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Down the Rabbit Hole [Open and Accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay Down the Rabbit Hole [Open and Accepting]
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 14:15 (7 Years ago)
You groaned as you sat up. You looked at a very interesting group. There were three people sashaying to you. A man with a large hat and deep, red eyes. A cat girl with long red hair and black cat ears and a fluffy cat tail. And a girl with white bunny ears and wide glasses. The red-eyed man handed you a letter, saying "Welcome to Wonderland." They smiled, but disappeared into smoke. You reached up to grab it, but it slipped through your fingers. You looked at the letter, opened it, seeing:
"A tea party at the Hatter's!! Don't be late, or the queen may get a n g r y"

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From Wonderland or not?:

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-My usual RP rules
-More to be added

My Forms:
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Name: Cinna
Age: 15
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: Rude, Loud, Angry a lot, A jerk, easily crushes

Race: Neko
Crush: Open
Boy/Girlfriend: Open
-Kinda the Cheshire Cat??

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Name: Alria
Age: 13
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: Shy, Jumpy, Quiet. She's very picky on time, though.

Race: White Rabbit
Crush: Open
Boy/Girlfriend: Open

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Name: Talliah
Age: 14
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: No
Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

Race: Human
Crush: Open
Boy/Girlfriend: Open

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Name: Hellio
Age: 15
Gender: Male
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: Funny and Chill when he's not fighting. He is calm and analytical at times, and serious. He is flirtatious and cocky, and makes a joke out of anything.

Race: Demon
Crush: Open
Boy/Girlfriend: Open
-Probably gay

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Name: Pilerr
Age: 14
Gender: Male
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: Easily scared, sweet, innocent, soft.

Race: Deer
Crush: Open
Boy/Girlfriend: Open
-Trans Male

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 14:41 (7 Years ago)

Name: Maddie Hattington
Age: Nobody knows, but she looks 18.
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: Maddie is a bit mad, she sometimes has hallucinations, but is overall very happy and silly.
Appearance: Maddie has blonde hair that comes to her knees with teal streaks, one blue eye and one purple eye, and wears a top hat, blue waistcoat and a black and white striped skirt, with knee high socks and boots.
Race: Wonderlandian Human
Crush: NOPE
Boy/Girlfriend: NOPE
Other: Baisically mad hatter I suppose!

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 14:43 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 17:13 (7 Years ago)
Name: My name is A-1 but friends call me Anna.
Age: I am eighteen.
Gender: I am a female.
From Wonderland or not?: I have never been wonderland before. This is my first time.
Personality: I would say...polite and cautious while taking gambles/
Race: I am human.
Crush: There was a guy named Riley, but he died, and since then no one else.
Boy/Girlfriend: Riley...was going to be my boyfriend...but...he died...so...sorry can we talk about something else?
Other: Oh you want facts about me? Okay then.
1) I am a very good ninja and assassin.
2) I never knew my parents.
3) I am currently sixteen thousand dollars in debt with the Italian mob.

Name: Riley Jackson
Age: I am seventeen. Should be eighteen, but you know dying messes with one's age.
Gender: Unless I constructed this body wrong, I am a guy.
From Wonderland or not?: This body is from Wonderland, but I am not. Sorry.
Personality: I have always been taught to be polite. Others call me smart, but I am not sure if they are buttering me up or truly mean it. I am kind of scared really easily since dying.
Appearance: Not the best body, but it was all I could create with my resources. I stole the clothes, but when I got the money I paid for them twice. I have to say it was the worst thing I ever done in my life. Believe me I am no thief.
Race: I can't tell. I could be a human or a spirit.
Crush: Anna, she was great. I am trying to set up a home here. Then I will go and bring her here if she hasn't moved on.
Boy/Girlfriend: None really. I was always to wrapped up in my work.
Other: Oh...you want to know somethings about me. I am so moved, that I will tell you.
1) since I arrived to wonderland I have been fixing things for a small price. Best deal around.
2) I live in a nice apartment above a bar. It really is nice if you can ignore the yelling, smell of beer, small space, and occasional person pounding on your door. I don't have to pay a dime so long as help them fix stuff. It is crazy how much a drunk fight can break. Speaking of drunk I once saw a drunk horse. Who would give their horse alcohol? Sorry, I am rambling.

