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Warrior Cats: Lunar Eclipse

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Warrior Cats: Lunar Eclipse
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 23:10 (4 Years ago)
Introduction: Lunar Eclipse is my warrior cat fanfiction That's really only ever existed inside my own head. I hope that this plot is really enjoyable to read. That's pretty much all I have to say.

I hope you enjoy it! Read if you love warrior cats or are just curious

Feel free to post your opinions but please please PLEASE don't spam. Thank you.

Character(so far)

Leader: Silverstar, Blue-gray she-cat
Deputy: Stormbreeze, black tom.
Medicine Cat: Eeltail, dark tabby tom
Warriors/Queens: Dappledfeather, Brown spotted she-cat (Mother to Moistkit, dark brown she-cat)
Lakewillow, soft gray she-cat (Mother to Duskkit, Dark gray tom with black spots down his back, Dawnkit, Ginger she-cat, Rushkit, dark gray tom, Blowkit, black she-cat, Whisperkit, light gray she-cat)
Petalcloud, white she-cat (mother to Deepkit, black tom and Stonekit, gray tom with a white chest.)
Sweetfur, Cream she-cat
Spottedlily, tortoiseshell she-cat
Lakewhistle, black and white tom
Minnowbreeze, silver tabby she-cat
Dappletuft, dark brown tom with black ears
Specklenose, light gray she-cat with a white spot on her nose.
Beechtail, beige tom
(More to be named)
Apprentices: Velvetpaw, smoky red, black and brown she-cat
Moistpaw, dark brown she-cat
Stonepaw, Gray tabby tom with a white chest
Deeppaw, black tom
Glasspaw, light gray tom.
Kits: Duskkit, Dark gray tom with black spots down his back
Dawnkit, Ginger she-cat
Rushkit, dark gray tom
Blowkit, black she-cat
Whisperkit, light gray she-cat
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Sat, 18/01/2020 23:33 (4 Years ago)

Title: Prologue

(Time to start.)

The color-point siamese prepared to leave, lifting a kit in her jaws. Gently, she set the day-old tiny cat down. "I would like you to raise Velvet." She flicked her tail towards her other kit, a smoky red, black and brown oriental.
Silverstar, the RiverClan leader, nodded. "Of course, Fancy. She will be well cared for in RiverClan." The blue-gray furred she-cat looked sorry to see the kittypet go, but didn't blame her.
Fancy took up her kit once more and disappeared right back towards Twolegplace.
Dappledfeather, a Queen, watched Fancy go until she vanished from sight. Then she looked down at Velvet. "From now on, little one, you will be known as Velvetkit. Welcome to the wild." She purred as she carried the smoky cat to the RiverClan nursery, where Petalcloud and Lakewillow were laying, bellies round with unborn kits. She was currently nursing her own kits, but Dappledfeather still had milk for the helpless newborn to suckle.
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Mon, 20/01/2020 23:36 (4 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 1

Velvetkit felt a paw sharply prod her shoulder. "Wake up wake up!" The voice was Moistkit's. Velvetkit cracked an eye open to see the little brown she-kit bouncing around excitedly. Her brother, Tinykit, was the runt of the litter, and died before Moistkit or Velvetkit had even opened their eyes. The other kit spoke up again. "Don't you remember? It's almost our apprentice ceremony!"
Velvetkit gasped, remembering. "The apprentice ceremony!" It was time for her to start training to become a warrior of RiverClan! She had been so excited when she reached her sixth moon, now was finally time! "Alright, little one." A voice sounded behind her. It was her mother, Dappledfeather. She began vigorously grooming Velvetkit, covering her with licks until Velvetkit had enough and pulled away. She padded over to Moistkit until both kits heard Silverstar's call and stepped into the camp, leaving Stonekit and Deepkit sleeping in the nursery.
As the two young cats left the nursery, a blast of cool air hit their faces as the close warmth of their kithood den was left behind as they approached the Highstone where their leader sat. The clearing was bright, a clear blue sky dotted here and there with pink and orange dawn clouds hung above their heads like the wide blue roof of nature's den. Soon Silverstar spoke again once they stopped a short ways from the stone "Cats of RiverClan!" Called the gray she-cat, "Two of our kits have reached their sixth moon at last, and it's time to name our newest apprentices!" Silverstar paused, taking a breath. "Moistkit, step forward." Moistkit let out a tiny gasp, but did as her leader asked, joining her on the Highstone. "Until this kit has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Moistpaw. Spottedlily!" At her leader's call, a tortoiseshell she-cat stepped onto the stone. "Minnowbreeze was a wonderful mentor to you, and you are one of RiverClan's finest hunters, I hope you can pass these qualities on to young Moistpaw."
Spottedlily nodded. "Of course." She purred. "Prepare yourself, young warrior." There was a challenge in her mew as she bent down to touch noses with her new apprentice.
"Moistpaw! Moistpaw!" The Clan began to chant the young she-cat's name. The leader flicked her tail for silence. Now it was Velvetkit's turn, she gulped. "Now young Velvetkit. Step onto the highstone." Moistpaw and Spottedlily sat down at the head of the crowd as the smoky kit shakily forced her nervous paws forward next to her leader. "From this point on, until she earns her warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Velvetpaw." Velvetpaw! I'm a true apprentice now! Velvetkit--no, Velvetpaw thought excitedly. "Lakewhistle!" Silverstar called to a a black and white tom, who appeared to have been waiting. Lakewhistle joined the two she-cats. "Lakewhistle, I believe it is time for your first apprentice. Softcloud was an incredible and brave warrior, I hope you can honor his memory by teaching this young apprentice." Lakewhistle nodded. "Of course. I will not fail to remember him, he will live on in both me and my apprentice." He promised solemnly, then bent his head and touched noses with Velvetpaw.
"Velvetpaw! Velvetpaw!" Velvetpaw felt hot as the Clan chanted her name. "Moistpaw! Velvetpaw! Moistpaw! Velvetpaw!" The Clan roared. Lakewhistle and Velvetpaw left the Highrock and joined Spottedlily and Moistpaw.
"So, what first?" Moistpaw asked her mentor eagerly. Spottedlily purred. "First, we tour the territory so you know your borders to protect and never cross. Lakewhistle, will you be joining us?" The tortoiseshell asked Velvetpaw's mentor. Lakewhistle nodded. "I don't see why not."
Velvetpaw purred and nuzzled Moistpaw's cheek. "We get to tour the territory together!" She mewed happily. She turned to Lakewhistle. "When do we go?" Lakewhistle was already padding for the camp entrance. "Now." He answered. "Hurry up, you two!"
Moistpaw and Velvetpaw hurried to their mentors' sides, ready to tour the territory for the first time.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Fri, 24/04/2020 12:45 (4 Years ago)

