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A Fresh Breeze

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions A Fresh Breeze
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Tue, 12/05/2020 23:44 (4 Years ago)
Chapter 1: A new Adventure

It was dark, but Moon knew perfectly well where she was. The air smelled heavily of smoke, and she thought she heard screams. It was strange, how even after five years this dream plagued her every night. She thanked her lucky star when a little Meowth entered the room, jumping up on her bed. Moon shot up, holding a hand to the new scratch on her face. The dark haired girl shot a glare to the cat Pokemon. It shrugged and jumped off the bed, and Moon decided she might as well start the day as well. Walking over to a small moving box, she pulled out a small outfit. She grimaced as she pulled out the hat, her mom had thought it looked cute, but Moon thought it was repulsive.

After 4 years of nonstop travelling, Her mother finally decided to stay here in Alola, and Moon couldn't help but agree with her decision. While Kanto was filled with many memories, she couldn’t stand to stay there any longer. The other regions were also just too familiar. Alola was new, and exciting, with many different variants of Pokemon around. Moon looked up at the mirror, giving a small smile as she turned around. As she walked down the stairs, she saw her mother waiting by the table. “Ah, Moon! Glad to see you’re awake.” Her mother spoke cheerfully as she walked over and embraced her daughter. Moon accepted her mother’s affection then backed up, “Yeah, kinda hard to keep sleeping when a certain Meowth decides your face makes a good scratching post.” Moon spoke, shooting a glare towards the cat Pokemon. Her mother gave a small laugh
“Now why would Meowth do such a thing?”
Moon gave an exaggerated gasp, “You set him up to this, didn’t you!”

However, before her mother had the chance to enter, a soft, gentle ring echoes throughout the house. Moon turned to look at the door, her mother doing the same. “That must be Professor Kukui,” Her mother muttered, she then turned to Moon, “would you get the door please?” Moon nodded and walked over to open the door, as she reached for the handle she quickly had to jump back to avoid the door flinging open towards her. She stared, eyes wide as a shirtless man in a lab coat walked in, a big grin on his face. “Alola, Moon! The name is Kukui, good to meet you cousin!” The Pokemon professor spoke, “Man, must’ve been a long trip from the Hoenn region, yeah?” Moon could only nod, still dumbfounded from his entrance.

Moon’s mom quickly walked over to talk to the Pokemon professor, and Moon turned away, looking around the house. It was still surrounded by boxes, though they had just moved in a day ago. Yet, what caught Moon’s eyes was a small photo. It was dusted over and old, but she knew exactly what she was looking at. The photo was taken on her mother’s birthday, when Moon had personally caught her mom’s Meowth -with a little assistance. A small smile tugged at her lips, and she turned back to Kukui. “So Moon, what do you say. You ready to see the Island Kahuna over in Iki Town and get your first Pokemon?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be!” She cheered enthusiastically. The dark haired girl was hardly able to stand still in her excitement. Moon turned to her mom, who was grinning as well. “Have fun out there Moon, and don’t worry. This house will be all cleaned up by the time you return!”

Moon turned to Kukui after saying her goodbyes. “Your mom there… She’s sure looking forward to you getting your first Pokemon, yeah?”
Moon nodded in agreement, “Yeah, she’s been waiting for a while now. We’ve had a couple of successful trainers in our family.”
Kukui nodded, “You’ll have to tell me more about that later, but for now let’s get going, yeah!”
Moon watched Kukui walk out of the house and quickly followed him up a trail. Moon struggled to keep up with the Pokemon professor, panting as the hot Alolan sun beat down upon her, the humidity practically suffocating her. As she reached the top, she saw Kukui standing there, a big grin on his face -as always it seemed. “I can see by the expression on your face, Alola’s pretty great, yeah!” Moon just grimaced as she hunched over, placing her hands on her knees for support.
“Come on, we’re almost there!” He cheered as he walked a short distance along another path, which led to some stairs. Moon sighed in defeat and followed him.

As she reached the top of the wooden stairs she saw a small town. She dared say it was even smaller than her last home in Littleroot. “Welcome to Iki Town!” Kukui exclaimed, turning around to face her once more. “This town is where folks come to worship the Pokemon that watches over Melemele Island. Tapu Koko keeps us all safe and happy, see!” Moon nodded in understanding, it sounded like there was one guardian for every island in Alola, so that would make four if her assumptions were correct. Suddenly Professor Kukui looked confused, “What’s going on here? We were supposed to meet everybody right here, yeah. Maybe there over at Mahalo trail by the ruins…”
Moon looked up at him, “I can go and try to find the Kahuna if you tell me what he looks like.”
“Ah, that would be great, cousin. You can’t miss the Kahuna, he looks just like a Kahuna!”
Moon stared at him for a while. He’s serious. She finally realised and she sighed.

