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[collecting point] Seeking Roleplayers? Post here!

Forum-Index Roleplay [collecting point] Seeking Roleplayers? Post here!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 18/09/2014 15:37 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Semi-lit. I would love to be literate, but I'm not quite there yet :)
Length and Style// I find it very hard to go under 2 paragraphs. I like to spend timing imagining and writing out my responses, which means I usually only answer once a day. But quality over quantity, eh? I write in 3rd person, past tense, and I prefer my partner to do the same. But it's not a requirement. English is not my main language, so I may have some grammar mistakes. But it shouldn't be too much of a problem :) Don't be fooled by my excessive use of smileys! I'm like a reverse mullet. Party up front, but business in the back!
Sample writing:
Andromache, the Centaur Warrior.
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The best part of battle, Andromache mused, was not the victory. The taste of victory was sweet yes, but it was the silence during the battle that left her almost ecstatic. It would always come after a storm of sensory impressions. The thundering of her hooves as she charges. Muscles burning beneath her skin. The taste of blood in her mouth. Metallic. Red. Someone’s screaming. Her throat burns. Is she screaming? She must be screaming. Her head is pounding. Light-headed. The adrenaline kicks in. The eyes in the holes of helmet are nearing. The shield comes up. Too weak. Her mouth lifts into a grin. Her back-hooves find steady ground. Her front legs leave the ground. She leaps.

Zing. Zing. The silence is white. It’s deafening. It drowns out everything except her heart. Thud. Thud. It’s been beating rapidly in anticipation, but it’s so slow. It’s almost still. Nothing moves except her hair in the wind. The bones bang against her face, her back. It’s thundering. It’s glorifying. It’s amazing. Her blades are suddenly in her hands, the motion fluid, flowing, it’s a river. It’s steel, a small voice disagrees, it’s water, another joins, it’s red, the first voice is back, not yet, the new voice is low, it’s dark and sinister and should be frightening. But it’s not. It’s a dear friend.

She stretches out her front legs, watch them hammer into the shield of the enemy. Protect your legs, a voice with a face faded long ago advises, never let your enemy get to your legs, the voice brings back smells, sounds of a time long ago. But her legs are strong. They’re dark and veined and dependable. They’re long and slender and right now they’re pushing the shield back, they’re slamming into the human, except it’s slow, slow as the widening of his eyes, of his sword being raised. Her swords are quick. They’re water. They’re a river flowing strong. They’re red. They are laughing with voices like eagles.

The swords are dripping. That’s the first thing she hears. Around her the field is strewn with bodies. Armor-clad, some facing downwards, some on their back. She reaches down, wipes off her swords on the grass before putting them away. She grabs a smaller knife in her belt. Bends down and grabs the hand of the nearest enemy. He’s already missing a finger. She takes another, turns around and follows the trail left behind her. The air is sweet like after a storm. Filled with the smell of victory. It's a smell that leaves a metallic taste in your mouth long after the battle is over and the ache in your bones have dulled. As the sun dips over the hills Andromache dons her new necklace, and watches as the last rays reflects back from the silver-clad figure lying in front of her. Today's been a good day.

Interests/Genre// I'm definitely up for a Pokemon-based roleplay! Be it trainer-focused or pokemon-focused I can do it! Other genres I'm interested in are fantasy, adventure and fandom-based. I prefer roleplaying OCs over canon characters! As for fantasy I'm all for that dark, gloomy vibe. Think the middle ages with a slice of magic and otherworldly beasts. Scifi and apocalyptic worlds are good too!
Maturity and Romance// I can do mature roleplays. I'm not much for gore, but I can write it. I'm not comfortable writing real mature romance >.< . As for romance, I'd rather play a female character, but I don't care if the pairing is MxF or FxF. Either one works for me. I'd prefer, however, that the roleplay didn't completely revolve around the romance, but it'd be more of a sub-plot. Pure romance is a little bit boring for me :)
Contact// PM. I prefer to roleplay in a private forum, but for planning PM's the best!
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 02:45 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic to Semi-Lit. I dont post more than a couple paragraphs but I can stretch more if its an important plot point/interesting scene.

