He was nefarious for his constant pranks. But he was definitely loyal, and if Alex ever got caught trying to stop him, he would always take the blame. "Now, sign up!" Pressing a felt tip pen into Alex's hand and giving him a nudge forward, Alex hesitantly stepped forward. He wasn't surprised to see Heather, though even he was shocked as with shaking hands, he uncapped the pen and wrote in small, neat letters, "Alexander Lawernce." "This was such a bad idea," he said in his head. But who knows? Maybe this was the start of something new.