As Moon made her way to the trail she spotted a girl, she appeared around Moon’s age and wore all white. She overheard her speaking to her bag, and in curiosity she decided to follow her up the trail. “No, Nebby! Stay in the bag, nobody can see you!” The strange girl harshly whispered to her bag again, and slowly Moon put two and two together. There was a Pokemon in the bag, but why? As Moon arrived at the top of the hill she noticed the girl standing at the foot of the bride, staring on helplessly as her peculiar looking Pokemon was being fiercely attacked by some Spearow. The girl in white seemed to notice Moon and she turned around, “P- please help! Nebby The Spearow are attacking it, and I- I’m too afraid to go out and help…”
“Don’t worry.” Moon said, with a small smile, making her way over to the bridge.

The Spearow attacked Moon mercilessly, their sharp claws scraping across her body. She stared in shock as the odd Pokemon protected beneath her began to glow, and Moon paled. “No, please. Don’t do anything dangerous!” She cried out to the Pokemon, but it was too late. The bridge exploded into many pieces, and Moon quickly grabbed onto the small Pokemon as they started to fall towards the river. Moon could hear the fast current as it threw the water up onto the sharp rocks, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable impact. Yet it didn’t come. In a split second Moon found herself back on the dirt, next to the trainer of the Pokemon still in her hands. As she looked up in shock and wonder, another strange Pokemon met her eye. It’s base was a dark black, and it seemed to hold two shields in its hands that when put together formed some sort of bird head. It gave out a shrill cry and quickly flew away in a cocoon of electrical energy.

Moon stood up as the purple and blue Pokemon jumped out of her hands and floated over to its trainer. “Thank you!” The girl quickly exclaimed before turning to the Pokemon. “You tried using your power again, didn’t you? Oh Nebby. You know what happened last time you used it. You couldn’t move for ages after that. I don’t want to see you like that again!” She scolded the small Pokemon before pausing. “I’m sorry Nebby, I shouldn’t have been so harsh. You were trying to save me that time...” Save her? Moon thought, wondering if she heard it right. The pokemon wander off to the side and the girl’s gaze followed her Pokemon. She muttered something that Moon couldn’t hear and she walked over, picking something up off the ground. She then seemed to remember Moon’s presence and she walked back over to her. “I’m so grateful to you. You helped Nebby with those Spearow when I couldn’t…”
Moon looked up to the girl, “I’m sorry but did I get your name earlier?”
The girl shook her head, “This stone must belong to you.” She handed Moon a white stone, that sparkled as the sun hit it. The sparkling stone seemed to have some sort of engraving on it, though Moon couldn’t see it that well.
“Please, can you keep Nebby a secret? Nobody can know.”
Moon nodded in silent understanding, everybody had secrets, even her.

The blonde haired girl began to walk back before she paused, “Uhm… I know it’s a lot to ask but, can you see us back to town?”
Moon nodded, “Yeah, I was about to head back anyways.” Which was true, she didn’t see the Kahuna here, unless he was across the now broken bridge. Moon thought about that for a moment before shaking her head. No, the Kahuna probably would’ve heard the commotion and come out to help.

(And that's it for the first chapter. It took me a while to work up the courage to post this. I don't typically write Pokemon fanfiction but hey. Please don't post here, as I want to keep it nice and tidy! If you wish to review this fanfiction than you can do it here!)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 92
Posted: Sat, 13/06/2020 02:32 (3 Years ago)
Chapter 2: The Kahuna!

When the two girls arrived back in Iki Town, Moon noticed Professor Kukui waving towards her. “Looks like you missed the Kahuna, huh! But you found my assistant, oh yeah!” Moon turned to look at the girl beside her, a questioning look on her face. Kukui’s assistant merely walked over to the Pokemon professor, Moon followed close behind. “Looks like you two have already met, but as I said earlier, this is my assistant!” The girl turned to look at Moon, “Uh- Uhm, yes. You can call me Lillie.”
“And, Lillie, this here is Moon. She just moved here to Alola!”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Lillie spoke in a soft, gentle voice.
Moon smiled, “Yeah, nice to meet you too.”

Off to the side Moon heard some chatter, but she kept hearing the word Kahuna. That's when you saw a rather large man. He had white hair, and a long mustache on his face. His facial expression was cheerful, like he had never experienced the corruption of the world. The boy by his side seemingly the same way. "Ah, Kahuna Hala! There you are!" Kukui said, a big grin on his face.

"Hello Kukui, Lillie, and… ah, you must be Moon!" The Kahuna bellowed, making Moon feel somewhat uncomfortable. The dark haired girl nodded in response. "Well, I've got three Pokemon here for you and Hau to choose from. See for yourself!" Hala pulled out three pokeballs and released the Pokemon inside. Appearing from a bright flash of light were three Pokemon.