Length and Style// 1-2 paragraphs, sometimes more. I dont mind what you post as long as it isn't one line, or doesnt give me anything to go off. I prefer if you post 3rd person, paragraph style- no astericks for actions, quotes around speech.

Interests/Genre// Mainly looking for Poke Universe RPs. However, I love to give it my own spin, such as allowing cross-breeding or type changing, but with a reason behind it. (rocket experiment, PKRS gone bad, etc.)

I prefer either Trainers with pokemon or pure Pokemon universe. I also don't like canon characters, so, there is that.

Maturity and Romance// I am 23 so whatever happens, happens. No limits for me! If you have specific things you dont like/have limits let me know!

Contact// PM, please. I have some messengers, and am willing to use the forums but let me know what you'd like to do.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Sat, 20/09/2014 09:16 (9 Years ago)
Average Reply Length
I've never been one for incredibly long replies and I'd prefer that my partner isn't either. My length, of course, depends on the events and the length of my partner's replies but I can say a rough average for me is either one or two paragraphs. I try to keep my replies as long as possible but there will be times that I'm only able to dish out about three or four sentences due to the events of the plot. I'd prefer not to roleplay with anyone who consistently has a 4+paragraph reply as it's a bit tedious and intimidating.

Average Reply Speed
I try my absolute best to reply within at least 3 days. I have school but I try not to let that get in the way. There will very rarely be times in which I take more than a week to respond without context. I have a terrible tendency to go silent if I'm not comfortable with the roleplay or my partner but that's an incredibly rare case.

General Requirements for Future Partners/Groups
I'm a minor and I mostly roleplay with minors, but I'm pretty open-minded to whatever. I have no problems with gore but I've always used fade-to-black in romances if it's needed. I ask that my partner(s) have a reply length and speed that's somewhat close to mine and have basic spelling/grammar skills. I've been friends with most of my partners in the past and it'd be nice if it stayed that way. Oh, and LGBTQ+ friendly, please!

Very General Interests
I'm more into original plots than fandom roleplay but I'm open to it (provided it isn't strictly canon in terms of plot/characters). I'm an absolute nerd for fantasy settings and "supernatural powers"; elemental-based powers are my favorite. I prefer roleplaying humans (or, at the very least, humanoid species) but I do have limited experience in roleplaying cats and canines.
I absolutely love steampunk, mages, and supernatural humans of any sort. I have a soft spot for angels and vampires.

Time Zones/Contact
I live in China and go by CST in the time zones. I prefer roleplaying through PH forums or some sort of forums and you can contact me through palpad/PMs. If your preferred messaging platform is Discord I'd be more than happy to give my Discord info. I also have a Flight Rising account that I'm a bit more active on.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 09:58 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// 50% literate roleplaying in my time on PH so... yeah.

Length and Style// pretty long.. i try to keep it at a limit but once i start typing its like i cant stop.

Interests/Genre// i prefer fantasy, adventure, mystery, school and maybe a little sci-fi... no horror though.. animal rps especially hold a special place in my heart,(i got 21 cats, 2 dogs and a snake.. its like i own a zoo, trust me).

(quick edit lol) Maturity and Romance// 50-50 either way.

Contact// PMs of course, or palpad if you wish, either way works for me.

Edit: fairly old post.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 28/09/2014 16:22 (9 Years ago)
If you like what you see, feel free to drop me a PM. I swear I don't bite that much. :3

Literacy// semi-lit/literate, it depends on if I'm able to write a long response or not.
Length and Style// I love writing long responses, it's a bad habit of mine. Because of my long replies, I tend to only be able to reply once a day. I almost always write in third person and paragraph style. The thread I'm doing determines whether I use past or present tense. If we're doing a fantasy roleplay, I love making up the religion/gods/customs the people use, before we start actually roleplaying. I love making up the world, before we start, instead of figuring it out as we go along. Also please, please, please, try and have almost no grammatical mistakes, I can't reply to something that I don't understand. Now, of course, we all make silly little mistakes, I get that. But your reply shouldn't be littered with them.
Example 1: (warning- a bit long and uses present tense.)
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It's always a shock when you realize how easy it is to end a life. Almost nobody thinks of lives being so fragile, until something happens and your whole world is turned upside down. Even literally sometimes. The fact of the matter is that people take for granted what is easily known as "living a life". The hardest part is not dying. A simple mistake and suddenly you're not moving or breathing anymore.