Name: General Davis
Age: 23
Gender: Male
From Wonderland or not?: Yes
Personality: ...I say barely a thing...over protective...tactical....
Race: Human
Crush: Don't ask me that please...
Boy/Girlfriend: None
Other: I am the best shot around and hope to work for the queen.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 17:15 (7 Years ago)
((Accepted, we can start when we get one more!))
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 28/10/2016 18:14 (7 Years ago)
I'll tell some people about it
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 01:08 (7 Years ago)
Name: "My name is Marcus Daemon, But you can call me Marc"
Age: "I am in the of 14"
Gender: " I am Male"
From Wonderland or not?: "I was magically transported here, when I jumped into a puddle of water, so No"
Personality: " I am a brave and strong person, I'm a nice guy and a gentleman from time-to-time. I happen to be childish and immature sometimes."
Race: " Human"
Crush: "No one! I am a Lone wolf!" Blushes (Maddie)
Boy/Girlfriend: " I just said I am a Lone wolf!"
- I was born Scotland, But raised in France where I became a Hunter.
- I like Psychotic people.
- I am a Semi-Vegetarian by choice, But I still eat meat in a minimum.
- I love cakes and weird fluids. Especially if it want me to eat/drink it.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 01:32 (7 Years ago)
Name: Bunn
Age: 18
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Mhmm
Personality: She seems to be a fun-loving, careless, cheerful little child, but she is skilled, and she is smart. Though she thinks low of herself, and doesn't trust almost anybody, she does have a crazy side. Her eyes will pop, and she will laugh when holding a knife, or sharp object. She likes them....
Race: A bunny-girl
Crush: N/A
Boy/Girlfriend: N/A
1) She doesn't like humans very much
2) She used to paint roses for the queen, so she learned how to use playing cards as weapons. She has a lucky deck she keeps in her hidden pocket, they are as sharp as razors from her using them.
3) Most of the time she is smiling, ether happy, crazy, or just a sad smile to hide her true feelings.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 03:12 (7 Years ago)
((Both Accepted! We can start!))
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 10:01 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 11:20 (7 Years ago)
(So Shy, who should start?)

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:06 (7 Years ago)
(Ya! Let's get this going!)
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:07 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:28 (7 Years ago)
Talliah sighed lightly, staring at the letter. A tea party? She ran a hand through her short hair. Hellio sat in a tree, watching the fallen humans. Piller sat next to Hellio, looking at the bird resting on his horns. Cinna stood next to Alria, peering at the humans from behind a tree.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 1,205
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:38 (7 Years ago)
"Haha, they must be lost!" Bunn thought. "They don't belong here....they must need directions!" Bunn thought out loud from behind a tree. She made sure her razor card deck was still with her before heading slowly closer, hopping over.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:41 (7 Years ago)
When Maddie heard she was hosting a tea party, she giggled in delight. "A tea party? That sounds FUN!" she squealed, setting out more cakes and pulling out more teacups from her hat. She was mad, mad, mad, and that is how she liked it!
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sat, 29/10/2016 18:57 (7 Years ago)
Riley twirled once. He had tracked all who was invited to the tea party and Anna was on the list. His Anna! He combed his hair and straightened his glasses. Oh how he longed for this moment.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 13:41 (7 Years ago)
" Sacre Bleu! A tea party? A tea party hosted by Maddie?!" Mark said with a french accent, " I must go now, This would be a lot of fun! I can not wait. I need to get dress for success!" He grew more and more excited to go, He had a crush on Maddie since he came here from France. The moment he saw her, as if it was like his heart grew larger and he became madly in-love with. He loved mad people, especially Her. Because she was a different form of mad, The madness you can only get when you were born.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 13:46 (7 Years ago)
(OH thanks...) Maddie found an old megaphone with some old records on it. She wound it up, and 1920's style music blared out. She started to dance.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Mon, 31/10/2016 14:58 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Torch
Age: More than you can imagine .. Lets say that she is around 16 in human age .
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Yes , she was born here .
Personality: To be rped
Appearance: Not my Deviantart
Race: Magic Creatures
Crush: Nobody , she isnt very romantic person and she will kick away everybody who will try to flirt with her
Boy/Girlfriend: Nope
Other: Her Fire fur cant burn you if she isnt angry but if she is angry she will set her whole body on fire and then she can hurt you . She will tell you everything/help you if you sing her any part of any Disney song . She loves to hunt rabbits , especially white rabbits ! She likes to be around Crazy People . , Btw: She can talk like all other magical creatures

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Name: Bubble
Age: Like Torch
Gender: Female
From Wonderland or not?: Eeyup !
Personality: To Be Rped but i can say that she is opposite of her sister Torch
Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/AlM5SCI.jpg
Race: Magical Creature
Crush: Nobody
Boy/Girlfriend: Nobody
Other: She is siter of Torch , she dont have any special powers but she can fly with her wings (Not for long time) and she can hold her breath underwater for long time . Even that she is different from her sister she also loves disney songs ....