The first to catch Moon's eye was a blue, seal-like Pokemon. It was blowing a water bubble and balancing it on top of its pink nose. It was obviously a water type.

Next was a small bird. It's big, beady eyes stared at Moon with an unfamiliar expression. The Pokemon let out a small coo, and hopped about, bumping into the other Pokemon. It was small, and round, this was most likely the grass type.

Finally, there was a black and ret cat. It looked annoyed in both expression and posture. It immediately looked away from Moon, a low growl emitting from its throat. If it's coloring didn't give it away, the attitude definitely did. This was the fire type.

The boy by Hala's side lept over to Moon, a fire lit in his eyes. "I'll let you pick first, bet it won't be easy though since they're all so cute!" He cooed. The boy must be Hau, Moon dedicated, since he was picking the Pokemon alongside her. The girl looked over at the Pokemon and silently agreed with Hau. It would be hard to pick. The fire type was definitely out of the way. While they were harder to train, and definitely made up for I in power, this one just didn't seem to like her. So it was down to the water type and grass type. Looking at the blue Pokemon, it didn't really look like the partner she wanted to travel with her, though having it's water type range would be nice. She then looked at the grass type. It was small and not very intimidating. It seemed to lack the seriousness of the other two Pokemon as well, but there was always potential with grass types.

Moon stood up and looked at the Kahuna. "I've decided to go with the grass type." The old man nodded, and handed her a pokeball.

"Rowlet, what a wonderful choice!" He spoke, the smile still on his face.

Hau jumped with excitement, "Then I'll pick Popplio!" He exclaimed, scooping up the water type. Moon was puzzled, she had selected the Pokemon first, so naturally Hau should have chosen the Pokemon with the type advantage, right? As if he read her mind the boy looked at Moon. "Alright, let's battle. You might have the type advantage, but me and Popplio will still try our hardest!"

Moon nodded in anticipation, she looked down at Rowlet. "This is our first battle. So let's enjoy it!" The small bird cooed in determination, stepping forward to meet Popplio. Moon closed her eyes on thought. I don't know what Rowlet's moves are, so we'll just have to roll with it. She looked up, a new fire in her eyes. "Alright Rowlet, let's attack!" The grass type moved with great speed, hitting the water type with a Leafage. Moon stared in shock. Wh- What? A type move already? She had never seen anything like it in other regions.

Noticing the shock on Moon's face the Kahuna gave a laugh. "Surprised, huh? Here in Alola our starters tend to start with a type move!"

Hau bounced up and down, "That was a good move, but now it's our turn! Come on Popplio, use Pound!" The boy exclaimed, and his Pokemon attacked her Rowlet. It didn't do as much damage as her Leafage did, but the bird Pokemon was still damaged.

Moon frowned but looked at her Rowlet. "Let's go Dowlet, use Leafage again!" The grass type nodded and used the move, knocking out the water type. Hau sighed and returned his starter Pokemon, but looked up and Moon.

"That was a good battle, me and Popplio are gonna keep training, and we'll beat you next time!"

"Woo! That battle was fierce!" Kukui exclaimed, clapping his hands. Lillie was standing by his side with a small smile.

"Th- that was an amazing battle you two. Even though I hate seeing Pokemon get her, I couldn't help but feel entranced by your battle." The blonde-haired girl spoke. Her bag shook, and she looked down at Nebby. The odd Pokemon let out a small cry and she looked up. "Oh that's right, you should give that stone I gave you to the Kahuna, Moon."

Moon reached into her pocket and pulled out the sparkling stone, "I forgot about that…" She mumbled.

"What's that you have there, Moon?" Kahuna Hala asked, looking at the stone over the girl's shoulder.

"Ah, just this stone!" The young trainer exclaimed, jumping back and showing it to the old man.

"Tapu Koko gave it to Moon after it saved her and Nebby!" Lillie piped up.

The Kahuna stroked his mustache in thought. "Tapu Koko you say… Moon, could you hand me the stone? I'll hand it back later, I promise."

Moon looked at the stone and hesitantly handed it over. Kukui slung his arm over her shoulder. "Y'know, Moon. You should probably head back and show your mom your new Pokemon, yeah!"

Moon looked down at Rowlet, who climbed up onto her shoulder. "Alright."

So, there is the second chapter. I hate to admit it, but I felt no joy in writing this chapter. Hopefully the next one will turn out better. Also, I know I'm not very creative, naming the protagonist Moon, but I didn't want any confusion, and I'm bad at naming people. So she's Moon.

Another friendly reminder not to post here. I want to keep it clean :)