Though couldn't that be changed? The dying part, of course. Could there be a way where humans, no matter what is thrown at them, survive everything -bombs, diseases, old age, murder. Could there be a way to end it all?

There was one man who thought of it all, who thought up a plan to rid the world of death. Dr. Curtis Edwards was that man. Unfortunately, his experiments proved that only a select few would be able to survive the "change". Though how to separate those whose bodies weren't able to undergo the experimentation? By sorting out the ones with bad genes, of course. Though how? Was there a way to see if a person's body could withstand almost everything stacked against them?

The problem was the answer to this might be considered "unethical" to some who didn't understand the want -nay the need- to change the human race for the better. Though, if he could somehow force another town to do this deed, he wouldn't have to lift a finger; no fingers would be pointed at him -why would they be? He's a respected doctor, for goodness sake!- and yet, he could see the results and finally let those lucky few into the light of the new day. The new dawn of the human race.
Adrian raises his head to the sky, and lets out a strangled breath. His lungs contracts, as he breathed in dust, and a loud cough echoes down the otherwise quiet city. The bomb had left his city in ransacks -no shocker there:- buildings crumbling down, people looking almost like zombies, and decaying corpses piling up, representing lines to show who owned which part of the city; not like it mattered anymore though. Adrian's family had been the first wave of people to die of the acceleration of age, he was now left alone to fend for himself.

Now the seventeen year old was slowly growing older as everyone else had been- last week, he had been a ten year-old. It was so odd to him that he was able to skip multiple years in just a small week, yet he still had the mind of a ten year-old even now. That still makes his head spin. He was slowly learning how to act as an adult, though it just seems like a ruse to him.

He just wants somebody to figure out what to do around here; the AI that are still working makes his skin crawl. No matter where he is, he feels like they're somehow able to see everything that anybody is doing. Yet, what could the people do that were still alive? The now "adults" still are teenagers inside and the "teenagers" are young children. Nobody knows what to do. It seems like this town will die sooner rather than later, a large see-through dome was placed around the town a week ago, cutting off all contact from any other city or town nearby -apparently the larger government had decided that they didn't want whatever was happening back here to spread everywhere.

It makes sense, yes, even to Adrian, though he still wants his family back. He misses his mother and father, heck, even the death of his bossy older sister still feels like a punch to the gut. He remembers a saying his father always used to say whenever The Comity would show up with a new addition to the AI, "We're soon going to be like sitting ducks if they continue to add more things to those blasted things." Adrian never understood that saying, though right now, it sounds like the perfect saying. "Like sitting ducks." Heh.

Example 2: (much shorter and uses past tense)
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The year was 3000. Man had inevitably destroyed Earth, though to everyone's amazement, they had not wiped out each other in the wars they had amassed. Man was now searching for a new place to call home. So far, they had been forced to hop from planet to planet, stuck on their spaceships; oxygen was rare for these planets, as alien races had been fighting for longer than man had been alive. In the whole universe, there is now only three hundred types of species alive, counting man; there used to be millions upon millions, though war, planets burning up, and diseases have now slowly dwindled the numbers.

In all these years, however, there has been a race alive since the beginning of time, when the world began. They are the first race of species that have survived against every thing that has been thrown at them. Because of this, the race believes that everything is out to get them, quite intelligent really. Unfortunately, this race of species might be killed off, because of a disease they received while traveling to a distant planet to trade with a close by race. That will be the last time they do that. For some reason, the race has found someone that can potentially save their race. Right now, the race, the Chulani, have that person.
One of the warriors that had been patrolling in the cells where its crew had captured many prisoners, slowed at one of them. It was a large creature, standing about 6'4, and with its lanky stature and long thin arms propped up like a grasshopper, it looked like an old man from where the prisoner had come from. The humanoid alien's skin seemed to stretch in what could have been a grin, as it stared down at the male human.

