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Searching for: Posts from AutumnStar.
Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 14:20 (9 Years ago)
i don't think the op's point here is to be selfish - yes, the dream world is meant for gifting to others, but not wanting to engage in the more intimately social aspect of the game to post and request plushie trades does not make one selfish (and yes, i do think you're being pretty harsh there carpet :p ), please remember that social interaction does not come as easily to some as it does to others, even for small things like reaching out in feeds and forum threads to get things they need (social anxiety -is- a thing)

that being said, the plushies -are- a social aspect of the game, and like others have said, it requires poking out of your shell a bit to get what you want, but it's not a -necessary- aspect of the game

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Posted: Wed, 15/10/2014 08:37 (9 Years ago)
Quote Just because someone is blocked, or has been reported and it now available to be blocked it no reason to spread around the news of it. Nor to talk behind their back at all.

maybe this does or doesn't need to be said, but i'll say it anyways just to put it out there in general

two wrongs don't make a right and retaliatory behavior towards users who may have harassed someone is not tolerated any more or less than the initial harassment, so if navuso wants to tell me that i'm a dummy, that does not mean any of my friends (or even myself) are allowed to go message/palpad/contact him in a threatening/unfriendly manner and tell him to get off the internets

i also still stand by my previous statement, the issue of which i think omosky actually covers in her post

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Posted: Mon, 13/10/2014 03:00 (9 Years ago)
ptoung: your post as it is now holds little to no comprehensibility in terms of saying that this is the same suggestion, so it's not even really relevant, please quit pointing people to it as it's only insanely confusing

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Posted: Mon, 13/10/2014 02:42 (9 Years ago)
there are actually plenty of sites on the internet for cropping images and doing a wide variety of other things to them, it would honestly be easier to use one of these than it would to implement the function straight into the site because you'd get more control and customization elsewhere

here's a good one that's easy to use, i believe

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Posted: Sun, 12/10/2014 22:35 (9 Years ago)

an older dipper (with super awesome demon-summoning abilities) with an itty bitty bill i sprited lol

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Posted: Thu, 09/10/2014 01:44 (9 Years ago)

Username: seriously?
Nicknames (optional):
Do you know who Bill is? (if so, who is he?): no
Do you watch Gravity Falls?: never heard of it
wkh odvw wzr dqvzhuv duh olhv dqg eloo lv wrwdoob pb idyrulwh ghprq grulwr

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Posted: Wed, 08/10/2014 03:38 (9 Years ago)
this was already suggested here

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Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 17:12 (9 Years ago)

i'm testing this :D lol

wow my diary entries are all SO LONG


edit - HOT DOG I GOT CARDS FROM Professor_Joe he's selling them in his gts post go find it and buy some lol


mega gengar gengar
haunter (x2) haunter haunter*
gastly (x2)
dark ponyta cursed rapidash

my pokesona 0u0 phox's pokesona joe's pokesona

other best cards cause phox traded them to me

charizard psychic energy

other cards that aren't the best but are still cool <3

mega aerodactyl omanyte holo surfing pikachu
gyarados (x2) kabuto scyther
venusaur blastoise aerodactyl
clefable (x2) electabuzz (x2) hitmonchan
kadabra alakazam toothie
hoenn starters

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Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 16:58 (9 Years ago)
no support

if you'd like to post images, there are diaries and fanmades forums for these

you can post them there, and the notifications can be used to make short feeds linking to them if you'd like, i think notifications should be kept short and sweet and don't need to be jazzed up to the point where they include lots of images and codes when this is far more easily done in the diaries and such i mentioned before, which people can subscribe to as well

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Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 14:11 (9 Years ago)
Quote from RiakoPlease do not suggest ways to get new Pokémon/evolve Pokémon.
We're already working on adding all missing Pokémon and all of them will be added sooner or later

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Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 01:54 (9 Years ago)

the kawaii overlord

look another post

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Posted: Mon, 22/09/2014 02:00 (9 Years ago)
i've had art i've done put in youtube videos and tumblr photosets without my permission, but to put my personal two cents in, i honestly don't care if people do that (with my art) - in the mindset of someone who puts art out for other people to enjoy, i don't mind if people use what i post, as long as they 1) aren't claiming it for their own, and b) aren't trying to sell it for profit

i'm aware that other artists are more sensitive about their work though, which is why i think that in general, people shouldn't be using any art from anyone unless they have permission from the artist, be it directly from the artist themselves, or a note that the artist has put indicating that their art is free for others to use as long as it's not being used for profit or being stolen and claimed as someone else's - it's honestly not hard to obtain permission if you know the source, and googling isn't hard - if the image is really worth using, the time it takes to get the permission will be worth it, right?

actually i think i just kind of resaid what navuso was saying there lol (darn you people making good points before i do)

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Posted: Fri, 05/09/2014 05:34 (9 Years ago)
not only is the online list available by clicking there, it's also available by clicking on the union room, which you can get to by mousing over the community tab up above

your enthusiasm for site improvement is appreciated, but i've noticed you've started making suggestions for features that already exist - i suggest taking a break from making a suggestions, and give the site a more thorough lookthrough exploration before you suggest anything else - unlock a few features, look through our pokeheroes wiki (available by mousing over the community tab as well), and acquaint yourself with everything we already have available :)

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Posted: Tue, 02/09/2014 01:29 (9 Years ago)
i've added in the text from this user's other post, which might clear up what he's trying to explain

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Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 06:16 (9 Years ago)
already suggested here

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Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 08:12 (9 Years ago)
if you want to make suggestions involving features, make sure you have the feature first and know how it works and what it takes to work it, this saves you the hassle of making a thread about an idea only to find out that it's already been done before you suggested it :)

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Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 01:46 (9 Years ago)
when you go to the storage boxes, click 'bill's house', and you'll see the place where you can rearrange the boxes however you like by pressing the up and down arrows in the order box

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Posted: Sat, 23/08/2014 04:30 (9 Years ago)
are these items going to someone, or are all these being donated to you for yourself?

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Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 10:11 (9 Years ago)
no support - i don't want popups for everything, i think the notifications page is far more efficient at keeping everything gathered and in one place to look at when i'm ready

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Posted: Sat, 16/08/2014 09:56 (9 Years ago)
is this meant to be for the notifications page or the front index page with the news?

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