Title: Wonderful just Wonderful

Hello, I am a big fan of warriors too and I just love your story so far! filled with happiness and sadness at the same time just like the real thing! I am great at describing cats and areas but horrible with names so when you continue it I hope i can help you by providing good adjectives and adverbs, your story is in credible and i hope you continue!
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 2,061
Posted: Fri, 24/04/2020 16:32 (4 Years ago)

Title: Chapter 2

"So we're exploring the whole territory?" Moistpaw mewed excitedly. They were but a few paces out of camp now, but both new apprentices were tingling with excitement in anticipation of their first tour of RiverClan territory. Spottedlilly rolled her eyes at her apprentice's eager impatience. "I don't believe we'll have time to cover all of RiverClan territory before dark, we'll go as far as horseplace today." Honestly, that was fine with Velvetpaw. She'd heard stories of the horseplace and the strange creatures that lived there, and was excited to see it for herself. Just to visit, though, as she'd also heard that other cats lived there, which she didn't understand at all. Why would any cat want to live in a place where prey just leaped into your paws? What was the fun in that? Where was the adventure? It required no skill whatsoever, and what if their little haven suddenly fell down around them? She scoffed at the thought. Then where would they be?
The smoky apprentice decided not to dwell on these thoughts and instead enjoyed the strangeness of the damp earth beneath her pads and the cool breeze coming from the steam, bringing with it the tempting smell of fish, which she hadn't had much of as a kit, but now, as an apprentice, hoped she'd get to eat more of the slippery smooth flesh as well as catch her own. The very thought of sinking her claws into those smooth scales felt satisfying just imagining it. However, she supposed, they wouldn't be hunting today, so she might as well not torture herself with the daydreaming, the time would come very soon, she was sure.
It wasn't a long walk before the small patrol of cats reached the stream not far from the camp. Just at the shore, Lakewhistle stood, and explained. "We need to cross the stream to get to horseplace." With that, he jumped into the water, clearing the stream easily with a few confident twitches of his swift leg muscles. For the other Clans, this challenge may seem daunting, as they hated getting their paws wet, but in RiverClan, kits were already swimming before their apprentice ceremonies, so this was no challenge even for the apprentices. Moistpaw and Velvetpaw were soon standing beside the black and white tom with Spottedlilly bringing up the rear. All four of them shook their pelts dry easily, as their sleek pelts repelled water, believed to be a effect of eating fish for a diet. Lakewhistle took the lead again as the made their way to the lake, as Lakewhistle stated they would pas by the border closest to the island and maybe stop for a quick hunt. The apprentices wouldn't be doing much catching, but the idea intrigued them all the same. As they passed by the shore, Spottedlilly pointed out the Island to her apprentice. "There is the island where the Clans gather at the full moon." Ears angled back, listening, Velvetpaw couldn't help glancing in that direction herself. Hearing all the time that the Clans fought each other over borders constantly, the idea of meeting in peace of course fascinated her, and she looked forward to her first gathering.
Suddenly, Lakewhistle stopped in his tracks. "Apprentices, listen. What do you scent?" His voice yanked Velvetpaw from her thoughts. Almost instantly, Velvetpaw and Moistpaw pricked their ears in sync, noses twitching. Moistpaw was the first to mew. "Water vole!" Velvetpaw hardly got to taste water vole, so the idea of getting to eat the rougher, chewier flesh made her fur tingle as her instincts screamed at her to kill, her warrior blood rising in anticipation of the hunt. She studied her mentor intently, watching his actions as he crouched, ears angled forward. He had clearly already pinpointed the creature, and was rapidly stalking toward it. Velvetpaw and Moistpaw followed on carefully silent paws, watching to see what he would do. Suddenly, he pounced. A tiny squeak was heard as the little creature's life ended, and when Lakewhistle turned around, a little brown rodent was in his jaws. "It's not much, but it might give us a little fuel." he mumbled around his catch. He then set it down and took the first bite, passing it to Spottedlilly, who took a bite and passed it to Moistpaw, who imitated the older cats and passed to the Velvetpaw, who finished it off, burying the remains of the creature, as well as enjoying every last tender crunch of the flesh and the unique flavor of the rare treat. Then, feeling even more adventurous after the meal, the group continued on to the horseplace.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Fri, 24/04/2020 19:43 (4 Years ago)

The four cats...