"How are you feeling, human?" It clicked to the male, its long tongue flicking out of its mouth, tasting the air around the boy, "I do hope you are comfortable." There was no sense of teasing in the alien's voice; it truly sounded like it was worried about the conditions of its prisoner. The alien turned its head, almost like it was worried that it was stepping out of line talking to this human, its bald head gleaming in the fluorescent lights that hung overhead. "You are our most prized prisoner," it said, glancing back at the human, its black and beady eyes seeming to bore its into the male, "we shall do everything in our power to make you more comfortable."

Interests/Genre// I usually am able to do a lot of different roleplays, though I mostly like to focus on fantasy, Sci-Fi, adventure, romance, and original roleplays. I am able to do Pokemon (whether it be mystery dungeons or trainer) and Warrior cats, though I'd rather stay away from those two. The one genre I personally feel is my worst, is horror. For some reason, I just can't write good responses for that.
Maturity and Romance// I can do mature roleplays, though I tend to lean away from mature romance. I'm all for a bloody roleplay, though I can't go too far with it. Really, it all boils down to I'm OK with mature and romance roleplays to a point. c:
Contact// I'm usually on at least an hour every day, so usually the best way to grab me is by PMs. I can do either forum threads or message roleplays, it doesn't really matter to me.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Fri, 17/10/2014 03:23 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic
Length and Style// Depends, if its important then a paragraph or two. But if it's a normal rp post, 1-5 sentences.
Interests/Genre// I actually prefer violent rps, such as Zombie rps, assassin rps, and so on. Although I can stick with anything.
Maturity and Romance// I am okay with romance. But, I prefer to have it MxM and MxF.
Contact// Pal pad and PM~
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 25/10/2014 10:32 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic
Length and Style// It really depends on the information I get. If it's a good part of the plot then a paragraph, possibly a bit more but if not maybe 1-5 sentences.
Interests/Genre// I like animal rps (wolves, Warrior Cats, etc.), gore kinds of things and will do romance, but not as the main plot of the rp. I also do fandoms but generally with my own OCs, but depending on the rp then I'm fine with canon characters too. (Check the hidden content for list of what I rp
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Criminal Minds
Black Butler
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Warrior Cats
Human rps (Highschool, riding stable, etc. etc.)
Big Cats (lions, tigers, etc.)
Dogs (wild or strays generally)
There's probably more I can't think of right now too.

Maturity and Romance// Gore/violence and romance don't really bother me, there are some things I won't do in the romance side but otherwise I'm ok with it. I prefer MxF as I haven't really done many MxM or FxF rps and I also prefer to play females but I don't mind playing males.
Contact// Pms or Pal Pad ^^

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Wed, 29/10/2014 14:47 (9 Years ago)
Length and Style//Depends I like action the most.
Maturity and Romance//Dont care. I have had 'the talk' so not really fussy if includes all gore stuff and that kinda thing
Contact// pm or pal pad.
Here is one of my rp that needs members: Forbbiden love.Open and accepting. this one could be a bit more child friendly than Forbbiden love, Earth and Sky. Open. I will create the official RP of Forbbiden love when more members join it.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Fri, 07/11/2014 05:28 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Semi-Lit
Length and Style// Depending on my mood and how I'm feeling, I can go from a paragraph and up. I usually mirror what my partner does- i.e. They write two paragraphs, then that's generally what I aim for. I don't have any specified length for my posts, it all depends on some outside variables. For my style, I generally prefer paragraph style, and third person.
Interests/Genre// I enjoy all sorts of genres. From school life to Sci-Fi. As long as it's got an interesting plot that I can get behind, I love it all. I'm alright doing anthro, human, animal, etc. Fandoms are perfectly alright with me as well- but I will not play a Canon character nor do I prefer my partner play one either. I prefer my RPs to be entirely original, at least in the character sense.
Maturity and Romance// I'm fine with all levels of maturity or romance. I'll adjust to what my partner is comfortable with. Just tell me your limits and I wont push them. I respect that everyone has different likes, dislikes, and limits. For my romance- I'm fine with MxM, FxF, or MxF.
Contact// PM would work best for me<3
Other// I'm on mobile a lot of the time- but I'm very active.<3
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 91
Posted: Fri, 05/12/2014 06:55 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic/Semi-Literate
Length and Style// I usually try to write a bit less than 1 paragraph. Though I guess I usually like to write about 2 paragraphs but that does vary according to my mood sometimes.
Interests/Genre// Generally I like adventure laced with action. I prefer original roleplays but I can do fandoms too xD. I don´t like to RP as an already existing Character
I also love to torture my characters so I'm a fan of any kind of drama.
Maturity and Romance// I don't really have any limitations, at least I can't think of anything right now. :P
Contact// I think I'd prefer PMs.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 11/12/2014 15:21 (9 Years ago)
How do i join
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 08/01/2015 06:33 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// I guess I fluctuate between Basic and Semi-Lit; it all really depends on what my partner gives me to work with. My intros sit between Semi-Lit and Literate; just because I find intos have more elbow room for details pertaining to the characters and to set the general mood.
Length and Style// Um... I like Third-Person (EX: David paused, stopping himself from reflexively punching Quinn's lights out.) I also do paragraphs; it's how I was introduced to roleplaying and I've stuck with it.
Interests/Genre// I can't stomach Horror in real life, so I stay far away from it in terms of roleplaying. I'm a big fan of Romance, Adventure, Slice of Life, Crime, Mystery, Supernatural (not the show, the genre, like demons, angels, half demons, the list goes on), School life, Fandoms of course, and really just anything but Horror.

I can also take on any gender, though I prefer the male gender due to my gender identity. I can and will be a female for doubling up.
Maturity and Romance// I'm 23, so I'm shiny for just about anything in terms of romance and maturity. I can handle some blood, but I do not like gore (i.e.. gutting, decapitation, things like that). They can be brought up as a means of death to an NPC but let's just keep it out of the main plot of the roleplay (unless it's a crime plot, then I'll do my best).
Contact// Private messaging me works the best.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Sun, 11/01/2015 09:57 (9 Years ago)
(I don't know if this is still open but I'm just going to post here)

Literacy// Semi-literate
Length and Style// It really depends on who I'm working with. If people add a lot of description, so do I. If they only do one-liners, I try to do long posts, but eventually I run out of things to work with.
Interests/Genre// I like science fiction (like experiments) and I guess magic and things like acadamy role plays.
Maturity and Romance// I have to put up with romantic RP's every day (thank you rl friends) but I don't really like to do it very much, it makes me feel a bit awkward. I can put up with almost anything, but I don't really like it.
Contact// I can do PMs or forum threads.
Trainerlevel: 5

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 29/01/2015 21:11 (9 Years ago)

Title: Here I Go...

Literacy// I can be confusing, but I got used to being kicked for how I do words ( I can not spell wright, the only reason I spelled it there is because I checked )

Length and Style// I like to see very long paragraphs, but I do not type long paragraphs, and if the paragraphs are too long, I do not read them. I like any type of style.

Interests/Genre// Pokémon, Pokémon, Pokémon, and I like fantasy, but I will still play any other types 8)

Maturity and Romance// I like to keep it safe for kids, and romance, but nothing inappropriate

Contact// Just PM me (Y)

Note: I might be moving after awhile...
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 21:11 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Semi-Literate.
Length and Style// I'm used to writing on my own, so I might write long paragraphs sometimes, but I do want input from my RP partner, so I tend to cut off to leave an entrance and ask for confirmation.
Interests/Genre// Hit me. School, romance, fantasy, fandoms. Let's talk and find something we can both get into.
Maturity and Romance// I like action and some violence. Romance is fun, no matter what genders.
Contact// Preferably PM.

Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 238
Posted: Tue, 10/03/2015 02:56 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Literate, but we aren't going to hate on anyone that messes up here and there obviously!

Length and Style// A paragraph per post or so. Longer is better. If its a battle scene, quick posts are fine!

Interests/Genre// Pokemon and other Fantasy of all sorts. ^_^

Romance// Depends on who I'm roleplaying with. I personally don't mind violent scenes. I don't mind M scenes but I don't write them or seek them out either.

Contact// I'm not looking! But I have a link in my signature to my RP. ^_^ PM if you would like to talk more.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 10/04/2015 05:05 (9 Years ago)
Literacy//semi-lit... I think.

Length and Style// I post 2-5 lines to each paras and 1-2 paras per post. I'm trying to get better but I don't really like posting a lot of details pass the first post. On good days, I can do 5-10 lines per para but that rare. Style.. hmm depends but I only do 3rd person, you know, 'Shes/hes/Alex/Alix etc' lol

Interests/Genre// Pokemon, Megaman AU, Dragons, anything else would be Mythical or fantasy... Oddly I want to do something with a shrine or school setting...

Maturity and Romance// Depends. I can do both. I just can't do anything violent... even if I own some dark characters. ((none are killers.. I hope lol))

Contact// PM only. I'm only looking for 1x1 or 1x2 rps and maybe some really small groups.

Other// For any fandoms that I do on here, I can play canons but they are ooc.. So that's why I do a lot of AUs... right now I only have two AU world settings.. Bleach and Megaman.. >_> Also I like m/m and m/f/m. So yea... >//>

^clicky || PM to Rp with me || My forum > Needs members!

Custom sprites I asked for:
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By CharmanderForLive

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 309
Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 13:24 (9 Years ago)
Im Looking For A Roleplay Partner Who Likes MPreg. (Thats All I Need)

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Mon, 27/04/2015 21:48 (9 Years ago)
Literacy//I don't know.Maybe semi literate?
Length and Style//lengt in posts is usually short and sometimes long.Style:i don't know, Rpying maybe? (i don't understand what's this "Style" thingy)
Interests/Genre//I enjoy mostly RPGs and Sci-Fi also other things.
Maturity and Romance//Well, actually i'm talking about "Gekkoukan and Yasogami (Persona 3 and 4 RP)" so it's Male x Female and in half of times there is blood (Persona 3 contains blood (While exploring certain places))
Contact//(other thingy that i cannot understand)
Have A Good Day With Your Pok
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 13:19 (9 Years ago)
Literacy// Basic/Semi-literate

Length and Style// With me, I usually like to write at least a paragraph or 2. On rare occasions I feel like not being lazy, I'll write about 2.5 paragraphs. I'm a third-person kind of guy, and I have never done a first person RP.

Interests/Genre// I have interests in almost all topics. Fantasy, because my character is considered to do a lot of impossible things. Sci-Fi, because I'm all about that science life (I can explain some things in the science category that my classmates cant.). Mystery, since my character has been involved in undercover military work, and cant help but being mysterious to other people. School, because my character needs to finish his Senior year in high-school, because military keeps dragging him off. Not real huge in Adventure category, unless it's like a Zombie/traveling thing. Also not real huge on the Tragedy, either. Horror is pretty much the same. I'm not sure what you mean by original. Fandoms I have little interest in.

Maturity and Romance// I'm able to accept Romance up to a character age of at least 16 or older. My character is straight, so he is fine with MxF and accept FxF.

Contact// Pal-pad or PM. I am fine with either of the two to contact.

Side Note: I took a look at this a few times, and never realized how boring my PH life was after a few months had gone by withing the past few months.
Time Dragon Leone Nagasama at your service!
I care for all people, no matter who or what they are.
Due to past experience, I've come to grow fond of taking care of other people, and I will try my best to keep all life pure and sacred.

If you'd like to contact me, message my Discord! Jonzy Fatecaller#1127